InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome Home ❯ We Meet ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

~ ~ thinking

" " Speaking

* * Action

Eqlipse: *pouting* Gimme backs my gun.*whining*

Kagome: HELL NO!!!*everyone nods in agreement*

Sess: Many of the reviewers have been asking about our little deal…will you tell them??

Eqlipse:*thinking* I don't know maybe…

Everyone trying to circle Eqlipse.

Eqlipse:*Sweat drop* Uhh…what are you guys doing?? O.O'

Sango: *Evil Smirk* You ARE going to tell US.

Eqlipse: *Raises eyebrow* Oh reeeeeeeally. Am I??

Everyone except Sess: YES!

Eqlipse: You ALL asked for it. Sess-chan could you get over here please. *Pulls out laptop*Sesshoumaru goes behind Eqlipse and laptop.

Inu: What are you listening to her, that crazy bitch for?!

Eqlipse:*typing on laptop* BITCH?! HUH?! He's listening because of THIS.*Press enter button* Mawahahahahahahahahaha.

Everyone except for Sess: o.O

Eqlipse flips on light.

Eqlipse: Welcome to your punishments. Mawahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Girls are in a jail cell full of gay women and the guys in a cell full of gay men.


Eqlipse: Mawahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Oh, while they are busy I'll just tell you reviewers about the deal….Have you noticed that I haven't mentioned someone in this fic yet? Well Sess agreed that if I put lemon in my fic between him and Kagome then he would give me Kouga.*Snickers*

While Eqlipse is laughing she didn't notice that the group had escaped the cells.

Inu: O.o WHAT?! You're gonna LET Sesshoumaru have MY Kagome!

Eqlipse:^.^ YUP! *Runs behind Sesshoumaru.*

Kagome: Hmmm…I think I like the idea. Sesshoumaru we haven't kissed yet in the fic.

All looking at Kagome: O.O

Sesshoumaru: I like the way you think.*Pulls her into is arms* Maybe we should practice. *start making out*

Eqlipse and Sango: ^.^ Let's go!

Inu: NO WAY! Kagome in MINE. *Lunges at the pair*

*WHAM**Inuyasha hits floor* @.@

Eqlipse:*Evil smirk* I just love how heavy my new laptop is. Come on Sango*Sango and Eqlipse drag Akirakane, Inuyasha, and Miroku out of room.*

Chapter 4: We Meet

Disclaimer: GO back to first page


"What do you think Akirakane?" Sesshoumaru questioned.

"I think it is very intriguing maybe you should allow Kiyoshi or Tomo to come to the ball and see if they are there." Akirakane suggested with a shrugged, but his eyes showed mischief for the second time today.

"Yes, I believe that would be interesting," Sesshoumaru was now very curious. ~What female could do that so easily?~ Yes he was beyond curious almost as much as his mischievous friend.


The two weeks had gone by too fast for all of the children of the ruler of the eastern lands, they were now on their way to Sesshouamru's. Last week Inuyasha had become impatient and left with Miroku. No doubt Inuyasha would get Kikyo to help them. Kagome noticed it should have hurt but with her true form and the naivety of the youth of a human shed from her she realized she never loved him. Sango too thought of love, how she had thought she loved Miroku but that was not love at all. Deep sighing the girls turned to their brother who sat between them deep in his own thoughts, Lord Kin has his own carriage. The girls were really curious to why Haru disliked the Demon Ball so like any nosy younger sibling they asked.

"Haru?" Kagome inquired, her Midnight orbs almost dripped with curiousity from the amount that showed in them.

"Huh?" Haru muttered his eyes now looking from either side of him noticing the curious looks. "What?!"

"Why do you not want to go to the ball?" Sango asked Kagome's unspoken question.

Haru's eyes lit with anger. "I HATE this ball because with exception of my sister's it is more of a floor show. Horny sluts run around you in heat hoping that they can seduce you enough for you to mark them while the male indulges in their flesh and if they don't get you they try the next male in power." He spat bitterly.

Looking at his sisters he could see he had clearly surprised them, my eyes gentled to them.

