InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome Home ❯ You Shoudn't Force People ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Eqlipse: Mawahahahahaha! Welcome gentlemen to the laptop cage and your doom!

Inu: Shit they're going to have headaches for weeks.

All of the other Inu staff outside metal cage watching. Eqlipse gets her laptop and Naraku, Kouga, and Ronin scatter.

Eqlipse: *Evil smirk* Now who first. *Raises laptop over*

Ronin bumps into Kouga and in his confusion runs past Eqlipse.

Eqlipse: Yay! Easy victim!

E lifts her laptop and clobbers Ronin *Wham* Ronin falls to the floor with a thump.

Ronin: @.@ Ow! My head!

Eqlipse: *pouts* Hey he can still talk…Oh well. MORE fun! *Wham! Wham!....*

There is a pause and a deadly silence

Eqlipse: I guess he's out! Mawahahahaha! Take this you lying son of a bitches.

Chases the others

Disclaimer: I'm really starting to get annoyed!! Damnit I don't own Inuyasha!!

Chapter 7: You Shouldn't Force People

*That Evening*

Everyone was in their own chambers a little before dinner. Tonight would be eventful.

Shippo and Rin smiled mischievously having noticed that their plans had worked out wonderfully. They now had a whole family! The two went to dinner with their uncle Haru and grandfather. Sesshoumaru went to Kagome's room and glided in swiftly.

"Kagome are you ready?"

She had her back to him as she brushed out her glowing hair, her tail swayed lazily behind her. Ears twitching as he neared her she allowed the wind to sweep his hair. He wrapped his arms around her waist and licked her ear tenderly.

"Ummm…yeah I am Sess. Lets go my mate."

He gave her one of his real smiles. Kagome felt her heart stop and her breathe catch.

"Love you should smile more often they make me feel like melting."

She spoke honestly and his eyes filled with his love for her. She smiled warmly yet her eyes still gave off this sort of sadness that was very appealing yet still puzzled him he would have to ask her father about it. He looked over her body appreciatively; her kimono was form fitting a dark blue that accented both her hair and her eyes. The design of the sunset and flowing clouds. She gave a mischievous smirk as he unconsciously licked his lips as her. She draws her finger over his soft luscious lips.

"Later, love later. Now we must announce this to my family and the other lords."

They left the room to arrive just on time for dinner. Kagome and Sesshoumaru made mental notices of how close Akirakane and Sango sat. Hateful glares were sent to Sango and Kagome while jealousy seemed to emanate from the males. Lord Kin wore a happy smile as the children. Prince Haru yipped his approval. Kagome laughed at him as Sango snickered. Lord Kin stood up already knowing that his beloved daughters were mated to the demon lord he trusted very much. His voice commanded obedience.

"Ahem, I would like to announce officially that Princess Sango my eldest daughter has mated Lord Akirakane and my youngest Princess Kagome has mated to Lord Sesshoumaru."

He smiled warmly at the couples.

"Welcome to the family boys."

Sango and Kagome shared congrats and Haru hugged them warmly.

Shippo and Rin began to chatter immediately after their grandfather sat.

"Are you going to be my new uncle(Akirakane)? What do I call you?"

"Can I call you (Sesshoumaru) daddy?"

"Are you two gonna teach me guy stuff?"

Shippo questioned the males mercilessly, excited.

Akirakane answered first. In a very warm family like voice he answered.

"Yes, I am your uncle. Call me Uncle Kane."

Then Sesshoumaru answered in what seemed like him normal voice but if you listened hard you could hear the fatherly tone he had.

"Yes, you may. And yes we will teach you guy stuff."

It was much the same with Rin.

"So you're going to be Rin's new mommy?"

"And you're going to be Rin's auntie?"

"When will Rin get more brothers and some sisters? When will Rin get baby cousins?"

The girls stared at Rin the flashed look of panic spread over their faces before they covered it. Kagome spoke very motherly to her.

"Yes, Rin I am your mommy."

"And I your aunt."

Sango cut in.

"Uh…I don't really know when you will be getting siblings. Nor does your Aunt San know when she will be having your cousins."

After the kids had calmed they ate and Shippo tried to talk of his training when his baby sister kept poking his side.

Sango and Akirakane talked to Kin while Sesshoumaru and Kagome had a private conversation.

"Sess-chan I believe it is about time that my father and we go to check out Akira-kun's castle and his traitor, but first we need to head back to the Eastern Lands."

Sesshoumaru nodded his head in agreement.

As Kouga watched Sesshoumaru with Kagome sit something in him boiled over heated hate. Then it clicked.

`How could I have been so dumb, so blind!'

He got up swiftly and approached the couple. Sesshoumaru along with Kin, Haru, Sango and Shippo sent him suspicious glares. Having been the only ones who knew of Kouga kidnapping Kagome. Akirakane raised a questioning eyebrow. Sango growled protectively as he passed her seat toward Kagome's.

"What's going on?"

Akirakane questioned and growled as he noticed his mate's discomfort. Sango whispered so as not to yell.

"He kidnapped Kagome at one time now he seeks to claim her."

Kouga appeared to Kagome's right because she was on Sesshoumaru's right.

"Lady Kagome may I speak to you?"

His voice was very respectful and pleading. Thinking nothing of it she nodded and gave a reassuring smile to all of her family. Kouga walked her into the dark hallway, to a secluded garden.

"Kagome, I figured it out! How could you?! You're mine!! Use a spell and remove your claim for Sesshoumaru right NOW!!"

He growled out every word as he fumed.

