InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to hell: A.K.A my Life. ❯ Filler - Musings of a hanyou..and the such.. ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Authors Notes: Hurrah! I'm writing this chapter sick! O.o; yes I've decided to try and sit down and write this in one sitting, or laying.. or something... x.x I've just slept for twenty hours, under the influence of NyQuil, which I'll be going and getting later on, soon as dad finishes up with the shovelling. (Which i started, then got yelled at for lol)

So, yay, if anything seems.. odd, it's me! ^^ And if it gets even creepier afterwards, it's cause I took a break and will be under the influence of Nighttime meds again! Hurrah!! Lol. Last time I wrote like that..well I'd refer to you to "To Catch a Falling Angel" chapter 2.... *coff* of Yugioh. *nods*

So.. hai. Anou.. to my reviewer at MM.Org... *blushes profusely* I'm very glad you find my writing good. You were the main reason I actually decided to start chapter 4 amongst all these other projects I have.

(Two Joint Authors - AT ONCE. An IY story to be turned original, a few one shots, and some other stuff... x.x)

Yay. Now, I know you're all tired of me talking. So let's get going...
On with the story!!!! *is shoved aside by Kagome who decides she'll have first say in the chapter *

Authoress Update:

This is technically going to be a filler chapter to get passed the little block that was chapter 4. Expect something much better around chapter 5. I believe that's when Miroku will get his first 'note' from Sora, and when Kagome will start to get a deeper taste of what it means to befriend a depressed Hanyou. O.o; even if she doesn't quite know he's hanyou yet. Heh..


Current Music: Trapt - "The Red"


My top guess is, the teen we saw at lunch, was a break from the teen we were going to be seeing for the rest of the year.

Inuyasha, somewhere between the flying food, and gym class, switched back into a mood that seemed to be an automatic for him. Reserved, secretive and a touch paranoid.

Maybe it was the fact that he'd met somebody from his past, or, maybe it was just that he didn't like this school. Hell, it could be that he was having a bad day, whatever it was, I didn't like it. I'd never had this problem before, with people not liking me, especially not liking me at first glance. Sure, he'd kind of forgotten about that for a minute, but he seemed to be repaying himself for the setback.

Gym class was all the proof I needed. Usually girls and boys had seperate classes, but today was different, our teacher was out, and they were unable to get a substitute, so we were to have class with the guys today, or at least watch them. They were having physicals. Tests, you know? Rope Climbing, Crunches, Push-ups, Mile Running, and Physical Endurance.

Something a lot of the girls were going to enjoy, watching all those guys work out their muscles, and show off their skills. Well, most girls. I never really found it that interesting. The guys were a bunch of idiots who wanted nothing more than to impress one of the flighty teenage girls.

Okay, the others were fine. Miroku would have been around, but he was being nursed back to conciousness in the infirmary, so pretty much Inuyasha was the only one I'd be looking forward to watching. Ano, that came out wrong. I meant, oh..well, I meant that he was the only one who wasn't going to be just strutting his stuff, in fact, it looked like he was about to be in for some punishment, internally dealt no less.

He was fast, no doubt about it. The boys were apparently into their second day of testing, and had finished the mile, and a few other things. Well, Inuyasha, being one of two students to have not been around for the first day, blew everybody clear out of the water by setting a new record. 1 full mile in under 5 minutes.

"...Inuyasha," the teacher stammered, obviously impressed as the white haired teen came to a halt in front of his teacher after a cool down lap, which wasn't cool down really. Probably a 2 minute lapse in his strength. And he didn't even look winded!! In fact, he looked like he'd been holding back. "4 minutes and 13 seconds...that's a new record, by any standards. Amazing!" he praised, still looking abashed at anybody running that fast.

The girls, and even some guys, who were stretching for the next tests, were muttering amongst themselves, the girls in a flustered awe, and the guys in pure amazement.

Looking very unattentive the teen shrugged, "yeah well, I've had practice..."

"Would you consider joining the track team for spring? You'd be a real asset to the team."

Inuyasha blinked at the teacher, then shook his head and set his hands on his hips, "No thanks. I'm not really the group competition type, but, thanks for the offer anyways," he looked vaguely uncomfortable at being reguarded so highly and I had to hold back a chuckle at the slightly blush that crept along his cheeks at the attention.

"Well, if you're sure..."