"Oh," was all they could manage at the moment. Shippo next to Kagome began to fight sleep and she picked him up from the seat so she could nuzzle his hair and tentatively lick his cheek. In a motherly tone she soothed him further into sleep. "Go to sleep my little one, rest." Them she began to sing softly:

Let dreams take you away

Brush off stress and rest

Soothing your fears let me be there

Go into the sky my angel and be free

Be happy

Let the winds call to you and bring to you my voice

Erase all tears from existence and be free…

She stopped when she heard Shippo's breathing even. The song was beautiful, exotic like she had used the wind to add her in singing, it was surprising but utterly comforting as it filled the carriage. When she stopped Sango smiled warmly. "Very beautiful, just made." Kagome nodded. "Yes, I think I'll use it for Shippo's bedtime song or maybe I'll make a new one."

Haru had just shook the feeling of sleep from himself as the girls talked over him, low so as not to wake the kit cuddled warmly into his youngest sister's arms.

"Kagome, can you sing in your true form and sound like that?" Haru questioned.

Sango answered for her. "Yes, she can it is beyond beauty. I remember from before we separated she used to sneak off into the nigh to sing in her true for and through her heart to the wind." Sango sighed "quite beautiful."

Kagome's cheeks tinted pink.

Haru looked to Sango. "What about you Sango? What about your dancing display with water?"

Sango looked away now embarrassed herself. "I didn't think you knew of that?"

"Of course I did. I also know of how you two use to dance to get with us of the things you can control compliments to being goddess to form different colors, beautiful and deadly when used correctly. Am I right?"

The sisters looked at each other then nodded yes. The ride had taken no time as they talked and in no time they were at the castle. When he saw his father get out of the carriage Haru got out and offer his hand to each sister as they each got out, one cloaked in a blue clock with a small fox kit in her arms and the other in purple, they had their hoods on. After they were out Lord Kin motioned for them to follow. When they reached the door they were greeted by a servant.

"Lord Kin's group. Please follow me," servant spoke. The group followed and many looked curiously at the cloaked females with them, also lustful women gave Lord Kin and Prince Haru meaningful looks. He growled to himself and the sisters went to either side of him and placed their soft, small hand on his forearm.

"Calm down, Haru." Sango whispered.

Under their comforting gaze he relaxed. Soon after being led to their rooms they unpacked and left their rooms to meet their father who had left earlier in the study.

Kagome's hands were free since she had left Shippo to sleep I her bed, as she walked down the hall with her older brother Haru and older sister Sango, so looking around once to make sure no one was around she began to play with the wide. Sango noticed what she was doing and decided to add her own touch, playing with the water. The water and wind danced playfully around, forming an exotic dance. Haru was enchanted with the beauty until heard footsteps. He was about to warn them but fortunately they had noticed as well. They gave a quick sniff to the air and relaxed.

"Father, what happened you told us to meet you in the study?" Haru asked.

"Nothing, I just thought you three were messing around so I came to get you." His looked at them in amusement when he received three equally menacing glares.

"Come my young ones." They followed though a little reluctantly after being called immature and `young ones'. Lord Kin stepped into the study followed by Prince Haru and two cloaked females. Lord Akirakane looked at the women and then to Sesshoumaru.

Makoto merely was trying to get a look at them. Lord Kin sat and his children followed to sit next to him.

"Hello Sesshoumaru. All lords these are my sisters Sango and Kagome." Haru introduced the two females. Taking off their off their hoods in unison, Kagome and Sango looked at the three other lords who were taken back by the women's beauty. Haru pointed to every lord as he spoke. "Lord Makoto, Lord of the Southern Lands, Lord Akirakane Lord of the Northern Lands, and Lord Sesshoumaru Lord of the Western Lands."

"Nice to meet you," Sango offered giggling to Kagome in their connection, Kagome giggled as well, from the shocked looks they were getting.

"Pleasure to meet you," Kagome spoke up softly.

