InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome Home ❯ Real Deal ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Welcome Home

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and the others but I do own a few OC.

~ ~ thinking

" " Speaking

* * Action

Sango: Sooo…what's this fic about?

Kagome: I don't know ask Eqlipse.

Sango: Yo, Eqlipse! *yells eqlipse 5 times*

Eqlipse: *Snoring* W-What?!

Sango: I wanted to ask you what this chapter was about.

Eqlipse: Oh…is that all. * They nod yes* Okay! Come here. *Whispering to them*

Sango & Kagome: Really!

Eqlipse: If you readers want to know you have to read.

Chapter 1: Real Deal

In the shadows down wind of all demon noses and out of sight of the clearing a figure watches the group in waiting of the perfect time to make himself known, his mysterious hazel eyes rested upon the two women of the camp and the wind carries his only thoughts to them. ~I've been waiting a long time~

Miroku sits at the edge of the clearing watching the women talk; he is just below the tree that Inuyasha sat perched in is back to the group, mumbling about weak humans and such you know the usual.

Close to the fire Kegome lay with her back to a tree it has taken a while and a few `sits' but Kegome had finally gotten Inuyasha to stop and let everyone rest. Sango sat next to her best friend thinking to herself `it feels like we have been friends forever'. They had been talking and looking off to the moon. For some reason the seemed more alluring, the sky was calm and quiet. The moon was curious to say the least beautiful, though eerie. The girls sit with Shippo in Kegome's lap while Kirara in Sango's. Both the girls had a sense of beckoning off as paranoia. ~Okaaaaaay…Kegome now your being called to by the moon…now your reeealy being creepy.~ They had been talking for a while about Shippo and finally Sango brought up adopting Shippo.

"Keg, I think you should adopt Shippo. You would make a perfect mother for him." She states in a-matter-of-fact voice. At that she had everyone's attention.

"Yes I completely agree with Sango-sama about that. Shippo really adores I don't believe he would choose anyone else." Mirko adds to the conversation and saunters over to the two females who glare warnings at him only to receive a look of pure innocence as he sits in the their little circle in grasping reach of the monk's searching hands. They turn look a back at each other to begin talking again and Kegome's azure blue eyes turn to meet the chocolate brother depths of Sango's, while Shippo excitedly voiced how he would love for Kegome to be his mother. She listened to them carefully asking herself why not, she loves him so much and would love to be his mother. Out of the blue from Inuyasha's tree he starts to mumble and she hears every word. " Feh! Kegome a mother, she is too weak…Kikyo would have made a wonderful mother. She's strong, smart, and careful, for all we know Kegome would accidentally leave the kind. Kikyo is definitely better then her reincarnation!" "WHAT!!!!" Kegome howled much like a dog or wolf at a point where the ground trembled and the trees swayed in agony of her power; she places Shippo down. Then her eyes glowed silver and a bright golden light engulfed her and all in the group but Sango covered their eyes, to her this just seemed right.

As the light cleared they got to look at Kegome. When they saw her Sango stood and went to her side as if second nature while Inuyasha who had fallen out of his tree at her scream, Miroku, and Shippo stared dumbfound and wide eyed. She looked to be a goddess. Her hair was deep ebony black, with midnight streaks, a little past waist length. Her eyes a midnight blue with a tint of silver. Kegome's tail drifting slightly in the wind was about her body size in a half and mirrored her hair in its color exactly, could possibly rival Sesshouamru's tail. Her clothing had changed to azure short kimono tube-top (showing a little belly…hehehehe. Bad Kegome) and skirt that went to her ankles and had splits up both sides to her thighs. It had the moons design and a v-neck so you could see her symbol that lay on her right part of her chest ( NO not on her breast…~mumble~ damn perverts), the sign was a full moon with two swords crossed protectively in front of it. "Kegome, my lady. Nice to have your true form back?" Sango spoke, as she bowed she did not know how she knew but she knew who Kegome was. " Sango, don't be so formal! We have known each other for years too long for that but you wouldn't remember that until I restore you. Here stand before me." Sango complied and the two women remained oblivious to the males who were still at a loss for words. She touched Sango lightly on the shoulder and her form seemed to ripple and her hair turned a brilliant dark violet w/ silver streaks and lengthened to her calves. Sango's eyes a deep and penetrating darker purple with the same silver tint as Kegome. Sango's symbol on her right arm heart on fire with a sword through it and claws just like Kegome's formed on her fingers. Her clothing changes to the same still of Kegome's but are black and silver with a fire design at the sleeves and across the body, her tail was definitely a vixen's for it was fluffy like Shippo and swayed slightly as if following the wind. And as like Kegome when she changed she gained all of her memories of everything of her past, fighting skills, spells, family, and powers.

