InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We're Engaged! ❯ We're Engaged! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“I'm going to go get water from the stream for dinner, ok you guys?” Kagome called, as she headed out the door, carrying a large jug.
Inuyasha sighed. “I'd better go after her. Knowing her, she'll fall in and drown…” she left the hut grumbling.
“WAIT FOR ME! Inuyasha!” Shippo cried, scampering after him.
“…That was fast…” Miroku commented.
“Yes, it almost seemed like Kagome planned to leave us alone togeth-“
“Hands to yourself, pervert!”
“Because its my personal space, and my body, not yours, that's why!”
“We are engaged…”
“And I'm not entirely sure why…”
“Sango, you haven't even let me kiss you! Not once, and we are going to be married!”
She bit her lip. Dammit, he was so cute when he looked like that…..
“One kiss. That's all. Just to make sure I'm not marrying a bad kisser…” he pleaded.
“…Only one, monk! Do you hear me? One! And your hands stay at your sides. Not mine.”
Then she leaned forward and kissed him. Except she forgot her reaction. She gasped for breath. Shoving him back against the wall. Her hands twined around his neck, grabbing his hair. She pulled back, and began unlacing her robe.
“Sango, what are you doing?” Miroku asked in a breathless voice.
“What I've been thinking about doing for months, monk.”
“Are you sure about this, I mean-“
“Are we or are we not engaged? I'm sure. Don't back out now, or your perversion would have been for nothing.”
He stared at her for a moment, than grinned and took off his robe and shirt. And Inuyasha took the opportunity to burst in.
“…”He stared. Sango was frozen, her hands half way down her laces. Miroku was frozen, his hands still on his robe.
“I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY YOU GUYS I TRIED TO STOP HIM-“ Kagome's voice, accompanied by Shippo's squealing, preceeded her, stopping short when she reached the scene.
There was a long period of awkward silence.
A very long period.
Inuyasha stared.
Kagome stared.
Shippo stared.
Finally Inuyasha broke the silence. “What the FUCK you guys?”..
Kagome seemed to snap back into reality. She covered her face with her hands “I SWEAR I DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING I'M REALLY SORRY I TRIED TO STOP HIM AND I REALLY DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING I PROMISE-“
Shippo fainted.
Sango blinked then screamed, lacing her robe back up as fast and she was able. Miroku unfroze at her scream, and grabbed his robe and quickly put it on.
“Hey! Guess what everybody!” Sango broke the silence. “We're engaged!”