InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome Home ❯ Welcome Home ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Welcome Home
<Authors Note: Still adjusting to the formatting issue I just discovered, hope this is easier to read.>
Holy shit my head hurts, I haven't felt this bad since the night after bar hoping on my 21st birthday, and I know I can handle my liquor a whole lot better now. I start to pull the covers over my head to get that damn light out of my eyes, maybe that will also get those damn birds to stop chirping. Nothing should be that chipper in the morning if you ask me. The covers don't really feel like my nicely worn cotton sheets, but I feel so shitty and surprisingly sore, I don't really think I care what is covering my head, as long as that light goes away.
"Stop that you damn birds!" For some reason this must of translated into louder in bird talk. "Ugh." I realize that I won't be able to get anymore sleep with that damn racket going on outside so I start to assess my surroundings, without opening my eyes of course.
For some reason I don't remember my bed ever being this comfortable, it almost feels like I'm sleeping on a giant pillow. Speaking of pillows why is my body pillow so warm today, and firm. Ouch my head hurts; I am never drinking alcohol again. That's another shock; I don't remember even drinking anything. Well I'm too comfy to move from my current position, even if I can't go back to sleep because of those birds. Since I'm already awake I figure maybe I'll surprise those little tweeters, with a little gust of wind. That seems to do the trick, I honestly shouldn't have blown them that hard though, I hope they didn't end up lodged in a fence.
That's when I think to look around, and I receive the shock of my life. This is definitely not my room, let alone my apartment. Hell, it looked like I was inside some kind of mansion. My entire apartment is the size of this room, I can't even imagine what the rest of the place must looks like. I'm almost afraid to do it, but I finally look down. I need to see what I've been holding, since I'm obviously not home so this can't be my body pillow.
All I see is a head of silver, and I freak out. Kagome is going to kill me! Before I start to hyperventilate I try to think back to last night, there has to be something I remember, something that would help me understand how I ended up in bed with Inuyasha.
"Kagome I really don't feel like wasting my time at some stupid business party." I'm already packing up my purse, trying to sneak out before she can talk me out of it. Hell, Kagome's probably only interested in seeing 'the hunk' that is our boss. "Kagura, I can't go without you. I always panic when he talks to me alone, you know that. Come on, be a friend. I'll do anything!" I'm beginning to really concider it, I would love another batch of her delicious chocolate chip cookies. I don't know what Kagome does, but she should really try to sell that shit, it's delicious!
"Okay, I want three batches of your famous chocolate chip cookies, and a home cooked dinner. Deal?" She doesn't even hesitate, which surprises me since she cannot stand cooking. "Fine, just meet me at my desk in twenty minutes and we'll head over together." Of course she runs off as giddy as a schoolgirl, she just doesn't get that interwork relations aren't realistic. Oh well, I gather the rest of my things and run to the rest room to reapply my lipstick. Once I've finished that, I head over to Kagome's desk to wait for her. No doubt she is primping to the extreme for this informal little get together.
I reach her desk about five minutes later, since I just had to stop and grab a snack from the vending machine. I'm not going to starve because my friend was in love with an idiot. Well she isn't there, so I just wait and enjoy my bag of cooler ranch chips. When she finally shows up it looked like she changed into a dress instead of her work slacks and is now wearing some mascara and eyeliner. Well if she wants him, who am I to judge. I haven't dated in years so I'm not exactly an expert, but I still think Inuyasha was completely oblivious to Kagome's advances.
Oh well, we head over to the upper offices where this little shindig is supposed to kick off; I really don't even know the occasion. "Hey Kagome, what's this whole thing about anyway?" She looks thoughtful, like she didn't even think about it before. "I think it's supposed to be some welcome party for Inuyasha's brother. He just got back from the states." At that point I knew she would be unable to help me out anymore, since Mr. Perfect just walking into the elevator with us. I really don't know what she sees in him, he is a complete idiot, nothing but a simpleton, but whatever.
