InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome To My Life ❯ Kouga ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 11

Sesshomaru marked a spot on Shippo’s newly shaven head and picked up his neurosurgical drill. He’d have to make a few holes to get past the skull and to the tumor. He was trying very hard to concentrate on the job ahead of him, it was going to take nearly six hours, but he kept thinking back to the stink bomb. What on earth could Naraku be up to?


Inuyasha wasn’t surprised to find Kagome asleep now he got back to Shippo’s room. She still hadn’t slept enough. It was odd, but he found it comforting that she was so tired, but that meant that she would sleep through a lot, if not most of the surgery. It certainly would save her a lot of pain and worry.

He walked back over to her bed and checked her vitals, just to be sure. After jotting them down in her chart, he went out to the nurse’s station.

“Hey Keade, I need you to page me when Kagome wakes up.”

“Of course Inuyasha,” she said without looking up. And with that, he went off to do rounds for the afternoon.

It was nearly an hour later before Inuyasha’s beeper started going of. He quickly chocked down his coffee and went to Kagome and Shippo’s room. But he wasn’t happy when he got there.

He had been rehearsing a speech over and over in his mind, yelling at her for putting herself in this situation, yelling at her for not trusting him to take care of her and Shippo, and then asking her out. He had decided to tell her that he wanted to go to a movie together, on a date, but not promise anything would come of it. It was perfect; now if he didn’t screw it up…


Kouga walked nervously into the hospital. He hadn’t seen Kagome or Shippo in nearly two years, and had planned to never see him again, but he found that he just couldn’t stay away, not when Shippo was sick and she was hurting.

He decided to bring Ayame with him, so he didn’t do anything stupid like make a promise to be with her that he couldn’t keep.

Ayame was keeping up fairly well with her husband’s brisk walk. She could see the emotions running across his face and understood them all to well. It was times like this that she wished that they had a better, more open relationship. Not the one of fear they currently had. They were afraid of each other, of being intimate, of being themselves when the other was near. If this was anyone of her other friends she would have no problem going up to him and taking his hand, letting him know that she was there for him. But this was Kouga, the only man that could get her upset.

Taking a deep breath she quickened the speed of her walk, to match that of her husband and when she got to his side, she moved her hand into his. Kouga looked down, as though he was just burnt and she quickly pulled it back and turned to run out the door.


Naraku sat outside the hospital by himself. He was waiting for Kagura to return with a report on the stink bomb incident. It was, after first phase one in his plan.

“Ahh, Kagura how did things go?”

“Not as well as planned.”


“The master was in surgery and his bastard brother warned him.”

“Ok, well then I guess we shall have to try again won’t we.”

“Yes I suppose we shall.”


Inuyasha went back to Kagome’s room and looked into the window on the door. She was just watching television, so he knocked and waited for her say it was ok to enter.

“Come in.”

He walked in the room and looked around, she was watching some soap opera, although she didn’t look particularly interested in it.

“Hey Inuyasha,” she said when she looked up at him.

“Hey, how are you feeling?” He asked in a soft voice.

“A lot better.”

“That’s good.”

Kagome nodded.

“Look, Kagome I…um...we…um you know need to talk about some stuff.”

“Oh my gosh, is Shippo ok?”

“What? Oh, no no the runt’s fine. He’s in surgery now and I haven’t heard about any complications. No, we need to talk about some other stuff.”

“Ok, then what other stuff?”

“Look, it’s just, how could you do this to yourself?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, you should have trusted me to take care of you and Shippo yesterday.”


“No, just listen for a minute. I have never not woken you up for work, never, ever since you brought Shippo into the clinic all I’ve done is take care of you and him and I don’t understand why you thought that this time would have been different. And how could you do this huh? I thought you said that you were taking care of yourself!” Inuyasha was now facing the door, he just couldn’t look at her. His face was red with anger and his claws were digging into the skin of his hands.

Just as Kagome was about to speak, the door opened.


