InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome Home ❯ Make Me Unreachable ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Welcome Home
By Fourth Child of Destiny
Important Terms
Shogun: Practical ruler of Japan of the time from 1192 to the Meiji Era beginning in 1868.
Saikyo: Kyoto was known for a short time as Saikyo (meaning "Western Capital").
Edo: (literally: bay-door, "estuary"), once also spelled Yedo or Yeddo, is the former name of the Japanese capital Tokyo.
Shogunate: Also known as `bakufu'; Tent government in Japanese. A tent government is a government of a feudal military dictatorship.
Muromachi Period: The Muromachi period (Muromachi-jidai, also known as the Muromachi era, the Muromachi bakufu, the Ashikaga era, the Ashikaga period, or the Ashikaga bakufu) is a division of Japanese history running from approximately 1336 to 1573. The period marks the governance of the Muromachi shogunate, also known as the Ashikaga shogunate, which was officially established in 1336 by the first Muromachi shogun Ashikaga Takauji. The period ended in 1573 when the 15th and last shogun Ashikaga Yoshiaki was driven out of the capital in Kyoto by Oda Nobunaga.
As always, many thanks to Manolo. You are my faith, my inspiration, and my muse. You are this story's god. Much love to you. =)
To Molly, my great friend. To my sister, my friend, my enemy. I love you to death.
Chapter Six: Make Me Unreachable
Reader's POV
“Rin” stared uninterestedly at the blade. “Yes, Kagome. Now could you put that away?” Sesshoumaru stared at disbelief at the person in front of him. “No one orders this Sesshoumaru around.” How dare she! How dare this . . . human boss him around! And she was in Rin's body to top it all off! “What are you doing here?” Foolish question, he thought, sliding back Tokijin to its hilt. He knew any moves she might try would not harm him. She almost smiled at how messed up the situation was.
“I'm dead. Yes, no need for better explanations. I'm dead, no thanks to that brother of yours.” Sesshoumaru gaped mentally. “The hanyou killed you?” She bit her lip softly. “Yes, and he stole the Shikon No Tama with it. That was about a year ago.” She scoffed. “Damn him to hell. He came with Kikyo to our camp and demanded the jewel. Right after we fought Naraku! Of course, I ran from him and he caught up.” She almost screamed as fresh pain invaded her senses. “The rest is history.” She joked. “Rin walked past my grave.” She continued, answering his unasked question. “I asked her for her body until I could talk to you and she, well, agreed.”
He stood there, soaking all the information in. “And you just came here to ask for my help? You presumed I would take pity of your bad judgment and solve all your problems?” Again, that dark smile of hers.
“It's a start.”
“I don't help humans for free, wench.” He replied arrogantly and watched they way her eyes flared up with fury. “It's Kagome. Ka- go- me. And it won't be for free. I'll sell myself to you if you deem it necessary.” Now that was an offer worth negotiating. “Not enough, human. You'll have to bribe me with more . . . exquisite bait.” He was starting to like that spunk of hers and the way her face flared red with annoyance.
“I'll give you the world.”
Sesshoumaru laughed dryly. “I don't need the world. I have the universe.” She scowled at him then turned around, pacing around quietly. She looked over her shoulder at him. “Spoken like a man born with not only a silver spoon but the whole place setting stuck in his little arrogant mouth.” It took three steps to reach her and grab her arm forcefully. “I will not handle your disrespect and incompetence.”
She twirled, fire in her eyes. “Let go of me. I'm sick of you and people like you. You pretend like you know everything, like you don't need help from anyone. Well, let me tell you something Lord Sesshoumaru. One day, when Rin has children, they'll know you as the man who saved their mother. They'll respect you, look up to you, and share their achievements and their sorrows with you. But when Rin is dead, and her sons are dead and their sons after that, no one will know that Sesshoumaru. You'll just be another tyrant, just another cold hearted ruler everyone will start to hate. And when centuries go by and everyone you knew slowly fades away, you'll die with them alone and unloved.”
“Be my salvation then.” He muttered, cupping her chin and forcing her head up. “You were my brother's salvation. You destroyed that half demon Naraku.” Sesshoumaru tugged on the hair Kagome had pulled back from her face. “Be my breath of fresh air when everything seems so false.” She laughed coldly. “We'll conquer Japan with style and class. No one will stop us, Sesshoumaru.” He raised his brow. “You'll be the most powerful shogun in history. Saikyo is just the beginning of your empire. We'll conquer Edo next. You'll have Japan at your feet; a shogunate unlike any other seen.”
“You seem as if you know too much about this land. Why?” He questioned suspiciously. She just flashed a smile full of smugness. “I know Japan's course and future. I can grant you immortality. The Muromachi Period will belong to Sesshoumaru, the most powerful youkai in the history of this country. You will be feared and respected even after death.” He ran the idea in his mind over and over again. The more he though about it, the better it sounded to him. Therefore, he decided to play along. “And what makes you think I cannot do this on my own, human?”
