InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome To My Life ❯ The Talk ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kagome woke up to find Inuyasha standing above her. He had apparently been getting ready to wake her up. She expected him to say that it was morning and that she should go get her clothes from Shippo’s room and start getting ready for work. However, upon further inspection the clock on the microwave in the corner said that it was 6:03 in the morning. She still had two hours to sleep. Why was he waking her up?

To her surprise and delight he had a cup of coffee waiting for her. He helped her sit up and sat next to her on the loveseat.

“You know you could’ve slept on the sofa, insteada on this little thing.” He said harshly.

“Yeah well I didn’t know if there was anyone else who was going to need it tonight.” She replied unfazed by his tone. She had learned over the few weeks they had spent together that when he was harsh it was normally because something was bothering him.

“No, most of the doctor’s either sleep in empty patient beds or the back bunks.”

“Back bunks?” She asked confused.

“Yeah there’s a room with six or seven bunk beds for residents and interns to sleep during breaks. It’s mostly only used by interns though, cause they always get stuck with the 24 to 48 hour shifts. That’s why I put you in here. No one else would want to sleep in here so you wouldn’t be bothered.”

Kagome nodded. “So, is there a reason for the early wake up call?” She asked after a few moments silence.

Inuyasha kept looking down, but nodded.

“Ok, so?”

“It’s about Shippo, I don’t want to scare you or anything, but I think I know what’s wrong with him.”

Kagome looked at him expectantly and he sighed, this wasn’t going to be easy.

“I’m going to have to do an MRI to prove it.” He sighed again, he really didn’t want to tell her until he knew for sure and had evidence to prove it. But as the mother of the five year old patient, he had an obligation to tell her the possibilities before the MRI.

Kagome nodded.

“Don’t freak out ok?”

Kagome looked at him and laughed, “my son could be seriously ill and you want me to tell you I won’t freak out? I can’t promise that.”

Inuyasha looked down, finding his hands extremely interesting and said softly, “I think he may have a brain tumor.”

Kagome looked at him like he was crazy. “Your kidding, right? Youkai don’t get things like that. I mean, it can’t really be that bad.”

“Ok, well, first of all, I wish I was kidding, but I’m not. Secondly, Youkai can get tumors, although it’s uncommon. Third, I don’t know how bad it is until I do the MRI.”

Kagome looked at him with tears in her eyes, “what do we do?”

“Well we get the MRI done and see what it shows. It could be that we can get by with a couple rounds of radiation. In some cases radiation, especially with Youkai, will take care of the tumor. If not..”

“If not what? What do we do if can’t take care of it with radiation?”

“Well, if that won’t take care of it then we may have to operate.”

“Is that safe?”

“I think so, it actually might be the best option. That way we know that we get it all.”

“And, you would do the surgery?”


“No? Who would do it? I trust you I don’t want just anyone operating on my son’s brain.”

“Well, as much as I hate to admit it, I know one of the best neurosurgeons in the country and I think I may be able to talk him into doing it.”

“Who is it? I want to do some research before we decide on anything.”

“Sesshomaru Tashio.”

Kagome looked at him weird. “Are you related to him?”

He looked at her and said, “ unfortunately.”

She looked skeptical but asked, “so he’s the best?”

“Yeah, first in his class at Harvard Medical School and everything.” He grumbled.

They set in silence for a few minutes. Suddenly Kagome spoke up, “but we don’t even know if that’s what it is yet right? I mean it could be something else. There’s no need to make a decision this moment.” She asked, hopeful.

Inuyasha looked over to her. He knew that’s what it was, there was no other explanation. As much as he wanted to say, ‘no, that’s what it is,’ he found that he couldn’t and nodded at her.

The desperation in her voice awakened some part of him that he hadn’t felt in a very long time. It made him want to cure Shippo and take him and Kagome somewhere far away were even disease couldn’t reach them.

“Why?” Inuyasha looked up to see her crying. He freaked out. He had no idea how to deal with a crying woman. She leaned over and rested her head on his shoulder, wrapping her arm around his torso. She cried into his chest while he sat there, stupefied.

Finally, recovering some sense of reality he reached his arm around her back and let her cry.


Inuyasha groaned as he walked up to the nurse’s station to see Yuka. She smiled at him seductively. He gagged.

“Oh Inu! I have something for you!” She called to him, waving something.

He turned and walked away. She came running after him. “Inu! Inu! Your forgetting your special something!”

He turned and gave her the most evil look he could muster, having just gave the worst news possible to Kagome.

