InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We Will Become Silhouettes ❯ Only in Dreams ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Will Become Silhouettes

Chapter 3 Only in Dreams

Inuyasha sighed in contentment as he waded in the large pool of steaming hot water that was their bathing house. His muscles hissed with pleasure as the liquid massage made them relax so that he felt practically boneless as he leaned against the side of the pool. Scents from the bathing salts that the servants had given him wafted to his nose, filling the entire room with the smell of wildflowers. Not the most manly of scents, but pleasing to the nostrils nonetheless. A content smile covered his face as he spread his arms out behind him, completely sated just to lay there for hours. It was pure bliss. Really, this must be what heaven felt like.

His sensitive ears picked up on the small creak that he recognized as the door opening. Golden eyes snapped open at such a sound, but could only see the mounds of steam that was rising out of the bath. It was so thick in the room that it he really thought you could cut it with a sword. Eyes, even as good as his were, in this situation were completely worthless.

“Is someone there?” He asked. Not only could he not see his intruder, but the pungent fragrance of flowers had also covered up any scents he could possibly pick up. Vocalizing his troubles he knew was a long shot, but he had no other option at the moment. The air felt ominous, and his skin was prickling in trepidation.

All of his senses were on high alert, but pretty much the only one that was any good to him at the moment was his hearing, and he heard nothing. Could it have all been his imagination? Was it just the faint creaks that a foundation made while settling? He didn’t think so, but that didn’t change the fact that since the one disturbance he had heard nothing.

Chalking it up to be just a fluke, he went back to relaxing, and had almost succeeded in doing just that. The key word there is almost. “In-u-ya-sha” His name fluttered through the room like silk, and just hearing it said in such a wanting matter made a shiver go up his spine.

The voice startled him into motion, and he ended up spinning around in a circle in water. The rose petals swirling at his hips being the only thing to cover his dignity, he waded around the pool in search of the voice. “Who’s there?” No answer. “Come out alright…I’m tired of playing games!” His voice sounded a lot braver than he actually felt. He couldn’t explain it, but just hearing that deep voice sent traces of fear down his spine. Fear…or something else entirely. That something he couldn’t even put into words, but it was turning his nerves to more of a gooey mess than a warm bath ever could.

Inuyasha’s eyes knitted together in worry as the steam in the room seemed to grow thicker, and soon he could barely see in front of his face. He ran a hand through his slick hair as he continued to turn in circles, no longer sure of what to do. His stomach was knitted in worry of his impending doom. His valiant nature was failing him when the steam seemed to consume him, now not even leaving him with a view of his own hands.

His head was spinning as he placed to hands to each side of it to try to get it to calm down. Inuyasha almost jumped a foot in the air when he heard a splash in the water, letting him know that whoever it was had now joined him in the pool. He could hear the water sloshing, but his sense were too jumbled for him to be able to pick up the direction it was coming from.

Deciding that the best strategy to do at the moment was to slowly back up until he reached the exit, Inuyasha went to put his plan into action. That was of course when his plan hit a major snag. This was the point where he happened to back right into the body he was trying to escape.

Jumping about ten feet in the air, Inuyasha immediately tried to escape his assailant, but two strong arms wrapped around his waist, crushing him back against who he found out to be definitely a male. It wasn’t just the lack of breasts that helped him confirm that fact either. No, it was the large hardness that was poking him in between the thighs.

He began to struggle, kicking and flailing in the man’s arms. Pretty much anything he could do to get himself out of this predicament. He could feel warm breath at the base of one furry ear, and a scent drifted to his nose. A scent that was tantalizingly familiar, and yet he couldn’t quite place. “Why do you struggle against what you desire, Inuyasha?”

The voice was like a sedative to his system. He immediately stopped whatever vain attempt of struggling he had been trying, and leaned in closer to those arms. His eyes closed in pleasure at the feel of the bare skin together, and soon just being held wasn’t enough for him.

