InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Web of Iniquity ❯ Dark Comfort ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: The characters of InuYasha are not mine, they are property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.
Rated: NC17
Characters: Naraku and Kohaku
Warnings: Yaoi, Tentacle, Violence, Torture, Angst, Abuse, Anal
=#= Dark Comfort =#=
He looked down, seeing the blood on his hands. The practical, detached side of him knew that the blood wasn't really there, that he'd scrubbed the stains off until his skin was raw. But the stains remained. In his mind. In his heart.
He needed relief.
The thought of how he found that relief made his entire body tremble with fear; and stir with arousal.
Kohaku shuddered with revulsion and need. He knew it was inevitable.
He was going to see Naraku tonight.
Kohaku knelt in front of the rice paper door that separated him from Naraku.
“Master,” he called out, his throat tight with mixed emotions.
The sinister, darkly sensual voice of his master had a dizzying affect on Kohaku, like a drug, and it was a moment before he responded. Sliding back the door, Kohaku let himself in and closed the door behind him.
Settling himself on the floor, Kohaku abased himself in front of Naraku and waited. And waited. And waited. Still, Naraku did not acknowledge him.
Kohaku's desperation and need grew; anxiety broke his body out in a cold sweat. Kami, he hated out much he needed this! His heart ached and his tortured mind would not let him rest. He had to have what only Naraku could provide.
“Master, please look at this unworthy one,” he asked at last. Sometime in the past a different him would have been appalled at the humility and embarrassment of saying and doing such things. That was the innocent him; the him who could afford such luxuries as pride and morals.
He was corrupted, unshockable, unshakable and completely numb inside. At least, he was usually, but not tonight. There was blood on his hands and his guilt was a corrosive acid eating away at his insides. There was so much emotional pain; he shouldn't be able to feel this much shame and self loathing after so long in Naraku's employ.
He wanted relief. He wanted to feel and remember nothing. And Naraku was always happy to give that to him…for a price.
He shuddered with anticipation.
“Please Master…please…” Kohaku's voice caught in his throat. His eyes watered with unshed tears and he pressed his forehead to the floor. He felt the vibrations of footsteps approaching and tensed as Naraku came to a stop standing over him.
“Please…” Kohaku implored him.
“You know what I will do to you?” It was a question, but Naraku phrased it as a statement. Both them knew what would transpire tonight.
“Yes Master. Anything is fine. Anything.”
“You would do well not to say that so hastily,” Naraku purred, his tone gentle and chiding. He knew that he held all the cards and that Kohaku was his to do with as he pleased.
“Anything!” Kohaku said again with devout fervor. “Please!”
“Very well. I will honor our bargain. A memory for a memory, I believe it was?”
Kohaku shuddered. “Yes Master,” he said in a dull voice, feeling as if the jaws of a trap were springing closed on him even though he had come here voluntarily.
Naraku's long, thin fingers trailed though Kohaku's shoulder length brown hair, tugging off the tie that held it up in a ponytail.
“Kohaku,” he prompted softly. “Tell me, when you have a loving sister just waiting for your return, why you come to me instead?”
“Because only you can make me forget,” the boy answered dutifully with a dark shiver. “Because I am already dead, and this body belongs to you, my master.”
Naraku's dark crimson eyes flashed red and he smiled in smug approval.
“Exactly,” he purred in an evil voice. He reached out, massaging Kohaku's scalp gently with his fingertips. “Tell me,” he enticed. “What happened to the obedient son, the caring little brother you used to be?”
Kohaku relaxed his neck, letting his forehead rest on the cold, hard floor. Naraku's touch should have been soothing, but it felt like the spider hanyou was digging unseen fingers into the old wound of his guilt. There was a pressure behind Kohaku's eyes to the point of bringing pain, but the boy did not cry.
“He died…after he killed every one who'd ever loved him,” Kohaku mouthed the answer as he had repeatedly before.
“And now?” Naraku asked, his fingers drifting down to work at the knotted muscles in Kohaku's neck. “What are you now?”
