InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome To My Life ❯ Doctor Visit ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I don’t own Inuyasha.

A/N: This popped into my head at 4 am when I was at work… I hope you enjoy it.

Welcome to My Life

Kagome sighed as she walked into the clinic carrying her five year old son, Shippo. Shippo had had an ear infection for the past week and while she told herself it was nothing serious, it was beginning to scare her that it had lasted this long, Shippo being a full blooded fox demon was rarely sick and when it did happen, it only lasted a few hours or maybe a day.

Shippo was fast asleep on her hip as she walked up to the check in desk to sign her son in. They didn’t have a very large disposable income and this free clinic was both a God send and an inconvenience. The doctors were good and the nurses were usually friendly, they made her feel better about not being able to afford insurance so she could take her son elsewhere. The only problem was that they didn’t give appointments, it was strictly a walk in clinic, meaning that you walked in wrote your name down and they got to you in the order you got there. They let you in as long as you got there before 4:30, but it could sometimes be a three hour wait just to see the doctor.

Kagome was already feeling groggy and frustrated. It was four in the afternoon and there were probably fifteen people in front of her, she had just got off from her first job, as a waitress at this little sandwich shop downtown, and she had to be at her night job as the clerk at the 24 hour grocery store in four hours. She had picked up Shippo from her mother’s and brought him here right after work, pretty much guarantying that she wouldn’t get any rest between jobs.

Around an hour later they called for a Shippo Higurashi. Kagome woke him up and set down her Highlights and walked to the back, holding her son’s hand. Shippo was obviously scared, being that he had never been to a doctor before. But Kagome looked down and said, “Shippo, sweetie everything is going to be fine” and gave him her most reassuring smile. He calmed a bit.

The nurse smiled at Shippo, “Hi, what’s your name?” She asked. “Shippo” he answered shyly. “Well that is one of the best names I’ve heard all day,” she replied. “Now Shippo will you step up here on the scale for me?” He nodded.

“46 pounds, you’re a big boy aren’t you?” Shippo blushed. “Now let’s get your height and then we can get you in to see a doctor.” The nurse proceeded to measure Shippo’s height, take his temperature, and blood pressure. The nurse frowned, “he’s got a slightly elevated temperature, and his blood pressure is a little on the high side. The blood pressure doesn’t bother me much, but the temperature does. It’s very abnormal for a youkai to have such a high temperature, so I’m going to get you in with a doctor right away.”

Kagome gulped and nodded.

The nurse walked out of the cubicle and Kagome saw her talking to a tall doctor with long white hair and adorable puppy ears on his head. Kagome suddenly had the urge to rub them. She frowned, she dealt with youkai and hanyou everyday and she never had the urge to rub strange hanyou’s ears before. She blushed.

“Mommy,” Shippo whispered, breaking Kagome of her trance. “Yes sweetie, what is it?” Kagome asked while picking her son up. “Am I going to be ok?”
“Of course you are you just have a virus.” She replied, secretly worried about his strange illness.

The nurse came back a few minutes later and ushered the two of them to a room. “The doctor will be with you shortly,” she said and smiled. Kagome nodded as the nurse closed the door.

Shippo looked around and asked, “Mommy, what’s that?” as he pointed to a box on the wall filled with gloves.

“Those are the gloves that the doctor will wear when they examine you.” She replied sweetly.

“And what are those,” he asked again.

Kagome looked up and said, “That is a small light that the doctor will use to examine your throat, ears and nose and they use the little black things to cover it so that your’s and other patient’s germs don’t get on it and get each other sick.” Shippo nodded.

Shippo kept pointing to things and asking what they were. Kagome kept answering him, never showing her frustration the doctor hadn’t come in yet. A quick glance at her watch told her that it was nearly 6:30 and she had to be at work in an hour and a half. She sighed.

Finally, nearly ten minutes later, the doctor walked in, without knocking. Both Kagome and Shippo were startled.

Kagome was shy as she looked up to see the hanyou doctor from the hallway.

“Hi, I’m Dr. Tashio, and I’ll be doing your exam today, Shippo is it?” The doctor asked without looking up from his chart. He walked over and sat down on the dark brown rolling, backless chair. He sat writing for a few moments and finally turned to them.

