InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We Will Become Silhouettes ❯ Heated Confessions ( Chapter 24 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

We Will Become Silhouettes
Chapter 24: Heated Confessions
“My Lord, the flanks are serving well. The enemy is being driven back into Northern Territory.” Hardly listening, Sesshomaru gave a nod, surveying the countryside filled entirely with blood and death. Countless lives had been lost, and youkai limbs were scattered everywhere. What a meaningless death to die on such a battlefield. A life's worth determined by how quick and thorough you can swing a blade, and how well you can dare to slice through flesh and bone before another blade comes down upon you. He was a warrior though, of course he believed that a soldier's death was the most honorable death one could receive, but not here. The coward hadn't even bothered to show his face yet, and until he did no death received could hold meaning in his eyes, because there would be no meaning left until he saw the creature's head on a stick!
Sesshomaru sighed in contempt, watching as Naraku's forces were being led further and further back. They would win this battle today, of that there was no doubt, but it was only the beginning. The war had really just started, and these stepping-stones along the path were just bringing him one step closer to the one he desired to slay, and back to the one he desired to love…his Inuyasha.
Two months since he had seen the only one who could give his mind peace. Two months since he had kissed the lips of the one he had been in love with since he was a child. He fought to avenge him. He fought to bring about the one who had done so well to cause the unhappiness of them both, and now he stood in misery, wishing with everything in him for this war to be over with, and for Inuyasha to be at his side once again.
Turning around, Sesshomaru began to head back to camp. This battle was all but done, and his presence would only serve as a nuisance. It would shake up his troops to see such power, and it would cause the other side to run off instead of staying and receiving the merciless slaughter they so very much deserved. Any one who was foolish enough to serve Naraku deserved his same fate.
As he neared camp, he gave a sigh. It would be the new moon tonight, and his mate would be human. He had sent Shippou to watch after him, an action he was sure would cause fury in Inuyasha, but it couldn't be avoided. There was a possibility that Naraku knew of the night as well, and if that were true the hanyou would be defenseless, and Shippou was the only one, besides Inutaishou or himself, that he trusted enough to guard him.
Inuyasha would be furious, of course he would, but he trusted the fiery kitsune whom he had made his aid to drag him kicking and screaming along, because if he so much as let a hair on his head be harmed he would make him regret the day he was born. Even if he was not yet in Inuyasha's good graces, he would do anything still left in his power to keep him safe.
He longed to see that face more than any other, because even though he saw that face every night, he awoke unfulfilled, longing to touch the flesh that had teased him so mercilessly in the dreams that were more of a punishment than a relief. He longed to be buried hilt deep in the hot androgynous flesh he dreamed of, and yet in the morning he would wake with the same familiar ache that spoke of teasing images and long lost memories of times when he was happy.
He raised the flap to his tent, shuddering at the thought of the rest that would not come to him, but rather haunt him with visions of his victory, or rather the prize he would receive when he finally caught up to the bastard who had ruined both their lives. It was both his salvation and his curse. What a curse to be seeing the one thing you want more than anything, and yet not being able to do a thing about it.
The thought of it was hot in his mind as he prepared to lay onto his futon and fall once more into his treacherous dreams of days long past, and he would have to…had something not distracted him from his self mandated bits of torture.
…The scent…the scent he could never forget, and yet had not inhaled for quite awhile. Not since the day he left the west.
“Inuyasha.” He said almost breathlessly, turning burning gold eyes around the tent, only to spot the very object of his desires resting precariously upon his desk. What was he doing here? His eyes widened in surprise, and then immediately narrowed at what the implications of what such a thing meant. “What are you doing here?” He practically growled.
“Not excited to see me?” Inuyasha asked, crossing his legs in front of him as he gave him a smirk that sent a wave of excitement pulsing through his blood. A feeling he might have acted on if he weren't so furious that Inuyasha had yet again done something so incredibly stupid!
“Excited? …Not quite the word I would use, you fool!” Inuyasha's smirk began to fade at that, and his face to took on a look of anger.
