InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We've Been Here For So Long ❯ A Loveable Idiot ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
“You had better have a good reason for being here, Koga,” Sango said, her voice dripping venom.

The boy regarded her with a puzzled look, and then he smiled.

“Sango, long time no see,” Koga replied, his eyes holding an amused glint. Sango scowled, and marched up to him to poke a finger at his chest.

“I’m warning you now, you had better stay clear of Kagome. I know she told you she was coming here, and I don’t know why you’re here, instead of in halfway across the country, but I’m telling you. Stay. Away. From. Kagome. She’s had enough problems without you adding to them,” Sango spat out, her finger jabbing him as she threatened.

Koga shook his head as he brushed her hand from him, and smiled casually. Sango didn’t like him or his smile; she never had and never will.

“You can’t stop me from seeing her. And you can’t tell me what to do, just like you can’t stop Kagome from running into me,” He told her, a smirk slowly crawling across his lips. Sango narrowed her eyes at him, and then scoffed.

“I can, but you’re forgetting Inuyasha goes here too. If you start anything, you’ll be dealing with him as well as me. Stay away, that’s all I saying”. Sango smiled at him blatantly before she turned on her heel and left.

Koga watched her go, a frown quickly replacing the smirk on his lips. He’d come here for two reasons, one education wise, and the second to win Kagome back. He knew it’d be hard to get her back after hurting her, but he’d also forgotten about her overprotective friend, Inuyasha. He set aside his worries though, because he knew Kagome would be his again. He just needed that little break to get his priorities straight, and now he was back and ready to try again. Kagome was his, and only his.

Sango gave a sigh as she stopped outside her dorm room. Her blood was still boiling, and her head swimming with thoughts and questions. Koga was back, and most likely he was trying to get back together with Kagome. Her heart had been broken after their break up; Koga had been her very first boyfriend, her very first love, and also her first heartbreak. Sango didn’t want that to happen again, Koga wasn’t any good for Kagome.

‘First thing, I’m calling up Inuyasha to tell him,’ She told herself. She let out another sigh before, pushing open the door. The room was silent when she entered. Sango smiled as she found Kagome curled up on her bed sleeping peacefully.

With an ease and stealth she crept in and soundlessly put down her bag, and then went to pick up the cordless phone. She gave one last glance at Kagome before slipping into the bathroom for some privacy. She dialed Inuyasha’s home number and waited while it rang a few times.

“Hey, guess what Kag-,” Inuyasha started off. Sango sighed.

“Shut up, it’s me Sango,” She told him. Inuyasha fell silent on the other side, before she heard him give a growl.

“No need to snap,” He pouted like a child after being scolded. Sango rolled her eyes.

“I’ve got some bad news, and I just know it’s going to put you in a bad mood,” Sango told him, her voice grave and serious. There was silence on the other side, until Inuyasha finally spoke.

“Bad news, eh?” Was his reply.

“I’m going to give you two guesses, but you only get one hint,” Sango told him. She smiled slyly at his exasperated sigh, she knew that this wasn’t something to joke about or anything, but she couldn’t help herself.

“Ok, shoot”.

“It’s a blast from the past, which you thought you’d never be bothered with again,” She said. Inuyasha sighed once again, and she waited as he thought about this.

“Just tell me and save us both the trouble, you know I’m no good at guessing games,” Came his reply. Sango rolled her eyes before giving a sigh.

“Koga’s back in town, and I think he might be trying to get back with Kagome. Although he didn’t say, but I’m positive that’s why he’s here,” Sango told him. Inuyasha let out a feral growl at this, and Sango held the phone at a distance from her ear, knowing all to well what happened next.

“WHAT?!?!” The shout was heard quite clearly over the phone, and Sango had been glad she’d seen it coming; otherwise she’d be deaf in one ear from it.

“You heard what I said. Wolf brain is back, and looking for trouble,” She repeated, after bringing the phone back to her ear. She could almost feel the waves of tension and anger sweeping off of Inuyasha.

“Damn him, he can’t leave well enough alone. Does Kag know? Has she run into him yet?” He asked, his tone quickly turning to concern. Sango understood though, Kagome would be a mess if she saw him. She’d relive a world of pain, and sorrow.

“No, and I told him to back off. He said I couldn’t stop him, and I don’t know if even you can. Hopefully Kagome is over him by now, and it won’t hurt too much when and if they run into each other,” She said. Inuyasha was silent once again; Sango knew he was most likely brooding about the past.

“Keep an eye on him, and pray Kag doesn’t run into him”. The tone rung across the phone after that, and Sango frowned.

‘Maybe telling him wasn’t a good idea. Now he’ll be all brooding and moody. Sometimes he’s worse then a girl,’ Sango thought bitterly. She sighed and then left the bathroom. She dropped the phone back on its platform and sat on her bed.

‘Why is he always like this…’ Sango smiled then.

“Well duh, because he’s afraid of losing her,” She told herself.