Inuyasha spun around, not even hesitating in crashing his lips with his the velvety soft ones presented to him. He reveled in the tongue darting in and out of his mouth, and almost cried out at just the sweetness of his taste. When he pulled away he was almost breathless, and took the opportunity to regain himself by staring into his lover’s eyes…Eyes that were almost the same golden color as his own. “Sesshomaru…I thought you’d never come to me.”

That face he adored so much curled up into what could be interpreted as a smile. Sesshomaru leaned forward, reconnecting their mouths in a soft kiss. When he pulled away Inuyasha felt practically weightless. “Don’t you know my dagger, I’ll always come for you.”

After hearing something like that, he really didn’t need any more encouragement to attack those lips. Inuyasha practically launched himself at the youkai, loving how he caught him mid pounce. He didn’t hesitate in wrapping his legs firmly around the small waist as they kissed through the clearing steam.

Sesshomaru’s back hit the side of the pool, but he didn’t stay in the position for long. No, in what seemed like an instant, Inuyasha found himself pinned to the side of the pool. His stomach was pressed against the warm concrete, with his lover right behind him.

A hand slid up the back sides of his thigh, coming to rest in-between the juncture of his ass. Claws slightly scraped the sensitive skin there, and Inuyasha howled in pleasure. Every little touch, every little caress, sent his mind spinning with desire. That clawed hand slipped between his slick thighs, going to grasp at his weeping erection.

“Tell me you want me Inuyasha. Tell me what you want.” As he was saying this he gave his manhood a good stroke, sending him once more howling.

Sesshomaru was right by his ear, as he nibbled into the juncture of his neck. He was waiting for an answer, and as he was waiting the hand ceased to move altogether. Never being a sucker for punishment, Inuyasha was more than prepared to give him just what he wanted. “Sessh I want you…I want you so much it hurts.” Literally. There seemed to be a stinging at his hips that caused his eyes to water.

“Scream it for me Inuyasha.” The pressure on his hips tightened, and he found himself doing just that.

“Sesshomaru…SESSHOMARU I WANT YOU!” The pain on his hips became too much for him to bear, and he found his vision fading. Everything was turning black as the pain intensified, and he knew he was going to loose consciousness. With one last look at Sesshomaru, his vision completely faded into nothingness.

Inuyasha’s eyes snapped open, and the remnants of his dream filtered across his vision. He cursed whatever deity had actually thought it was a good idea for people to dream, because they fucking sucked! He had been going through weeks of this. Weeks! Do you have any idea how hard it is to look your stepbrother in the eye after you have just had a dream about him fucking you against a tree?

The strange part was how real they seemed, and he wasn’t just talking about how he would wake up to find his release all over his sheets, or in this case the painfully obvious lack there of, but they just seemed to have actually happened when he woke up. Another factor that made being around Sesshomaru practically unbearable.

His hips stung just as they had in his dream, and he whined to himself when he thought about how the pains he received were even following him into the world of reality. This is of course when he felt what seemed to be claws, very sharp claws, constrict against the skin of his hips…real claws. Not only did there appear to be real claws in his skin, but there also happened to be a very real growling sound coming from atop him. A very familiar growling sound at that.

Inuyasha shut his eyes. He could just sit there and pretend that it had never happened. He had a very good idea about who was lying on top of him, and what that meant, but he refused to acknowledge it. It was just too much to bear.

“You disgusting mutt, you better open you eyes right now before I burn them out with my poison.” Despite how much he might have wanted to, he really couldn’t ignore that.

Golden eyes creaked open, afraid of what he might see when they did. It couldn’t be as bad as he thought right? The most Sesshomaru could have seen was him with a huge hard on, and although embarrassing, he would live. The reality turned out to be so very much worse than what he could have ever imagined.

Now being at least mostly awake, Inuyasha also got a good feel of his surroundings. That feel of course caused him to cringe. Sesshomaru was laying on top of him, with his claws digging into his hips in an attempt to get him to release. Just what he was to release was the part that made him want to die right there. His legs had in invaded Sesshomaru’s yukata and wrapped around his slim waist, keeping him pinned atop him.

