InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ways to Kill Kikyo! ❯ Crushed to Death! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Welcome! This is a fic that I thought of right now! If you're a Kikyo hater, you'll LOVE this fic. Nut if you're a Kikyo lover, you'll hate this. This fic is just a series of one-shots where Kikyo dies in all of them! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha. And thank god I don't own Kikyo!

Crushed to Death!

Kikyo was sitting in a tree. Where was her InuYasha. How she loved him so! She just needed him to live! Where was he?

Elsewhere, InuYasha was sitting on the ground. Kagome had just gone home after a fight. How long would she be? He then smelled Kikyo. "Kikyo!" He says. His Kikyo was near! He would go find her! He then ran off to find her!

InuYasha just reached where Kikyo was. "Kikyo! My love!" He yelled, "I'm here for you!"

"INUYASHA!" Kikyo yells back, "You're here for me! Let's go to hell!" She then runs up to hug InuYasha.

Back in Kagome's time, Kagome was grumpy. "Maybe you should go and see him, Sis!" Says Sota, "Being mad won't help!"

Kagome sighs, "You're right." She then goes back to Fuderal Japan.

Back with InuYasha and Kikyo, the two are still hugging! "Let's never part!" Cries Kikyo, "I LOVE YOU!"

"I love you too!" Says InuYasha, "I never want to leave you"

"Really?" Asks Kikyo. Her InuYasha really loved her?

"Really." Says InuYasha.

"That's wonderful!" Says Kikyo. She then kisses InuYasha.

Kagome then spots them right when they kiss. She gasps. What was HER InuYasha doing kissinf KIKYO? "SIT!" She yells.

InuYasha then falls on tops of Kikyo and crushes her to death! (YAH!)

The End of this chapter!

Ways to Kill Kikyo, TBC…

LOL! That was so funny! Well the end was! KIKYO IS FINALLY DEAD! Well she'll be alive next chapter so I can kill her again in another way! R+R this and my other fics! REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!