InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome To My Life ❯ MRI ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Shippo slept in Kagome’s arms as they walked out of the elevator. Inuyasha was in front of them, showing them the way to the room.

As they walked into the room, the radiologist got up and walked over to Inuyasha. “So is this the Higurashi patient?” He asked with a yawn.

“Yea,” Inuyasha answered.

The radiologist nodded and then looked to Kagome. “Ms. Higurashi I presume?”

Kagome nodded.

“Okay, then lets get started, you can sit over there,” he pointed to a chair in the corner. Kagome walked over to the chair and sat down, still holding Shippo close to her body. Inuyasha was doing something with the computer.

“Ok, so does Shippo have any fillings that may be magnetic?” The strange man asked. He had blue hair and only three fingers and a thumb. He was obviously a youkai, although Kagome didn’t know what kind.

“No, he’s never had a cavity.” The man nodded.

“And he’s had no surgery to replace a limb or anything that may involve metal being placed in his body?” Kagome shook her head. “And, does he have a pacemaker?”

“No he doesn’t.” Kagome answered.

“Ok then we just need to get him into a hospital gown and remove any metal that may be in his hair.” He reached under a counter that was behind where he had been scanning and pulled out a child size gown and handed it to Kagome.

Kagome got up and sat Shippo down in the chair and began to strip him of his doggie pajamas. She then helped his arms through the gown.

Inuyasha had been messing with the computer, but turned around when the radiologist walked over. The patriot youkai gave him a weird look. Kagome walked over and told them Shippo was ready, so Inuyasha took him from her and went into the room. He walked over to the cube machine and sat Shippo down on the slab with his head prepared to be the first thing to enter the machine. He tried to make sure that the gown covered the slab, because it could get cold and Shippo was probably going to be in there for an hour. He looked up and saw that the radiologist was asking Kagome some more questions and neither were paying attention to him and Shippo. He quickly placed a small kiss on the kit’s head and ruffled his hair a little bit, too clam him down of course.


Sesshomaru walked through the corridor to the clinic. The clinic was on Sesshomaru’s list of decisions to make. The clinic didn’t bring in a lot of money, and the patients were actually beginning to go elsewhere. Sesshomaru’s predecessor had wanted to close the clinic and when the board of directors voted no to his proposal he had been spiteful and withdrew most of the hospital’s funding to the clinic. This caused the clinic to have to raise its costs. They ended up losing most of their patients.

The clinic director, a short stout young raccoon youkai, had petitioned him to reinstate the funding just that morning. He had told him that the past director had wanted to close the clinic because the board of directors required that every doctor in hospital volunteer there at least once every three months and that included the director. He was a selfish and vile old man that wanted to be paid a hefty amount to even look at a patients chart, and another pretty penny to look at the patient. He didn’t like that the hospital board had expected him to volunteer his services and hated even more that many of the patients were human. He had believed that humans were beneath him.

Sesshomaru felt much the same way about humans as the past director did, but he was not so stupid to believe that he could avoid them altogether or even refuse them care. This may have been a youkai hospital, but a third of the board were humans and another third were either hanyou or mated to humans. He could be fired easily if he showed prejudice against two thirds of the board. It didn’t a genius to figure that out.


The radiologist pressed a few buttons and the slab with Shippo on it moved into the magnetic machine. Unlike the CT scan the MRI had the ability to show more than one angle, but they started with the angle the CT had shown.

Kagome set back and watched the computer monitor, although without the intensity that the radiologist had and most definitely without the intensity that Inuyasha had. She was beginning to wish she had brought the book Inuyasha had about reading the MRI with her so she could understand a little more than she was.

Inuyasha stared intently at the monitor, as it scanned Shippo’s left temporal lobe. It found nothing, moving on it scanned his left olfactory nerve and then his occipital lobe. There was nothing there. Inuyasha was almost sure that it would have been on the left side of his brain. Then something hit him, “Kagome is Shippo left handed?”

Kagome looked a little startled, because Inuyasha hadn’t spoken to her in a half hour. “Yes, he is why?”

Inuyasha looked back at the monitor, but explained to her, “last night when you were reading, did you get to the point where they talked ‘bout the differences in the left and right hemispheres?”

“Yea, it said that the left side of the brain controlled the right side of the body and the right side of the brain controlled the left side of the body.”

“Well, yea, but also one side is dominant and that side is usually the hand people use. Since Shippo’s left handed it would explain why a tumor on the right side of the brain would hurt his system more.”

Inuyasha then turned back to the screen, without another word and watched as they scanned his right hemisphere.


Miroku walked into the free clinic around town. He had had a long night, thinking about the girl that had very nearly given him a concussion. Sango was such an amazing woman. Any woman that could floor him was alright in his book, but give him a concussion? As many times as he had been smacked, hit, and ran over by jealous boyfriends cars, his skull had grown a protective covering. He had thought that getting concussions was in the past for him. And she had done it with only a smack! He was very thankful that she hadn’t thought that he was obnoxious enough to run him over with her car, while that may have been fun at nineteen he was now slightly than that and didn’t know if he could handle that much pain anymore.