“Well gee baby I love you too.” He hissed sarcastically, and as always the pet name once more sent a shiver down his spine. “Feh, I would have thought you would be happy, but then again I guess all that crap you were muttering before you left was just bullshit as usual.”
Glaring, Sesshomaru stalked forward, grabbing the hanyou by the shoulders and pulling him forward. “What should I say Inuyasha! Do you know how dangerous it was for you to come!?” He growled. “You are in enemy territory, and on the night of the new moon no less!” His grip tightened. “Why do you insist on doing such stupid things!?”
“I have a knack for it I suppose.” He said cheekily, never failing to keep his eye contact the entire time as they stood just inches apart. “Why do you think I fell for such jackass in the first place…A jackass that after not seeing his property in over two months doesn't even bother to kiss him hello.”
“Kiss you hello? Is that what you want?” He leaned forward, bringing Inuyasha's lips within a hairs breath from his own. He could already feel the hanyou's pulse begin to quicken underneath his fingertips, and the smallest of nods from the inu-youkai was all he needed to act. Pulling Inuyasha the rest of the way towards him, he crashed their lips together.
Excitement raced up Sesshomaru's spine as he deepened the kiss, practically forcing Inuyasha's mouth open from the strength of it. His tongue sang in ecstasy at the taste of his mate after so long. The taste that never failed to send his blood to boiling as he traced ever inch of that hot cavern he had been dreaming was around a part of him that was gaining more blood by the second. He needed him; he knew that much, and he needed him now.
Never breaking from the kiss, Sesshomaru let his hands wander as he began to feel along Inuyasha's yukata, noticing how it seemed to be much easier to feel the jutting of his bones than it used to, but he didn't care about that right now. All he cared about, all his youkai senses would let him care about, was getting the body from the desk down to the poor excuse for a futon that would have to serve as their bed.
He wrapped strong arms around Inuyasha's legs, and was fully prepared to lift him up and throw him onto the bed, but the sudden stiffness in the hanyou's body, and the fact that he had completely stopped kissing made him suspect that something was wrong. Though he shouldn't be surprised, they hadn't exactly left on the friendliest terms.
Pulling away, Sesshomaru leaned back to look into the hanyou's golden irises that seemed almost terrified. “What's the matter?” He asked, feeling a sudden anger spike at his very core at the thought of rejection.
Inuyasha's eyes almost seemed to glisten at that, and his gaze fell ashamed to the floor. “It's just…err...can we just…” It seemed he couldn't bring himself to spit out a single sentence, only biting his bottom lip in a telltale sign that Sesshomaru had come to learn to mean that he was nervous. “Can we just kiss for awhile?”
“We have been kissing.” Sesshomaru said almost annoyed, understanding his mate's hesitation, and yet not fully being able to quell his desire.
“I know just…more.” Inuyasha smiled, leaning in for a kiss that the inu-youkai allowed. Slowly kissing him to get him back into that relaxed state, Sesshomaru trailed his kisses from the mouth to his jaw line, kissing up along Inuyasha's perfect bone structure, all the while letting one hand reach up to stroke his velvety soft ears in an act that never ceased to bring the hanyou to hardness.
He was encouraged by the soft mewls of pleasure leaving the younger's lips, and he used this encouragement to continue his kisses down Inuyasha's neck, sucking softly at the pulse as his breathing turned into sharp heavy pants. Inuyasha really did love it when he played with his ears.
With that thought in mind, his other hand snaked lower; rubbing very softly against the hard sultry flesh that he somehow knew was going to be there. Inuyasha gasped when he touched him, and it only fueled Sesshomaru's desire more when those two thighs tightened up around his hand, smothering it inside a tight heat. The need to be inside a tighter orifice of Inuyasha's body only seemed to increase.
“You don't feel like you only want to kiss.” He teased, and as Inuyasha slightly threw his head back, he leaned up and captured one of those downy soft ears between his teeth. Biting down hard enough to elicit a scream of rapture from his mate as those thighs surrounding his hand tightened up even more.