“I am a doll; a puppet. I exist to serve,” Kohaku replied automatically. It was a conditioned response he had been trained to give frequently, except that this time, it came out laden with the heaviness of his current feelings.
“Poor child,” Naraku crooned, his fingers caressing the nape of the boy's neck. “Now be a good boy and give your master a kiss.”
Obediently, Kohaku rose, rising to his knees so that he was face to face with the kneeling Naraku. Taking the hanyou's face between his hands, Kohaku pressed his lips to Naraku's.
Immediately Naraku reared back, jerking his face from Kohaku's grasp. His left hand came up, and casually, viciously, he back handed the boy, sending Kohaku sprawling across the floor.
“Like kissing a cold fish,” Naraku sneered, disdainfully wiping his lips with the back of his hand. “You couldn't even raise the lust of a lecherous old man.”
Mechanically Kohaku righted himself, returning to a bowing position before Naraku.
“I am sorry, Master,” he apologized without inflection in his voice.
Naraku smiled, and it had a cold, sensual, cruel edge.
“Never fear. I will give you a chance to redeem yourself. Come here, my pet.”
Kohaku rose, and on legs that trembled for more reasons that just his pain, he willingly walked back to Naraku. Upon reaching his master, Kohaku sunk to the floor, not so much actively choosing to do so as simply letting his legs collapse in on themselves as his knees went weak. Opening his arms, Naraku gathered the younger man against him, his fingers tenderly stroking the swelling redness on Kohaku's cheek. His other hand skimmed down the slope of Kohaku's back, slipping under the boy's armor to fondle his ass.
“You should know better than to come to me in your battle armor,” Naraku chided mildly as his cruel, clever fingers roamed over Kohaku's hip into the boy's lap. Kohaku let his breath out in a slow hiss as Naraku stroked his half hard erection through the cloth of his pants. In spite of his instinctual fear, the serious misgivings of his mind, the shame and loathing that laden his heart, his body was already verging on a state of full arousal. For his body, there was no anticipation of the pain and damage he would suffer in the future; there was only the here and now and the demand for instant gratification.
Naraku expertly circled the sensitive head with the pad of his thumb, causing Kohaku to shiver.
“Will you be a good pet and undress for me?” Naraku breathed in Kohaku's ear.
The boy shivered again with lust, fear, and nervous apprehension.
“Yes,” he said simply, because he could give no other answer.
He stood and turned to face his master, stripping out of his armor and clothes with hands that shook with a slight tremor. As his pants fell from his hips to the floor, Kohaku fought the urge to cover himself when Naraku's possessive, degrading gaze swept over him from head to foot.
Knowing what was expected of him next, Kohaku fought to hide his vulgar eagerness as his cock hardened to full erection. Tears pricked in his eyes even as his cheeks flushed. His eyelids drooped as the feelings of excitement and passion overwhelmed him. With a drunken stagger, he moved over to the futon and sank down on its pristine white sheets. He fell forward onto his hands; his fear warring with his lust as he forced himself to make the last few maneuvers. It took most of his will and not a little of his desperation to place his cheek on the white silk, with his ass in the air, and use the fingers of one hand to spread his butt cheeks as he used the other one to keep himself stable.
“If my master is pleased with his pet, then please show this unworthy one your affection!” Kohaku pleaded in a husky tenor, his tone heavy with emotional and sexual tension.
“Do you want me, no matter what?” Naraku asked softly, his own cool voice starting to thicken with arousal.
“Yes master, yes!” Kohaku cried, feeling incredibly vulnerable, feeling incredibly excited. “Please master, I need you…” the boy whimpered, his voice breaking as his adrenaline spiked.
“Only I can give you what you need?” Naraku made a statement out of the question.
“Only you, Naraku-sama, only you!” Kohaku sighed with tears glittering in his brown eyes. “Please take me! Please take me and make me forget everything!”
“I may do as I please to you?” Naraku queried again.
“Anything. Anything is fine. Just make me forget! Oh please…please…please…just let me forget!!” Kohaku moaned fervently, his last word coming out as a sob.
“Very well. Since it means so much to you, I will indulge you, my pet.”