Shippo had shut up when he came into the room, but was starting to get over his shyness.

“Shippo, it says here that you have a fever, and have been having ear aches and headaches, is that true?” The doctor asked in a cold tone.

Shippo nodded.

“What, what was that, speak up?” The doctor rudely asked.

“Excuse me; I would prefer you didn’t speak to my child like that.” Kagome practically screamed, her frustration and fear coming to a head.

“Well wench I guess you’ll just have to get over it won’t ya; it seems to me like the brat is either fakin’ or a cry baby. I wonder where he gets that.” The doctor said as he got up and began to examine Shippo’s ears, not once looking at Kagome.

“You, you, dog how dare you speak to me and my son like that, I want a new doctor.” Kagome said seething.

“Well ain’t that just too bad, seein’ as I’m the only doctor in this clinic qualified to treat youkai and hanyou. If you want a new doctor you’ll have to go elsewhere and cough up the cash to do it. Otherwise I guess you’ll have to shut your big trap.” the doctor said, this time with his full attention on the brunette woman, as he threw away the small black piece he had used to examine the kit‘s ears.

Shippo had been watching the entire exchange in awe. He had no idea what to do, his mother always told him to leave it alone and allow her to fight her own battles when people insulted them, but this time he really wanted to say something. He was starting to feel, weird, that was the only way to describe it. He had never felt that way before.

“You can’t talk to my Mama like that!” Shippo nearly yelled, forgetting the funny feeling he had in his head.

“Is that so, runt?” The doctor asked, obviously pissed off.

Kagome and the doctor both turned to Shippo as he yelled.

Suddenly Shippo screamed, “MOMMY!” He then, immediately began to cry.

Kagome ran the four steps to her son and knelt beside him. “Shippo sweetie, what’s wrong?” Kagome asked frantically, while smoothing her hands over his face.

“Mommy, I can’t see, I can’t see anything.” Shippo said in a tone that made Kagome want to move the earth to help him.

She turned to the doctor with helpless eyes, bagging him to do, something. The doctor looked over, shocked at the child’s actions. But from the smell of things, he was telling the truth. The kid was most definitely frightened out of his mind, and so was his mother.

The doctor walked over to the kit, and started sniffing, hoping to catch something in the air. Finding nothing but the scent of sickness, he picked up his stethoscope and listened to the kit’s lungs, deciding that they were fine he began to examine the rest of the kit. “Shippo does anything feel funny?” The doctor asked, his voice betraying his mind. He didn’t want the patient and his mother to know he was actually worried about the kit.

“Yea,” Shippo whispered to him.

“Okay, well what feels weird runt?” The doctor asked, his attitude getting worse.

“My head feels funny, and I feel cold and hot both like at the same time.” Shippo replied, still upset.

“What do ya mean ur head feels funny, how does it feel funny?”

“It feels really heavy, like there’s a buncha bricks on it, and my eyes hurt like I’ve been starin’ at the TV too long.”

The doctor sighed. He had no idea want was going on.

Kagome had been standing behind the doctor the whole time speechless. She suddenly found her voice. “What’s wrong with my son doctor?”

He looked up, just remembering she was there. “Let’s go out in the hall wench.” He said, his voice harsh, but his eyes betraying him.

Kagome saw the softness in his eyes and nodded. He led her out into the hall.

“Doctor Tashio, what…” Kagome started.

“Call me Inuyasha.” The doctor interrupted. He had no idea why he did that, he never allowed patients to call him by his first name, but something about this woman made him what to comfort her and get to know her a little better. That scared him shitless.

“Ok, then, Inuyasha, what’s wrong with my son?” She asked, oblivious to his discomfort.

“To be honest, I don’t know I’ve never seen anything like it.” He replied, slightly ashamed that he hadn’t ever heard of anything remotely similar to what the kit had.

“Oh so that’s supposed to make me feel better, huh, that you the wonderful Inuyasha has never heard of this disease, is it supposed to make me feel like there is nothing wrong….” Kagome continued screaming. Inuyasha tuned her out.

“Look, Mrs. Higurashi is it? We really need to get back into Shippo soon.” Inuyasha interjected after the young woman in front of him had been ranting for the past five minutes and he had heard the kit moving around in the exam room.