Yuka smiled at him and handed him the letter she had been waving. He grabbed it and turned to walk away. Leaving her standing there.

Inuyasha went back to Shippo’s room. Kagome had to be at work in 30 minutes so he needed to get her and get going. He didn’t even bother to read the letter, sticking it in his pocket.

He walked into Shippo’s room to find Kagome talking to a very scary looking woman. He hadn’t met her before, but he guessed she was here to sit with Shippo since Kagome had to work and he was on call.

The women looked up and Kagome smiled at him. “Inuyasha, this is my best friend, Sango. Sango, this is Inuyasha.”

Inuyasha sized her up. Sango did the same to him. Sango walked up to him and held out her hand. Inuyasha in turn extended his own.

“Kagome are you ready for work?”

“Yeah, just let me run to the little girl’s room.” She quickly ran to the bathroom.

Sango walked over and sat down next to Shippo. She ran her hand over his head.

Inuyasha reached into his pocket and pulled out the letter. Now was as good of time as any to read it. He moved his claw along the top, being careful not to rip the actual letter. He pulled it out and began to read.

Kagome came back into the room and kissed Shippo on the head and said goodbye to Sango. Inuyasha looked up from the letter and walked out the door. Kagome ran to follow him.

She caught up pretty quickly, considering he wasn’t walking to fast. “What are you reading?” She asked.


“Oh really?”

“Yeah, really.”

She grabbed the letter out of his hand.

He snorted and walked away.

“Inuyasha, this isn’t bad. All it says is that your brother wants to have lunch with you today.”

Inuyasha looked at her and snorted again. “I will not have any kind of meal with that man.”

She gave him a look.

He simply continued walking down the hall.

“Inuyasha, why won’t you have lunch with your brother? Did he do something to you?”

He didn’t look at her, but said, “I don’t wanna talk about it.”

“Inuyasha, why?” She yelled at him.

“Because I don’t want to.” He yelled back at her.

“Oh, well then if you don’t have a reason you can have lunch with your brother.”

“He isn’t my full brother alright. And I don‘t want to talk to him, that‘s reason enough.”

She looked at him confused.

“Look, my biological Dad died before a was born in a car accident. He divorced his first wife to be with my Mom. Sesshomaru always thought that the reason our Dad left his Mom was because my Mom seduced him. My Dad‘s car crashed on his way to the hospital when my Mom went into labor, so he always blamed me for his death.” He grated out.

“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t…”

He cut her off again, “no of course you don’t cause I didn’t tell ya.”

“If you don’t mind me asking, there‘s more isn‘t there?”

He took a deep breath. “He thought I was responsible for father‘s death and his parents splitting up. He wanted nothing to do with me. But my mother on the other hand, he tortured her”

“Oh, wow.”

“Yeah, well at first she tried to be there for him too. She wanted him to feel that he was a part of the family. She wanted him to be a big brother to me. But then, when I was three she remarried. He didn’t like that she could move on so quickly. To this day he still talks about how she betrayed my Dad.”

“He’s never forgiven you has he?” Kagome asked.

“No he hasn’t, he even went to the point to try and have my step dad killed one time.”

Kagome gasped. “He didn’t…”

“No he stopped it before it happened. He said that since my step dad is human he couldn‘t do it because he was too weak to fight back properly.”

“You have got to be kidding me.”

“I wish I was Kagome. I also wish that I don’t have to see him. I just saw him the other day at the hospital and he’s probably going to get a job as hospital director. Before then I hadn’t seen him since my mother’s funeral last year.”

Kagome nodded. “Well, maybe you should just see what he has to say. You never know, he could be sorry or have something important to tell you. Maybe he sees this as a chance to get closer. Or maybe, since you said he might be coming to work here, he doesn‘t want a battle at the hospital everyday after he starts the job.”

Inuyasha looked at her and sighed. She had a point. If their relationship continued this way the hospital would be a war zone. Besides, he needed to start sucking up to get him to do Shippo’s surgery.

“Look I’ll think about it, but you better get in there before your late.” Kagome blushed and then thought, ‘when did we get in the car?’


Inuyasha walked back into the hospital, still trying to figure out if he was going to meet his brother for lunch or not. Technically he was still on call, so he could always have someone page him halfway through lunch.

Having made up his mind, he took out his phone to call Miroku to come in and work for him, after all Miroku owed him.

“Hey Miroku, I need to collect on that favor.” He said, not bothering with pleasantries.

“Well hello, Inuyasha. How are you on this lovely day.”

