InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We Belong Together ❯ We Belong Together ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I hope you enjoy it!!! Sorry for my bad writing…lol…

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or the song.

Kagome was sitting under the God Tree. The well’s power had been weaken from all the traveling, so she had no choice but to stay in the past to finish her quest. During her journey she found out that she part demon, a inu-hanyou like Inuyasha. She has cute black doggy ears with silver in the tips, her hair was still black but with silver tips on the bottom. She has sapphire eyes. She has claws like Inuyasha, he decide to trained her with her new powers so now she could protect herself. Kagome knew that she could see her family again in 500 years. It has been a week since they finished their journey for the Shikon No Tama and had defeat Naraku. Sango and Miroku were to be marry in two months. Three months before the battle Shippo had asked Kagome if she could be his mother and of course she said yes. They both were living with Kaede until they get their own hut. Kagome took out her CD player and listen to Mariah Carey. She play her favorite song “We Belong Together.”
I didn’t mean it when I said
I didn’t love you
I should have held on tight
I never should have let you go
I didn’t know nothing
I was stupid, I was foolish
I was lying to myself
I couldn’t have fathomed
I would ever be without your love
Never imagined I’d be sitting
Here beside myself
Guess I didn’t know you
Guess I didn’t know me
But I though I know everything
I never felt
Kagome and Inuyasha were under the God Tree watching the stars, when Kagome suddenly start to talk to Inuyasha.
“Inuyasha” said Kagome
“What” replied Inuyasha
“I know that you still love Kikyou” Kagome said quietly .
“What!” yelled Inuyasha very surprise.
“I said that you still love Kikyou” Kagome yelled back at Inuyasha
“You are such a stupid girl” yelled a pissed off Inuyasha
“Sit Boy! Don’t call me stupid, I know that you still love her” yelled Kagome.
Inuyasha fell to the ground mumbling about stupid girls. After getting up from his date with the ground. He was surprise at what Kagome said to him.
“Inuyasha, I want you happy even if its with Kikyou so if you want the Sacred Jewel to bring back Kikyou then go ahead. said Kagome with a fake smile.
(Inside Inuyasha’s mind)
Demon: “What the hell is wrong with her! Doesn’t that girl know we love her?!”
Human: “Calm down! She probably doesn’t even know.”
Hanyou: “Yeah! So calm down.”
Demon: ::mental sigh:: “Fine!! jeez how stupid can she be?”
Human: “I have to agree, why is she so stupid? I mean why the hell could we risk our lifes saving her ass all the time if we didn’t love her.”
Human: “Maybe its time to tell her that we love her.”
Demon and Hanyou: “What!! Are you crazy?! We can’t tell her.”
Human: “Why not? If we don’t tell her that we are going to lose her.”
Demon: “To who could we lose her?”
Human: “How about the stupid wolf.”
Demon and Hanyou: “What!! We are don’t going to let that stupid wolf get near our Kagome! !”
Human: “Whatever then are going to tell her.”
Demon and Hanyou: “Fine but if she doesn’t feel the same way and we lose her then its your fault.”
Human: “Whatever!”
(out of Inuyasha’s mind)
“Kagome” started Inuyasha “ You’re right I’m in love with someone but not with Kikyou.”
“What! Then who!?” screamed Kagome surprise and relieve.
“Are you blind? I love you and only you” Inuyasha said. Kagome started to cry. Inuyasha frowned and wipes the tears away.
“Kagome don’t you feel the same way?” asked Inuyasha quietly.
“Inuyasha I love you too but then what about Kikyou I thought you loved her?” said Kagome.
“In the beginning I did loved her but then I realize that she wasn’t the same women that I fell for 50 years ago.” Inuyasha takes a breath then continues “ I don’t think of you as Kikyou but as Kagome Higurashi holder of my heart.”
Kagome was surprise and happy that Inuyasha love her for just being her not for being the reincarnation
of Kikyou.”
“Ohh Inuyasha” was the only thing that Kagome could say.
“Kagome I was thinking if you want me to become human for you I will.” Inuyasha told her. Kagome stayed quite for a while not sure what to say. Inuyasha was getting nervous about her silence, he didn’t really wanted become human but if Kagome wanted him then he could.
“No Inuyasha! I don’t even what you to consider becoming human. I fell in love with you as a hanyou, I love you as a half human and half demon” Kagome then hugged Inuyasha.
Inuyasha was happy to hear that she love him as a hanyou. He hugged her back.
“Inuyasha” started Kagome but was cut off by Inuyasha kissing her on the lips with the stars shining brightly behind them.
