InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We've Walked ❯ We've Walked ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

We've walked
For a while we've walked the same path side by side.
I have been through it all; by your side in the path we've walked.
I've loved you and nearly lost you on the many paths we've walked.
We've argued and cried on the paths we've walked. But I will not abandon you on this path we currently walk.
I will help you face this enemy and fight by your side. I will keep my arrows steady and true in my path to help you complete your task.
I hold you hand as you sharp claws gently scratch against the palm of my hand, I smile knowing it's your way of playing with me without letting everyone know.
The song about the truth in my heart only sings of my love for you that has grown over the many miles of the paths we've walked.
As we come near the end of our path I hold your hand tightly hoping that I really don't have to let go once we've completed our grueling task.
Your all I need to walk this path, your all I need to climb over the rocks that try to get in our way, your all I need to get through the many twists and turns as I hold your hand down the paths we've walked.
So by your side I'll stay until our greatest foe is slain, on this path we're walking I will be your consort until we stop walking the paths we've walked.