InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome To My Life ❯ Dinner Date ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Lunch had taken longer than expected, Inuyasha didn’t plan on staying past twelve thirty but his conversation with Sesshomaru had taken longer than he ever wanted to spend with his brother. It was now one thirty and he was sitting in traffic. It would probably be two thirty before he got back to the hospital at the rate he was going. “Oh to hell with it!” He screamed to himself inside his car.

He reached over and grabbed his cell phone, and dialed Miroku’s pager number. A few minutes later his phone rang. “Hey Miroku, how late can you stay at the hospital?”

“Well, Inuyasha, I’m so glad to hear from you! It’s been so long!”

“Cut the crap Miroku, how late can you stay at the hospital tonight?”

“Oh geez I don’t know I guess I could stay a few more hours if you needed me too.”

“Ok good I’ll see you at six.” Inuyasha hung up before he could say anything else.

He shut his phone closed and got off the next exit. He was taking the side streets home.


Miroku smiled, he got to stay until six! Four and a half more hours with his angel! Although he other things to day today, he had to thank Inuyasha. There was no where he’d rather be.

He peaked back into Shippo’s room to see his angel sitting next to the kit on his hospital bed, stroking his hair while she watched TV. He smiled, she would make such a wonderful mother!

He heard some annoying sound interrupting his thoughts and reluctantly looked down to see a 911 and went running to patient that needed his help.


Inuyasha unlocked the door to his apartment and looked around. The place was a mess, there were clothes everywhere, bowls and cups scattered around the various tables and counter surfaces, and the one house plant that he dared to plant was dead as could be. That’s what happens when your only home for ten minutes every few days.

He wanted to get some sleep before he had to pick Kagome up from work. It’d be the first time in weeks that he slept in his own bed. Lately he’d been taking a nap here or there in the hospital, getting at most four hours at a time on the doctor’s lounge sofa. But looking around he realized that he needed to clean to place up some before he’d be able to allow himself to sleep.

He sat his leather jacket off and sat it on the chair next to the door, and then pulled the tie off. He went in the kitchen and grabbed a trash bag from the sink and got the trash that was in the garbage can and tied the bag up, replacing it with the new one. He went around and picked up the bowls and cups sitting around and put them in the sink and ran some water to let them soak. He then went around and picked up the dirty clothes and threw them in the laundry room, putting a load of whites in the washer.

The apartment was now noticeably cleaner, so Inuyasha sat out to find something to sleep in. After realizing that his drawers were empty he decided on his boxers. He fall into his bed, reached over to sat his alarm clock and drifted off to sleep.


Sango woke up to find herself next to Shippo, cuddled up under a blanket. That was weird considering she didn’t remember pulling the blanket out from under her. What was more weird was that her backside felt strangely warm and comfortable. She jumped up as she realized what it was.

“HENTAI!!!” She screamed as she reached around and smacked Miroku like she had never smacked anyone before. Miroku fell off the bed where he had been laying next to his angel and hit his head on the table.

“You pervert! How could you? Do you ever think about anything else?” She ranted, while Miroku recovered very slowly from his rude awakening. He tried to look around, but everything was a blur.

“Sango?” He asked as he reached his hand out to try and steady himself.

“Oh no you don’t! You will never touch me again. Do you hear me Doctor?”

“Sango, please help me. I can’t see anything!” He was frantic.

“No, your not conning me this way.” She stated, leaving no room for argument.

Miroku decided to give up and resigned himself to putting his hands out blindly, trying to find the bed. Sango realized at that point that he was telling the truth.

Miroku tripped and fell down, when he felt the jerk his eyesight cleared up. Although he didn’t let Sango know that.

Sango ran over to him and helped him up and into the chair. “Oh my God, Miroku are you ok? I didn’t hurt you too badly did I? I’ll go get a doctor!”

Just as she was about to run out the door she felt something. She turned around and smacked him, “I should have known better you hentai.”

“You misunderstand fair maiden.”

“Oh really? Then enlighten me.”

“You see, my hand has a mind of its own.”

Sango snorted, ‘whatever.” She walked out of the room.


Inuyasha woke up to the horrible, annoying ringing of his alarm clock. It was four, Kagome got off work at four thirty. He really had to get going.

Forcing himself out of his bed he opened the door to his closet to find, nothing. The whole thing was empty, save his father’s old firerat clothing. The suit had been handed down to him when he was younger. He shrugged, it was better than going to pick Kagome up in his boxers.

He dressed quickly and put his clothes in the dryer before heading out to his car.


He pulled in to the parking lot of the restaurant Kagome worked in, five minutes before her shift was over. Thinking he had a few extra minutes, he reached under his seat and pushed his seat back, and lowered the back support. He drifted off to sleep, after making sure the doors were locked.

A few minutes later he rolled over to see Kagome laughing her ass off. He reached over and unlocked the passenger side door. Kagome quickly opened it and got in. She laughed once more before looking at him. “Your really tired aren’t you?” She asked with genuine concern.

Inuyasha nodded. He started the car and looked over to her. “What was so funny wench?”