~How dare she mate Sesshoumaru?! She is MY bitch I had a claim on her long before him!~

Kagome gave a snort and rolled her eyes. Her voice became deep and warning.

"You have NO claim to me and I chose the one I want to share my life with Kouga! I will do no such things as you want you fucking bastard! Sesshoumaru is my mate and he will stay as such because I love him! I shall have my family as it is now!"

She gave a harsh laugh at the shocked look on his face.

"Kouga you no longer have my friendship until you can cope with the fact that I was never yours and never will be."

An angry growl sounded as she turned and began to walk away. He snatched her back roughly and pushed her to the wall. Kagome let lose a sharp yelp and struggled forgetting her power in her surprise.

In the dinning room Sesshoumaru's hair stood on end. His eyes started to bleed red.

Sango felt a chill go up her spine. She felt it something was wrong with her sister. Noticing his mate's and Sesshoumaru's discomfort he watched them both carefully.

Haru and Kin let loose twin snarls. They all began to talk at the same time.

"Sesshoumaru, Sango what's wrong…"

"Sesshoumaru something is wrong with…"

"Sango something is wrong with…"

"My grandchildren go to…"

(A/N: Mawahahahaha! Try to figure whose sentence is whose.)

Haru growled harshly gaining everyone's attention and taking control.

"Children go to the other side of the room with my father."

"Akira you comfort Sango! Sesshoumaru you will be needed follow me."

The two ran down the hall to the garden. They could smell Kagome's anger and Kouga lust. Kagome let loose a loud angry howl and just as the two exploded through the door they saw Kouga fly across the garden. Kagome let another growl loose roughly causing the ground to shake under Kouga's body. Kagome's shredded kimono whipped around her body in her fit of rage. Haru looked frantic.

"Sesshoumaru get to Kagome calm her down…if she shows the height of her power now she may kill us all, she is not ready for it! Also if she goes into deathly power she is likely to destroy herself and Sango. The two are connected if Kagome is like this and dies Sango would go into a suicidal depression. "

Akirakane fought to keep Sango with him she seemed have gone into a panicked terror after Haru and Sesshoumaru left.

Sesshoumaru ran quickly to Kagome and enveloped her to his body. He whispered soothingly in her ears and she began to calm. Haru grabbed Kouga as he began to get up.

He glanced to Kagome as she lay in Sesshoumaru's arms shaking. A protective brotherly growl was torn from his chest.

"How dare you!"

Kouga struggled in his grasp, Haru promptly bitch slapped him across the face. By now all of the people of the palace were out side. He looked to the still shaking Kagome and Akirakane who was now outside with Sango who struggled fiercely within his arms casting her a worried look he spoke his commands.

"Sesshoumaru take him and do as you will to avenge your mate, my sister. I trust you will not disappoint me. And give me my sister."

He turned his head to Akirakane his forest green hair having had fallen out of his ponytail holder. Sesshoumaru quickly complied wanting to get his hands on the creature that dared to touch his mate. Haru cradled Kagome carefully in his arms, he purred lulling his youngest sister into a calm state. He held out his arm to Sango who was released from Akira's grip. Moving into her brother's embrace she calmed instantly. Akirakane as well as Sesshoumaru looked at him in question. He merely spoke in a warm, low tone so as not to wake the women he held comfortably in his arms. Every word he spoke reflected the tenderness he felt for the two.

"I have known them for a long time, I have rocked them to sleep from nightmares and sleepless nights. They recognize my scent as that of a comforter. So I calm them easily, give them a few days they will soon react to you better then they do I. This is why they had to mate so soon, so that their powers would be easier to control."

Sesshoumaru nodded his eyes bleeding red as he looked at his mate's state. The group heard a rustle of hurried footsteps and Kin emerged from the door followed closely behind by Makoto. At the sight before him Lord Kin roared in outrage.


Lord Kin marched up to the cowering demon lord Kouga, who was kept still by Sesshoumaru. Kin changed into his true form and swatted him from Sesshoumaru's hands in his rage, he looked to his daughters and gained his composure somewhat. Kin grabbed him by the throat.

"Lord Kouga for such a dishonorable and unforgivable act against the royal family of the West, East, and North, we dethrone you and so in a matter of two weeks a replacement for you shall be found or your tribe will be eliminated. I would not suggest war as it is my son in laws and I are the strongest of the lands and I believe Makoto is not stupid enough to join you when we have a very good advantage point on both you and him. Now go. I would kill you but I do not think Sesshoumaru would appreciate a frantic race for power over your tribe when the western lands are his."

The normal happy mood was gone from Lord Kin's being. His words now were icy, harsh and quite frank. A deep scowl marred his handsome joyous features. He threw Kouga to the floor.

"Now go and do as told or I shall declare war on you myself!"

He growled out ominously and watched as Kouga ran off into the night. The children were not outside so they did not hurry and calmed the two women down.

The crowd had dwindled leaving only Akirakane, Sesshoumaru, Kin, and Haru to comfort the two women. They soon calmed and all went to their rooms.

Eqlipse: Again, I am very, very sorry to all of you and especially you DemonQueen17 because you even reviewed for my apology. *Starts to cry from guilt*

Kagome: Yeah she is really sorry.*Pats Eqlipse's back*

Sango: Ya know what would make you feel better?

Eqlipse: What? *Sniffle*

Sango: *Sinister smirk, Looks at the tied up Narkau, Ronin, and Kouga.* Beating them up.

Eqlipse: *smiles happily* Why yes it would! ^.^


*WHAM! WHAM! WHAM!* Continous whams.