Akirakane looked these demo nesses over, and his eyes widen lightly. ~These are the demoness that subdued Tomo and Kiyoshi.~ It dawned on him he looked to Sesshoumaru, who looked like he had made the connection as well. Makoto looked the demoness over again and gracefully stepped in front of the coach and took up both girls' right hands. "So nice to meet such beauties," he complimented, as if unaware of the disgusted looks he received from both females. When he would have kissed their hands he heard two loud, protective growls. He looked up to see both Lord Kin and Prince Haru glaring painful daggers at him, he winced.

Haru turned in his seat as did his father, Haru stated in a distasteful voice. "You WILL release my sisters' hands for they do not seem interested." Lord Kin adds. "Yes, and am very doubtful in of either of them even thinking of being YOUR mate."

Though reluctantly he releases the young demonesses' hands. Lord Kin looks to Sesshoumaru and Akirakane who had both almost doubled over in laughter at what was said and the women's looks toward Makoto.

"Young Lords my family and I will be around the castle if needed," he told them calmly and with that done he and his children leave. Makoto left shortly after hoping to get a few moments alone with Lord Kin's daughters. Akirakane looked into golden orbs as he turned to Sesshoumaru whose eyes now glittered with his now blooming curiosity.

"So Sesshoumaru do you still think the same of Lord Kin's daughters?" The gray of his eyes now mixed with a powder blue, from the amount of mischief he felt.

Sesshoumaru eyed Akirakane curiously, in a sort of `what the hell are you up to' way. "I guess not." "But which do you like?" he added slyly. The Lord of the Northern Lands was caught off guard with the last remark, and for a few moments was speechless. Had anyone dared walked into the room they would have been fainted that the two most presumably cold-hearted Lords of lands were speaking friendly and chuckling?

Sesshoumaru chuckled at his friend's loss of words. So Akirakane quickly recovered, his tail twitched behind him as he began to talk again.

"I for one was captured by that vixen, Sango. Kiyoshi was right they smell heavenly but don't have a hint of demon to them," Akirakane smiled. "What of you and the youngest, the wolf demoness, Kagome. I saw the look in your eyes." Sesshoumaru was slightly surprised.

"Yes, I believe they are quite interesting females, though there was something about Kagome that drew me to her. Though I'll only admit it to you and myself," Sesshoumaru answered his voice emotionless.

"I say we pursuit them. After all it has been a couple of centuries since we have seen interesting females." There was a trill of excitement in Akirakane's proposition. Sesshoumaru nodded in acknowledgement to his statement. It had been years.

"Very well, this ball is put into place to find a mate," a small smirk formed his lips.

Kagome POV.

After we left the study and the disgusting snake demon Sango, Haru, and father went to the dojo. I went into my room and was nearly knocked over as Shippo unexpectedly threw himself at me in a hug.

Normal POV

"Momma, where have you been I was so worried," the bright eyes kit complained.

"Shippo, I am fine. Would you like to go with me to the garden?" Kagome coaxed.

"Yeah! I would love to," Shippo's green eyes shinned with love and happiness. Kagome sighed contently as she stroked his hair while moving onto the balcony. With no effort she jumped from it and landed lightly on her feet thusly not being noticed by Jaken or Rin. Kagome strolled up to the cute little girl and stooped, putting Shippo on her shoulder.

"Hey, I'm Kagome. What's your name," she asked sweetly.

"I'm Rin. Rin thinks you're pretty and nice. Who's he?" She asked curiously pointing at Shippo.

Kagome placed the shy looking little fox kit to the ground and nudged him to introduce himself.

"Hi, I'm Shippo," he looked Rin over like she would jump at him. Noticing this Kagome sat and placed her distrustful kit in her lap. Stroking his hair she soothed. "It's okay Shippo, she is harmless." He looked up into her eyes and nodded. Rin looked to Kagome questioningly and with a knowing smile patted the side opposite to Shippo on her lap. Rin practically jumped on her.

"Here Rin wants you to have a flower." Rin hands Kagome a small rose the color of the ocean. Kagome smiled as she took it and placed it in her hair.

"Thank you, Rin. It's beautiful. Rin, Shippo do know what it's called?" Rin and Shippo shook their heads no.

