InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We've Been Here For So Long ❯ Paper Football's ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Kagome slumped further in her seat, her elbow slowly beginning to slip from the small desk it rested on. Her eyes fluttered again, before her eblow slipped off the desk completely and she sat up in with a jolt. Realizing she had been dosing in class she looked around sheepishly to see if anyone had noticed. Thankfully they hadn’t.

‘It’s only the second week of classes and I’m already bored out of mind,’ She thought grumpily. Her eyes traveled back to the slides that were being presented, the teacher still rattling on in his monotone voice about the mechanics of something or other. Perhaps Kagome would have known if she had paid any attention.

‘I shouldn’t of taken this class. Why do I need it anyway,’ She thought, a heavy sigh escaping her.

Her eyes drifted off of the slides once again, and took to searching entertainment elsewhere. She paused on two boys who where playing a game of paper football. Her eyes traveled back and forth following the folded piece of paper. She didn’t understand the amusement of flicking a paper footall back and forth. She rolled her eyes and let her gaze shift to the clock. There was only another half an hour, and then she could go back to her dorm.

‘Yup, half an hour, then I can go sit bored with nothing to do in my dorm, until Sango’s done with class at three. Inuyasha’s off doing job interviews, so who know when the hell that’ll end,’. Kagome shifted in her seat, and then earnestly tried to focus on what was going on. She might not like the class but she couldn’t start to zone out, she would never pass if she didn’t know what was going on.

With a peevish glare on his face Inuyasha stomped down the hall. This was the second job interview today, and he had instantly been turned down. Of course that could have been because of his attitude, but what did they expect when they complimented so rudely on his grades. So what if he was at the moment faling a class or two, what concern was it of theirs?

Inuyasha tossed open the buildings door, and quickly pulled out his keys to jam them into the lock of his car door. Once inside he took a few deep breaths before he pulled his seat belt on and pulled out of the parking spot.

His last job had been at a coffee shop when he was in high school, he’d managed to get fired within the first week for snapping at a customer who had been taking to long to order. He knew his temper always got the best of him when he had to deal with people, and he learned his lesson, so now he searched out jobs with minimal human contact. And now he knew that working in an office building fell into that specific category.

‘Stupid smart ass business people, think they know everything,’ He thought grouchily. His mood didn’t improve much by the time he’d pulled into the parking lot for his next job interview. This was his last one, and hopefully he wouldn’t need anymore. If this didn’t go well he was out of luck. He was glad that this was an auto repair shop. If he got the job, he’d be able to work on cars, like he had back in high school, only back then he did it for friends, and didn’t get paid.

Inuyasha entered the small shop that contained assortments of car parts, models and posters of the lastest styles of cars. His eyes shifted about as he searched for someone to direct him to where to go, or for some living form of life for that matter. He gave a exasperated sigh as he stepped up to the counter that contained pamphlets and such. He leaned against it and waited a little bit, hoping someone would find him.

He didn’t have to wait long before someone came in the front door. A relatively young looking man entered, maybe a few years older then Inuyasha himself . He was tall, and his tan face was smudged by grease and car oil, his mop of blonde hair ruffled and messy, while the tan jumpsuit her wore made him look like the lost member of the Ghostbusters team.

“Hello there, what can I do for you?,” The guy asked, his voice cheerful. Inuyasha regarded him with an annoyed look.

“I’m here for a job interview,” He replied solemnly. The man seemed to think about this for a few moments before he snapped his fingers, and smiled.

“I knew there was something I had to do today,” He laughed. He wiped his hand on the front of his jumpsuit, affectively leaving a trail of grease, befor ehe held out his hand to Inuyasha.

“My name’s Greg, and you would be?,” Greg offered. Inuyasha looked at his hand, and then took it, giving a slight shake.

“Inuyasha,” He replied. Greg nodded, droppping his grip. He looked Inuyasha up and down, before quirking up an eyebrow at him.

“You do know that if you work here, your required to get your hands dirty?,” Greg asked. Inuyasha rolled his eyes, glancing down at the clean shirt, tie, and dressy slacks he wore.

“Yeah, I know. I just came from another interview,” He told the man. Greg nodded in understanding before beckoning Inuyasha to follow him. They headed out the door, and into an garage workshop. There were two cars there, one propped up on a pedistal with two other guys working underneath, another sitting with its top open.

“This is the work shop, all the tools are located over in that side, and down those stairs are the aprts and what not,” Greg pointed out. Inuyasha took this in, and nodded. Greg smiled, and lead him over to the car with it’s top open. Inuyasha leaned over the engine with Greg, his eyes taking in the details.

“Now, tell me what you see wrong here,” Greg said, his eyes darting back to Inuyasha. Inuyasha scanned the engine in front of him.

“The fan’s cracked, that’s a problem,” He said after a moment. He leaned in closer. “And it looks like rust got the better of the fuel pipe. Both should be replaced”. Greg nodded in agreement, before they pulled back from under the hood.

“Good. You’ve got a keen eye, that’s important if you’re going to work here”. INuyasha blinked, and the a grin encompassed his face.

“You mean you’ll hire me, just like that?,” He asked. Greg laughed, and gave him a slap on the back.

“Why not? You’ll be good here, and the pay awesome. Can’t do any better then eleven bucks an hour,” Greg told him. Inuyasha looked at him in disbelief.

“Holy shit, are you serious?,” He asked incredulously. Greg nodded, and then he beckoned Inuyasha to follow him. Inuyasha quickly stumbled after him, and they headed back in to the store, and then into the back office where Greg’s desk was. He sat down behind it.

“You’ll start next week, that Wednesday on the afternoon shift,” Greg told him, pulling out some papers and handing them to Inuyasha.

“What time’s the afternoon shift, My last class of the day ends at three,” Inuyasha trold him, taking the papers. Greg nodded.

“That’s about right, now just fill out those and bring them with you next time. It’ll be good working with you,”Greg said. Inuyasha nodded, and shook the hand offered to him before he left the small office. His grin widened as he came to sit in his car, the papers he tossed on to the passenger seat of his car before starting it up.

Kagome laid back on her bed with a sigh. The ceiling wasn’t to interesting to stare at, just a blank slate of whiteness. She rubbed at her eyes tiredly, and then glanced at the clock beside her head.

“Good, Sango will be back anytime now,” Kagome said with a smile. She closed her eyes then and let herself take a little nap.

Sango walked down the hall at a leisurely pace, her Philosophy class had just ended, and her head was still swimming with the discussion. Her thoughts though were abruptly interrupted by a familiar voice. One she hadn’t thought to hear in a long time. She stopped by the door of a classroom and peeked in. There was a couple of students still hanging around, a few just chattering, and then there was a student talking with the professor.

Sango focused on the small group of students, her eyes staring slightly wide eyed at the back of a familiar head. His dark brown hair was shorter and pulled back in a low ponytail, he still looked the same a part from that. Sango let a frown settle on her lips before she entered the room, her umber gaze quickly zeroing in on the broad back of the ghost from her past.

“What are you doing here?,” She asked in a loud tone. Her blatant question caught the attention of everyone in the group. The guy turned his head to her, recognition flashing across his blue depths.

“Sango, long time no see,” The boy said airily, a wide smirk on his tan face. Sango’s eyes narrowed, and she clenched a fist at her side.

“You had better have a good reason for being here, Koga”.