InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome Home ❯ Welcome Home ( Chapter 1 )

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Welcome Home
Disclaimer: Rumiko Takahashi owns the Inu-Yasha characters, not I
For the April drabble contest
She stood in the door of the house, resting her shoulder against the frame as her brown gaze scanned the nature before her. Everything was so peaceful, so quiet… “Mama!” a child's voice shouted. The miko smiled as she straightened away from the door.
“Coming, Kai,” she called back to her son. Kagome took one more look over the surrounding trees and field. How she missed him. Would today be the day? She shook her head, turning to go back into the hut. There she was greeted by a young hanyou with light brown hair, bright golden eyes, and two white triangle ears atop his head. The miko smiled as she bent over to look into her son's face. “What is it?” she asked kindly.
“Tsuki's up,” the five-year-old stated matter-of-factly. Kagome laughed at his tone, messing up his hair as she straightened again.
“Where would I be without your help, Kai?” she asked in return. He smiled back for only an instant before running off to play with the blocks his father had made for him. The miko continued to smile as she went to lift her younger child from her crib in her parent's room.
Tsuki blinked her still slightly sleep glazed brown eyes at Kagome, yawning widely. “Good morning, baby,” the mother greeted, stroking her daughter's brow. Tsuki's silver ears twitched on the top of her head at the sound.
“Mama!” Kai called again, racing into the room in a flash. “I'm hungry,” he whined, tugging at the miko's sleeve. Kagome couldn't help but laugh as the three of them made their way into the main room of the home.
“I hear you. Give me just one second to get out the bowls. The porridge is already done,” she announced to her antsy oldest.
“I'll get `em!” Kai volunteered, racing off once again to pull out the wooden dishes, also hand crafted by his father. Kagome set Tsuki down in a chair near the table at one side of the room before moving to pull the cooking pot from the fire. It was just as Kai was coming back into the room, and she had taken the lid off the pot that a shiver went up her spine.
Kagome instantly straightened, rushing to the door of their home, and peeking out of the matt-like door. The sight before her made her heart stop, and then beat quickly in her chest. It was him. “Inu-Yasha!” she called with a smile, running to the hanyou standing just inside the clearing surrounding their home. He dropped the things he had been carrying to catch her in his arms.
“Hey, Kagome,” he breathed into her ear as he held onto her for dear life. “I missed you,” he went on, nuzzling her cheek with his nose.
“We've missed you too,” she replied, pulling back so she could stare at him. It seemed like forever since she had seen his handsome, smiling face. “Welcome home,” she whispered before kissing him soundly.