His hand went up to his head as he tried to dissolve right into his futon. How could this have happened? Sesshomaru was staring down at him with completely hate filled eyes, and although it could mean his impending death, he knew he needed to ask just that. “How did this happen?”

Sesshomaru resumed his growling, and his claws once more tightened. Inuyasha yelped in pain when he could actually feel the blood from the marks sliding down his hips. He was going to have ten identical crescent moon marks when he was done with this. A notion he definitely wasn’t looking forward to. Though one thing at a time. First he had to get himself out of this position without being killed, or worse.

“You want to know how this happened?…I’ll tell you then.” Sesshomaru leaned in close so that he was snarling in his face. Though that’s not really what Inuyasha was concerned about. What concerned him was how when his stepbrother leaned forward he also bent his own legs further to him, and brushed his body against his painfully erect member. It was all he could do to stifle a moan at such contact. Sesshomaru seemed to notice this, for he sneered in disgust. “Do try to keep your lust under control hanyou. I have no intention of fulfilling your depraved wants or desires. Now let me go.”

Inuyasha was about to do just that, but then a thought occurred to him. “No.” He boldly stated. Now he didn’t know what had possessed him to express such boldness, but that didn’t change the fact that he had already started, and couldn’t very well back out now. “You never told me what happened…or what you’re doing in my room for that matter.” He was still fairly sure that he was in his room, and he looked around to confirm that fact. Despite what he might have done while asleep, it didn’t change the fact that Sesshomaru was in his room.

Sesshomaru was staring down at him stubbornly, obviously not liking being threatened into such a thing. Well if he didn’t like it, then Inuyasha thought it better to intensify his dislike. Using the leverage that his legs gave him, he pulled down on Sesshomaru’s waist, forcing them closer. They were in such close proximity now that all Inuyasha could see were cold gold eyes, and all he could feel was the warm breath reverberating off his lips. It was then that it occurred to him that this might not have been the best idea.

Though this line of thinking effectively changed when the painful grip that Sesshomaru had on his hips lessened and those skilled hands slid up his loosely clothed body. “You don’t know what you’re doing dagger.” Dagger. That had been pretty much been what his stepbrother had called him since they had sparred. At first he had hated the nickname, but hearing it said in such a husky voice made him want to hear it again.

“Don’t I?” His feet pushed further down Sesshomaru’s waist, coming to rest on the back of his thighs. “Tell me why you’re here. Please tell me what happened while I was sleeping.” Inuyasha’s eyes shut and a mewl of pleasure escaped his throat when Sesshomaru’s roaming hands came to the back of his neck, massaging the tendons there, before coming up through his hair to pet his perked up ears.

Without even having to look he could feel Sesshomaru’s mouth above his. He didn’t know why, but it was almost like he could feel his need to kiss him. Inuyasha’s mouth opened slightly in a silent invitation, and he could tell that Sesshomaru was leaning in. Their mouths were almost touching…The tension between them was almost over.

The key word here is almost, because that kiss never happened. As a matter of fact nothing good happened. Inuyasha’s eyes flew open in pain as he legs were wrenched apart by force, and the body on top of him made a hasty retreat off of his bed. Being more than a little shocked by recent events, the hanyou sat up stunned, pulling his discarded fur blanket up around his body.

His shock didn’t dissipate when he saw just what Sesshomaru was doing. His stepbrother was pacing back and forth around the room, kicking and clawing random objects as they apparently pissed him off in passing. It was strange seeing his normally calm and emotionless sibling turned into a complete wreck. “Um Sesshomaru what’s-what’s wrong?”

At his voice Sesshomaru stopped pacing, and Inuyasha backed a way a little when red tinged eyes turned on him. The youkai’s face was contorted into a snarl, and Inuyasha really began to fear his safety. “What’s wrong hanyou? What’s wrong!?” His voice was loud and boisterous…very un-Sesshomaru like. “You’re what’s wrong.” His voice seemed to still a bit, and his eyes turned back to completely gold. Really, Inuyasha didn’t know which he preferred. Sure seeing Sesshomaru so upset was a shock, but the normal cold and calculating one was just scary. “Everything about you is wrong.”