Inuyasha tapped his fingers against the wheel of his car in some random beat. He did this often when he was nervous or worried about something, a form of habit that usually if Kagome was in the car would have yelled at him for. Inuyasha shook his head as he came to stop at a light. A smile crept on his lips as he realized where he was. This was were he’d often go drag racing in high school, the first time he’d done it he’d dragged Kagome along.

‘I would have won that…”.

He had eyes only for the finish line, and he was determined to win, just to show everyone he was the best. Beside him Kagome was gripping the dashboard like a lifeline, her face considerably pale, and her eyes closed. He smirked, most likely she was praying to all the gods for her safety.

“Relax, you’re going to give yourself a hernia,” He told her, his eyes never straying from the road. Kagome’s eyes shot open and she turned to glare at him. He smirked feeling her gaze.

“If I die I’m going to haunt you ‘til oblivion,” She growled. Inuyasha laughed and rolled his eyes.

He was running neck and neck with the car beside him, he could almost taste the finish line as it came into sight. He leaned forward in his seat and gripped the wheel tighter, he only saw the finish. Well he did until beside him Kagome screeched.

“Inuyasha, watch out!!,” She screamed, he looked at her and back to the road, to spot a bunny that had hopped into the road just a few feet in front of him. He slammed on his brakes, and jerked the wheel, the car slid sideways before coming to an abrupt halt. His head was reeling, and he turned in his seat glancing at Kagome.

His glare died at the sight of her. She was shaking from head to toe. He sighed, and turned to watch the bunny hop back off the road.

“Stupid animal,” He grouched. Beside him Kagome let out a quiet sob. He turned to look at her, his expression slowly turning to concern.

“Oh, dammit. Come on Kag, please don’t cry,” He pleaded. He unbuckled his seatbelt and turned to face her, reaching to grab her hands that shook. She pulled away from him, and glared with bleary eyes.

“Don’t tell me not to cry, you jerk. You nearly squished that poor bunny. I can’t believe I’m here, this was so stupid,” She shouted frantically. She clenched her fists before she fumbled to undo her seatbelt, and pushed out of the car door.

“Now, just-”. He was cut off as the door slammed in his face. He swore to himself before quickly jumping out of the car to follow after her.

“Get back in the car Kagome. I’ll drive you home,” He called to her. Her fist clenched at her sides again as she picked up her pace.

“No thanks. I don’t feel like being in a car with you anymore. You’re a maniac and you’re bad for my health,” She told him. Inuyasha bit back a laugh as he jogged up to her. She refused to look at him, on her cheeks he could see the shiny tracks from her tears reflecting in the fading streetlights.

“I promise I’ll be careful. I’ll go under the speed limit and everything,” He bargained. Kagome froze mid-step, and turned to him. Her eye flared with anger, and she pushed him, setting him off balance to stumble then fall.

“Just shut up, leave me alone. You’re an idiot, you know that,” She snapped. Inuyasha looked up at her livid form from his spot on the ground. He shook his head, and didn’t bother to get up, just leaned back on his palms.

“Whatever. I had everything in control, I wouldn’t have hit the damn bunny. I’m sorry okay?” He said, his eyes traveling back to the road, where his car still sat. Kagome remained silent for a long while, the silence was slowly ebbing away at Inuyasha’s nerves. He turned back to her, and was quickly knocked to the ground as she lunged at him.

Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck, as she lay half on top of him, her face hidden in his shoulder.

“I don’t care about the bunny… I don’t want you to get hurt,” She said in a strained voice. Inuyasha rested his head back on the ground and shifted to wrap and arm around her back, patting it in an attempt to comfort her.

“I’m fine, you’re fine and that bunny is too. No harm done, not stop crying and let me up,” He said in a light tone. Kagome sobbed into his shoulder, and held tighter.

“Don’t do it anymore… please don’t,” She sobbed. Inuyasha sighed, remaining silent.

They lay there for a few minutes, and finally when Kagome stopped crying, she sat up to wipe at her eyes, and look down at her silver haired friend.

“Promise you won’t race anymore”. Inuyasha sighed, and looked up at the sky.

“No. I don’t want to, I like racing too much. I’m not giving it up just because you’re afraid of what might happen,” He replied in a flat tone. Kagome hung her head, and picked at a string on her pants.

“Kag, I’ve never asked you to give up anything. So don’t ask me too,” He sighed, as he shifted to sit up with his elbows, his amber eyes glittering as he watched her. Kagome gave a deflated sighed.

“Fine… but you’re still an idiot,” She mumbled. Inuyasha let a smirk creep across his lips, before he let out a bark of laughter.

“Okay, you still love me though”.

Kagome head snapped up, and she punched him hard in the shoulder. Inuyasha just laughed as he fell back to the ground. He knew it was well worth it, just to see that embarrassed blush dawning her cheeks.

“Idiot,” She groused again, though this time a smile was tugging at the corners of her lips.