They both now look from each other to the dumbstruck guys. Since they did not speak Sango contacted Kegome through the mind ~Kegome I think we should introduce ourselves…you go first.~ ~Okay, Sango~ " I am Kegome, legendary Black Eclipse-Moon Wolf demon, protector of the night and wind." She spoke softly and Shippo noticed she looked older more mature. Now Sango spoke "And I am Sango, legendary, Silver Fox, protector of day and love." Miroku spoke "Y-Y-You're the mystics legend demons…" They both gave him a bright smile. "Yes we are." They replied in unison. Shippo and Kirara sat in front of them and Kegome and Sango looked down gracefully opened their arms. The two jumped to where they belonged .(Ya know. Sango-Kirara and Kegome-Shippo). Then they again looked at the guys. Miroku looked at the two beauties before him, while Inuyasha took a deep breathe and caught two magnificent scents. Kegome's of sweet pink roses after a brief summer rain and the unmistakable scent of warm night calming and enticing all in one. Sango's was scent the call of a broken heart saddening and driving. She smelled incredibly of a golden sunrise with cherry blossoms in the wakening, also the hint of rainfall. ~Hmmmm…they smell GREAT!!!~ Inuyasha could not help but think as he eyed them from head to toe, he could not help but pant (like a dog) at them. ~Sango!~ ~Yeah Keg~ ~You smell that?~ Sango sniffs the air and her eyes widen slightly. ~Yeah, Inuyasha aroused!~ Both Sango and Kegome narrowed their eyes but Kegome was the only one who spoke. " Pup, keep your arousal to yourself, you worthless mutt," she spat at him. His eyes widened and he turned tomato red as the rest of the group including her burst out laughing. (hahahahahaha….got ya Inu. Somebody's been called out! Mwahahahahahah!) Inuyasha shouted with anger. "That's not funny WENCH! I don't care who you are! Never do that AGAIN!" he growled out. Swifter than he any could see but Kegome Sango was over Inuyasha. *Wham* With her clawed hand she had knocked Inuyasha two feet into the ground. "Don't you EVER talk to my sister like that again! She and I have lived for years to put up with your insolence, CUB! "Sango snarled loud enough to scare the birds from the trees as she walked back to Kegome's side. "S-S-Sister, Sango Kegome is your sister?" Inuyasha stumbled over his words. Both Sango and Kegome rolled their eyes.

"Inuyasha let me explain the legend is supposedly known to most demons. It starts from the heavens there will be two demon women. One of night and one of day. These mystic demons were to be brought to a royal family, though it is not named for protection of the family. One the protector of love the other of sorrow. They know all languages to ever be known, including those lost, are clever, and immeasurable fighting skills and many demonic powers. One day to be separated and lost to each other in different time then to come together and melt the hearts of those considered cold and love shall prosper and protect the world from impending evil. Should this not happen then all of us are to be lost." Miroku explained. Inuyasha was stupefied and the girls gave Miroku grateful smiles, silently thanking him for telling the legend. Miroku gives them one of his most charming smiles and goes over to inspect them, and then he starts to circle them in inspection. They watch him from the corners of their eyes. He walks up behind them and puts his arms on their shoulders. "Ladies you are more beautiful than before, I never thought you could go beyond your former beauty." His hand soon started to travel south on both of them. "HENTAI!" both screeched. Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! *Miroku is knocked unconscious by Sango and Kegome repeatedly hitting him with big boulders* Shippo (from Kegome's shoulder) and Inuyasha laugh hysterical "Hmph!" Kegome states as she moves away. "Got damn, perverted monk." Sango mutters as she again goes to her sister's side, they sit in unison under the tree Kegome had layed on earlier that night. Both girls moved their pointed ears (like Sesshou's) slightly. Sango stood and Kegome followed suit and they turned to the right of the camp. "Come out…father."Sango whispers in the wind warmly and Kegome's eyes softened as a figure jumped through the trees to, in front of the two women letting the light show his face. " Hello, my two lovely daughters."