Kohaku shuddered as hot liquid pleasure pooled in his groin like oil and the lethal mix of fear, revulsion, and queasy excitement churned in his gut. When the first mobile tip of one of Naraku's tentacles curled around the back of his right thigh and his hip, Kohaku gave a violent jerk, badly startled even though he theoretically knew what to expect. As the next one slithered down his spine towards his neck, he consciously made himself relax, knowing it would be easier on his body that way. It curled around his neck, looping a loose coil around his throat as the smooth and tapered end gently probed at the corner of his lips. His heart gave a frightened leap and his lungs seized with panic, but obligingly, he opened his mouth. The tip pushed in, opening his teeth with a rough shove, and wiggled against the surface of his tongue in a sensual caress.
In blind response, Kohaku's erection hardened, thrusting downward between his legs to hang full and heavy. Another tentacle wound its way across the floor to him, rising up like the head of a snake to dance back and forth in mesmerized unison with the movement of his cock as it twitched. Stretching itself thin and elongated, it wound a spiral upward around the throbbing length without touching it. Then, with immediate constriction, the tentacle closed its coils around his erection like a python, squeezing him unmercifully.
Kohaku came off the floor in a shocked convulsion as torturous pleasure exploded in his head. He whimpered around the thickness in his mouth, a small trickle of saliva leaking from the corner of his lips. The unshed tears in his eyes quickened and spilled over, trailing wet streaks down his face and forehead.
With slow and steady undulations, the tentacle milked him, working at it until a teardrop of white, viscous liquid pearled from the eye. Another, slender, tubular tentacle inched its way up the length of the other one, seeking blindly after that moisture. The tip of the second one opened like a flower, revealing inner walls lined with ring after ring of tiny tendrils topped with barbed suckers.
“NO!” Kohaku shrieked with horrified realization, fighting against the hold the tentacles had on him. He writhed and bucked, but several more tentacles converged on him and pinned him back in his original position—cheek pressed to the white sheet and bottom up in the air.
Naraku's evil chuckle sounded from the background as he stepped forward, letting the loose folds of his yukata fall to the floor. He flexed, the muscles in his abdomen rippling in grotesque synchronization with the muscular coils of his tentacles. Against the lean and ribbed plane of his belly, Naraku's erection swelled thick and rampant; a small white wetness gleaming from the tip of the head.
The redness of Naraku's eyes glowed eerily in the semi darkness, and as the hanyou reached out and trailed possessive fingers down the tight, sweat slick roundness of Kohaku's buttock, a dark smile of predatory anticipation lit his face. His finger wandered downward, tracing the clenched ring of muscles that made up the opening of Kohaku's anus.
“Remember, my pet, that you came to me willingly,” Naraku purred silkily, holding out his hand, palm up, to catch the oily red squirt of gelatinous ooze that one of the tentacles deposited there. “And you begged, so sweetly, that I could not turn you away.”
With a sick, twisted grin, Naraku cupped the red liquid over his other hand, letting the stuff trickle down his hand and finger, onto the tender skin in the crease of Kohaku's ass.
The boy gasped in quick reaction as the gel heated his skin to an icy hot burn, the irritant inside the ooze leaving chemical burns like mild acid. He acutely felt the moment when the liquid slipped through the tight ring of muscles as a droplet eased its way down deep, deep inside of him. He choked back a sob, falling to pieces as the pain intensified.
“Easy, easy my pet! I am not nearly done with you yet! Hush now, that's right, I'll be inside of you in a second. Shhhh,” Naraku crooned as the tentacle inside of Kohaku's mouth bunched, tripling its thickness and cutting off Kohaku's cries.
The tip of the second, tubular tentacle whispered over the skin of the head of Kohaku's cock, causing him to jerk violently. The third tentacle, the one with the ooze producing gland, snaked its way up next to the tubular one. Burrowing inside the second one, the third tentacle filled the inside of the second one to brimming with the oily red liquid. Withdrawing, it made way for other tentacles, all of which were slender and delicate, and topped with tiny, barbed suckers.
Kohaku moaned, the sound thin and high pitched, with a lost, despairing tone to it.