Kouga was at a loss. He wasn’t expecting Ayame to try and hold his hand. They never really touched before, except when they were in bed, and the only reason they did that was so that they could try to have a baby to ‘finalize the marriage.’ If they could have a baby, when he or she was old enough they could divorce.

He knew how hard being married to him was, and he tried to make it work for her, but he couldn’t let her know his feelings. She needed to be able to move on when the chance came and knowing how he felt would only hurt and confuse her. The best option they had was to have a child as soon as possible and move on.

She had made a good point though, he should explain everything to Kagome. When he left the only reason he gave was that he didn’t love her anymore, but she deserved to know the truth. He inhaled deeply as he walked to the reception desk to ask where she was.


Sango looked at her watch and sighed. He said he’d be here by now, that if she gave him just one chance he wouldn’t screw it up, and yet here he is two minutes late.

She slipped her coffee, she wanted to go to the hospital soon and see Kagome. Today was Shippo’s surgery and she knew that her best friend would need her there. Too bad for Miroku, he was losing minutes of the hour he had begged for.

She looked up when the chair across from her was pulled out.

“You’re late.”

“I know, I’m really sorry, but I had to call the hospital and check on Kagome and Shippo.”

Sango looked up at him, “really?”


“How’ ;s the surgery going? Is Kagome ok?”

“Well, they haven’t heard anything about the surgery yet and they probably won’t for the next few hours yet.”

“And Kagome?”

“She had a little case of exhaustion and we had to put her on an IV this morning but Keade said that she’s fine now and Inuyasha’s in with her.

“Oh my God I can’t believe no one called me. I have to get down there.”

“Sango please, there’s nothing you can do, she’s better now and I promise I’ll get you to the hospital before Shippo comes out of surgery. The best thing for Kagome right now is to be with Inuyasha. He’s a great doctor, he’ll take care of her.”


“No buts Sango it took me long enough to get you here, and I’m keeping you for my full hour.”


Kouga got the room information fairly easily, after Kagome’s mother saw him and thought that Kagome had called and asked him to come. She was just getting there as well.

“You know I thought that you and Kagome would be married by now.”

Kouga shifted uneasily, too bad he was stuck in the elevator with her.

“Yeah well things don’t work out the way you think they will sometimes.”

“Too true. Well I’m sure Kagome will be glad to see you.”

“I hope so,” he muttered under his breath, it would make things a lot easier


Naraku pulled out his bag of goodies. These were all things had special effects on inu-youkai. He couldn’t wait to see how well they worked on Sesshomaru.

He wanted to make Sesshomaru pay for all of the humiliation that he had put him through. Sesshomaru was in trouble now.


“So, Sango what do you do for a living?”

“I work in a grocery store, you know the one downtown.”



“Well what about school?”

“I didn’t go to college, I was going too but well…”

“Well what?”

“That’s when my father died.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok, it happened a long time ago.”

“What exactly happened?”

Sango sighed, maybe she should talk about it. The only person she’d ever told was Kagome and now Kagome was in the hospital with her son. Maybe a new perspective would be good.

“Well, um, I guess I was about fourteen when it started. My dad had been having these really bad headaches and we all thought that it was part of his grieving, you know for my mom. But he went to the doctor when they started to get really bad. They ran all of these tests and didn’t find anything so we thought it was alright. About a year later he was at work, he was a construction worker, and a brick fell on his head. They took him to the hospital and thought that it was just a concussion. But they did some more tests and found a tumor. It had gone untreated for so long that it was inoperable. All they could do was make him comfortable.”

Miroku looked at Sango with sympathy. It was hard to lose a parent so young. He hadn’t thought she’d tell him just yet, but he was glad she did, now he could help her. He moved his chair over next to hers and put his arm around her. She leaned into him and cried.

“Sango it’s ok, you don’t have to finish I understand it’s ok,” he whispered into her ear soothingly.

She looked up at him, “no I need to finish, you need to really understand. The tumor was in his frontal lobe.”