He walked into his office and sat his backpack down that had his lunch in it. He pulled his non-rolling chair out and sat down at his older computer and pulled the mail off the top of his pile of things to do. He began to open the bills. He sighed. The bills just kept piling up. If it kept up at this rate the clinic would be closed in less than three months.

Everything had been going well for the past few years. Things had been hard when he graduated from medical school, he had had to work his way through and take out thousands of dollars in loans. Then, at his graduation his grandfather had shown up with a check. It was a combination of the money that his maternal grandparents had left his mother, which then became his, the money his father left him when he died, and his inheritance from his grandfather. His grandfather had told him that he had no need for the money any longer as his home was paid for and he had enough to live off of for a long while and that the money from his parents had been given to him to pass along when Miroku graduated from college.

He had paid back his college loans and used the rest of the money to open the clinic. Things went well for a few months and then he started running out of money. They charged people who could afford it and the insurance companies of those who had insurance. The problem was that most of them didn’t have insurance and didn’t make a lot of money. So, the only way they had to make money was to charge co-payments based on income.

Eventually, even that wasn’t bringing in enough income, so he’d begun to look for a sponsor. Finally, after petitioning seventeen different companies and people, he ran into his old college roommate, Inuyasha. They had been acquaintances in high school and ended up together at Boston University. They had been randomly paired their freshmen year and lived together until they graduated from medical school. After that, they lost touch. But three years later, there he was sitting in a corner at a party nursing a beer. Miroku walked over and they had talked.


Inuyasha sat in the corner wondering why in the hell he’d even come to this party. He had been living at home for the past few months, he had started his internship at Takahoushi Youkai and there was no point in paying for an apartment that he wasn’t even going to sleep in. Plus, his mother was sick so it was better that he be there when he could. The only reason he decided to come to the party his co-worker had told him about was that his mother begged him to go out and be a ‘normal’ twenty five year old. Feh, like he was ever normal.

He had spent most of the night sitting there by himself drinking. If he didn’t come back a little wasted his parents would be suspicious.

Suddenly he recognized a familiar scent and quickly had to stop himself from smiling as his best friend from college came over and sat down beside him. Most of the people at the party had just ignored him, but Miroku would never do that, even after everything they had been through.

Miroku came over and sat down next to him. They were sitting on the floor against the wall. They didn’t say anything to each another for several minutes. Finally Inuyasha took the last swig of his beer and asked Miroku if he wanted another. Miroku said yes and Inuyasha went grabbed them two more.

When he sat back down Miroku took one of the beers from him. “So, how are things?”

“Fine, I guess. And you?”

“Things are going well.”

“Oh yea? How’s that clinic you opened a few years back?”

“Well, I’m afraid it’s not going too well. We’re running out of money, I’ve been trying to find a sponsor but I’m afraid that I won’t be able to in time.” He sighed. He felt bad for talking to Inuyasha about this, but things weren’t going that great, and ever since they’d given drunk during winter finals during their freshmen year Inuyasha had been the one person who understood his problems. Not that they ever really talked when they weren’t drunk. They were great really good friends, even after all that time.

Inuyasha looked over, something must really be wrong with him of he was talking before he was completely plastered. Especially considering it was sad serious talk. They only ever talked that way when they were so drunk that they were convinced the other wouldn’t remember the next morning.

“So its that bad huh?” Inuyasha asked, knowing he would understand.

“Yup, that’s why I’m here to get wasted and forget.” Inuyasha chuckled at that.

“I’ll agree to that.”

They simply sat and drank for the following twenty minutes before Inuyasha spoke up, “you said you need a sponsor right”

Miroku nodded.

“Well, will I do?”

Miroku looked over at him and gave him a weird look. “You have that kinda money?”

“When my dad died he left me and my mom two thirds of his money. Most its still in the bank. We never really needed a lot and Mom stopped me from spending it on anything other than school.”

“If you want to, I’d be really grateful.”

Inuyasha nodded.

End Flashback

And so Inuyasha had become his clinic’s silent benefactor. He didn’t support the clinic the whole time, only until he found a corporation to take over. Inuyasha still made regular contributions to the clinic though.

The corporation that had taken over sponsorship of the clinic was down on their luck and had to withdraw a lot of their charity money, and they were still facing bankruptcy. Miroku didn’t blame them, they had to keep their own heads out of water. But it was looking like he was going to have to ask Inuyasha for a little more help.


Inuyasha huffed as he stared at the monitor. He had been there for almost an hour and yet he hadn’t found anything. Kagome was sitting behind him, still upset, although calm. The radiologist was carefully looking at the results. They hadn’t even made it to the temporal lobe yet. Inuyasha had wanted to start there, but the radiologist insisted that they scan the whole brain.