Naraku made a low, hungry, approving sound deep in his throat.
“Very soon,” he promised; the usual, cultured tones of his voice husky and rough with his barely contained excitement. He pushed one long finger into Kohaku's anus, closing the mouth of the tubular tentacle over the head of Kohaku's erection at the same time. He laughed with evil delight as Kohaku's scream vibrated against the tip of his tentacle and the boy's hips gave a helpless little jerk as tubular tentacle squirmed and suckled its way up between the coils of the first tentacle and the skin of his erection, slowly swallowing the length of him.
Naraku wiggled his finger, coating Kohaku's tight passage with the burning red liquid. Working two fingers into him, Naraku slipped one of the slender, smooth tentacles inside of him, fastening the little barbed sucker onto the bundle of nerves that made up Kohaku's prostate gland. With one smooth mental command, Naraku pressed the little sucker mouths of his tentacles against the skin of Kohaku's erection, of his neck, ribs, nipples, ass, testicles, and thighs. He hooked the tiny barbs into the skin, and then delivered a small jolt of electricity directly to Kohaku's raw and tender nerves, stimulating the boy to immeasurable pleasure.
Within Naraku's dark embrace, Kohaku's body bucked and writhed, and the spider hanyou lifted him off the floor, holding the boy suspended by his tentacles. The tubular tentacle engulfed the length of Kohaku's cock, and the thick coils of the first tentacle squeezed and undulated around the covered erection, massaging the burning red oil into the sensitive skin. Kohaku screamed and spasmed in blissful pain; his eyes rolling back into his head.
Easily, with a mere flex of his tentacles, Naraku positioned the boy beneath him, the strength of his coils holding the boy's twitching and flailing body still. With the fingers of one hand and the flexible tips of two tentacles, Naraku held him open, and with his free hand he positioned himself against the tight opening of Kohaku's ass. Clenching the muscular thickness of his tentacles to brace the boy's body, he drove his thick cock inside of the boy, forcing the boy's passage to accommodate him with brutality and strength.
With short, impatient strokes, Naraku thrust into him, sending shockwaves of electricity into the boy's body as his tentacles squirmed, caressed, and suckled their way across every inch of Kohaku's exposed skin. The boy's body convulsed, and with disdain, Naraku realized that the boy was about to come. He drove himself inside the boy with hard, rough jerks until he spilled his seed, riding the heady sensation of orgasm to its end. A fraction of a second later, Kohaku's erection twitched and then a hot rush of wetness filled the inside of his tentacle as the boy came.
He grimaced in disgust, rapidly withdrawing the tentacle and then dexterously turning it inside out to dribble the remains of Kohaku's cum on the floor. With far less delicacy than he showed to Kohaku's cock, he withdrew his other tentacles, sometimes tearing the boy's skin when the barbs did no retract fast enough. He eyed the tip of the tentacle that glistened with Kohaku's saliva and wiped it on the sheets with belated fussiness.
With a shiver and sickening sound of bones breaking and reforming, he withdrew his tentacles into himself until his back was smooth and unmarred except for the sprawling, dark mark of the spider. Picking up his discarded robe, he donned it with distracted absorption, the gentle hum of the after glow still with him.
As almost an after thought, he went and crouched over the limp and sprawled form of Kohaku, resting his palm lightly on the boy's forehead. With cruel and quiet ease, he erased the boy's memory of all recent blood and violence, leaving an imprint of their time together vividly branded in its place.
“As per our agreement,” Naraku whispered caressingly down to the unconscious boy, watching with idle fascination as the Shikon shard inside of him healed the recent damage, “A memory for a memory.”
Naraku reached out and smoothed away the damp strands of hair that clung to the boy's face. He smiled a wicked, conceited smile.
“I look forward to our time together in the future,” he purred, standing with a slow and graceful movement, his hand pulling up one side of his yukata back up over his shoulder from where it had slipped down.
He paused at the doorway, still talking to the boy as if he were conscious enough to listen. He gave a slight mocking bow in Kohaku's direction.
“Until then,” he crooned, shutting the door with a soft sound behind him.