InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Water Droplets - A Ficlet Series ❯ Unexpected Kiss ( Chapter 1 )

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Summary: InuYasha watches Kagome sleeping, and for once, acts on his impulse.

Author’s Note: I wanted a non-lemony sleeping scene, and just started writing this one. I’m really glad it came out the right length, and it’s pretty short, so there wasn’t any need to take the kissing further. InuYasha is pretty OOC (out of character) in this one, but I like it like that. Fits the scene better. Hope you like. Please don't forget to review!

Disclaimer: I own none of the characters in this story. They belong to Takahashi Rumiko.

Unexpected Kiss

I stared hard at her as she slept. Her breathing was light and soft, and she had the slightest hint of a smile playing at her lips, signaling that she was sleeping peacefully. She really doesn’t know how beautiful she is, I thought. The firelight danced across her face, and the wind blew her hair gently. She really did look beautiful. If only she would open those brown eyes of hers...

Suddenly, she shifted, and drew her arm around her. It came in contact with my leg before I could move it. Her eyes snapped open immediately, and she found me staring at her.

“InuYasha!” she gasped, sitting up. “What are you doing?”

I said nothing, silently wondering how weird it was that just as I had been wishing for her to awake, she had felt me next to her, and had awoken promptly. I smiled lightly at the confusion on her face, aware that I had not yet answered her question. Instead of speaking, I leaned closer to her, my nose centimeters from hers.

Her eyes widened in surprise. “InuYasha?”

Finally, I leaned in and closed the gap between us. Her lips were warm and surprised against mine, and at first she was too shocked to do anything. Then she relaxed, and I could feel her eager response. It made me smile. I kissed her harder, deeper, and wrapped my arm around her waist, pressing her closer to me. She snaked her arms around my neck, tangling them in my silver tresses. She tugged at it lightly. A low grumble erupted from my throat, and I ran my tongue across her lips. She responded just as I hoped she would.

Finally we drew apart, both of us breathing heavily. Her eyes were half-closed, her cheeks flushed, and I had never thought her more beautiful. I leaned in and kissed her hair softly. At that moment, I knew exactly how I felt. “Kagome,” I whispered,” kissing her again. “I love you.”