He wanted to go to sleep, to get up and walk around, anything. The only thing keeping him in his seat was his need to find out what was wrong with Shippo.

Just as he was getting ready to lean his head back he saw something, “wait go back.” The radiologist nodded. There it was, in between his lateral olfactory stria and temporal lobe was a small tumor. It looked to be around the size of a bouncy ball. However, it was pressing the temporal lobe into the occipital lobe, thereby cutting off Shippo’s eyesight, hearing and sense of smell. And, the best part was, since it hadn’t spread, it was completely operable.

A sense of relief fell over him and he turned to talk to Kagome while the radiologist continued the MRI, too make sure there wasn’t anything else.

“Ok, Kagome we found it.” Kagome looked up at him.

“Really?” She was sitting there in a state of shock.

“Uh huh.”

Suddenly Kagome jumped up and hugged him tightly. Inuyasha fell backward at the unexpected weight. Suddenly Kagome was straddling his waist and hugging his chest. He jumped up and Kagome fell off of him.

Kagome was a little agitated, although she decided to let it go since he had, very likely, just saved her sons life.

Once Inuyasha had gotten up, he went back over to the monitor to see that the scan was finished. The radiologist was already printing the results.

Inuyasha opened the door and went to get Shippo.


Sesshomaru had just finished his tour of the hospital clinic. The decision really was a no-brainer. The clinic had to stay, but the coordinator had to go. The raccoon youkai had no idea what was going on in front of his face. Not to mention that he was a mediocre doctor.

He walked into his office, with Andrew, the clinic director, following him. Andrew took a seat across from the desk while Sesshomaru took his usual seat.

“So, Dr. Tashio, have you made a decision as to the clinic?”

“Yes I have Dr. Johnson, I will reinstate the funding for the clinic. However…” Sesshomaru was cut off by the weakling crying ‘thank you.’

Sesshomaru cleared his voice and the doctor stopped talking. “As I was saying, your fired, effective immediately please have your things off the premises by the end of your shift today. I’ll give a severance package of half a year’s salary. Now it you would vacate my office.”

The youkai looked a little stunned. “But, why?”

“Because,” was the only answer he gave.

He nodded and got up, walking out of the office in a daze.

Sesshomaru then set about to find someone new to run the clinic.


Sesshomaru was interrupted by a knock at his door, nearly a half hour after he started to look through personal records.


Inuyasha walked in and sat down, without being asked.

“Yes little brother?” He asked a little annoyed at the intrusion.

“I need to ask, a favor.” Inuyasha spat out, not liking the taste it left in his mouth.

Sesshomaru looked up suddenly and almost laughed. “Did I just hear you correctly little brother? You are asking me for a favor?”

Inuyasha grunted, which Sesshomaru took to mean yes.

“So, what may I ask is this favor, and why should I grant you this favor?”

Inuyasha sighed before answering, “well remember the patient we talked about? The boy, Shippo, he has a brain tumor. I need someone to perform the surgery.”

“Ahh, so you want me to assign you a neurosurgeon? Ok, how about,” he looked down at the file he was looking at before, “Dr, Mully?”

Inuyasha nearly chocked, “no not him that bastard barely passed the MCAT.”

“Ok so, what about Dr. Yang?”

“Oh hell no, he’ll fall asleep during the surgery.” Sesshomaru nearly laughed at that one.

“Ok, so then little brother, who do you propose do the surgery?” Sesshomaru asked, coldly.

“Um…I don’t know.” He said, nervously.

“Really? You don’t have anyone in mind?”

Inuyasha knew he was fishing for a compliment. He wanted Inuyasha to say that he was a good doctor, a great doctor, the best in his field, the kind of thing that Inuyasha had not only sworn never to say to his brother, but would cause the end of the world.

“Look, will ya do the surgery or not?” He yelled, getting angry.

Sesshomaru didn’t even look up. “Inuyasha, you’ll have to ask nicer than that.”

“Look don’t do it for me, alright, the kid needs it.” Sesshomaru was untouched.

“Damn it Sesshomaru! Just do the fuckin’ surgery alright!” Inuyasha stood up and shoved everything, including Sesshomaru’s computer off the table. Sesshomaru was beginning to get agitated.

“You’ll pay for that whelp!”

“Yeah, yeah I’ll buy a new computer! And why in the hell are you looking at personal files anyway?”

“I need a new clinic director, although that is none of your business. I’ll send you an email from home with the computer model I want and I’ll reserve a operating room for tomorrow at noon. Now get out!”

Inuyasha quickly turned and walked out the door.

A/N: I know this is a little short, but I’ve got a long week ahead of me. I’ll try to get a chapter out on Wednesday, although it will probably be closer to the length of this one than other chapters.
I’ve still haven’t decided whether or not to do the sequel, but I’ll decide soon. Thank you all for your input!