I figure since Kagome is most likely paralyzed I would have the honor of starting a conversation with Inuyasha. "So what's this stupid thing about again?" Inuyasha looks at me and seems about to respond until Kagome takes away his chance by reprimanding me, "Kagura, you can't call it stupid if you're not even sure what it is." At this point Inuyasha turns and looks at Kagome as if he's never seen her before in his life. "Do I know you? I thought I knew every bitch in the building."
For the first time since I've known her Kagome looked completely crushed, then that changed fast into anger, something rare but not uncommon. "What did you just call me you insensitive louse!" Inuyasha's eyebrows rise into his hairline, and he looks almost thoughtful. Of course I decide to just spare Kagome any future embarrassment and explain something to her before the blunt idiot tries and fails. "Kagome, dog-demons consider any single female a bitch. He just said he thought he knew all the single women in the building. Dogs tend to be pretty dumb with their definitions so I'm not surprised you didn't know."
Before Inuyasha can put his obviously angered reaction to use, I exit the elevator into the crowd of people gathering to greet this guy. I smell a very appealing sent in the air, so I figure there might actually be food involved, maybe listening to Kagome wasn't such a bad idea. Speaking of Kagome, where is she, she never caught up to me when I left the elevator. I turn around to see where she went and I see her having what looks to be a very intimate conversation with Inuyasha, well who knew pissing him off would cure his idiocy, if only temporarily. Well since she's occupied I'll just have to go find that food then head out, no reason to stay if she's busy.
I head towards the back of the room, near this floors kitchenette, only to find it empty of any food or people even. I hear the door close and start to turn around when I feel a horrible pain in my shoulder, afterwards everything goes black.
~~~~~~~~~~~~END FLASHBACK~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Oh shit, Inuyasha must have attacked me! I gotta get out of here! I get up out of the bed, and notice there isn't a stitch of clothing on me. What the hell! That idiot must have raped me too! I'm going to kill that bastard! I grab the sheet on the bed and wrap it around me. Now that I'm covered I blast wind from the balcony I just noticed and knock the sorry sod off the bed! "Get up you bastard. How dare you take advantage of me!" The man who stands up after my accusations is definitely not Inuyasha. "This Sesshoumaru believes you were not complaining last night."
I blast him again with an even stronger gust, only to discover the prick doesn't have a single hair out of place. "This Sesshoumaru suggest you desist that." I of course ignore him, he is just a dumb pervert after all, and blast him again, this time with hurricane wind force. I don't even see a twitch from anywhere on his body, and let me tell you I can see everything, so I'd know.
"One more time witch and this Sesshoumaru will reestablish who is Alpha." Completely disregarding his statement I decide a more physical approach would be necessary. I already assumed I wouldn't be able to retrieve my fan, especially since I can't even figure out where my clothes are located, so I go for a punch to the jaw. I jump over the bed and rush him, hoping to surprise him enough to get the first blow. One minute I'm inches from hitting his no-good egotistical face and the next I'm under a very domineering dog, a very sexy naked male dog-demon.
"Get off me pooch." But before I could follow this up with a knee to the jewels I see him going for my throat. Faster than I can move he has his face in my throat and my legs around his hips. "This Sesshoumaru has already proven to you once, but proving it again would not prove to be a problem mate." I then feel him sucking on my neck in just the right spot, almost making me completely forget what he was saying. When it does click I struggle with him suckling my neck to look down at his throat and see some very obvious fang marks. That's when I finally noticed the same smell as yesterday, which was even better now that it carried a hint of my scent.
I know for a fact that this guy could not have been at yesterday's company party, I would know him! "Who are you?" he removes his mouth from my neck only long enough to state, "Yours, though this Sesshoumaru was also your boss, but you reluctantly agreed to quit yesterday." That's when he started sucking what I assume is my mark. "I would never quit my job, especially for a complete stranger!" How I get that much out while so distracted, only proves I have much more self-control than I previously thought.
"This Sesshoumaru would never allow his mate to work such a menial job." I'm about to explain how little I cared what 'this Sesshoumaru' thought when he grabs both my legs and pulls me into his obvious erection. "Then this Sesshoumaru will simply have to convince you again." Before I know it I've agreed to do anything he tells me, and when I wake up the next morning sore and tired, I completely understand how I so easily agreed with him in the first place.