InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We Belong Together ❯ We Belong Together ( One-Shot )

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“I didn't mean it
When I said I didn't love you, so
I should have held on tight
I never shoulda let you go
I didn't know nothing
I was stupid, I was foolish
I was lying to myself”
Kagome Higurashi lay on her bed, tears rolling down her cheeks as she stared out the window with only one person on her mind. Inuyasha. What she did must've left him so hurt and confused and now she was contemplating whether or not to go back to Feudal Japan. But how could she after what she did?
“But, I don't understand… was it something I d-“ Inuyasha's trembling voice was cut off by Kagome's own words.
“I just don't think I can do this anymore, Inuyasha. You're always going to love Kikyo, I mean, I look exactly like her which is just a huge reminder of her to you. How could I be with you knowing that the only thing you see in me is Kikyo?” Kagome said, fighting back tears.
“Kagome, you mean so much more to me than that dead woman. And that's what she is. DEAD. Good thing too because she won't get in the way of me and you.” Inuyasha was obviously trying to persuade Kagome to stay but it wasn't working.
“JUST SHUT UP!” Now Kagome was really crying. “I DON'T EVEN LOVE YOU ANYMORE”.
Now they both just paused, Inuyasha feeling a little shocked and Kagome a little embarrassed. But both of those feelings erased when they realized the word ANYMORE was involved. Obviously she meant that the love she felt for Inuyasha was gone.
“Whatever, okay? I never even loved you at all so you can drop this little “me and you” act… all you ever loved was Kikyo…” Kagome lied right through her teeth about not loving him. How could she not love him if she loved him even right at that very moment with all of her heart?
“But Kagome, that's not even the least bit true, if you would just stay here with-“, but Inuyasha was cut off for the second time.
“I have to go, just don't make this any worse, we'll just leave it at this…” and with that, Kagome gave Inuyasha her share of the jewel shards and walked over to the well only a few inches away.
As she swung her legs over the side of the well, she turned around to take one last look at Inuyasha. The look on his face was one she wouldn't soon forget. One filled with so many emotions that it wasn't possible to tell which one he was feeling the most. But Kagome was filled with just as many, all way too overwhelming for her to handle.
She couldn't bear to see Inuyasha's puzzled faced watching her helplessly, staring at her with those irresistible puppy eyes. Letting him go was the only option left in her mind.
I could not fathom that I would ever
Be without your love
Never imagined I'd be
Sitting here beside myself
Cause I didn't know you
Cause I didn't know me
But I thought I knew everything
I never felt
As soon as Kagome reached her own world, she slumped on the bottom of the well and let out more tears that she had tried to restrain. `Did I make the right choice?' she wondered. If letting go was the best thing to do than why did she feel so terrible?
Kagome dragged herself back home and made her way up to her room, trying to avoid any interaction with her family.
And that's how Kagome ended up crying on her bed. She never thought she could feel so horrible in all of her life but without Inuyasha, life just seemed meaningless. After having experienced all she had with Inuyasha, she just couldn't forget all about everything she had been through with him.
“I never knew what love felt like until I met Inuyasha... how could I just let him go like that…” Kagome spoke softly to herself.
The feeling that I'm feeling
Now that I don't hear your voice
Or have your touch and kiss your lips
Cause I don't have a choice
Oh, what I wouldn't give
To have you lying by my side
Right here, cause baby
We belong together
When you left I lost a part of me
It's still so hard to believe
Come back baby, please
Cause we belong together
Meanwhile back in the Feudal Era, Inuyasha's pained heart ached for Kagome. He thought he had found love with Kikyo but meeting Kagome proved him wrong.
“So this is what it really feels like to lose someone you love…” Inuyasha whispered.
“What was that, Inuyasha?” Miroku asked, Sango trailing aside him curious as well.
“Quit spyin' on me would ya?” Inuyasha shouted as he jumped up, quickly getting defensive.
“Sango and I were merely taking a stroll and overheard you speak of, what was it again, Sango?” Miroku asked cleverly.
“I believe it was love, Miroku, but by all means, Inuyasha, correct me if I'm wrong”, Sango said surely as her and Miroku chuckled.
“Well I WILL correct you! You don't even know the half of it! Feh, as if I were to be in love with Kagome or somethin…” Inuyasha huffed.
“You said it first...” Miroku replied as him and Sango walked off together.
“Why I outta…” Inuyasha shook his fist at Miroku and then settled back down on the ground, sitting Indian style with his hands in his sleeves.
“But I do love Kagome”, Inuyasha sighed.
“I miss hearing her voice. Damn, I even miss our arguments. I miss kissing her. No one kisses like Kagome does.” Inuyasha leaned back on the tree behind him and looked up into the sky.
“I wonder what she's doing now…”
Who else am I gon' lean on
When times get rough
Who's gonna talk to me
Till the sun comes up
Who's gonna take your place
There ain't nobody better
Oh, baby baby, we belong together
In Kagome's world, she hadn't come out of her room since she had returned from the Feudal Era which was strange to her family because she was usually very social.
Kagome got up from her bed and went over to her tissue box. She tugged on the tissue and used it to wipe away the tears that had stained her soft cheeks.
“What have I done…” Kagome wondered.
“He's never going to forgive me after what I've done… and he's too stubborn and way too proud to forgive me anyway…”
“Ah, I knew I hadn't lost my senses”, Kagome's mother said, poking her head into Kagome's room.
“I can always sense when something is wrong. Do you want to tell me what's the matter?” Kagome's mother asked comfortingly.
“Mom, I don't even know where to begin. I just really screwed up with-“
“Inuyasha.” Kagome's mother finished her sentence.