His hand began to move, causing Inuyasha to positively squirm in pleasure as he continued his assault on his ear. “I can feel how hard you are Dagger.” Sesshomaru whispered huskily, regretting using the nickname when he felt Inuyasha's body stiffen up like a plank. Perhaps they weren't quite back to that point yet.
“Sessh, can I be…” The hanyou started, but then his face colored a brilliant shade of red as he looked away, and Sesshomaru knew at once that he was more than likely rejected. But nothing could have prepared him for the word that left his mate's mouth. “Top.”
Being so utterly floored by such a ludicrous question, it took Sesshomaru a few moments to contemplate such a request, but once he had he responded with a curt and forceful, “No.” that took the shyness out of Inuyasha's face and replaced it with a angered scowl.
“That's not what I meant yeh jackass!” The younger growled. “I just meant on top.” That anger faded into a seductive eyebrow raise and Inuyasha leaned in, placing kiss after kiss along the youkai's neck, letting his tongue snake up until it met his lips, and they once more shared a kiss. “Let me pamper you…pleasure you…love you.” Without even realizing, it Sesshomaru felt himself nod, and because of it Inuyasha smiled against his cheek. “Good. Now go get on the bed.” The hanyou practically purred, loosening his thighs and allowing for Sesshomaru to remove the hand trapped between his legs.
Not really trusting such an unusually giving Inuyasha, Sesshomaru quietly did as he was told, beginning to slowly remove his armor as he made his way to the futon, placing it in it's spot on the shelf as he kept eye contact with Inuyasha who was watching him disrobe. A familiar tightness came to his stomach when he watched a warm tongue snake out to lick his lips in anticipation.
Turning his back on him, Sesshomaru got upon the futon. He waited with bated breath as he watched Inuyasha slip his undergarments out of his yukata and walk forward, straddling his waist. A shiver of excitement ran up his spine when the bare flesh of Inuyasha's thighs ghosted against the hardness that was running up the inside of his leg towards a spot he desperately desired to be buried hilt deep within.
“So Dagger tell me, have you been having any weird…” He was never allowed to continue, because it seemed Inuyasha was on the same thought.
“Dreams?” He asked, leaning down and capturing Sesshomaru's lips as his hands began to explore. One hand was fisted in his hair as Inuyasha leaned down, licking down his chest. Stopping at a rosy bud, Inuyasha lightly bit down, never breaking eye contact as a smirk aligned his face.
“It's been awhile hasn't it?” Inuyasha asked, letting his fangs poke out to bite harder, causing an involuntary gasp to leave Sesshomaru's mouth. “When was the last time?” He said, actually breaking away to lean back on his hips in thought. Sesshomaru practically winced. He didn't want to think of that night. As a matter of fact since it's happened he had tried to push it as far from his memories as possible.
“Inuyasha I don't think that we should…” He started, but a hand on his mouth stopped his rant.
“I wasn't talking about that night. I don't consider that a very loving experience.” He said with sarcasm. “I mean the time before…the time my father found us, and started all this mess in the first place.” His eyes went far away as he sat up higher upon his hips. “It seems like so long ago now.”
Sesshomaru reached up, lightly stroking his long locks. “It does seem like almost a lifetime ago.” His hand stilled in his hair. “Is it something you want to go back to at all?” He asked, wanting to take back the words the moment they left his lips. He didn't want to know the answer to that, because that answer was the one thing he feared above all else.
“Do you even need to ask that?” Inuyasha hissed, anger evident in his voice as both of their inner fears were brought to life.
“Believe me Dagger, those poisonous words would have never reached your ears if I didn't.” He stroked his face, leaning up to capture his lips, but sighed in disappointment when Inuyasha turned his face away. “Don't…”
“I don't know what to do Sesshomaru…I want to be with you, but I…” He was looking away, but the inu-youkai knew that if he weren't his eyes would once more be filled with sadness.
Partially sitting up, Sesshomaru wrapped his arms around now shaking shoulders. “We don't have to right now Dagger. We can wait as long as you want to, because believe me when I say that I will never force you again.”