Sesshomaru stalked forward, laying one hand on each of Inuyasha’s thighs, squeezing them rather painfully with his claws. “Your stink was worst than it normally was, so much in fact that I couldn’t even sleep. Then I heard you calling my name, and so I followed it to your room.” Inuyasha swallowed in dread, already knowing what he was going to be told before his stepbrother opened his mouth. That didn’t stop it from coming out though. “Your arousal was so strong in the air as writhed in your bed…calling out my name nonetheless.” The claws tightened. “Then I walked over to where you were and grabbed me with your legs, screaming SESSHOMARU I WANT YOU! as you did.” Inuyasha startled when the youkai screamed out in pleasure trying to mimic what he had seen. He really didn’t know if he should be more horrified by that fact, or if he should be aroused. He chose arousal, on the basis that he was still painfully lacking that attention area.

Without thinking of the consequences, he let a moan escape his mouth. Once he realized what he had done, his hand went to fly up to his mouth. It didn’t matter though, the damage had been done. Sesshomaru didn’t say anything, but there was really no point for him to. Inuyasha had told him all he needed to know just with that one moan.

With a malicious smirk, the youkai’s hand ghosted over his entrapped erection and at just such a small action a whimper escaped his throat. “You really want me that bad, don’t you dagger?” That hand stayed on top of his member, ever so lightly teasing as it did so.

Taking big gulping breaths, Inuyasha unabashedly nodded his head. It was pathetic to give such a thing up so easily, but by this point he couldn’t help it. Sesshomaru slid down on the bed, coming to sit in-between his knees. Eyes never leaving Inuyasha’s, he leaned forward, placing a kiss on the still clothed tip. “I’ll give you relief little brother.” His hot velvety tongue snaked out, licking him through the fabric of his night clothes. “All you have to do is beg me for it.”

A growl of frustration formed in the hanyou’s throat, but that even died when Sesshomaru nuzzled his nose in his crotch. “Please Sessh…Please make it better.” Instead of going further, the face that had been driving him to the brink of insanity retreated, and its owner stood on his feet.

“Not good enough dagger. I want you on your knees when you beg for me.” Inuyasha’s face fell. He couldn’t be serious, could he? One look at Sesshomaru told him that he most definitely was. Now it was all a matter if he was desperate enough to actually do such an act. When Sesshomaru smirked at him, and just one look from the youkai made his cock twitch, he knew that he was all that desperate and more.

Sliding off the bed, he got down on his knees and crawled over to where Sesshomaru was standing. He tried to avoid the eyes of his stepbrother as he did this for him. How degrading. He couldn’t believe that he was actually about to beg for sex from someone he couldn’t stand. Keeping his eyes on the ground the entire time, he started his begging. “Sesshomaru please…I need you…please.”

At his most weak moment, a barrage of hurtful laughter met his ears. Sesshomaru was laughing at him. Inuyasha glanced upwards to see the same hateful look he usually got from his stepbrother back on his face. When he saw that he was looking at him, a malicious smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. “Well at least you know your place half breed…on your knees.” The words cut like acid, but it might not have been so bad if he stopped there, but apparently Sesshomaru believed in overkill. “The thing that gets me is the fact that you thought I would actually stoop low enough to bed someone like you.” He leaned down, harshly grabbing Inuyasha’s chin. “Believe me when I say that I’d rather bite off my own tongue.” He let go, but his jaw was still tightly clenched. “You best get these delusions of grandeur out of your head hanyou, because in what world could you ever be with me?” With that said he spun on his heel and left. Leaving Inuyasha pissed, hurt, but most of all horny on the floor.