"This is the Nightfall. It is a very special type of floor to me. Nightfall is the combined scent of unearthly nights and fallen sorrows tossed to the winds. It is like a sweet song told by the wind, little ones. Listen, all you have to do is listen." They sat in silence for a while and Kagome howled softly so only those in the garden would hear, the wind picked up slightly but was still warm, as the three sat there. Jaken had finally broken out of his dazed form when she had started to the rose. He swiftly scurried from the garden to his master's bedroom and knocked on the door.

"What is it Jaken," a calm cool voice met his knock.

"M-m-m-milord… t-t-there is a demoness outside… in the garden w-w-with Rin," Jaken squawked... Sesshoumaru was out the door and past Jaken hurriedly.

~That idiot! How could he leave Rin alone with a demon he didn't know or couldn't tell if they had horrible intent? How shall I punish him? ~ He sped to the garden door and stopped when he heard Rin giggling. He raised a fine eyebrow. ~Giggling, she's giggling? Hmmm…with two others He pushed the door open silently so as to get a good look, he had on a scent and ki concealer so it wouldn't be hard to watch without being noticed. The little group's backs were to him. There sat a Kagome, he noted by her scent with Rin and a fox kit on her lap, who smelled oddly familiar.

"Momma, sing for us," his voice chimed.

"Shippo," Kagome fake glared at him and stuck out her tongue at him.

"Come on, please momma. PLEEEEEEEASE." Shippo and Rin looked straight into her eyes and gave her the best puppy dog looks possible. She almost melted in the cuteness of the two.

"Okay." She gave in. "I'll sing but what about." She questions.

"Anything!" Shippo cheered.

"No, I want Kagome-chan to sing of the Nightfall," Rin pouted slightly and Shippo nodded in agreement with her selection.

" Okay, then." Kagome started to sing:

The wind is warm but sad

The should world know her story

She hides among the darkness lost in shadow and hurt

Her only friend is Nightfall and the world's sight

Nightfall comfort her woe

Make her live again

Weep with her my Nightfall

Be her friend and understand little one

Explain to everyone your pain and sorrow

Bring Peace to her my Nightfall

Bring Peace…

Rin looked at Kagome in awe. She smiled happily. Shippo looked at her proud of his mother.

"I even heard she sounds more beautiful in her wolf form." Shippo bounced about excitedly.

"I bet. You have a lovely voice" The little group turned to face Sesshoumaru and Rin immediately burst from Kagome's lap.

"Sesshoumaru-sama, Rin likes Kagome-chan. She is pretty and kind and sings really really nice." Rin sped through her words as she clung to his leg. "Can she be my mother?"

A small blush stole Kagome's cheeks and Shippo laughed at her, Sesshoumaru placed his hand gently on Rin's head and she looked him straight in the eyes.

"Please, Daddy Sess. Please!"

Sesshoumaru watched her as she pleaded. "Perhaps, Rin."

Rin gave in a wondering smile and looked at Shippo who gave a sly smirk. Kagome looked between the two children curiously.

"Come sit with us!" Rin practically shouted at her father figure and pulled on his leg til he was on the ground next to Kagome. Rin gave a smirk and grabbed Shippo from Kagome. "Let's go pick flowers for Sesshouma…er…Daddy Sess and Kagome!"

As they ran of two demons watched them carefully and silence engulfed them.

Kagome side glanced at Sesshoumaru. "So what brought you outside milord?" she asked carefully.

"Nothing but Jaken." He took a breath and became a little dizzy, her smell was beyond exotic. ~Kiyoshi was right she smells irresistible and …she is gorgeous. NO…I did NOT just say that…though she looks kind of familiar. Like my brother's wench, that girl deserves better than my idiot brother.~ He pondered. ~But my brother has been seen for a couple of weeks now without the priestess or the demon huntress. Hmmm…maybe I should question her.~

He looked to see that Rin was within sight then looked to Lady Kagome. She wore a plain pale green kimono that accentuated her curves.