"I am!" he said abruptly and beat a hasty retreat back to the gymnasium, walking with such a guarded stance that it made me wonder...

Of course, the rest of gym was just as interesting. This looked more like Inuyasha was giving himself a preverbial one two, rather than physical endurance. Not only did he beat and set records left and right, by climbing rope in 1 minute, but he did over 200 crunches in the given 60 seconds (and the record at our school I believe is 130 in 60 seconds.. ) and could out endure everybody. Doing about 20 pull ups before dropping gracefully back to the ground as everybody stared at him in utter amazement. And, as usual, he didn't even look like he'd done half as much as he could of, he hadn't even broken a sweat! (And mind you, that is good..)

(AN: Hahahahahaha... I just had my NyQuil.. O.o; get ready!!!!!.. oro.. either that or there'll be a drooling authoress asleep at the computer in 5 minutes... *pouts* and the pizza's not even done you know weird it is to have such differed hearing? *fwaps her head then goes cross eyed x.x oro)

He didn't even bat a lash at all the attention he was receiving from the girls, and seemed quite oblivious to the looks of jealousy from the guys, I guess he wasn't the attention seeking sort. Either that, or the boy was just inattentive. Huh.

I tried catching him after class, before everybody was excused, but he seemed to have given me a deft slip, and was no where to be found, which was highly annoying.

I gave up after a while, deciding I'd corner him before next class began, or something...

Which of course never happened, in fact, I wasn't too sure he was even in class, until he started answering questions rapidly back and forth with the teacher, who automatically took a random liking to the punk wannabe in the last row.

I guess we found the next literature major. Kouketsu Inuyasha.


(Inu: *sweatdrops watching authoress sorta tilt the side, eyes shutting* oh boy..)

You know, you'd think they'd be a little harder to impress in this school. Then again, it's a ningen PUBLIC school. Hah, who the hell was I kidding. Gym class was the prime example why I loathed such trivialities. Their idea of physical endurance was nothing more than a warm up in my old school.

Physical Endurance should be...sword fighting, hand to hand combat - seeing who could last the longest, running a few miles, Psychological Mentality (Aka: being able to make it through certain, ahem, situations, in a certain amount of time), those sort of things.

I will however, grant that it gave me the perfect opportunity to stretch my muscles, get a good work out, and teach myself never to let my guard down again, even for a minute. It's a lapse in one's stability and over all strategic being like that, that could eventually cause a mortal injury in battle, and lead to a very gruesome outcome.

Yes, that was one of the lessons taught in my school. And yes it was something I lived by. Especially being who I am.

(o.o; mom just told me no more NyQuil.. hehe I think I got on her nerves...oro, this authoress may not finish the chapter in one sitting, said authoress is about ready to fall asleep.. Katty and Inu may have to take over...)

For some reason I found myself drifting back to my old classes, and thinking of everything my teachers had said, taught and instilled in us students. All the essentials of living the life of a youkai. Life had been easy for a while when we were children, little ones, the treaty drawn had been one of a non-specified length, and there were no boundries. Once we hit school age, that's when we got our first taste of reality. That's when we learned the brutality of being a different species, of course, that's also around the time I learned everything I'd ever need to know about

Humans and Youkai had seperated, though some still chose to live together, or at least associate with each other. Years had passed since then, and now it was back to the old ways, constant little spats in the streets at night, or all out fights in public. All over the little things.

Honestly, one would think that everybody would be a bit more mature than having a culteral dispute just because we were different. I mean, christ, who the hell do they think they are! Youkai think they're the greatest thing on earth since life was created, and the humans think the exact same thing.

Who the hell gives a damn. We're different, yet we're exactly the same. Ignorant as Sin.

Of course, I don't think now was the time to be contemplating the differences between Youkai and Ningen...was it?

That was about half way through my pull ups, and nearing the end of class, for some reason the people around me just couldn't take a hint, and kept up their bantering, eventually I disappeared into the boys locker room and snuck out onto the roof to make it to my next class.

I made it early, and was in my seat 5 minutes before the bell rang, which was when everybody from last period was switching over to Gym. I'd gotten the schedule down. Most everybody stayed in the same class all day. Except to transfer to the lab, gymnasium, or the such. I could live with that.

