InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Weirdness ❯ Why am I thinkin' about you? ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 3
Why am I thinkin’ about you?

Kagome P.O.V
I don’t know who that Inuyasha guy was, but for some reason, my inner youkai wanted me to stay with him. That’s never happened before, so you see why I’m a little confused. The way he talked to me, the way he growled at me when I flipped him, it seemed that I was being controlled. Just thinkin’ about that cocky grin he gave me almost made me jump him, even with his little brother watching. I wonder how big his-
I shook my head. ‘It’s not the time for hentai thoughts, Kagome! You have an interview to get to in an hour. Its bad enough I have to work with that baka wolf Kouga. And we have to go to Sango’s later on.’
End Kagome P.O.V
The sound of her cars blowing their horns and yelling brought her out of her thoughts. Kagome turned around and saw the people in their cars were yelling at her. Just because she was in the middle of the damn street, didn’t mean they had to rude about it, did it?
Anyway, Kagome gave them all the finger and kicked off on her board to Miya residence.

At the Takahashi Residence
“Where the hell have you two been? Shippo, yo were suppose to be at baseball practice an hour ago. And you,” Toga looked at his second oldest, sniffed the air around him and smiled a little.
Inuyasha looked at his father with a confused look on his face. Then he saw that evil smile and immediately began to panic. This could only mean one thing.
“Tell me Inuyasha. Have you taken Shippo to a strip club?”
“No! I didn’t take him to a strip club!! I took him to the mall to buy him that game he wanted! Why do you ask?”
Toga sniffed the air again, just to make sure and said,
“I ask because YOU smell like you’ve been with that bitch, Kikyou. And we ALL know what she’s up to.”
Shippo couldn’t hold it. He had to laugh. He knew Inuyasha would pop a fit whenever someone mentioned HER. And seeing his face was priceless.
Inuyasha, on the other hand, was not laughing. He knew the reason why his father asked him that. It’s because he smelled like he just got through fucking someone. But the fact that his father implied that he actually FUCKED that walking sperm-dumpster was just too much.
“I can’t believe you actually think I’d bang that STD with legs? I have more dignity than that, Otou-san.”
With that being said, Inuyasha went up to his room to think about his day. He thought about calling Miroku and asking him if wanted to go to the new club ‘Shikon’. But, that idea flew right out the window when his thoughts went over to a certain raven- haired female hanyou. Why was he still thinking about that crazy bitch? She was bad news and he knew it, but when she flipped him over and the way she looked at him with such powerful lust, made him want to fuck her brains out right in front of everyone and he knew Kagome wouldn’t care.
Inuyasha gave a very evil sadistic smirk and said,
“Kagome, you will be mine. It’s only a matter of time before your beggin’ me to fuck you raw.”
Miya Residence
“So, may I ask why you were so late, Kags? You were supposed to be here like 10 minutes ago.”
Kagome igrone her friend and sat right in front of the TV. She reached for the PS2 controller and turned on the game.
“Sango, this is not the time for one of your regular bitch-fits. I am not in the mood to deal with it. So, if you would be so kind as to shut the hell up, that would be just great.”
Sango was shocked. Did Kagome Higurashi just tell her off? Damn, it was gonna be a long afternoon. Maybe Kagome was affected by the springtime. Spring WAS after all, the mating season for all youkai, even if Kagome was half demon.
Sango looked over at her friend and saw that Kagome was playing her favorite game, Grand Theft Auto, Vice City. Now was the perfect time to ask some important questions.
“Kagome, is the mating season getting’ to you again? You know what happened last year, right?”
Kagome paused the game when she heard Sango say that. Everyone knew Kagome detested mating season. Whenever she saw an attractive gut, she felt as if she had to fuck that person, youkai or not. Being around guys like Miroku and Bankostu all the time didn’t make it any better.
Then her thoughts switched from the problem to a possible solution; a certain silver-haired hanyou. Kagome didn’t know why her inner youkai told her to make this sexy stranger her mate for all eternity. Just the thought of how his claws felt against her skin and the thought of how strong his dick was made her shiver intensely. But not in a bad way.
“Ummm, you know what Sango, I’ma head on home, okay? The heat is getting’ to me. Tell Miro and Bank that I’ll hang later.”
Before Sango could say a word, Kagome was on her skateboard, already down the street. Using her demon speed, Kagome pushed off as fast as she could to get to her destination; her vibrator.