"You should not be so formal you are the daughter of the oldest of all the lords."

Kagome smiled at the comment.

"Kagome, I would like to ask if you have heard of my brother's group."

She looked him square in the eyes and smirked. "So you figured it out have you? I am quite impressed Sesshoumaru but you think I was human do you not?"

Sesshoumaru's eyes reflected his shock though his face remained stoic, he nodded.

Her face turned serious and she debated whether or not she should tell him. Finally, giving up on lying which she disliked she responded. "I trust you know the legend of the mystic demons, as it turns out I am legendary Black Eclipse-Moon Wolf demon. I am she who protects night and wind. I am that of sorrow." Kagome looked away from him sure that he would call her a liar but strangely enough his words surprised her.

"I believe you..."

Kagome turned sharply to him studying his face. ~He's handsome…God he's handsome…I wonder what he looks like under the…ACK…Bad Kagome…you should NOT…be thinking this! ~

Wordlessly he leaned closer. Good God her scent, her body, her beauty. It was getting to him. As was he to Kagome. ~Oh, he smells good…whip cream, fine wine, and is that… strawberries! Gods, he smells edible.~ Unknowingly Kagome let a sexy smile form her lips, from her sinful thoughts. Heat rose in Sesshoumaru and he could not control himself as he placed his lips firmly on to hers, she responded to the kiss almost immediately.

~Her lips are so soft, they tastes like…oh gods… I can't tell.~ Sesshoumaru nibbled at her bottom lip and bit back a moan when Kagome refused, choosing to play with him first, it was turning him on strongly.

Annoyed by the fact that he didn't have easy access to her warm body, without breaking the kiss he pulled her onto his lap. Situating herself comfortably on his lap she locked arms around his neck and he rubbed sensuously on her legs through her silk kimono. Kagome now wanted to deepen the kiss, she pulled his back slightly and nipped his lips painful, he yipped in pain having been caught off guard by her treatments and she swiftly slipped her tongue into his mouth. Their tongues battled for dominance within his mouth and when she began to lose she slyly sucked his tongue into hers. Kagome skillfully ran a fang over his tongue and he shivered with the sensation. They broke apart panting for air while searching each others eyes. Both were interrupted from their thought as they heard the scurry of little feet from the field, Kagome swiftly got from his lap and sat as if nothing had happened. Sesshoumaru wanted to demand what that kiss meant to her, how she felt but before he could Rin and Shippo showed up. Their eyes showed brightly with laughter, they had watched the adults, and figured a way to get them together.

Sango's POV

When the study and that repulsive snake demon were behind us in the study Kagome decided to go to her room, while Haru, father, and I went to the dojo. In the large room the two males sparred but instead of watching I snuck off to a pasture no far from the sparring room.

Normal POV

Sango crept skillfully out on to an open pasture to train herself. "Replica!" Sango shouted and a copy of her appeared. Her copy charged and Sango merely concentrated on out maneuvering it. Unknown to her in a clearing not far away Akirakane trained himself using his sword; he paced each movement. Hearing the commotion he ran to the edge of the clearing trained herself in. ~Hmmmm…interesting, using…an advanced form of replica to train…unique.~ Akirakane eyed her curiously, what exactly was this vixen. It took only seconds for Sango to out do the replica and it was destroyed.

Sango sat down her silver kimono feeling refreshed, without turning she raised her voice for him to hear her. "Don't stay in the shadows, please join me. Lord Akirakane." He was surprised but only smirked as he jumped from his tree. Sango now looked his direction and smiled. She had known he was there but wanted to see how long he would watch her. Akirakane gave her a charming smile.

"What are you…surely you are not demon…not all demon?" He stated to her amused.

She gave a smirk. "Actually…I'm not…I-I would tell you but…" She trailed off as Kagome entered her mind. ~I just KISSED Sesshoumaru! HELL yeah you should tell him!~

Sango chuckled telepathically. ~God damn Kag. Stay the fuck outta my mind would ya?!...But okay I shall tell~ She laughed the whole while.

Her darkly colored purple eyes met his gray that had darkened considerably with his curiosity vividly showing.