He began to place kisses along Inuyasha's collarbone, opening the yukata a little more to expose a shoulder, and all of that creamy neck where his mark of possession lay. Inuyasha leaned into the kisses, becoming completely compliant in them as Sesshomaru changed their positions, slowly lowering the hanyou down on the bed so that he loomed over him.
Wrapping his arms around his back, Sesshomaru soothed his mate into relaxation, letting his other hand reach for the tie of his yukata and leaning in to let his lips take over where his hands could not. Unfortunately the head that had almost reached the creamy skin that was waiting beneath the clothing was stopped by hands that were once more shaking.
“Stop. Don't look.” He practically whimpered, causing Sesshomaru's body to stiffen as he thought about just what those words could mean.
“Dagger, I don't care about your scars. I was the reason for them, and so it should only be fitting that I should see them.” His sudden shyness earlier made sense now. He had been trying to shield his body by any means necessary. But the last thing Sesshomaru wanted was for him to be ashamed of his body, because he had been the source of all that pain, and if Inuyasha couldn't bear to look at it, then that also meant that he could never bear to forgive him.
“I don't want you to see.” Inuyasha said almost pleadingly. “I don't want you to know!” He said frantically, and then seeming to realize what he had just said he covered his mouth in horror as if he had just blurted the greatest secret imaginable. Shaking his head, Sesshomaru pushed down the feeling of dread that was beginning to take shape. He knew now that something had to be wrong, because Inuyasha, in all his stupidity, had absolutely no talent in lying.
“Is there something wrong with your injuries?” Sesshomaru asked, already knowing the answer. After all when he had first encountered Inuyasha's scent there had been something off that he just couldn't put his finger on…something almost rotten.
His suspicions only grew when Inuyasha looked immediately to the floor, avoiding eye contact completely. “Nothing's wrong. Warfare has made you paranoid.” He joked, but the youkai was having a hard time finding anything remotely funny at the moment.
Not ever being patient, Sesshomaru lost whatever semblance of control he may have had right then, and simply ripped! The sound of tearing fabric seemed to echo through the room; as if it were all being in slow motion, and the end results were the ghastly marks across Inuyasha's chest being revealed. Honestly, it took everything within him not to blanch at what he saw.
The flesh was a deep purple, seeping and infected as it dripped a dark black liquid from underneath the bandages. It stunk so bad Sesshomaru was shocked he hadn't noticed it before hand, and all in all, it seemed to be worse than the last time he saw it.
“It's not healing?” Sesshomaru asked, not being able to take his eyes of the seeping wounds that by this time should have been completely healed. “How long has it been like this!?” He demanded, furious concern seeping into his voice. “I've spoken to your healers. They told me nothing of this!”
He watched Inuyasha flinch, and decided right then that when he returned home he would chop off those lying bastards' heads and nail them to a stake! How dare they cover for Inuyasha! How dare they let his condition go on any longer than absolutely necessary!
Taking a deep breath, Sesshomaru forced himself to calm down. He refused to lose his temper around Inuyasha anymore, not after what happened last time. He would stay calm, and the lying brat of a hanyou would give him some answers that would cause the murderous rage to quell within his gut.
“Explain.” He bit out through clenched teeth, sitting up so that he was now straddling the hanyou's waist, refusing to let up his weight for fear that Inuyasha would bolt, and by the absolutely terrified look in those golden eyes staring up at him he would have to say that his prediction wasn't that far off.
“It's poison.” Inuyasha replied meekly. “Naraku's miasma is in my blood stream, preventing my blood from healing. They don't know what to do…they can't get the poison out.”
The need to kill that slimy little bastard who had destroyed both their lives grew even more, and in his rage Sesshomaru clenched his fists so hard that a warm stream of blood began to drip onto Inuyasha's now tattered clothing.
It was at that point in time that Sesshomaru's anger shifted from the cowardly bastard who refused to fight him, and instead settled on the hanyou lying underneath him. “You moron. You stupid fool! How could you come here!?” He growled, slamming down hard on Inuyasha's shoulders so that he was pressed firmly into the mattress. “The new moon is coming, and you're away from the healers!”