~End Flashback~
Kagome was so happy about how things turn out. She was happy that Inuyasha loves her the way she loves him, they could always be together, she continue singing.
The Feeling that Im feeling
Now That I Don’t Hear Your Voice
Or Have your touch and kiss your lips
Cause I Don’t Have A Choice
Or what I wouldn’t Give
To Have You Lying By My Side
Right her cause baby
When you left I lost a part of me
Its still so hard to believe
Come back baby please cause
We belong together
Who else am I gonna lean on
Till the sun comes up
Who’s gonna take your place
There Ain’t Nobody Better
Oh Baby Baby
We Belong together
Kagome continue to sing while thinking of the encounter they had with Kikyou. She had tried to take Inuyasha to hell with her, but Kagome showed her that no one could take Inuyasha away from her.
Two days later, after their confessions they continue with their journey. Sango and Miroku were riding Kilala, while Kagome and Shippo were riding in Inuyasha’s back. Inuyasha suddenly stop. Miroku notice this and told Sango to stop Kilala, they got off of Kilala and walk to Inuyasha.
“What’s wrong” asked Sango
“I smell Kikyou” Inuyasha told them
“What” they all yelled together
“Are you going after her” asked Kagome quietly. The group tensed at the question and waiting for a answer.
“Yes Kagome I am” Inuyasha told her, they were all shock at what he said.
“ WHAT!!I though you love Kagome” yelled Shippo, while hitting him on the head.
“Oww you brat…let me finish im going but to get the rest of Kagome’s soul and to tell her im not going to hell with her” said Inuyasha, while he tried to get Shippo back. Kagome smiled at this, while holding Shippo to her chest.
“Inuyasha we should go with you just in cause she tries anything” Sango told him, before a fight started.
“No, I will be fine this is something I have to do myself” Inuyasha told them.
“Fine but please be careful” Kagome begged him.
“I will” Inuyasha said as he took off. Inuyasha found Kikyou resting in the tree. He walk up to her. She woke up when she sense him.
“Kikyou” Inuyasha said while standing a couple of steps away from her.
“Inuyasha you came” Kikyou said while walking up to him and hugging. Inuyasha suddenly pushed her away. Kikyou looked at him surprised and angry.
“Inuyasha darling what’s wrong with you?” ask the clay plot.
“Im sorry Kikyou but I don’t love you” Inuyasha told her
“What! It’s because of my stupid reincarnation isn’t” Kikyou coldly said.
“Yes, I’m sorry but I can’t go to hell with you” Inuyasha looked away from her.
“You promise to go to hell with me” Kikyou said while looking at Inuyasha straight in the eyes.
While all this was happening Kagome was pacing in the camp site they made.
“Kagome calm down” Sango told the nervous girl.
“Calm down! Calm down! Are you telling me to calm down Inuyasha is with that clay plot and you what me to calm down!!” yelled a pissed off miko. They all took a large step from the mad miko.
“Please calm down Lady Kagome, Inuyasha will be fine he can take care of himself” Miroku told her hoping to calm her down.
“Oh my gosh what’s taking him, this waiting is killing me!! I hate this what if Kikyou takes Inuyasha with her no…. Inuyasha couldn’t allowed her to take him. But still I have to go” Kagome thought. She couldn’t help but feel worried about her Inuyasha.
“Guys I made up my mind im going after Inuyasha” Kagome told them with a fierce look.
“Are you sure Lady Kagome” Miroku asked.
“Yes I’m sure ! We all know that we can’t trust Kikyou”
“Fine but be careful ” Sango told her.
“Okay I will and I’m sorry about yelling at you guys” Kagome apologize to them.
“Its okay kagome go to Inuyasha” Sango told her while Miroku and Shippo smiled at her. Kagome smile at her and nodded. She took of running to the direction Inuyasha went.
“Finally I see them” Kagome told herself, after a few minutes if running through the forest.
“Why Inuyasha I though you loved me” Kikyou told the Inuyasha coldly.
“I did but that was 50 years ago, when you died so did my love for you.” Inuyasha told her.
“ I see” Kikyou told him with her head down after a second she looked up with a evil smile and said
“If you don’t love me then you wont love anyone” said Kikyou and shot Inuyasha pinning him to the tree.
“Kikyou what the hell are you doing!” yelled Inuyasha angry.
“Darling we will be together in hell one way or another” Kikyou said,
“Kikyou” yelled Kagome while pointing a arrow at Kikyou.
“Kagome!!” yelled Inuyasha surprise
“Well if isn’t my reincarnation here to say good bye to Inuyasha” Kikyou smile.