Sango began again. "…I am Legendary Silver Fox demon." She sighed deeply and studied his surprise. He had definitely believed her that is a good thing at least. Then he did something totally shocking her. He swiftly stepped forward and wrapped his arms loosely at her waste. He inhaled he scent and it held all of his willpower not to take her. Akirakane broke away from their touch and watched as Sango muttered that she had to go. She left a very confused fox demon in her wake. He smirked suddenly ~just wait `til tonight at the ball~

Kagome and Sango rushed to ready themselves for the ball as Shippo, Kin, and Haru. They had over talked about what had happened that afternoon and were now being rushed. The door was violently knocked on again.

"You TWO hurry up. WE are to be in the ballroom in ten minutes and you two are taking forever," Haru complained through the door. He was dressed in a white kimono with no design and blue across the sleeves. His dark hair was tied back in a low ponytail and his dark green colored tail swished back and forth in his impatience.

"Hold on a minute would you," Sango responded.

"Yeah, we girls need time ya know," Kagome's voice assisted from the door next to Sango's.

The two females opened the door at the same time. "Okay, done." They said in unison.

The guys looked them over. "Nice outfits, BUT it's about time." Haru explained as Shippo jumped into Kagome's arms. Sango and Kagome shot him an annoyed look.

"Very lovely my daughters, it is about time we go." Kin told them and the group began to walk.

Shippo looked at this mother and aunt. "Momma, Aunt Sango. You both look beautiful," he gave them a charmingly, innocent smile.

"Awww…and you look incredibly handsome." Sango told Shippo as she looked into his cute little eyes. He grinned and blushed slightly. Haru who was next to his father before the girls fell into step with his sisters and nephew.

Sango looked to her father and Kagome compliments. "You look irresistible as well father." Sango and Kagome smile as he turns to them.

"Thank you." He smiled dearly at them.

Haru look the girls expectantly but they ignore him to see what he'll do.

"Ahem." Haru coughs as he looks them.

Kagome looks to him clearly amused. "Yes, what would you like dear brother." Haru acts like he had never said anything.

"Okay, okay you look…nice too Haru." Sango admitted grudgingly, her eyes shinned with the semi-hidden tease.

"For a toad," Kagome added loud enough for Haru to hear. Their father chuckled ahead having heard his two daughters teasing Haru.

Swiftly to gusts of wind rushed past him chuckling and right after followed another wind growling. The demon lord just shook his head and chuckled.

"Those three are still very much the pups they think they aren't."

"Come back here you two! I'm gonna tear you apart." Haru growled at them.

"Caught us if you can!" Sango laughed as Kagome used the wind to propel them faster.

"What slowing down are we?" Kagome teased, laughing at his angry growl.

They hadn't been paying attention and crashed into two solid bodies. The two females looked up embarrassedly only to be looking into two sets of eyes. One set gold, the other gray. Sango jumped off of Akirakane just before Kagome did the same to Sesshoumaru.

"WE are sooooo sorry!" They bowed deeply as the two lords picked themselves up.

Haru and Shippo rolled around in laughter at the two-demoness predicaments embarrassing moment. Sesshoumaru rose at delicate eyebrow at them, while yet again Akirakane's foxy eyes tinted with mischief as he looked upon them.

"It's alright." Akirakane soothed the embarrassed demoness.

They lifted their heads and their faces turned crimson with embarrassment. Sesshoumaru for once had to strain hard not to laugh, as did Akirakane.

"Sorry, momma and auntie. It was just so funny," Shippo apologized.

"Yeah, we didn't mean laugh so hard," He added chuckling when Sango sent glares his way and Kagome growled.

The two lords looked curiously between the family members.

"Why, may I ask were you speeding through the hallways?" Sesshoumaru inquired.

"Uh, well…you see…" Kagome stammered for an answer, just as Lord Kin approached and answered for the group.

"Haru acted as a pup would do after being teased by his baby sisters and chased them down the halls." He stated simply to the two younger lords. Lord Kin was obviously wanted laugh from the strain that showed in his face.