After taking a bath and relieving himself of his…tension…Inuyasha headed to the gardens. He was clothed in a blue yukata with silver dragons etched into the back. The material was made of a fine silk that glided on his shoulders…perfect for his still frazzled nerves. He turned to see his scowling face in a silver vase. Yeah, to say he was pissed would be an understatement. It wasn’t bad enough that he had actually begged for Sesshomaru, and been left high and dry. But no, even after all that, he still wanted him.

This was just ridiculous. How could he want someone so annoying? He wasn’t nice, he was an ass, and oh yeah…he was his stepbrother! Still, the dreams wouldn’t stop. The desire wouldn’t stop. His body seemed to be totally smitten with someone his mind hated. He couldn’t help it though. Sesshomaru did something to him. It was hard to explain what exactly, but it was like with every touch he brought him down to a whimpering mess.

During his thoughts, he was quite aware that he wasn’t paying the least bit of attention to where he was going. A thing that seemed to prove quite costly to him in the long run. He could hear voices coming from in front of him. Voices that sounded like they were definitely female, and also seemed to be quite a bit away. Well either that or they were whispering. The latter actually proved to be the truth, and he didn’t even have time to avoid the head on collision when he looked up to find the girls directly in front of him. With a cry, he went tumbling to the ground, girl firmly flung on top of him.

Being much too pissed at this point for niceties, he really went off on the poor girl. “Can’t you even look where you’re going bitch!” The girl smelled human, and as such he took her to be one of the many servants that roamed there halls. “I should have you punished for your insolence. Know your place wench.” Damn he sounded like Sesshomaru.

Now he had been expecting a reaction, but what he wasn’t expecting was to be hauled off and slapped. It hadn’t hurt that much, it was just sort of the fact that some servant had slapped him that got him in a snarling rage.

“How dare you slap me! Do you even know who I am?” He hastily got to his feet, fully intending on relieving his frustrations by screaming at this girl. It was when he stood that he got a good look at her. She was fairly tall, and as far as humans go pretty. She had long back raven hair that was tied up in a ponytail so that only her bangs were hanging in front of her face. She was dressed in a white and pink kimono, with a green apron wrapped around her waist. The thing that surprised him the most however were how her dark eyes were narrowed in anger instead of fear. Just who the hell was this woman?

Bristly she also got to her feet, dusting off her clothes as she did so. “Listen I don’t care who you are. You don’t have the right to talk to me like that, and for your information I’m not a servant.”

Inuyasha’s face tinted a bit in embarrassment, but he still refused to back down completely. “Feh, then who are you?”

Her features softened a little, and to Inuyasha’s surprise became more distressed. “My name is Sango of the demon slayers, and I’ve come to ask for help.” Okay now that was weird.

Arching an eyebrow, he gave the girl a skeptical look. “A demon slayer came to ask demons for help?” He crossed his arms, feeling superior for what seemed like the first time today. “Isn’t that a little nuts?” His hand reached out, and he flexed his claws, making the bones crack as he did. “After all what’s to stop me from killing you right here?”

Sango’s eyes widened a little in fear, and her hands came out in front of her. “No, you don’t understand. My clan has a withstanding relationship with Inutaishou. I was sent here to find him. A demon is attacking and my entire village will be slaughtered if someone doesn’t help!” There was a wild fear in her eyes, and Inuyasha swallowed in apprehension. So some demon was attacking huh? Well this sounded like just the thing to take his mind off of things.

“Where’s your village?” He asked, his claws already aching for some practice. If he couldn’t get Sesshomaru out of his mind by shear will alone, he would do it by beating the shit out of some worthless demon.

Inuyasha’s legs ached from running at full speed through the forest. He bound from tree to tree, trying to get to the village as quickly as possible. He really didn’t know if he should trust this Sango about their supposed ‘alliance’ but it didn’t really matter to him. He wasn’t doing this out of the need to help the villagers, but out of a want for a kill…A big fat kill.

As he drew nearer to the village where Sango had instructed him to go, the distinct scent of blood entered his nostrils. Well the girl definitely hadn’t been lying about the part of them getting slaughtered. The human blood was almost too strong for his sensitive nose to take.

