InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Water Droplets - A Ficlet Series ❯ No Longer Alone ( Chapter 4 )

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Summary: Kagome thinks about the hanyou she has just met.

Author’s Note: This is taken from a different perspective than Melancholy Reflections. It takes place near the beginning of the series, when the two are just getting to know each other. MUCH lighter tone than MR. Lol. She’s not depressed in this one. :)

Disclaimer: Again, don’t own InuYasha.

No Longer Alone

She watched him carefully out of the corner of her eye. He was sitting high up in a tree as usual, his long, silver hair blowing in the wind, golden eyes staring unseeingly out into the distance. She often wondered what he thought about.

She found it funny how she had already been traveling with him for almost two months, yet she knew so little about him. She almost never could tell what he was thinking, and many of his reactions, save for anger, were unpredictable. How she wanted to get to know him better! She had spent the majority of her time with him since she had first met him...and yet...

Kagome sighed. The hanyou was such a hard person to get to know. She hadn’t given up, though. She hoped she never would. InuYasha needed someone, she had decided. He had been alone for far too long. She would be there for him. She would not let him feel alone anymore.

The half-demon felt her gaze on him, and he glanced down. He stared at her quizzically, but Kagome just smiled and turned away. The look in his eyes cemented her decision more. I will stay by his side, she thought, still smiling. You’re not alone anymore, InuYasha. I’m here.