I found out, very quickly, that Literature was going to be easy. It was technically review for me. Literature on Japanese Fairytales and the various effects it had on culture today. Wasn't that something they covered in last year of Junior High? At least it was for me, oh well, who was I to complain, I could actually do something besides fall asleep in class this time.

And so, that was the bond the teacher and I made. She made points, and asked questions, I answered, gained her admiration, and the class got a free day to take notes, or do whatever the hell they wanted.

I had nearly forgotten she was in class, until of course I was leaving for the day and caught sight of her, gathering her things and standing up.


She almost spotted me too, I think. But I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of trying to be Ms. Cheerful to me.

Cue exit stage left, er, right in this case. And time to go pick the squirt up.

At least I hope HIS day was better than mine. Well duh, he was only in first grade...


(And in a fit of insanity ,the authoress admits that, thugh she has some ideas, she has no idea really where this story is going to go, and would like to ask the audience, those that are actually reading, to drop her a line, by mail or review, and lend a helping hand. maybe it's the meds, or maybe it's...whatever, but she wants help. Ideas people.. Ideas... and so you know, I think I'm going to end it after this scene, and just.. go to bed. X.x Yes, short as hell chapter, but hey, it's something isn't it? )

"Inu no nii chan!!" Shippou pretty much squealed when he saw me land a few feet away from the school stairwell and launched himself into my arms.

"Hey shortie, how'd your day go?" I asked in a rare show of interest as we took to the sidewalk in a leisurely stroll the 13 blocks home.

"It was great!" he exclaimed and wriggled from my grasp to settle on my shoulder, "We did a lot of stuff today, studied fairytales, I got to go to gym class, and guess what?! My teacher is Kitsune, like me!"

He pretty much prattled on like that for the entire trip, and though I was generally amused by his enthusiasm for a place that was an idealistic daycare with the implications of 'higher education', I tuned him out somewhere between his new favorite teacher, and lunch. Trust me, it's not something to hear about, getting to serve your fellow classmates meals. At least, not if you ask me...

Tossing my stuff on the table in the kitchen entryway I dropped my kitsune companion off at the sofa and plopped myself down, picking up the remote and settling down for the night. Or, at least so I thought.

There was something I forgot to mention yesterday, I wasn't the only one in this house. No, perish the thought. Oh sure, it wasn't crowded. No, I didn't have a multitude of maids, who were to take care of me, or a cook, or anything like that. No, I had two servents, who weren't technically servents but...actually they were teenagers. Which was the weirdest thing.

Or, at least, they had teenage bodies, they were youkai, so could be ten times as old as me.

Kira - a very congenial fae/white wolf youkai, who had apparently been a servent to my father and mother, all those years back.

and Jendra - a slightly smart assed inu youkai with a sharp tongue, and a sharper left hook, which if I recall from the story correctly, even my half brother was unable to dodge in time.

Kira was different, just by looks, she had blood red hair with a hint of natural brown streaks, and green eyes, with a golden ring. She was tall, and lovely, carrying the pointed ears and stance that made her a wolf youkai. What nobody else saw, was when she was made, she glowed.

I learned that the first night I was here, and found the two girls having an all out fight down in the den. Words had been thrown...and incidently so had a chair, and in the end, Kira had won out, simply by the energy she let loose and the aura of pure power that surrounded her.

Jendra, even being herself, seemed to know when to relent and pretty much high-tailed it back to her living quarters on the 3rd floor.

And that, was how I learned semi-first hand, never to piss off the help. Hell, I pretty much knew they'd be more care-takers and companions than help. And that was fine, I didn't like people waiting on me hand and foot, and there for, we'd come to be friends.

"Inuyasha, feet off the table, television off, dinners done." Came the prissy alto of Jendra, who stole the remote from me and tossed it on the love seat adjacent to where I was currently seated.

"Excuse me?" I querried, arching an eyebrow and turning to look at her.

"You heard me. Get up, get in the kitchen, and eat. Kira's in there now. She's not particularly happy with me, so I don't want you screwing things up with your sarcasm. Now UP!"

The other eyebrow joined it's companion, I'm sure, as I 'upp'ed' myself and ambled into the kitchen/informal dining room to find our little timebomb herself, sitting with Shippou at the table, and munching on Crispy Tempura* as she cast a glance in my direction and perked up.

"Inu-chan!" she grinned and hopped up, bad mood obviously discarded as she dragged me to, and pretty much shoved me into a seat across from hers.

