InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ways to Kill Kikyo! ❯ Walking off a Cliff ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

OK, I'm continuing with this fic! I'm getting a little annoyed so I'll say this one more time, DON'T FLAME! IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE IDEA OF KIKYO BEING KILLED, THEN DON'T READ THIS!

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha.

Walking off a Cliff

Kikyo was walking away from Naraku's castle. That bastard was getting annoying! He was always bragging about how strong he was. "Stupid Naraku, always being smart! I hate him!" She mutters under her breath. She was really ticked off at Naraku. She just wanted to strangle him to death. Yah, that'd be good! Watching Naraku suffer like that. It'd be so amusing! She was having such amusing thoughts, that she was walking with her eyes closed tight. She then walks right off a cliff and splats against the rocky bottom.

In a tree, not far away, InuYasha and company was watching Kikyo walk off the cliff. "Did Kikyo-sama just walk off a cliff?" Asked Miroku with complete awe. That was totally unexpected.

"Looks like it." Replies Kagome. Did Kikyo really just do that?

"She must be out of it." Says Sango.

"Yup, she always was weird!" Says InuYasha.

The End of this chapter. Ways to Kill Kikyo, TBC…

LOL! Kikyo is SO stupid! Sorry if you're a Kikyo lover, but if you are, you shouldn't be reading this story! R+R and NO FLAMES!