“I needed to see you!” Inuyasha exclaimed, as if that would explain everything.
“No.” Sesshomaru quickly corrected. “You wanted to see me, and those wants have once more gotten you into trouble!”
“Nothing's wrong with me!” The inu-youkai looked down at his lover as if that was the stupidest thing he had ever heard. He turned his head, looking out the flap of his tent to see the glowing orange sun slowly beginning to set behind the hill. “It's almost sundown. We don't have any time left.”
“Sesshomaru it'll be fine. I'll just be in a little more pain than normal. It's…”
“Quiet!” Sesshomaru barked, not allowing him to continue. “The only reason that poison hasn't taken over your body yet is because your youkai blood is keeping it at bay. Being human for an entire night will surely kill you.”
He watched as Inuyasha's eyes widened, the fact clearly never taken root in that thick head of his. …It really didn't surprise him. “What did you think was going to happen Dagger? Did you think it would just be a mild inconvenience?” By the look Inuyasha was giving him he would have to say he had hit the nail on the head.
Sitting completely up on the hanyou's hips, Sesshomaru placed a clawed hand on the bridge of his nose, trying to think of any possibility of getting rid of the poison. …If he couldn't, well, he was sure his mate would be dead before dawn.
“Sessh…” He heard Inuyasha whimper, and as he looked down to once more reprimand the foolish mutt, his words were swept away from him by the glistening fearful eyes staring up at him. “Am I really going to die?”
The anger completely flooded from his system, and he immediately grabbed Inuyasha's shoulders, pulling him up into an embrace as he crushed their bodies together. “Of course not.” He lied. “I'll make sure you get better, Dagger. All we have to do is think of a way to get the poison out of your body.”
Inuyasha nodded against his neck, squeezing all the tighter as he clung desperately to the youkai. “I'm sorry Sessh, I always screw up.” Sesshomaru nodded, beginning to pet the long mane of hair as he sat deep in thought. “But yeh know…” Inuyasha said against his neck, and he could feel the hanyou smirking against his skin. “You could have been a little nicer about it yeh bastard…I could be dyin' after all.”
He felt his mutt snicker against his skin, but honestly he wasn't in a joking mood. Inuyasha's body heat clung to him like a second skin, the infected wounds radiating heat and making his blood practically boil. Inuyasha must have a high fever, which means his body was still working to fight off infection. The heat was good, and so no matter how uncomfortable, he would share his own heat with his mate if that meant it helped him to fight off this ailment all the faster.
That was when it occurred to him. “Heat.” He said out loud, brainstorming quickly in his head as he formulated a plan. “We'll sweat it out.” He said almost to himself, pulling Inuyasha away from him to share his ideas. “We'll dose you with every antidote we have here, and then we'll put you in a sweat tent, bringing up your temperature so that you have no choice but to expel the miasma from your body.” He nodded, squeezing Inuyasha's shoulders tighter. “This could work.” He shut his eyes, saying, “It has to work.” More to himself than anything. He couldn't do it again. He couldn't bear to lose Inuyasha twice!
Not being able to resist anymore, Sesshomaru cupped both of the hanyou's cheek bones, pulling him in for a kiss, not being able to part as he quickly slipped a tongue into his mouth. He reveled in the taste of Inuyasha's very essence, an essence that was tasting much too human for his likes.
Pulling away, Sesshomaru nuzzled his mate's cheek, not wanting to part to see just how close the sun was to setting. “We have to hurry Dagger, there's not much time left.”
Inuyasha gave a nod, not speaking much, but then Sesshomaru didn't expect him to. He was sure the change was already beginning to occur, and the pain had to be unbearable. The most heart-wrenching thing of all, was his pain hadn't even begun yet. He was sure as soon as the sun went done the screams would start. Giving him one more kiss, Sesshomaru got off the bed, quickly exiting the tent in search of the items he needed.
Watching Sesshomaru leave, the hanyou doubled over on the bed, cursing the setting sun that was now almost none existent. The pain in his abdomen was rising, and he started to wonder if he really wouldn't have been better off staying at the castle with the healers and that stupid fox to look after him. Then again if he really was going to die from this, then he would rather it be at his mate's side.
