InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We've Been Here For So Long ❯ Sick In The Morning, Noon, And Night ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Not since the time when she had been sick with the flu her sophomore year in high school had she felt so sick, but that had only lasted a week, this sickness however would only go away after month four. Kagome groaned again from her position at the toilet seat, and glanced at her friend who was leaning on the bathroom door’s frame.

“You done now?” Sango asked. Kagome stuck her tongue out at the girl impishly before closing her eyes and resting her head against her arm once again.

“This is horrible. Why do women do this? Is it worth it?” She asked weakly. Sango smiled wryly at her friend and shook her head.

“Kagome you’ve got to just hold up, you‘ve only just past the first month. It’ll get easier,” She told her. Kagome let out a strangled sigh and sat up slowly.

“How am I suppose to go to class if I’m puking every five minutes. I’ll miss all of my lectures,” She complained. Sango rolled her eyes at her and left her as she flushed the toilet and then crawled to the sink to wash her face.

“You have to go sometimes. You’re never going to pass and then you’ll be out of luck and out of college. Think about your child’s future,” Sango called to her as she collected Kagome’s backpack and stuffed her books inside. Kagome stumbled into the room and went to sit on her bed as she pulled on her sneakers. She had been in the middle of doing that the last time when she’d felt she was about to retch.

“You’re cruel Sango. You really are. Inuyasha would let me stay home everyday,” She whined to her friend childishly. Sango snorted and gave Kagome a wicked look.

“Oh I bet he would. He only spoils you because he loves you so much,” She said offhandedly. Kagome glared at her.

“Like a friend, he loves me. Nothing more, so knock it off,” She grumbled. Sango shrugged and swung her bag over her shoulder, holding Kagome’s in her other hand.

“At least I’m carrying your bag for you, now hurry up, I’m late for class”.

Inuyasha cursed as he fumbled with the wrench in his hand, as he struggled to tighten a bolt. His day wasn’t getting any better, and he was already filthy from head to toe in oil and sweat. His perfect job was turning out to be a nightmare.

“Yash, what’s the problem?” Greg asked, walking over to him. Inuyasha looked up and let out a haggard sigh.

“Just having one of those days. Well, more like one of those weeks,” He replied, before turning back to his work. Greg nodded, observing him for a while before he leaned against the car’s side.

“I’m guessing it’s some kind of personal problem. I’m pretty good at reading people; now tell me has it got to do with family? Or a friend, maybe a girlfriend?” He asked. Inuyasha looked up at him, giving him a bemused look.

“I’m just curious, now tell me when I’ve got something right,” Greg replied. Inuyasha shrugged.

“It’s about a friend,” He told him. Greg nodded.

“I see. I’m going to say it’s a girl, because usually they cause problems,” He said. Inuyasha looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.

“You’re pretty good,” He told him. Greg smiled and then shrugged carelessly.

“It’s a gift. So tell me, what’s going on with this friend of yours?”

Inuyasha sighed and looked back at the engine in front of him, his eyes glazing over as his thoughts trailed to Kagome. He’d been thinking about her a lot lately, and recent events had him more worried then usual. He hadn’t had the chance to see her in the past two days, only a few chance conversations over the phone.

“She’s gotten herself into a situation, and I’m just worried about her. I haven’t had a chance to see her in a while so I don’t know how she is. I know she’s more likely to lie about being fine then to tell me if something’s wrong. She‘s always telling me how she hates to be a burden,” Inuyasha told him. Greg nodded, taking this in. It was obvious to him that Inuyasha cared a lot more for this friend then he’d like to admit.

“Sounds like someone I know. My wife is a lot like her. We use to be the best of friends and she had loved me and I her, but she never took it to the next level because she was afraid to inconvenience me with her feelings. The only reason we ever ended up together is because I told her about my feelings first. We’ve been together about twenty years now,” Greg said. Inuyasha looked at him with wide eyes.

