InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to hell: A.K.A my Life. ❯ Yet another Authors Notes ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Authoress Notes: *shudders*

Gomen Minna-san, this isn't a "No more story" notes, it's just.. bleh, it's a "on hold" thing. not perminently either.

Just until I can bloody well get situated in school. (and get my Japanese Lessons back on track, a recent problem with mail has caused me to lose the lesson two I sent my Jap. Teacher, and we're having communication problems >.<)

Jeez, it's 9 am and I'm up writing stuff.. lol. Anyways. Yeah, this story is temporarily on hold until I can figure out:

1) where my muse wants to go. (she's taking me in the direction of M*A*S*H currently.. x.x)
2) what to do about Inu, his situation with Kikyou in America is evading me at the moment. I want to set up the whole ordeal but.. bah, it won't come to me!!!! *cries*

3) why Yahell is being such a jerk to me and not sending my mails to my teacher.

Oh, and should there be any other M*A*S*H Fans out there.

Grape Nehi (make-shift/homemade) recipe:

1 part Grape Juice (not white)

1 part V8 Splash (only way I can drink Grape Juice is w/ this) - Berry Blend works best..
1 part Fresca (or any clear soda)

Grab a large glass (like.. you know, one of those one's from the Hard Rock Cafe' (the sundae glasses) and a smaller one. Mix the 3 in the large glass, and take a smaller to pour into. And enjoy!!

It's seriously really good. I think it messed with my Sanity last night around 11, but it could have been the music, and the time... *shrugs* but either way, it's a great drink once you get used to Grape Juice (and the tartness of it all)

Or for you Alcohol lovers...


Chambord Raspberry liqueur
3/4 slices Lemon or orange


I don't drink, but I've heard it's how you make a real one. *Shrugs*
Or just add Vodka to the make-shift one and you got yourself a spiked Grape Nehi ^^

Okay.. yeah. Anyways, I apologize to you all for the sudden halt in updates, but life comes first.

As for you Nozomi-chan, lol you aren't annoying, it's amusing to see you post a review everyday, seriously. ^^

Oh, and Kizna, thanks for reading! I seriously appreciate it. Seriously. *nods* I'm so glad an older reader kept up with me!!! ^^ Makes me soooooo happppyyyyyy!!!!!

Kanmsa-hamnida - (that's Korean for Thank you!)


*bows* I'll be around, I promise.
I think I'm going to post up a few of the One-shots I wrote earlier but hid.. so go read those whilest you wait for this one to update okay guys? Don't give up on me!!!!