“But mom, how'd you know?” Kagome asked.
“I was young once too and I've experienced a few relationships myself. Now, I know you and Inuyasha have had something going on by the look on your face when you return from the Feudal Era. It's something I, as a mother, love seeing upon your face. You look so filled with happiness, like nothing or no one can ruin your mood. A look… a look of love.”
Kagome's mother had read her mind. She was in love with Inuyasha.
“Yeah, but I've ruined that all…” Kagome said as she turned away from her mother. Her mother crouched down in front of her and cupped Kagome's delicate face in her hands.
“True love always finds a way”, Kagome's mother said reassuringly. And with that she walked out of the room.
I can't sleep at night
When you are on my mind
Bobby Womack's on the radio
Saying to me
"If you think you're lonely now"
Wait a minute
This is too deep (too deep)
I gotta change the station
So I turn the dial
Trying to catch a break
And then I hear Babyface
"I only think of you"
And it's breaking my heart
I'm trying to keep it together
But I'm falling apart
Night came and Kagome was laying in her bed listening to the radio, attempting to fall asleep. But too much was on her mind for her to simply fall asleep.
To her luck, every song that came on the radio was about having a broken heart. In no way was this going to ever help her get over Inuyasha. And her mother's wise words were still replaying in her mind. Just like all these love songs that she could no longer take listening to.
Eventually, Kagome drifted off into sleep.
Inuyasha on the other hand, was wide awake in Feudal Japan, pacing around the Forest of Inuyasha repeatedly.
“Now what, may I ask, are you doing?” Miroku said to the now startled Inuyasha.
“Would ya' quit sneakin up on me like that?!” Inuyasha fumed.
“Well he has a point you know,” Sango added. “I mean, ever since Kagome left-“
“Ohh no you don't. Don't make this about Kagome. It's got nothing to do with her. I'm just out here looking for the jewel shards”, Inuyasha said unconvincingly.
“I see, and how coincidental it is that the Bone Eaters Well happens to be right in this same forest!” Miroku replied sarcastically.
“How about you both mind your own business!” Now Inuyasha was really getting annoyed with them.
“We don't blame you Inuyasha. We miss Kagome just as much as you. And for you to love her…” Sango stopped talking when she noticed Inuyasha blushing and digging his claws into his Kimono.
“I mean, when it comes to losing a great friend like Kagome over a stupid fight, well, it just isn't worth it.”
Inuyasha stared down at the ground, refusing to look at Sango or Miroku. He knew very well that they were both right but this is Inuyasha we're talking about; he'd never own up to that.
“Come on, Miroku. We better go.” Sango tugged on Miroku's hand.
“See you, Inuyasha.”
Inuyasha huffed and then climbed up the nearest tree. He sat on a branch and just thought about what his two friends had told him. Inuyasha clearly heard Sango say, “And for you to love her…”. He did love Kagome. The fight they had gotten into was pointless because Kikyo didn't mean anything to him. He knew exactly what he was going to do now.
I'm feeling all out of my element
I'm throwing things, crying
Trying to figure out
Where the hell I went wrong
The pain reflected in this song
It ain't even half of what
I'm feeling inside
I need you
Need you back in my life, baby
Kagome woke up feeling just as badly as she had the day before. It was getting a little chilly in her room so she went over to close her window.
“Well that's strange. I don't remember opening my window in the first place. I guess mom opened it while I was sleeping or something”, Kagome said to herself.
She looked over at her desk only to see a picture of her, Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango, Shippo, and Kilala. A few weeks before, she had brought her disposable camera to the Feudal Era and forced all of them to take a group picture with her. Kaede snapped that picture after several messed up shots all because Inuyasha didn't want to be in it. Without thinking, Kagome had grabbed Inuyasha's hand and told him to stay still so in the picture they were both blushing. Even so, the picture was absolutely adorable.
“UGHH!” Kagome grabbed the picture in the frame and threw it towards the wall, cracking the frame. She stood there for a few seconds and then picked the picture back up to look at it.
She took it out of the frame and slid the picture onto the side of the large mirror that was hanging on her wall. She picked up the picture frame glass and threw it into her garbage pale.
“Boy, do I miss this…” Kagome said as she looked at the picture on the mirror.
“So do I”. Kagome saw Inuyasha's reflection in the mirror. He was standing right in back of her.
“Wh-what are you doing here?” Kagome asked in a shocked tone.
I came to pick up the pieces of us,” Inuyasha replied. “But I can see you've already done that.” Inuyasha joked, referring to the broken picture frame.
“Listen, I didn't mean to cause so much trouble, and I truly am sorry for what I said, and-“
This time, Inuyasha cut HER off.
“No. You shouldn't be the one saying sorry.”
“What do you mean? I mean after all I accused you of…” Kagome said.
“That's alright. I understand why you would think that after my past with Kikyo. But I'm promising you right now… you're who I wanna be with. Only you, Kagome.”
When you left I lost a part of me
It's still so hard to believe
Come back baby, please
Cause we belong together
Who else am I gon' lean on
When times get rough
Who's gonna talk to me
Till the sun comes up
Who's gonna take your place
There ain't nobody better
Kagome and Inuyasha embraced for a long time until they finally decided to go back to the Feudal Era. Kagome knew she could believe in her mother who had convinced her to keep her faith.
“Ah, well look who it is!” Miroku said happily.
“Kagome! You're back!” Sango squealed as she ran over to hug her friend.
“I missed you guys! But everything's okay now.” Kagome assured.
“Yes, because true love always finds a way,” Inuyasha whispered to the now luminously smiling Kagome as he held her by the waist and pulled her into a warm embrace.
Oh, baby baby, we belong together”