“I’m fine, listen I need you to do something for me, ok?”

“Yes, yes what is it?”

“I’m on call and I have something that I have to do, so I need you to come in for a couple of hours and then page me at twelve thirty with some kind of emergency.”

“Well ok, but Inuyasha, if you do not wish to be on the date, perhaps I should do that for you instead.”

“Miroku!” He growled into the phone.

“Well in that case.”

“Yeah, yeah I know just be here at eleven and I’ll get you caught up on my patients before I leave.” He hung up without saying goodbye.


Inuyasha looked at his watch again. It was 11:10 where the hell was Miroku?

Five minutes later he sighted his friend walking up to the nurse’s station with a stupid look on his face, along with a red handprint.

He shook his head. Miroku never learned. He walked over to him and grabbed his rat tail. He pulled him down the hall to the doctor’s lounge and threw him on the sofa.

“Where the hell were you? I told you to be here fifteen minutes ago.”

“I ran into a lovely lady and well, as you know my hand as a mind of it’s own.”

Inuyasha snorted. “I’m sure, just get ready, I gotta leave in fifteen minutes.”

Miroku changed into his scrubs while Inuyasha briefed him on his patients.

“Ok well, my friend lets get going.”

Inuyasha showed him around the floor and told him which patients he needed to check in on. After around ten patients he got to Shippo.

“Look, this is a 5 year old Kitsune boy who I believe has a brain tumor. He’s going in for an MRI tomorrow morning. He’s lost hearing, eyesight, and speech. He is one of my most important patients make sure he’s taken care of, got it?”

Miroku nodded, writing down the information in his notebook.

Inuyasha opened the door and ushered him in. “Sango, this is Miroku he’ll be watching after my patients for the next couple of hours while I have a meeting, so if you or Shippo need anything just tell him he’ll do it, even if it means doing a handstand for your amusement. Isn’t that right Miroku?” He looked over to see Miroku staring at Sango and nearly laughed.

“Well we gotta be goin’ I’ll be back in the hospital by two.” Inuyasha said, dragging Miroku out of the hospital room. “Look Miroku, Sango is the little boy’s mother’s best friend. I’d really appreciate it if you didn’t hit on her. Ok?”

“But why, my friend? She must be going through a hard time and is probably in need of comfort.”

“Cause, just don’t ok?”

Miroku put his hands behind his back and pretended to look thoughtful. He crossed his fingers and nodded, “I suppose I could do that.”

Inuyasha gave him a weird look but nodded and walked away.


Inuyasha pulled into the restaurant parking lot and smirked. Classic Sesshomaru. He had made reservations at a very expensive place and didn’t tell his brother that. So now, Inuyasha was sitting in his car outside one of the most expensive restaurants in Boston, in his scrubs. Oh well, if this was how the ‘Ice Queen’ wanted it then this is how he’d get it.

Inuyasha got out of his car and walked up to the door. He wore his leather jacket over his scrubs and grabbed a tie from his truck that Miroku had left there the last time they had gone to a wedding reception. After all, this was a jacket and tie kinda place.

He then went into the restaurant and walked up to the hostess and asked, very loudly, for Sesshomaru Tashio.

Of course it occurred to him that maybe this wasn’t the best way to treat someone your getting ready to ask a huge favor from, but since when has Inuyasha stopped himself from humiliating Sesshomaru?

The hostess looked him over critically but shook her head. There was no reason to turn him away, he wore a jacket and a tie. She had a waiter take him to the table.

Sesshomaru nearly spat his sake out when he saw his brother, although he didn’t allow it to show on his face. He should have expected this. Of course Inuyasha wouldn’t have known the name of the most exclusive Youkai restaurant on the eastern coast.

Inuyasha sat down at the seat across from his brother. “So Fluffy, what’s the deal why am I here?”

“Such tact Inuyasha. I would say I’m surprised but I’m not.” Inuyasha snorted.

“Is there a purpose to this? I’m on call and should really be at the hospital.”

“Inuyasha you have someone covering your shift. At least for a little while. You wouldn’t have come otherwise.”

“Ok, so what Fluffy?” He ground out, pissed that his brother knew him so well.

“I just wanted you to know that I got the hospital director’s position. I’d appreciate it if you would show me some respect while we are in the hospital or in the company of people from the hospital.”

“Oh yeah, why’s that?”

“That is because I would prefer that my hospital not turn into a war zone.”

Inuyasha looked up at him, they were more alike than he’d ever wanted to believe. He quickly snorted to cover his thoughts.

