InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We've Been Here For So Long ❯ De-Nile ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
“License and registration please?,” Came the voice of the officer as the window came down.

She had known the day she met him he was a whole lot of trouble. But still here she was in the passenger seat of his car, like she often was on the weekend.

“Officer I’d like to know the reason you pulled me over?,” He replied with that charming voice of his, as he reached across her lap to get to the glove compartment at her knees.

“You were going seventy in a thirty per hour zone. Did you realize that?,” The officer replied curtly. He shut the glove compartment with a snap, after retrieving his papers, and then handed them along with his license to the officer out side. There was a few silent minutes as the officer read over his papers, his eyes hidden behind his large sunglasses, but she was sure he was looking quite surprised. It happened the same way every time.

“I see you have a clean record. So I’ll tell you this, since it’s your first offense I’ll let you off with a warning. But next time there will be a fine,” The officer told him. She let out a sigh of relief as the papers were handed back to him, and then when he rolled up his window.

“I just don’t understand how you do it?,” She said beside him. With a quirky smile he tossed his papers at her.

“It’s all about being polite. And no offense Kagome, but you were never one to be polite,” He chuckled. Kagome shot him a disdained look, before crossing her arms across her chest.

“Shut up. Like your one to talk Inuyasha. The only people you treat with respect are the police officers who are about to give you a ticket,” She told him haughtily. Inuyasha turned his amber gaze on her, and chuckled as he shook his head.

“Boy, you are so petty,” Was all he said as he started up his car again, and pulled back on the road.

Before she knew it they had pulled up to a tall apartment building, and he was jumping out of the car. Kagome sighed, she would never get use to his tricks and cocky remarks, he’d been the same way since they were children.

Kagome had just transferred into High Plain Elementary School. That first day had been awful, she was made fun of and taunted by her classmates, and then sat alone on the swings for the whole recess. It had been then when they had first met. Her eyes were red from crying, and her new sweater she’d wore had paint on it from a girl who ‘accidentally’ spilt red paint all down her front.

“What are you blubbering about?”. Kagome looked up to find a boy just a year or so older then her, who’d come to stand in front of her, he was just staring at her. She stared back at him, somewhat enchanted. She’d never seen anyone who looked like him, he had chin length sliver hair, and the most piercing set of amber eyes.

“Well, are you gonna answer my question or not?,” He asked her, he regarded her with an annoyed look. Kagome sighed hanging her head.

“I’m new, and no one likes me,” She told him softly. She heard him laugh, and then the distinct crunch of wood chips as he came to stand beside her, and then hop up on the swing beside her.

“Keh, don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll make some friends,” He told her. Kagome looked up at him with her sad brown eyes. He didn’t look annoyed anymore, in fact he had a soft look on his face as he sat there with her.

“In the mean time, I’ll be you friend”. And that was how it started, their friendship. It had blossomed over the years and they survived middle school, and high school. And now together they were conquering college.

Kagome fell back into her couch and closed her eyes for a moment. The day he been stressful, her freshman orientation, and dorm assignment. She had been assigned a room with her good friend Sango, so she wasn’t worried, but she also knew that she’d always have a place at Inuyasha’s apartment if it didn’t work out. He was a sophomore at Wood Pine College, and she had taken his word that this college was the best. She wasn’t too worried since he’d never steered her wrong.

“So what did you think of Wood Pine?,” He asked, as he came to sit beside her. Kagome let out a heavy sigh, and cracked open an eye to look at him.

“It’s all right. I just want to make it through the first week, then I’ll decide for real,” She told him. Inuyasha just laughed, and leaned back into the couch as he propped his feet onto the coffee table.

“Fine, you do that. Your just lucky you have me to get you through it, I had no one. Just be glad”. Kagome snorted at this, and looked at him with a smirk on her face.

“Don’t give me that. I know full well that you had Miroku to get you through. He is very dependable… when he needs to be,” She laughed though, not believing her own words. It was common knowledge the only reason Miroku went to college was for the college girls. Inuyasha just rolled his eyes.

“He wasn’t a lot of help,” He told her. Kagome calmed herself down and looked at him. She smiled fondly. His hair was longer now, about mid back and often in a low pony tail or an elegant braid and was still silver, and his eyes were still the same piercing amber. He had grown up though, he was a head or so taller then her, and he didn’t have an once of baby fat left, just lean muscle and a boyish face. His skin was tan, as always because he spent a lot of time sunbathing with her on the roof in the warm months. She admired him, he was so confident, even that first day she’d met him, he was also charming when he needed to be, and a pompous jerk when he needed to be.