"What's so funny?" Sango and Kagome pouted.

"You." Akirakane pointed out.

"Hmph." Was all that was said as Kagome snatched up Shippo and Sango and her stomped off. The guys then burst into laughter. When they were done laughing it was but three minutes before the ball was to start. The four demon males began to walk again.

"Sesshoumaru, Akirakane, quite the accomplishment to see you laughing. So do you two fansy my sisters becoming your mates?" Haru questioned.

"Yes, I think Kagome for Sesshoumaru and Sango for Akirakane. Yes, that would do nicely." Lord Kin added and laughed at their shocked faces. Though they had to admit it wasn't a bad idea, not at all. As they reached the ballroom all eyes turned to them and many of the females there sent suggestive looks and whispered to them hoping that at least one of the four males would sit with them. Makoto was seen off at one of the tables his attention captured by the many seductive females surrounding him, as they walked in. Haru noticed two lone females and a kit so he motioned for the other three to follow. Sango and Kagome looked up as they made there way to the girls.

"Hey, guys." Kagome smiled.

"Yeah, what she said" Sango added cheerfully as she played with Rin and Shippo by her side. Rin gave Sesshoumaru and Akirakane a bright smile but did not give her usual hug because of the demons surrounding them at the moment. Akirakane and Sesshoumaru looked at Sango and Kagome very interested to find that these demonesses did not care what others thought when they saw them playing with a human child.

* Else where*

"Kukukukuku…I will have you my little beauties." A dark figure laughed at the unsuspecting females. " I shall have you and your powers, to do as I bid." He looked at the image evilly. `Oh, how I will taint your souls and break your free spirits.' His black eyes sparked with every evil thought and his dark hair blew gracefully in the night wind. And he had the perfect decoy. He stepped into Naraku's mansion after beating the hell out of Kanna and Kagura.

"Naraku…I presume." He spoke.

Naraku raised an eyebrow. " Who might you be?" He said causiously.

"That is of no concern. I have a deal for you." The figure stated. Before Naraku could say any thing he continued. "Do not doubt that I could kill you easily but… there are only two who can stop me. I want them and if I can not possess them, they are to be destroyed."

Naraku could sense that he was not lying so he made one request. "Before I help who are you?"

The figure that stood before him laughed. "I am Ronin, the beginning and the end of destruction, I reveal in darkness and I am the one to bring the world to the shadow. I am the legendry Shadow Dog Demon." Ronin's tail swished ominously behind him, his dark hair shadowed his face Naraku, but when he lifted his eyes to him Naraku felt fear run through him. Ronin's milk white skin reflected the darkness of Naraku's quarters. This dangerously black hair melted into the darkness.

"Kukukukukukuku…yes Narku you should be afraid of me but you should me more afraid of the goddess from the heavens that threaten to end all darkness for good."

Narku looked up at Ronin briefly before bowing his head. "What shall I do Milord."


Eqlipse: So tell me how was it you like it. I don't know maybe I should have made more fluff between Akirakane and Sango.

Akirakane: That would have been appreciated.

Sango:*pouts* Yeah, how come Kagome gets to kiss Sesshoumaru and I didn't get to kiss Akira…

Akirakane: *pulls Sango into lap* Don't worry…we can do it later.

Sango: *giggle* Hold on pup…like you said later.

Eqlipse: *raise an eyebrow* I don't even wanna know. *pause * Hay Sess. Where's my Kouga?

Sess: Where's my lemon? * holding Kagome around waist*

Eqlipse: *pout * You are sooooo not fair.

Inuyasha and Miroku walk in, jaws drop in surprise. Inuyasha glares at Sess and Miroku glares at Akirakane.

Miroku and Inuyasha: SHE IS MINE!!!

Lunge at the other guys.* Wham, Wham, Wham, Wham*

Eqlipse: * smiles evilly* Now you cute couples play nice. * whispers * And you reviewers review or I just might give you one of the Inuyasha gang members. But NOT Kouga. HE IS MINE TO TORTURE!! Mawahahahahahaha!!!