He couldn't believe his secret had come out so soon, but then what did he expect? It was obvious Sesshomaru would learn about it sooner or later, after all he doubted it would be very easy to hide the fact when he was writhing in pain in a couple of minutes, which he knew for certain he would. His youkai blood was already leaving him, and with the loss his body's weakness nearly caused him to collapse.
Staring down at his hands, he watched his claws begin to shrink into stubby fingernails, and knew his snow-white hair was quickly fading to black, but he couldn't rest his thoughts on such things, because something else consumed his mind entirely. The heat that lit like a fire under his skin sent waves of pain coursing through his body, causing his mouth to open in a silent scream as the agony devoured him.
His fingernails gripped the bed sheets, squeezing with all his might as he fought off the urge to scream at the top of his lungs. He wouldn't scream! If there was one time to be strong, then now was it. With the distress his body was now under, he knew for certain that Sesshomaru was right about this possibly killing him, and if the Son of the West had to die, then he would damn well do it without uttering a sound!
Inuyasha bit his lip hard enough to draw blood as the pressure racking his entire body increased, making it seem like his head would explode from the force of it. He shut his eyes to try to block out the pain, and as he did he felt a hot liquid slip out of them, and for some reason he was certain the liquid was not tears. It hurt! It hurt so badly!
When was Sesshomaru coming back!? How long could it possibly take to round up healers!? His entire body shuddered, and he tried to stabilize it to stop it from going into seizures. This wasn't good. This was all happening too fast!
“Sesshomaru.” He whimpered, keeping his voice down as he began to shake uncontrollably as his consciousness wavered. He felt blackness sinking into his mind, and would have gladly let it take him, but just as he was about to black out two arms wrapped around his waist.
“Snap out of it Dagger!” He heard exclaimed, and the next thing he knew a large `smack' sounded through the room. His cheek stung, just enough for him to open his eyes and see dark golden ones filled with concern staring down at him.
“I didn't scream Sessh…I didn't scream.” Inuyasha moaned, eyes beginning to roll back once again.
Sesshomaru reached down, wiping at the hanyou's eyes and Inuyasha watched with some surprise when he pulled back and his fingertips were coated in blood. “We have to get you to the tent.” Sesshomaru said rather shakily, and the hanyou clung to his neck as he scooped him up bridal style, rushing him quickly to the makeshift tent he had made a few feet away.
Inuyasha grunted as he was laid down onto the earth, the heat from the blazing fire in the middle already making beads of sweat come to his forehead, “It's hot.” He moaned, his nerves on fire as he tried to burrow into the cool dirt.
“That's the point.” Sesshomaru growled, grabbing the crippled body and pulling it into his lap, so that he was right in front of the blazing fire. The fire licked at his skin, raising his body temperature to even higher degrees, and as he struggled to turn away his head, Sesshomaru placed a hand on his forehead, holding him in place. “Stop struggling.” He hissed, using his own leg to wrap around Inuyasha's waist as the hanyou fought. He want nothing more than to get away from the sizzling heat making his blood turn to lava.
“Stop! I don't want this.” He whined, struggling ever more as Sesshomaru brought some putrid looking liquid to his lips, forcing it down his throat. The youkai held both his nose and mouth, forcing him to swallow, and then making his swallow four other different vials along with it.
Inuyasha gasped as Sesshomaru's hand came up to his throat, massaging it and coercing him into swallowing every last drop. The liquid froze his throat on the way down, getting down to his belly and creating an even greater heat than there already was in his gut. He couldn't handle this anymore! He had to get away from the fire!
Struggling with the last of his strength, Inuyasha twisted and writhed on Sesshomaru's lap, trying everything he could to get away from the heat that was consuming his very soul. His eyes were watering as his entire body seemed to be encased in sweat.