His legs slowed to a halt just outside the entrance when he heard what sounded like a woman’s piercing scream. He could sense a demon close by, and from the feel of it the thing was definitely a powerful one. The thought that maybe he shouldn’t have come out here alone crossed his mind, but was quickly overridden by the need to prove that he didn’t need any help. If there was a powerful demon here then he would slaughter it, and he would do it with his own claws.

With as much stealth as someone such as him possessed, Inuyasha made his way into the village, weary of whatever creature might be lying just inside. He jumped from roof top to roof top, and finally got a look at his prey near the town square.

He was still in human form, but even so a cold shudder went down his spine. There was something weird about this demon. So weird that it almost had him running away right there. He didn’t look that scary. Despite the fact that for some reason he was wearing shackles. He was crouched on the ground, leaving his pink hair to blow in the wind, but there was something about the muzzle he wore. It was like there was something he was missing. Why the hell was he wearing a muzzle anyways?

Feeling like there was no time like the present, Inuyasha sprang from his position atop the roof, claws extended for an attack. “Iron reaver soul stealer!” His claws swung, and had every intention of hitting their target, but it seemed that his enemy had moved faster than he could even see. Not only had he evaded his attack, but what seemed to be a gust of air came from his muzzle, and Inuyasha was sliced across the face.

Inuyasha stumbled backwards, stunned that he had even been hit. Who the hell was this demon? He backed up, much more guarded than when he had started out. Whoever this was he was going to have a damn hard time beating him. The little fucker was fast!

Cracking his claws, he went in for another tack, only to be evaded once again. Completely annoyed by his evasive opponent, Inuyasha didn’t even pause this time. He made slice after slice to his body, trying to at least hit the lightening fast youkai. Growling in frustration, Inuyasha barked out between strikes. “God- dammit- would- you- stop- moving!” He sliced again, and this time the demon moved out of the way of the attack, but then kicked forward, sending Inuyasha flying. The hanyou soared through the air, and ended up landing painfully against the side of one of the huts, smashing the wall to splinters as he hit.

Stars danced in front of his vision as pain ripped through his body. When he hit, he had hit hard. He could feel that at least one of his ribs was broken, and a piece of wood seemed to have lodged itself in his thigh. Blood pooled on the ground, but Inuyasha gave it no notice. No, he was much more concerned by how now one of his legs was practically useless, and he wasn’t fairing too well to begin with.

His opponent didn’t seem to care about his misfortune though. As quick as light he appeared in front of him, crushing him down into the rubble where he had landed. Inuyasha gasped and flailed with all his might as a hand threatened to choke the life out of him. His claws swung in the air, but the bastard seemed to avoid every one of his strikes.

Inuyasha couldn’t move, and it was getting harder to breath as the demon crushed his windpipe. He snarled to try to get him to let up, but nothing seemed to be helping. Black spots filled his vision, and he knew that he would pass out from lack of air pretty soon. There was nothing he could do though. He was going to die like this. His eyebrows knitted together in fear. No! He didn’t want to die like this!

Right before his body was ready to pass out, he heard a ferocious growl come from behind the both of them, and before he knew it the demon was knocked off from atop him and sent sprawling in the other direction. His eyes widened when he saw just who had saved him.

He blinked. No, that couldn’t be right. Sesshomaru wouldn’t actually save him, would he? His eyes cleared of their haziness, and he saw that his glowing stepbrother had actually been the one to knock his assailant to the side. He stood there in all his glory, with a look in his eyes that seemed to set you on fire by just seeing it.

Sesshomaru’s claws hissed as they began to drip a dark green color. The poison that dripped out of them made the hanyou’s eyes water, and he had to breath shallow just to stop himself from succumbing to its effects. Those claws didn’t stay still for long, no soon they were taking gaping swipes at the demon that he had failed to so much as hit.