Kagome looked up, surprised. “Oh it was nothing you just looked so cute sleeping like that.”

Inuyasha snorted, but blushed. She thought he was cute.

“So hey, I’m hungry and I don’t have to be back at the hospital til six, so you wanna maybe go get somethin’ to eat?” Inuyasha asked, focused entirely on the road in front of him.

“I should call Sango, but if she can stay sure.” She answered before realizing that she had a grand total of nine cents with her. “Oh, um, do you think we could wait until tomorrow?”

“I guess, but why?” He asked, a little hurt that she didn’t want to spend any time alone with him.

She blushed, “I just realized that I don’t have any money with me.”

“So?” Inuyasha asked, indignant. “I invited you, I’ll pay.”

“No Inuyasha I can’t let you do that. Your already doing so much for me I couldn’t let you. Besides I’m not hungry.” Suddenly her stomach growled.

“The hell you aren’t. Look if it makes you that uncomfortable I’ll pay this time and next time you can pay for both of us.” He reasoned.

“Well I guess that’s ok.”

Inuyasha suppressed a smile, he just got two dinners, alone with Kagome. He froze. Since when did he want to spend time alone with her? Since when was she so important to him? Sure as a doctor he felt a need to help Shippo. He always had felt a special need to help the sick children he treated. He had no idea why, but they always pulled at his heartstrings. Although he’d never admit it to anyone.

The bigger question was Kagome. While he always felt like he had to help the kids he treated he almost never even talked to the parents without a need. Maybe it was her fire, or the way she had stood up to him. He always liked a woman who could stand her ground with him. Maybe it was just that she didn’t seem to mind that he was a hanyou. He had never been accepted by anyone other than his mother and stepfather. Perhaps the feeling in his chest was just the feeling of finally having a friend other than Miroku.

Yeah, that was it. It was friendship.

“How about Macoroni Grill?” He asked suddenly.

“That sounds wonderful.”

He grunted and drove the last two blocks to the restaurant. The rest of the five minute drive remained silent.

They quickly got out of the car and went into the restaurant. Inuyasha could here Kagome’s stomach and it kind of worried him. Had she been eating like she should? He thought back to the past few days and realized that he hadn’t seen her eat, despite the fact that they had spent so much time together. As much as he wanted to shake it off with the fact that he hadn’t eaten in front of her either, he couldn’t because most of the time he ate at the hospital, while she was at work.

He went up and put his name down for a table, and was told that it would be a ten to fifteen minute wait. He looked over to see that Kagome was sitting at the bar and went to join her. “They said it’d only be a few minutes.” She nodded at him.

“Kagome, can I ask you a kinda serious question?” Inuyasha said, with a great deal of hesitation.

Kagome gave him a strange look, since when did he ask permission to do or say anything? Whatever it was, it must have been important. She nodded.

“Have you been eating?” He turned away from her when he asked.

“What?” Whatever she had been expecting, this was most certainly not it.

“I said, ‘have ya been eatin’?” He asked, a little more gruff than the time before.

“Yes, of course I have, what gave you the idea I hadn’t?”

“No reason.”

“Yeah right, you don’t just ask people that kinda thing.”

They sat in silence for a moment, when Inuyasha spoke again, “when?”

“When what?”

“When the hell do you eat bitch?” He yelled in her face.

“For your information I eat when I want to,” she yelled back.

“And when the fuck is that?”

“When I go home to pick up clothes, when you do your morning rounds, and when I’m at work.”

“Oh yeah, then why didn’t you eat at work today?”

“Because I didn’t have a chance to go home this morning and make myself a lunch if you must know.”

“Then why didn’t you just buy something? I mean you do work in a restaurant.”

“If you must know, I don’t get paid for two days and so I don’t have any extra cash.”

Suddenly the hostess called that the table for Tashio party of two was ready and they both realized that not only had they been fighting, very loudly in a public restaurant, but they had everyone at the bar’s attention. Kagome looked around nervously, but Inuyasha grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the front of the restaurant, seemingly unfazed but the embarrassment.

They were seated quickly. Kagome kept looking around and blushing; she wondered what these people thought of her. Inuyasha on the other hand was more caught up in what to order.

After having decided that he wanted a chicken and noodle dish he looked over to Kagome. “So do you know want you want yet?”

“No, I’m not sure yet,” she said, shakily.

“You know, there’s nothing wrong with fighting in public. Ya don’t have to get’ll upset about it.”

“I’m not upset about fighting with you in public, I’m upset because I don’t know what I want to eat,” she lied.

“Yeah, sure. You do know that you’re a terrible liar.”

“So I’ve been told. But I’m not lying.”

Inuyasha chuckled, “your not getting any better at it.”

Kagome’s face turned red. “I’m not lying,” she said through gritted teeth.

“Yea, you are,” was all he said as he looked back to the menu and started to think about an appetizer.

“Urg! You are so difficult.”

“So I’ve been told,” he mocked.

All it did was make Kagome even more angry.

“Seriously Kagome, get over it. There ain’t nothin’ wrong with showing how you feel in public. You’ll probably never see most of these people again, and the ones you do see again will never remember that that was you.”