“Wow, that’s a long time. Did you get married when you were young?”

“Yeah, we were just out of high school. I didn’t think it would last but it did. Now I’ve got two kids, a house and my own business. I guess things really worked out,” Greg told him with a laugh. Inuyasha smiled as well, and turned back to his work.

“That’s cool, sounds almost like one of those fairy tales if you ask me. Not everything works out to be so great,” Inuyasha replied. Greg smiled knowingly and patted his shoulder.

“You never know until you let it happen. You’ve just got to give it a chance”.

Kagome wanted to cry, she really did. She looked up at the board and tried to make out the notes there, but her eyes were clouding with tears and she couldn’t make out the letters. She didn’t understand why she wanted to cry, but she blamed her stupid hormones.

‘Gods, I feel so stupid,’ She thought miserably. She wiped at her eyes and jotted down what she could. She felt ridiculous just sitting there on the verge of tears it seemed too silly. There wasn’t any reason for her to cry, none at all.

Beside her Amber was watching her with cautious eyes. Kagome seemed rather depressed lately and this was the first time she’d seen her in class for the past week and half. She didn’t know what was going on, but it seemed Kagome was rather emotionally unstable at the moment.

“Hey Kag, you okay?” She asked in a whisper. Kagome looked over at her with watery eyes.

“Yup, just terrific,” She replied, her cheeriness would have been believable if not for the tear that was making a track down her flushed cheek.

“What’s wrong, why are you crying?” Amber asked in concern. Kagome shook her head and looked ahead trying to concentrate on the board again. Amber sighed and did the same; it was obvious the girl didn’t want to talk. But she feared it had something to do with her brother. Koga had surprised her when he’d showed up saying he’d transferred into Pine Wood. Amber hadn’t wanted to question her stepbrother but she didn’t want to believe he came only for the education.

‘I can’t take much more of this,’ Kagome thought. Her stomach twisted at that thought and her eyes widened as she realized she was going to toss her cookies if she didn’t get to the bathroom soon. In a sudden movement she jumped from her seat and made a beeline for the door. Amber and everyone else in the class watched her as she flung open the door and bolted down the hall. The professor stood there for a while, looking quite confused before he shrugged and continued with his lecture. Amber looked to the empty seat beside her and then the door before she made a move to gather her things and Kagome’s before she made a silent exit.

Amber found Kagome in the bathroom reliving her breakfast in the last stall. She gave her room until she had finished before she got her a wet paper towel, and crouched down to be level with her. Kagome pressed the paper towel to her face gratefully, welcoming the cold to suppress the warm flush in her cheeks. Amber watched her quietly and waited for her to say something first.

“I suppose you’re wondering what’s going on,” Kagome said into the towel, her voice sounding choke and strained. Amber just nodded. Kagome sniffled and looked up with red eyes. Amber gave her a faint smile.

“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want. I was just concerned, are you sick?” asked her kindly. Kagome nodded slowly, and then blew her nose, tossing the used towel into the toilet before flushing it. Amber helped her to her feet, and Kagome went to wash out her mouth at the sink.

“I brought your bag for you, I didn’t think you’d want to go back,” Amber told her, holding out her bag for her. Kagome smiled and took it, hooking it over her shoulder.

“Thanks. I really appreciate it,” Kagome told her with a weak smile. Amber nodded, still watching her with cautious eyes. It was hard to say what was going on, but Amber was determined to find out; she had always been a nosy kind of girl.

“Are you feeling better, do you have some kind of flu?” She asked. Kagome paused before she answered, looking at her almost like she was guilty.

“Yes, some kind of flu. I don’t when it’ll go away,” She replied after a moment. Amber nodded and smiled at her kindly again as they made their leave of the bathroom. Kagome made an excuse before she headed back to her dorm. She felt uneasy around Amber, but she guessed that was only natural since she was so closely related to the man who broke her heart.