His stepbrother’s claw connected with the youkai’s shoulder, and as the poison ate away his shoulder blade, he didn’t even cry out. It was like he didn’t even feel pain. Inuyasha had to shield his nose when the smell of burning flesh hit him, and he turned away in disgust when he saw that the demon’s shoulder was now almost completely dissolved.

This didn’t seem to stop the demon though, for in the next instance he was charging Sesshomaru. This didn’t even seem to break the inuyoukai’s calm exterior, and he simply evaded the lighting quick attack, using his light whip to slash at his face. He had hit him, but when the blow connected it severed the tie holding the muzzle to his face.

That was when Inuyasha knew something was definitely wrong. He found this out when what looked to be a miniature version of the demon he had just been fighting flew straight towards him. All he could do to avoid his face being sliced, was slash at the thing with his claws, and it went bounding into the dirt.

Inuyasha immediately scrambled to his feet. He winced in pain as he put weight on his injured leg, but he managed to hobble out of the rubble nonetheless. “Sesshomaru there’s two of them.”

Sesshomaru gave him an annoyed look. “I can see that. Can you take the smaller one?” Inuyasha gave a curt nod, before scanning his surroundings in search of his new opponent. He didn’t have to search for long, because soon his opponent found him. The smaller one came bursting out of the ground, and slashed him all the way up his uninjured leg.

Crying out in pain, Inuyasha tried to slash it before it flew up above one of the houses. “You’ll never catch me hanyou. Not with those two injured legs anyways.”

Not ever being one to like to get mocked. Inuyasha felt the need to disprove that statement. He began to run towards the house, trying his best to ignore the pain and the blood that was gushing from his two wounds. Out of the corner of his eye he saw how Sesshomaru hit the larger one with his whip, and then used his poisoned claws to pretty much claw/melt his face off.

Sesshomaru’s opponent slumped forward, obviously dead, and Inuyasha noticed off handedly how he seemed to have a spider burned into his back. After seeing him fall, the littler one to cry out in anguish. “Juuroumaru!” The little one’s eyes seemed to light up with vengeance. “You killed my brother! Now I’ll kill yours!” With speed too quick for the eyes, he rushed towards him, aiming directly for Inuyasha’s heart.

There was no way to block such an attack, and the demon probably would have ripped his heart out, had a ball of energy not jumped in front of him, slicing the assailant in half even before he reached the hanyou.

Inuyasha stood there stunned as the events replayed over and over in his mind. This had been the second time Sesshomaru had saved him. The adrenaline he had received from battle lessened, and all of the pain he had previously been ignoring in his legs came back full force. The hanyou cried out in pain, and collapsed onto the ground, not being able to support his own weight anymore.

At his scream of anguish, Sesshomaru slowly turned around, and Inuyasha was surprised to see the concern in his eyes. Though that concern was quickly masked with indifference after the youkai had obviously realized he had been showing it. “How are your legs?”

Inuyasha’s hands went to his wounds, trying to put pressure on them to stop the bleeding. “Keh…How the hell do they look?”

Shrugging, Sesshomaru leaned down to examine them. “Yes, well you should be thankful that’s all you got. You would have been dead had I not shown up.” Oh he just had to bring that up didn’t he? Could he really not wait to brag that much?

“Well what do you want, a thanks? I could have done it without you.” He stubbornly stated, refusing to even acknowledge the fact that he would most certainly have perished had it not been for his stepbrother.

All he received in response was a curt. “Indeed.” Inuyasha had been looking away, but his eyes flickered back when he heard the sound of ripping fabric. Sesshomaru’s teeth were gritting against his yukata as he ripped off thin strips with his teeth.

“What are you doing?” Inuyasha was staring wide-eyed, completely baffled by what he was seeing. Sesshomaru grunted in response, and moved to grab one of his bloody thighs. This of course sent a spasm of pain throughout it, and Inuyasha yelped and pulled away. “What the hell do you think you’re doing! Those aren’t pin pricks yeh know. They fucking hurt!”