“Inuyasha calm down! I know it hurts, but you have to endure it!” The sentiment behind that had been one of concern, but it did nothing to calm Inuyasha's mood, instead it caused him to struggle even more until he had managed to turn around on that lap, looking Sesshomaru right in the eyes as he fought to remain upright.
“I don't want to endure it!” He yelled, hitting Sesshomaru in the chest, which seeing as how he barely had any strength to lift his arms, he would have to say that it couldn't have hurt all that much. “Why should I!? Why should I endure anymore pain that you cause me!?”
He watched golden eyes widen in surprise, before they narrowed to almost slits. “Do you think I want this? Do you think I want to keep causing you pain!?” Sesshomaru growled right back, grabbing Inuyasha by the shoulders and pulling him in close. “I never wanted to feel like this! I never wanted to have someone this close to me…close enough to make me weak!”
“Liar!” Inuyasha hissed, gritting his teeth as another wave of pain washed over him. “You weren't always like this! You weren't always cold, and you know it!”
He heard a scoff, and watched as Sesshomaru actually had the audacity to roll his eyes. “Everyone is kind when they're a child Inuyasha. If I remember correctly you were the same way.”
“It wasn't just that!” Inuyasha shot back with immediately. “You had a good soul! You were more than just kind! You were open! You loved!” Sesshomaru's eyes darkened as he looked away, snarling deep in his chest.
“Yes, and we can see exactly where that got me.” The statement caused Inuyasha to flinch, even in his delirious state he could still remember just what Naraku had told him.
“Not everyone is like that monster, or like your mother.” Inuyasha said, referring to the woman who was still missing. The search parties had come back empty, and they could only assume she ran away of her of volition, abandoned her husband, son, and country at its most dire need. …No wonder Sesshomaru had problems attaching to people. Of the people he had come to trust; one had died, one had raped him, one had cheated on him, and the other had abandoned him. It wasn't hard to see at all why the inu-youkai had grown to be so cynical. He nuzzled into Sesshomaru's neck, trying to push the pain away to a far off existence. “I'm sorry Sessh. I won't hurt you again.”
“But you were the one that was hurt.” Sesshomaru said miserably, wrapping his arms around his lover's back, pulling him even closer in their makeshift sauna. “You're still hurt. You have nothing to apologize for. You never did.” The youkai reached out, wiping away the now sweat soaked bangs from Inuyasha's forehead as the hanyou nuzzled in even closer. “It's I that should apologize. I'm sorry Dagger…I'm sorry for doing all those awful things to you.” Inuyasha was shocked to feel a foreign wetness drip onto his shoulder that he was sure wasn't perspiration. “I couldn't though…I couldn't let myself fall in love with you, so I did everything I could to try to convince myself I wasn't fighting a losing battle. But it wasn't true, I do love you…I always have.”
“I know.” Leaning forward, Inuyasha connected their mouths in sloppy barely there kiss that he hardly had the strength to give before he once more doubled over, hugging his abdomen as an ungodly pain rippled up his spine, causing a whine of absolute suffering to pass through him. He could already feel the prickling behind his eyes, and knew he wouldn't be able to keep consciousness for long. “I love you Sessh, and I…” He said, gasping for breath as he began to pant. His wounds had opened up, dripping out the putrid poisoned blood all over Sesshomaru's lap as Inuyasha's eyes widened to saucers. If his wounds were reopened, did that mean he didn't have any defense against these injuries at all? …Was he really going to die? Looking up at Sesshomaru once again, he noticed how his eyes seemed to hold just as much worry as his own…eyes that really were glistening with tears. He couldn't let it end this way though! He couldn't let it! Forcing as much pain back as he could, Inuyasha struggled to find his voice, managing to croak out, “I forgive you.” Before promptly falling forward onto Sesshomaru's chest, eyes going black to the world.
A.N- Oh wow, I'm even ashamed of myself at that evil cliffie I left with you guys. You must be wanting to chase me with a knife right now huh? I can't help it! I like to create drama…I'm a totally angsty drama queen! But what did you think? They got things straightened out! ….kinda Anyways please review and let me know what you think! Thanks so much for everyone who has read and reviewed! I luv you!!!