"I made dinner tonight! We've got a guest coming later, well more like a perminent guest.."

"Guest? Who?" I blinked and looked up, a crispy zucchini slice halted half way between my mouth and the plate.

"Kaede ba-chan, your caretaker silly, remember? She was due a while back, but had to postpone her visit and move, until now. So eat up, she comes in an hour."

And down went the zucchini, a little plop into the soy sauce as I stared at the bubbly red head before me. Care taker? Kaede... the old hag from before?

"No shit..." I mumbled, fishing the vegitable slice from the dark liquid and popping it into my mouth absently. "Well, what a wonderful occasion, I'll be sure to be missing."

"Nonsense. Now eat up. I made a family favorite of mine. Kitsune Udon* and Nasu Dengaku* as well as the Tempura you're muching on right now." she was too cheerful, I hated her cheerful. Okay, I hated anybody cheerful, but her especially. For some reason, in the short amount of time I was around, it usually meant I'd end up unhappy as hell.

And naturally, the proof came not even an hour later as I was dragged down from my room, as the doorbell sounded through the house.

"Come on!"

"Let go of me!"

We almost ended up tumbling down the stairs, but was saved that embaressment by both of us having outstanding reflexes.

"Ah, Inuyasha... so good to see you again." the elder voice of the Principal Kaede made me cringe as I stood up a little straighter and crossed my arms.

"Kaede-ba chan.." I replied shortly, and closed my eyes in annoyance.

"So glad to see you remember me, young one." she said her voice crackling in amusement.

"Oh yes, lovely Principal you are."

"I meant," she paused, frowning slightly, "from your childhood, you do remember the priestess who took care of you when your mother was away, do you not."

"M..mother?" I froze and looked at the slightly blondish gray haired woman before me, sure she seemed familiar. But, that... close? Shit, she was from my past. What the hell, I was right again.

"Damn you Kira, you're happiness is my fucking suffering." I groused and she raised her eyebrows.

"Best ye watch your language, Inuyasha. We may not be on school grounds, but I am still your elder."

"Hurrah. And an elder ye be." I mocked and she chuckled, "not so old Inuyasha, I am only in 50's."

"Coulda fooled me..."

She only chuckled again and let Jendra take her bags to her room, on the first landing, a floor below mine. She was to be near the formal living room and one of the lower bathrooms.

And apparently directly below MY room. Because the moment I turned my music on, there was a knock at my door, and a request from my 'care taker' to keep it quieter.

"You'd think," she mentioned in passing, "that with your elevated hearing, you wouldn't need music so loud."

"No, I don't. I just do it to piss the neighbors off." I retorted and she shook her head, turned and left.

Of course, after that, the music was a little quieter. Not that I needed it loud anyways, I had other things on my mind. Like a certain Raven haired teen, who had surprisingly made a very deep impression in my mind. And it wasn't all from her reminding me of Kikyou.

No, she was different. As different as night is with day.

She was Kagome. Not Kikyou. Kikyou was dead... but, still.

"Bed, Inuyasha!" Kaede's voice interrupted my musings.

"Whatever." I muttered switching the lights off and dropping, rather dejectedly into the bed I'd been sitting on before.

However, it was when Shippou crawled up into bed with me, that I smirked and fell to sleep. No, some things never change.

"Night Inu-no-nii chan."

"Ne, G'night kiddo.."


HURRAH! The end of chapter 4, in ONE SITTING! And it's only 9:17. Yay! yet *Drifts off* i am ready for bed..

So, I guess only my Media Miner friends get to see this chapter. Sorry for the delay.. *yawns* for the foods...

Kitsune Udon
A bowl of white thick noodles and soup topped by sweet bean curd.

Nasu Dengaku
Grilled eggplant with sweet soy bean paste

I can't guarantee what we'll see with chapter 5. I do know that Kira and Jendra will more than likely play a bigger role than I'd planned. Inuyasha will initially find out just how deeply rooted his past is with that house. And Miroku will pay a visit, and be the victim, of a love stricken fae named Sora.

All this and, a pot of coffee...or a visit from Sessy... in chapter 5.
(Look out for it. Tomorrow. Weather and Health Permitting. MY DRIVERS TEST! - 3rd.. x.x And my finals for Comp. Class. Hurrah!)

Later all!!