Kagome felt her anger decrease, much to her annoyance. She wanted to remain angry at him. “Feh, whatever.” She slapped her hand over her mouth when she heard the words came out of mouth.

Inuyasha nearly fell over laughing. “Oh man, I can’t believe you just said that.”

Kagome just sat there thinking, ‘Inuyasha is such a jerk!


Sesshomaru walked into his office. It was a hospital blue, antiseptic smelling room. There was only one window in the office, although it covered most of the back wall. There were hideous green curtains covering it. There were several pieces of furniture in the room, including two black leather chairs, an expensive looking desk and a rolling black chair. There was a computer on the desk that looked fairly new.

H sighed as he walked in, it would need some work. The smell alone was killing his senses. He sat his brief case down on the desk and began unloading some thing, including a picture of his adopted daughter, Rin.

With the picture of Rin having found a place of his desk he set out to do a run through of the hospital. His assistant from his past job in New York had followed him here and the imp was currently investigating the schedule his boss would have to maintain. Sesshomaru quickly walked up to him and asked, “what is on the agenda today Jaken?”

Jaken jumped when he heard Sesshomaru’s voice. “One of the attending physician’s will be here in a matter of moments to give you a tour of the hospital.” Sesshomaru nodded to him and walked back into his office, closing the door in Jaken’s face.


The waitress came over to the table. “So are you ready to order?” She was a red head, who’s name tag said ‘Ayame.’

Inuyasha snorted at her, but Kagome answered, “Yes we are.”

Ayame looked over to her and asked, “Ok, so what can I get you?”

Kagome looked at her and said, “I’ll have the fettuccini falfaido and he’ll have the same, only with chicken.”

Inuyasha looked and interrupted, “she’ll have the chicken too. Oh and bring us each a salad, I’ll take mine with ranch dressing.”

Ayame looked over to Kagome, who was fuming. “And what about you miss?”

“I’ll have my salad with thousand island dressing.”

“Ok, that’s two chicken alfredo’s, two salads, one with ranch and one with thousand island dressing?” She asked.

Inuyasha nodded. “Ok, and do you all need refills on your drinks?” Inuyasha shook his head.

She turned and left.

Kagome reached over to Inuyasha’s side of the table and hit him over the side of his head.

“Hey wench, what the hell was that for?” He asked while rubbing his head.

“That’s for being so rude to that waitress!”

“Feh, whatever,” he said, turning his head and crossing his arms.

Kagome groaned, “Inuyasha why are you so rude.”

“I’m not rude, it’s you who’s rude wench.”

“You really are something Inuyasha! I’m the rude one?” Inuyasha still wouldn’t look at her. Kagome got up and walked away.

Inuyasha finally turned to see her getting up. “Hey, where the hell do ya think you’re goin’?”

“I’m going to the bathroom Inuyasha. I would have told you, but since you say I’m rude…” She left the sentence up in the air as she walked away.

Inuyasha sat his head on the table, after watching her hips sway on her way to the bathroom, to make sure that’s where she was going, of course.

Why did things have to be so hard? Why couldn’t he control himself? Especially in public. When it was the two of them he was fine. Why was it that when he was around other people things became so much harder?


Kagome quickly went to the bathroom, and then washed her hands and face. She still felt icky from work, she was covered in grease and she desperately needed a bath. Not just a shower, but a real bath. She looked at her face in the mirror and wondered what Inuyasha thought of her. Probably not much. She was a simple, poor, waitress/cashier with a kid nonetheless. He on the other hand was a successful doctor. But then again, he did say that he used to ride the bus all the time when he was a kid. He’d never mentioned how well off his mother and step-father were. So, maybe he hadn’t grown up rich. That gave her some chance at least a friendship with him, after he got Shippo well.

She had the utmost confidence in him to cure her son. Now that she had meet him, she had decided that she wouldn’t trust any other doctor to treat her son, unless, of course Inuyasha recommended him.

She knew she admired him, very few people had ever taken the time to care about her. She always cared for and about them, but with the exceptions of her family and a few close friends no one had ever cared what happened to her. She was okay with that. People are often selfish and need someone to care about them. She just always thought that she was here to care for them. Now, she wasn’t so sure. Now that she had experienced someone other than her mother, brother, grandfather, and Sango caring about her she didn’t want to let it go. That’s what scared her the most.

She had admitted to herself less than a week after meeting the handsome doctor, that she had a crush on him. She desperately wanted to keep her attraction to Inuyasha in the realms of a crush. That way, it would be easier to leave him when she had too. But the more he cared for her, and did even small things like picking her up from work, the more she felt the crush going. She hadn’t felt this way about anyone since Kouga. She had thought that Kouga was the love of her life. But now, after meeting Inuyasha she wasn’t so sure.

A/N: Alrighty I’m going to stop it here. I know it’s a little shorter than normal but it took quite a bit out of me to get this much done in 2 days. I hope that answers some of your questions about how Inu and Kags feel about one another. Don’t worry there will, of course, be more fluff coming soon! Lol. Anyways, the next chappy will be up on Wednesday!
