InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome Home ❯ Live To Tell The Tale ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Welcome Home
By: Fourth Child of Destiny
This chapter's for Manolo, my muse and my beta reader! You are truly this story's guarding angel! =) =) I love you, man!
Also, for all the cool people who've reviewed so far! (A Single Spark)
Chapter Five: Live To Tell The Tale
Rin's POV
I could not believe I was talking to that older girl who always accompanied Sesshoumaru's half brother. Kagome had always seemed so cheerful, it was impossible for me to believe that frosty behavior came from her. I shifted nervously. She seemed to feel my distress. “I am sorry, Rin-chan. I know this is very weird for you. I am sure you have not gone through this before. But you have been the only one to heed my pleas for help.”
The spirit's calm voice resonated through my mind and I breathed out. “What happened to you, Kagome-sama?” I asked shyly, staring ahead at the trees billowing in the breeze. I could sense the agony surrounding her spirit and I regretted asking her about it. I started to cry freely; it was too much to bear. I felt as if my soul had been pierced by her suffering, as if I had been the one who died over and over again. “I shall show you.”
My mind blacked out and when I came to consciousness, I was not in my body.
I was staring at Inuyasha and his friends. We were all gathered around a roaring fire. I spoke, but my voice was not my own.
“I think we should decide what to do with the Shikon No Tama before we fight Naraku. You know, just in case one of us does not come back . . .” The taijiya frowned. “In that case, the survivors would choose the fate of the jewel, Kagome.” I shook my head. “We've equally fought for this, guys. It wouldn't be fair; that's why we need to do this now.” Miroku nodded. “That is wise, Kagome-sama. But, I am afraid it is not an easy decision.” Inuyasha paced around impatiently. “I should become a full demon, that's what!”
I grimaced at his words. “I think we should wish for something that shall benefit us in an equal manner.” Inuyasha sat next to me with a plop. “What about wishing everyone innocent who died at the hands of Naraku to live again?” Miroku suggested. I nodded. “That's a wonderful idea, Miroku-sama!” Sango seemed to agree also. “It's a pretty selfless wish. I think that is what we should do.” I glanced at Inuyasha. He seemed too quiet, staring intently at the darkness. “What do you think, Inuyasha? If you do not consent, we shall find another option.”
He hesitated and deep down, I could not feel anything but disappointment. I took his hand and gave it a squeeze. We stared into each other's eyes and after a few moments, he grunted. “It's fine.” I beamed at him. “Arigato, Inuyasha! You did the right thing.” I whispered and he blushed slightly. “Feh.”
I snapped back to consciousness. It had been odd watching the scene, like the plays Sesshoumaru would take me to. But instead of watching it from the audience, I was an actress myself. “Why did you show me this, Kagome-sama?” I could hear her sigh. “You needed to see that memory to understand what is coming. I do not think you should see this, but I can sense you are wise beyond your years. You can say no if you wish to, Rin-chan.” I nodded. “I wish to see it, Kagome-sama. It's the only way I can understand.” I fell into the trance again.
Flashes of lights filled my brain. Some else's memories flooded through my mind; it all went by too fast. I could not comprehend the bloodshed I saw or the beatings that body suffered.
“You lied to me. You lied! You said . . . we've said the jewel would be used to resurrect those dear to us who had been killed by Naraku! Sango, Miroku and Shippou wished it to be so! ” I exclaimed. Inuyasha lowered his head. “I- we changed our minds, Kagome. Give me the jewel.”
I could see little dots dancing in front of my eyes and my vision blurred. I let out a groan and I clawed at him again. My hand made contact with his cheek, leaving red welts on his smooth skin. Tiny drops of blood ran down and I felt a sickening satisfaction at watching him bleed.
I heard steps not far away from where I was lying, and saw him come near me again. Purple stripes emerged from his face and his eyes bleed crimson, his nails elongating at least three times their normal size. “No more, Inuyasha.” I pleaded, when I felt him pull me up by my hair. He had a cold demeanor that chilled me to the bone. “You promised.” He said in a low voice. “You promised you would always stay by my side.”
My hands went slack at my sides and I collapsed on top of his shoulder. “I love you.” I managed to choke out, the torrent of blood rushing down my shirt; and then nothing, not even a sound. There was just the fraction of a second when I last exhaled and then nothing.
