InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ways to Kill Kikyo! ❯ The Nut Suit! ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello! Kitkat, I'm using your idea!

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha!

The Nut Suit!

Kikyo was sitting in a tree. Just then a crowd of people jump out of a bush and a bunch of lights and sirens start the flash and make noise. A man then appears with pretty women. "Congratulations Kikyo! You just won the prize for everyone's most hated InuYasha Character!" The man says. The crowd claps. Kikyo puts a big smile on her face.

"Oh, I'm honored! What did I win?" She asks.

The man smiles widely. "You win a genuine nut suit!" He says. Kikyo gasps.

"Wow! It's just what I've ALWAYS wanted!" She says. She puts it on. "It fits great!" She exclaims. All the people then leave. 'I look great in this!' She thinks. She then hears a noise in the bushes. 'What was that?' She thinks.

Just then a swarm of squirrels and chipmunks jumps out of the bush and attacks Kikyo. "HELP ME!" Kikyo screams. The squirrels and chipmunks chew right through the nuts suit and continue chewing and eat Kikyo.

The end of this chapter! Ways to Kill Kikyo, TBC…

OK Kitkat, you keep your promise! R+R!