Sesshomaru once again grabbed his leg, holding it in a vice like grip so that Inuyasha couldn’t pull away. “I’m dressing the wound mutt. If I don’t do this you might bleed to death before we get back to the castle.” Oh. Well now he felt like an idiot. Trying to ignore the sensations his stepbrother sent through him as he wrapped his legs, even in the condition they were, Inuyasha waited patiently throughout the entire painful process. Though there was one thing that was weighing on his mind.

“How did you know to come here?” Sesshomaru pulled one of his makeshift bandages taught as he tied it around his torn up calf.

“That human wench went screaming through the castle that you had gone to face them alone, and she just happened to run into me.” Okay, now he knew that it probably wasn’t the best time, but Inuyasha couldn’t help but laugh. “Did I say something to amuse you?”

Inuyasha tried to get himself under control, but it only made him laugh harder. Truthfully he thought that he was half insane with blood loss. “It’s just she ran into me too, and I called her a wench.”

Now he couldn’t be sure, but he could have sworn he saw what looked almost to be a smile creep onto Sesshomaru’s face, but it was soon gone as the youkai smoothed his face down to its normal masked expression. “Well it looks like I’m starting to rub off on you.”

Inuyasha grinned again. “That’s what I said!” The smile fell from his face as Sesshomaru reached out, ruffling his white main playfully, which was just weird, because he didn’t do playful very well. Sesshomaru seemed to sense this also, because the hand soon fell away, and they went back to their cold silence.

The silence that was only broken when another question popped into the hanyou’s mind. “Sesshomaru why did you come here?” He waited on the question with bated breath. He tried not to look so hopeful, but figured he probably failed in that department.

Though he didn’t know what he was hopeful about. He should have known that Sesshomaru would have disappointed him with his answer. “I couldn’t just let you kill the demon and get the credit for it. How would it look if a hanyou finished them off, and I didn’t even fight?”

Inuyasha grumbled to himself in annoyance, as he tried to get back on his feet. This matter didn’t go too well, and he ended up stumbling sideways. He would have fell back on his ass had arms not caught him before he hit. Sesshomaru had caught him, and that was great and all, but he was too pissed at the moment to care. “Let go jackass.” He shrugged the arms off of him, slumping against a nearby building. If he could just rest here for a moment his legs should have healed enough to get him back home.

“Oh, and tell me oh great hanyou prince what I ever did to get you so obviously pissed off?” Sesshomaru’s tone was chiding, and Inuyasha felt rather childish for even having been pouting in the first place. This of course still didn’t mean he could let the bastard win.

“Go to hell.” Well okay, it wasn’t that good of a comeback, but he was in pain at the moment, and it was really the best he could come up with on such short notice. Plus it seemed to have the desired effect. Sesshomaru’s eyes narrowed in anger, and his lip curled up in a snarl. It was then that Inuyasha was really rethinking that whole ‘desired effect’ thing, because really, who the hell would desire this?

In an attempt to get away from such an angry face, Inuyasha turned his body, hobbling rather slowly back in the direction where his estate was. That was of course when he heard the growled out words of, “You are such an idiot.” come from behind him before he was harshly grabbed and spun around. Sesshomaru’s eyes were blazing, and Inuyasha had to squint, it seemed, to just to stop from being blinded by them. “I’m going to tell you this just once hanyou. The reason I came here today…the real reason, is because I was worried about you. I came here to protect you, because you don’t seem to be able to protect yourself.” Sesshomaru let go of his arm, and headed down the trail Inuyasha had been slowly hobbling along. “I’m sure you can find your way home.” With that his stepbrother turned back into a ball of white light, and disappeared from his sight.

Inuyasha’s pissed off feeling of just being left in this position was outweighed by the warm feeling in his stomach at Sesshomaru’s words. He had come here to protect him. No one had ever done that before. A dumb struck smile spread across his face. Sesshomaru…his protector. It almost seemed too weird to think about. Despite it’s weirdness, it had brought Inuyasha to one very strong conclusion. He wanted Sesshomaru, and he would do anything in his power to get him…anything.