I gasped loudly, clutching my kimono desperately. My whole body was shaky with the aftershocks of those nightmares, of a nightmare that had transpired in my friend's life. “Kami!” I muttered, my mouth dry. I lifted a shaky hand and ran my fingers through my sweaty hair. I could still feel that last breath being viciously pulled out of my chest; I could feel the desperation flowing through my veins. I could taste the salt from Kagome's tears. “No more, Kagome-sama. Don't tell me there are more tragic events.”
The spirit spoke again. “No, Rin-chan. No more, I promise you.” I sniffled and wiped some of my tears away. “I went through a horrible death, Rin-chan. I was betrayed, sold out by the man I loved. I can feel nothing but hate and the need for revenge. I am sorry I cannot feel anything else.” I tilted my head back and gazed at the sky. It was splashed with hints of orange and pink; a few flakes of snow started to fall. “Kagome . . .” I hesitated but her soul urged me to continue. “How is it I can talk to you, see you in my mind?”
“You were dead once, Rin-chan. You unconsciously formed a bond with the dead. It's is quite normal along humans, but people choose not to talk about it.” I sat there, deep in thought. “Has anyone else talked to you?” She answered in my head. “No, Rin-chan. One cannot see if one chooses to be blind. I have been here since I was buried and long before that. Those who wish not to acknowledge my presence will be labeled as ignorant fools and continue being fools.” She stopped. “Besides, I was waiting for a friend to pass by. I was not disappointed.”
I could not help but smile. She spoke warmly now, like the Kagome I knew she could be. “You were always too nice, Kagome-sama. We both were and I think we were too naïve.” I sighed and let my tense shoulders relax. “Kagome. I think you want something from me, don't you?” I could feel her sit besides me. She looked thin and fragile; the complete opposite of whom she had been.
“Rin-chan . . . I know this might sound eccentric, but I need to ask a favor of you. I need you to lend me your body.” I felt confused. “You need my body?” Kagome nodded. “I trust Sesshoumaru travels with you still?” I told her it was true. “I must speak with him, Rin. But he will not see me if I am in this form. I need your body so that I can talk with him; but I will give it back. That I promise you.” I was still dazed. “And what would happen to me?”
“You would fall into a trance, basically. But when I leave your body, you will come back to consciousness. There's nothing to fear.” I bit my lip. “I know this would mean a lot to you.” My eyes grew bright with determination. “I'll do it.”
Kagome's POV
It felt unbelievable to be back in the Living. I could breathe, I could feel! I could feel the squishy mud beneath my feet; I could feel the gentle breeze and the coldness of those flakes of snow. I could not stop grinning, but I knew this would not stay like this forever. Not if Sesshoumaru refused to help. “He will help me.” It surprised me to hear my words coming from a voice unlike my own. I slowed my pace, threading through the small woods. `If he decides to help, everything may not be lost. I may even get my body back. I will haunt you, Inuyasha. Kami help me if I don't destroy you.'
The moon shone it's brightest that night. And as Kagome got closer to the sea, she savored the smell of the salty waters. She savored life and right there, she never thanked someone more than she thanked Rin. `How I long to go visit Kaede-sama again. I wish I could see Miroku, too and visit Sango at her village. I would give her violet lilies, like the ones she used to love.' I blinked away tears that welled in my eyes. “I wish that it didn't hurt so much. Kami help me if this revenge won't free my soul.”
Reader's POV
The wind howled unmercifully, dragging a cold breeze with it. A figure rose from the darkness, unaware that is was being followed. The assailant was tall, silver haired man clutching his sword. His prey was vaguely familiar, but Sesshoumaru would not take any chances. It seemed to be a woman; her feet pattering across the snow. She seemed to be heading to his camp. In one silent `whoosh', he swooped down to the ground. He jumped at his victim, and held Tokijin with intimidating force.
The lone moon reflected its light upon the two figures. It was Rin's body, but not Rin's eyes. These were a blue-ish grey and they held no fear whatsoever. His own eyes widened in shock. “R-Rin? Who are you?” He demanded in his frosty tone. “Rin” smiled arrogantly and cocked her head to the side. “Don't you remember me, Sesshoumaru?” Her cold tone gave him chills and something inside his mind clicked.
A cliffhanger! =) I absolutely love this one! Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I know it's been long, but I think it was worth the wait. Thanks to all of those who read, but please review!
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-Fourth Child of Destiny-