“Go to hell Kikyou I’m not going to let Inuyasha go” Kagome told her while firing a arrow.
“Ahh” Kikyou yelled as her left shoulder was purified.
“That’s was you get for trying to take Inuyasha away from me” Kagome told her.
“Im sorry but you don’t deserved him your just a weak cheap copy” Kikyou said while holding her shoulder. Then she fired a arrow at Kagome but she dodged it and hit Kikyou with a arrow in the arm.
Kagome then ran and freed Inuyasha and embrace him, Inuyasha then pulled away.
“Kagome what the hell are you doing here?”
“I was worried about you” Inuyasha was about to say something but Kikyou interrupted him
“Enough Inuyasha your mine you promised to love me” said Kikyou.
“Kikyou that promise was broken when you died” Inuyasha told her.
“Die” yelled Kikyou while launching a arrow at Kagome.
Inuyasha saw it and blocked Kagome with his body. The arrow hit Inuyasha above his heart, before he could fall and hit the grounded kagome got him.
“Please don’t die Inuyasha” cried Kagome.
“Im sorry::cough..cough:: Kagome I love you” said Inuyasha. Then he fainted.
“No Inuyasha!” yelled Kagome suddenly her eyes turned red and her hands glowed. “You aren’t going to take Inuyasha away.” She then shoot Kikyou with a fireball and kill her. Kikyou screamed and turn into ashes. After she return to normal she ran into Inuyasha and pull him into her arms and yelled for help. (At the same time this was happening) Sango and the rest of the group were waiting at the campsite. They all heard when kagome screamed out Inuyasha‘s name.“Let’s go” Sango yelled at Miroku and Shippo. They all got in Kilala’s back to find their friends.
“I smell Inuyasha‘s blood and Kagome‘s scent ” yelled Shippo.
“Are you sure Shippo” Miroku asked him.
“Yes” Shippo told him, then Miroku saw Kagome holding a bloody Inuyasha, Sango told Kilala to stop.
“Ka-go-me!!!! WHAT HAPPENED?!” yelled Shippo.
“ I will tell you, on the way to Kaede’s “ Kagome told them, they all left to Kaede to get Inuyasha healed.
~End of Flashback~
I cant sleep at night
When you are on my mind
Baby Womack’s on the Radio
Singing to Me
If you think you’re lonely now
Wait a minute this is to deep
I gotta change the station
So I turn the dial tryin’ to catch a break
And then I hear my baby face
I only think of you and
Its breaking my heart
Im trying to keep it together
Bu im falling apart
Im feeling all out of my element
Throwing things, crying tryin’
To figure out where the hell I went wrong
The pain reflected in this song
Ain’t even of what I’m feeling inside
I need you, need you back inside my life baby
Inuyasha was walking through the forest looking for his kagome.
(Inside of Inuyasha’s Mind)
Demon and Hanyou: “Where the hell is she?”
Human: “Both of you calm down! Jeez she’s probably sitting under the God Tree.”
Demon and Hanyou: “Why didn’t you say that before.”
Human: “You didn’t ask.”
Demon and Hanyou( look at him like his crazy)
(Outside of Inuyasha’s Mind)
Inuyasha start to walk to the God Tree feeling extremely stupid for not thinking about that before. As he gets near the tree he heard Kagome’s voice, he stops and listens to her.
When you left I lost a part of me
Its still so hard to believe
Come back baby please cause
We belong together
Who else am I gonna lean on
When times get rough
Who’s gonna take your place
There ain’t nobody better
Oh baby baby
We belong together
Inuyasha stood still, listening to Kagome’s singing.
(Inside of Inuyasha’s mind)
All three together: “wow…”
Demon: “Who the fuck new that she sang this good!?”
Human and Hanyou: “not us!”
Demon: “bakas I was being sarcastic.”
Human: “Whatever…anyway she has a beautiful voice.”
Demon and Hanyou: “agreed.”
(outside of Inuyasha’s mind)
Inuyasha continues to hear kagome sing.
When you left I lost a part of me
Its still so hard to believe
Come back baby please cause
We belong together
Who am I gonna lean on
When times get rough
Who’s gonna talk to me
Till the sun comes up
Who’s gonna take your place
There ain’t nobody better
Oh baby please
As Kagome sings the last part of the song Inuyasha jumps infront of her and wraps his arms around her waist. He sings with her the last part,
We Belong Together
Inuyasha kisses Kagome.

The End

KagHieiLuver:Well that’s it…I wrote this in my freshman year of high school, Im now a junior….one more year and im done with hell..I mean school…lol…well yeah. I hope you like!!!!