“I’m sure ya would. So am I to believe that the great Sesshomaru called me out of the hospital, and is buying me lunch so that he can ‘make amends’ with his little half-breed brother? How dumb do ya think I am?”

“Aww well there is something else that I’d like to speak to you about, little brother.”

“Yeah, well spit it out.”

“Just one moment, I took the liberty of ordering for us before you got here and I do believe our food is coming. This way I still get to eat my lunch and you‘ll still get to throw your fit.”

Inuyasha just sat there and waited for the food.

The waiter arrived with a tray of food. The first thing he noticed was that while Sesshomaru had a rare t-bone steak, he had a bowl of noodles. Perhaps his brother didn’t hate him after all.

They ate in silence. Sesshomaru wiped the corners of his mouth when he finished and looked to his brother expectantly. Inuyasha was almost finished inhaling his noodles.

Inuyasha grabbed his napkin off the table and wiped his mouth with it.

“Really Inuyasha couldn’t act more civilized in public?”

“No I couldn’t it would physically kill me, now there’s a reason I’m here and I wanna know what it is.”

“Of course, I’d just like to know about one of your patients, a Shippo Higurashi.”

“What about h’m?

“Well for starters what’s wrong with him and then continue to why your paying all the expenses for the family.”

“Why should I tell you?” He asked, remembering who he was talking to.

“You should tell me because I am now your boss and can fire you.” Inuyasha did not need to know he’d never fire his only brother.

Inuyasha sighed, but gave in, “Shippo’s a five year old Kitsune. He was adopted by a human woman when he was a baby. His biological parents are dead. She got scared a few weeks ago when he’d been sick for a while and brought him in. He’s lost his hearing, sight, and ability to speak. I think it’s a brain tumor, we’re doing an MRI tomorrow morning. I’m paying for it because that’s the only way I could get approval to do the MRI.”

Sesshomaru nodded his head slightly. “So there is nothing else?”

“No why would there be?”

“Oh I don’t know.”

“Why’d you wanna know anyways its my money.”

“True, but the board has to make sure that everything is ethical and could put a stop to this if they found out about it. May I make a suggestion?”

“Why the hell are you asking, you’ll just do it anyways.”

“Well then, I’ll take that as a yes. I suggest you bill everything expect the surgery and MRI to the patient. Then give the family the money to pay it, if you insist on paying someone else’s bills. It will inevitably save us both a headache that way.”

Inuyasha scowled, Sesshomaru was right. He said he’d pay for the MRI and surgery not the rest of the bill, if he paid all of it they’d have to review the patients file and it would be a big mess. As much as he wanted to do it because of the work it would cause Sesshomaru, it’d be just as much work for him. Now he’d just have to find a way to convince Kagome to take the money.


Miroku had checked in on all of Inuyasha’s patients. But he was saving the best for last. He slipped into Shippo’s room to see the Sango girl watching TV. She was flipping through the channels when she noticed him.

“May I help you?” She asked.

Miroku blushed, “yes, I need to check Shippo’s vital signs.”

He walked across the room and took Shippo’s temperature. Sango had turned back to the television. He frowned. “So I noticed that you aren’t wearing a wedding ring, does that mean…” He left the sentence hanging.

“That I’m not interested in you, yeah it does.” She answered.

Miroku continued to check Shippo’s vital signs. After a few moments he got an idea. “Sango, is it?”

“That depends who’s asking.” She replied smartly.

“Oh well, I was just wondering if you could come help me for a moment.” She looked up at him.

“Ok,” she got up and asked, “what do you need help with. Suddenly she felt what he needed help with and smacked him.

“If you ever touch my behind again you lecher I’ll break your hand off. Watch Shippo I’m going to get some coffee.” She walked out the door.

Miroku laid in the floor where she planted him. He spoke to himself, “I think I’m in love.”

A/N: Yay! Another chapter complete!

Ok, a few notes, one Sesshomaru is gay in this story, whether or not he’ll find love, well that will be revealed in later chapters ;) Second, all of the questions about Inuyasha and Kagome’s relationship will be answered in due time. They’re just so stubborn! Lol. If anyone has anymore questions, feel free to ask. Once again, I want to thank everyone reading this story. That you all like the story means a lot to me, so if anyone has any suggestions on ways to make this story better or more believable I’d love to hear from you. I have to go out of town this weekend and won’t have internet access. I’ll try to have the next chapter up by Friday but I can’t promise that. At the very latest, it will be up on Monday and then I’ll continue updating on Wednesday’s and Saturday’s. See you all soon!