Kagome looked up, “your right, Inuyasha, he’s probably worried sick right now.” She said as she opened the door. “Oh and it’s Ms. Higurashi.” She added, without thinking. She didn’t know why it was so important that this hanyou know she wasn’t married, especially when she should be focused on her son.

Inuyasha looked at her funny and then nodded before following her into the room.

“Mommy, I’m gonna die aren’t I that’s why you were out there so long wasn’t it?” Shippo asked through his tears.

Kagome’s eyes immediately softened and she walked over to the exam table he sat on and picked him up, carried him over to the chair she had been sitting in before, next to the door, and sat him in her lap. She held him while he cried and smoothed his hair. She whispered into his ear softly, “no sweetie, nobody is dying, we were just talking about the virus you have and deciding what medicine to use.”

Inuyasha was amazed at how easily she had gotten him to calm down, and how he now slept in her arms.

“Well, we need to decide what we’re going to do.” Inuyasha suddenly said, softly as he was afraid to interrupt the peace of the room.

Kagome looked up and gave him a soft look, that no matter how hard he tried, he could not remember anyone else giving him. The look gave him goosebumps, but he quickly shook it off and got back down to business. “I’d like to admit him to the Takahoushi Youkai Hospital over night and run a few tests, just to see what, if any toxins are in his blood.”

Kagome sighed as she listened to the doctor. It was nothing she didn’t expect, considering the circumstances. But she couldn’t help it, Takahoushi Youkai Hospital was one of the most expensive in the country, and she didn’t have insurance.

Inuyasha was taken back by her sigh, he expected her to be one of those mothers who would stop at nothing to take care of her son. Then he realized where he was. He normally didn’t work at the free clinic, but his best friend Miroku had begged him (more like blackmailed) to volunteer just this once while he was at a medical conference, since he needed someone qualified to work with youkai and hanyou patients on staff. Miroku had not only founded the free clinic but ran it for the past nine years. Inuyasha thought that it was just a way to get girls, whether it be by meeting them here or being able to say he did volunteer work.

He surprised himself with the next words out of his mouth, “If money is an issue, I’m sure we can work something out.”

Kagome nodded. “So, when does he need to be there?”

“I think we should take him right over, I’d like to personally do the tests if that’s alright.”

She nodded again.

She stood up, Shippo in her arms, and grabbed her purse. She accidentally got a look at her watch and panicked. It was 7:30, she had to be at work in 30 minutes and it was too late to call in sick. If she called in sick less than an hour before her shift, she would be fired on the spot, no questions asked.

“Oh shit.” She exclaimed.

“What, what is it this time wench?” Inuyasha asked gruffly.

“I have to be at work in thirty minutes.” She replied just as gruffly.

“Well, I guess you’ll just have to call in sick, won’t ya.”

“No, I can’t I’ll be fired.” She almost screamed at him.

“Well wench, you have to take care of your runt, so I guess you’ll just have to find a new job, unless you don‘t love him that is.” He said getting in her face.

“I’ll never be able to get another job for that kinda money, I’ve been there for five years, and I’m up to ten dollars an hour.” She said getting even more pissed at this hanyou who would dare to question her love for her son. “Without that paycheck I won’t be able to afford rent.”

Inuyasha softened, a little.

“And another thing, how dare you question my love for my son, he’s why I have the job in the first place.” Kagome yelled a little louder.

Shippo began to stir. “Mommy, what’s wrong,” he asked groggily.

“Nothing sweetie, we’re just going to take you to the hospital tonight and I’m going to call and have your grandma come down and sit with you while I’m at work.”

“Ok Mommy, but why do I have to go to the hospital? Is it cause I can’t see?”

“Yes, sweetie, we’re gonna find out why and then you can come home, ok?”

“Ok Mommy.” Shippo replied as he drifted back off to sleep.

Inuyasha looked over and walked out the door. When Kagome didn’t follow him he turned and asked, “Wench are you comin’ or not?”

Kagome looked up and followed him. “Where are we going?” She asked, agitated.

“I’m taking you to work since I’m sure you rode the bus here and you won’t have time to make it if I don’t give you a ride, then I’m taking Shippo to the hospital to run the tests.” He threw a cell phone at her head, she caught it easily, and he thought ‘well at least she can do something right.’

“You can use that to call someone and have them meet me and Shippo at the hospital.” He said without turning around.