Inuyasha most of caught her staring because he gave her a strange look before making a face so that she laughed. He was always one to right his wrongs, and tried hard not to hurt her feelings, though sometimes his heated remarks stung, but she couldn’t ever stay mad at him to long. He was the one solid thing in her life, and she had to wonder if she would ever been able to get through life with out his hand to guide her.

“You look like a deformed monkey when you do that,” She laughed, as he made yet another face. He laughed with her, and then shook his head.

“Whatever, it still got you to laugh. So, ha!,” He called, like he’d one an argument. At times he was such a child, and she couldn’t believe he was twenty one.

“Your such a child,” She told him. He just rolled his amber eyes, and leaned forward to grab the TV remote of the table. He flipped on the television and shifted through the channels before stopping on cartoons. Kagome didn’t mind, she’d indulge his boyish mind until the cartoons got to stupid to handle.

“I swear, if he so much as looks at me again I’ll slap his face right off ,” A tall dark brown hair girl fumed. Kagome laughed at her friend. Sango, always the one to put Miroku in his place. He and Inuyasha were helping them move into their dorm. She had been struggling with a box, when Miroku had come up to her and offered to take it, and while passing it to him he discreetly groped at her chest. In her outrage she tossed the box at him with such a force he nearly fell right down the flight of stairs he‘d been standing on.

“I think he got that messed already,” Kagome laughed. Sango looked up at her, and smiled as her umber eyes twinkled.

“You know he did, but the second he tries again,” Sango growled darkly, as she brandished her fist. Kagome just shook her head, as she pulled out her clothes and packed them in her dresser. Inuyasha came in to the room then and tossed two boxes on the ground. He looked over at Kagome and raised an eyebrow.

“You sure do got a lot a stuff. I thought you were only bringing clothes with you?,” He asked. Kagome rolled her eyes at him.

“I did, and a few essentials. Like extra sheets and toiletries, not to mention a few pictures of my family…,” She told him, using her fingers to count off as she listed. Inuyasha snorted, as he brushed his sliver bangs from his face.

“Girls and all their crap,” He snorted, behind him Miroku laughed as well, placing his own box on the ground as he entered the room.

“That’s for sure. They certainly come with lots of baggage,” He joked. Only he and Inuyasha seemed to think it was funny, as the girls merely glared at them.

“Your such a jerk,” Kagome shouted, as she gave a pout. Inuyasha just smirked at her, and rolled his eyes at Miroku.

“I think that’s all the help we’ll be needing. You can leave now,” Sango said. She was quick to usher them out and then shut the door on their stunned faces. She just smiled triumphantly.

“Serves them right,” Kagome said. Sango nodded as she went back to unpacking her own things.

Later that evening the phone rang in the girl’s dorm room, and Kagome answered knowing who it was before he even said a word.

“Are you that mad at me?,” Came Inuyasha’s voice through the phone. Kagome smiled to herself.

“Of course not. You worry to much,” She told him. Across from her on her own bed Sango made a face at her, and she had to stifle her giggles.

“You just seemed mad, I was just joking. And besides it was Miroku’s joke not mine,” He said indignantly. Kagome laughed at that, and shook her head.

“Inuyasha just shut up already. I know you’re sorry,” She said into the phone. She knew what came next, as she heard him snort over the line.

“Who said anything about me being sorry. I just wanted to make sure you weren’t mad at me,” He told her. Kagome sighed, and rolled her eyes at Sango, who smiled back.

“Fine then, I guess I should go. I have a busy day tomorrow. Good Night Inuyasha,” She told him. He just sighed and bid her good night before she hung up the phone. She turned to Sango and laughed.

“He’s so predictable,” She told her. Sango looked at her knowingly.

“Yeah, you really love him don’t you?”.

“Yeah I-,” Kagome stopped herself before she turned to glare at her friend. “Hey. I told you already, we are just friends. We always have been and always will be,” Kagome told her. Sango just raised an eyebrow at her, and shook her head.

“Whatever you say. You’re just swimming in the river of De-Nile,” Sango joked. Kagome blinked at her, and then sat down on her bed, giving her a spiteful look.

“I don’t think that joke is very funny,” She huffed.