She made a gesture of her hand, as if she could just wave his silly idea away. “Because to try it on your own would be foolish. You would lose too many men; there would be too much bloodshed. If you use me, however, it will be a guaranteed victory. I hold in my possession every plague, battle, revolution, and emperor of this era. I know when and where to hit. You are smart, Sesshoumaru, but with me you will be smarter. Greater. More powerful. A god.”
`Don't you have anything you want to protect?'
His lips hardened. The memories rushed back to his head like a melodramatic minuet to hate. His face grew pale and he raised a hand to his temple, massaging warily. Kagome face scrunched with worry. “Just a nasty little epiphany.” He mumbled to himself. He closed his eyes.
Power and glorification.
A daring woman by his side.
It just wasn't enough for him anymore.
Others would have jumped at the opportunity. But he wanted more.
** 300 Years Ago **
The cliffs were always the place Sesshoumaru went for thinking. He had made decisions that seemed so important then, but would mean nothing to him in the future. The sound of the waves crashing against shore, the fragrance of the salt of the sea and the wildflowers, the rough sweep of rocks from alarming heights had both eased and distressed him. How many arguments had he had with his father during the last months of his life?
`I want more.'
`You've always have. More what this time?'
`More everything.'
He found it, didn't he? More power. More respect. More fear. More fame. But what did he have now, other than his lands? An empire? No, he didn't have an empire. But he wanted one. Just like his father had. Sesshoumaru had felt shockingly alone there, small and insignificant on the high cliffs, with destruction or glory a few steps away. He could have it all if he stepped off that cliff. But would he have flied up or tumbled and crashed?
`What do you want, Sesshoumaru? What in Kami's name do you want?'
More everything.
** Present **
Kagome breathed in. She would not lose her patience with this man. She tried a different approach. “Tetsusaiga.” His eyes shot wide open and Kagome mentally congratulated herself. “Tetsusaiga for my body.” He weighted his options. Yes, she was a human and could wield it. But she could also betray him. “You hate my half brother so much?” Kagome traced circles with her fingers on his skin. “Your brother and Kikyo betrayed me. He sold me out, the bastard.” She gritted her teeth. “He killed me. Inuyasha killed me without any second thoughts, without any remorse.”
“Would you sell me out?” He sighed, burying his nose on her hair. Rin's hair. Realization slapped him in the face and he pulled away. He had been pulled in by this woman. He needed space to breathe. “Human, your attempts to seduce me will not be my downfall. I suppose you have noticed you are still in Rin's body.” She smiled coyly. “Get me my own body back, then. You can do it, can't you?” She questioned innocently. “I'll give you everything, Sesshoumaru. I'll sell my soul to you, and you'll take me over and over again. You'll take me; have me until both our souls are dammed for eternity.”
She would get under this demon's skin until he agreed to help her. Hell if he said no to her. She had to keep questioning his powers until he bended at her will. Playing with Sesshoumaru was like playing with fire; lethally rushing, but you could get burned. In the last few years, Kagome had grown bold and developed in more ways than one. Seduction was the key to that dangerous game they had both initiated. It was far too late to pull back out. She knew what she had and what she was capable of. She never manipulated others, though, but that was in the past. A new Kagome would rise from the ashes and she would take control of her own life.
She knew she battered a delicate nerve when his fists clenched and his eyes narrowed. “Do not doubt this Sesshoumaru's powers. I will not allow it from a weak human such as you.” She silently scoffed and sat on a rock, absently tugging a white blossom from its fragrant stem. “Possibilities are abstract and changeable. You know that handy little sword of yours can do the trick.” She stared down and frowned at the flower in her hand. It was simple, yet stubborn. Just like her.
He took her arm and pulled her up, his grip unpredictably strong. “And if I don't wish to use Tenseiga to help you? You'll purify me? Little miko, you know your fate is in my hands right now.” He teased her. “It's looking terribly bleak for you, if I do say so myself.” It was Kagome's turn to be angry. Bright, bubbling fury spewed inside her. If she could have wrenched away and clawed him, she would have. “That's cold; just like you. I have no one that I can count on, surprisingly. My friends are dead. Inuyasha betrayed me.”
“You are wallowing in your own self pity. Do not do this.” He responded calmly and with an easy strength that both baffled and enraged her, simply pulled her closer. “You speak of betrayal. Why do you wish for a life so gallantly? How do you defy me so?” Kagome writhed against him in uneasiness. “Because, I have a debt to pay off. And I plan on repaying your brother, that I do.” Sesshoumaru almost chuckled darkly at the irony. “History just repeats itself fifty years later.”
Kagome a hissing sound from the back of her throat and threw herself at him. He easily cuffed her wrists and his hand and squished her form besides his until their bodied molded against one another. “Don't compare me to Kikyo.”
“I wasn't going to.”
He caught her head and pulled her protesting mouth to his. His lips were hot and clever and had hers parting in sweet reply. That lazy sweep of his tongue sent shock waves of lust throbbing out to her toes. She wasn't prepared for the automatic, unsinkable jolt of pure lust.