They continued walking through the clinic until they came to a door. Inuyasha pushed the door open, not bothering to hold it open for Kagome and Shippo. Kagome was getting more and more pissed off by the second.

“What gives you the right to make assumptions about me, huh? Just because I don’t have insurance and have to come here for medical care doesn’t mean I don‘t have a car.” Kagome argued.

Inuyasha walked up to a blue 2000 Honda, definitely not what she expected. He unlocked his door and pressed a button on his door. Kagome walked up to the back passenger door and opened it, placing Shippo inside and buckling him in, and then closing the door and opening the door to the front passenger door and climbing in.

“So where’s this car of your’s huh?” He asked while smirking. Kagome decided right then that she loathed that smirk. She mumbled something even he couldn’t understand.

“What was that?” His smirk was getting bigger by the second.

“I said, if you must know, it’s broke down in my mother’s driveway, I don’t have the money to fix it.”

His smirk disappeared with the look on her face. She had a look he couldn’t place. It didn’t seem like she was ashamed of being poor, but maybe a little embarrassed.

They were silent for a few moments.

“You know, there ain’t nothin’ wrong with ridin’ a bus, I did it everyday when I was younger.” He said to break the silence.

“I know a lot of people do it. There is nothing wrong with it; I just think you were wrong to make the assumption.” She said sharply.

“And why should I let you take my son somewhere without me.” She continued.

“Because, he needs treatment and you have to be at work. Look, you keep the cell phone and during your break press two on the speed dial and ask to speak to me and I’ll give you whatever information I have.” He said while putting the key in the initiation. She nodded.

“Now where do you work?”

“At the supermarket on Riley and sixth.” She replied.

“Okay, I know where that is, you go ahead and call your mother.” He said pulling out of the parking lot.

Kagome picked up the phone and dialed her mother’s phone number.

“Hello, Higurashi residence.”

“Hello, Mom? This is Kagome.”

“Oh, hello Kagome, is there something wrong?”

“Well, yes actually, Shippo’s virus is a little worse than we thought and he can’t see now so he needs to go to the hospital for some tests.”

“Oh Kagome that’s terrible, is there anything I can do for him?”

“Well, if you don’t mind I waited to long to call in sick and so I still have to go to work and I was wondering if you could meet Shippo at the hospital with the doctor and stay with him until I get off.”

“Of course dear, but is the doctor taking Shippo to the hospital without you?”

“Unfortunately it can’t be helped, he’s giving me a ride to work as we speak and I’m keeping his cell phone to call during my breaks.”

“Well, if you trust him then I guess its ok. What hospital are they going to?”

“Takahoushi Youkai.”

“Ok, well have them meet me at the entrance, ok dear?”

“Ok Mama, I’ll see you later.”

“Ok, goodbye dear.”

Kagome hung up and looked over to Inuyasha, “She said to meet her at the entrance, she’s got brown hair and will be wearing a sweater but I’m sure she’ll recognize Shippo.”

Inuyasha nodded as he pulled in to the parking lot of the supermarket at exactly 7:53. “And with seven minutes to spare.” He smirked at his victory.

Kagome groaned, but got out of the car, grabbing her purse and closing her door and opening the back door. She shook Shippo gently to wake him. When he looked up she said, “I’m gonna go on to work, Inuyasha is going to take you to the hospital for the tests, ok? I’ll be there when I get off from work.”

Shippo looked up and squinted to see her, “ok Mommy, and I can see a little better.”

“That’s really good sweetie.” She beamed at him.

“I’ll see you later, now be good for Inuyasha ok?”

“Ok Mama.”

Kagome looked up to Inuyasha, “thank you Inuyasha I don’t know what I would have done without your help.”

“Keh, it’s nothing wench, just go to work.”

Kagome was tempted to get pissed at him for calling her wench, but realized it was 7:57 and she still had to clock in and go to the back to get her smock out of her locker.

“Ok, well thanks anyways Inuyasha, see you two later.”

Inuyasha waited until see walled into the store to yell, “oh and wench you get to pay for all the minutes you use,” before driving off.

A/N: I know the title sucks but I couldn’t come up anything. I’m putting myself on a schedule, the next chapter will be up Saturday at the latest. Until next time.