He pulled back, pleased that when her lashes slowly lifted her eyes were dark and clouded. Sesshoumaru couldn't fight that daring smirk of triumph. Nothing he could have done could have been more perfectly designed to make her desire wilt. She let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. “Pig.”
“Your savior.” He corrected. “The creator of your new life.” Her eyes widened. “You'll help me?” Sesshoumaru felt cheated. “Weren't you so sure I would help you?” She nodded. “We'll conquer Japan, my wench. I shall be the most feared ruler in history. And you, you shall guide me to victory.” Kagome beamed. “To revenge. To Inuyasha's downfall.” Sesshoumaru bent down and devoured Kagome's lips again. “To power. To immortality.”
She sold her soul to the devil and Kami; she would burn in the deepest pits of Hell for a taste of the demon in front of her. She would give herself to this man and would have her cake and eat it, too. “Life. Don't you get it Sesshoumaru?” she whispered, her hands tightly wrapped around white silk. “Life is like water; as easily as you cup in it your hands, it treacherously slips right through your fingers. You can't hold on it as much as you desire to.” Her eyes shone with welled tears the color of seas. “It's like a midsummer's breeze. It caress your hair, it gives you a breath of fresh air. And then it leaves you with nothing but an empty feeling.”
Sesshoumaru sheltered his astonishment with a cool gaze. He could almost laugh at the game they were about to play. “You think of yourself too much. Like the way your fingers are touching me so. You know I can kill you, do you not?” Her face remained indifferent at the threat; not after all that had occurred between them in such short time. Not after all that would happen between them in the future. He placed his elegant hand on the nape of her neck. “With just one snap of my fingers, I could end your life. Would you take that risk, Ka-go-me?” He whispered into her ear, pronouncing her name mockingly.
Kagome felt her body was on fire. Her mouth had gone painfully dry but her eyes could not drift off that godly face. He had Inuyasha's eyes; it had always been surprising for her to see those warm eyes on Sesshoumaru's face. His eyes were cooler, more impatient, and calmer somehow. His face had a warm hint of color that added yet another dash of exquisiteness to what was already a sinfully striking face. His hair was shades lighter than his brother's. It was longer since the last time they had met.
Her eyes trailed lower. And that mouth! It could mock with exasperating fashion, frown into the thinnest line and worse yet, curve into a smile so cold it could freeze hell over. And how it kissed! His jaw was firm, yet appealingly sported a touch of grace. His nose was straight and was everything aristocratic. To sum it all up was that aura of magnitude, confidence, and arrogance. Add a glint of danger and killer instincts.
She hated to admit that there had been a time in her early years in this era that she had been both allured by and frightened of that aura. She was sure of one thing, though. He was the last person on the world she would allow to see how badly she was now scared by the present, and the future. She lifted her brow. “Well, Lord Sesshoumaru, I'm afraid you forgot one tiny detail.” She spoke in a low voice shy of hot. It was Sesshoumaru's turn to snide at her comment. “And what is that, Ka-go-me?”
Kagome smiled arrogantly and brushed her lips softly against his own. A finger traced his lower lip and she brushed her mouth against his smooth chin in a sensual manner. “I'm already dead.”
Game, set, and fucking match.
Well, here's Chapter Six for you guys! This was a horribly difficult chapter to write. It took me about 6 non-stop hours to get it right. It could still use a lot of work, but seven pages were all I could do.
Before you decide to flame about how Sesshoumaru kissed Rin. . . Technically, he didn't! Yes, he kissed Rin's BODY but keep in mind it was Kagome who possessed Rin. Sesshoumaru has neither feelings nor feels attraction to Rin whatsoever. This IS a Sess/Kag story, after all. =)
Once again, thank you so much for your support and for the people who've joined my fanlisting!
Review Responses:
Nolo: My muse finally reviews! I love you to death. *SUPERFLYINGTACKLEPOUNCE* =) Thank you so much!
pixieme: *Glomp* Thank you so much! I appreciate your review!
Nyro: Kudos to you! Thank you so, so much. I know it's very, very unpredictable but even I don't know how it'll turn out. We'll see.
A. King: Thank youuuu! You bet you'll see more of me; there is no way I'm giving up on this story. Thank you again!
labelle: Once again, thank you so much!! It's good to know you're sticking up with this story.
ad: Thanks for your review. I'll try to update as SOON as humanly possible, but I do have a lot of work.
StarMoonMiko: *Glomp* ^_^ Thank you soo much!
nihilatrix: Thanks for your review. I DO use spellcheckers and my English is close to perfect, but that doesn't mean Microsoft Word will not omit those examples. Angle can be mistyped (Angle-Angel), but since the word is written correctly, it won't mark it wrong. I do appreciate the advice, though. Do TRY to remember they are slip-ups and are not constantly there. I proofread my stories more than five or six times and I attempt to make sure everything is perfectly spelled.
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-Fourth Child of Destiny-