Miroku hugged her even tighter, he had a feeling he knew what she was going to say and he didn’t like it.

“You know how the frontal lobe controls inhibitions and stuff like that, you know thinking before you talk.”

Miroku nodded.

“Well the tumor took a lot of that away. He said whatever was on his mind, whenever it was on his mind. If you made him angry it was terrible. It got so bad that I was afraid to take Kohaku into see him, because I was afraid of the things he’d say to him. My grandma talked me into taking him once and my dad told Kohaku that he was the reason my mother died. After that I didn’t take him anymore.”

“Did he say things to you too?” Sango nodded her head into Miroku’s chest.

“What did he say to you Sango?”

“He said that I was a mistake, that I was nothing to him. One time I was dressed up to go on a date and he said I looked like a common whore and not to come see him anymore dressed like that.”

“Is that why you always wear conservative clothes?”

She nodded again.

“Oh Sango, you know he didn’t mean any of those things. It was the tumor.”

“I know, but it still hurts, you know?”

“I know.” Miroku hugged her a little closer.

“That’s why this whole this with Shippo is so hard. That’s why I haven’t been at the hospital a lot. It’s so hard.”

“I know, I know.”

They sat like that for a few more minutes before Sango got up to go to the bathroom, and Miroku moved his chair back over to the other side of the table.


Kouga stood nervously outside of Kagome’s door. He really didn’t even know if he should be here, much less see her. But he had come all this way for a reason and it was too late to back out. So he opened the door and walked in.

He stood there for a moment and watched as Kagome stared at him in shock. There was also a inu-hanyou standing in front of him that looked an awful lot like the one Ayame told him had dinner with her.

“Kagome I need to talk to you can you get the mutt outta here,” he started.

“Kouga I don’t want to talk to you, leave,” Kagome said, softly but firmly.

“Kagome we really need to talk.”

“No Kouga we really don’t,” she said, firmer this time.

Inuyasha looked over to Kagome, who looked really stressed and stepped in, “look ya mangy wolf Kagome don’t wanna talk to ya so just leave.”

“No I need to talk to her, besides my woman don’t always know what she needs.”

“Kouga, you dumped me, remember? I’m not your woman anymore.”

“Yea, so leave wolf.”

“Make me dog.”

“Gladly,” with that Inuyasha pushed Kouga into the door behind him. Kouga fell backwards, not expecting the attack and hit his head on the wood and left a medium sized hole in the door.

He recovered quickly and ran charging at Inuyasha. Kagome jumped up and ran between the two. Kouga barely stopped before running into her.

“Kagome, move,” Kouga stated.


“Kagome, I said move. This mutt has it coming.”

“No, I won’t let you two fight over me.”

“Kagome, just move, ok? Then I can kick his ass and we’ll be able to talk in private.”

“Kouga if I say I’ll talk to you, will you leave me alone?”

Kouga looked down at her. He hadn’t really taken notice before, but she looked weak and tired. She was obviously frustrated. She had probably been over doing it, again.

“Yes, Kagome all I need is an hour.”

“Ok then.”

Inuyasha had watched the exchange in shock, how could she say she’d talk to this man, this wolf?

“Oh hell no, I’m not leaving you alone with Kagome,” he stated after recovering.

“Inuyasha please, just let me do this, give me an hour.”

“But what if he tried to hurt you?”

“I’d never..” Kouga was cut off by Kagome.

“Kouga, stay out of this.”

“Inuyasha, if it will make you feel better you can stay.”

“No, I want to talk to you, alone.”

“Well then how about the cafeteria, Inuyasha can sit at the table next to ours and you’ll get to talk to me alone and he can be there.”

“No Kagome you shouldn’t be out of bed yet,” Inuyasha interjected.

“Well I think that’s going to be the only way.”

Inuyasha looked like he was going to put up a fight, but said, “fine, but the minute you get tired I’m bringing you back here and the wolf leaves.”

Kagome nodded, “that works for me.”

A/N: that’s not too much of a cliffhanger is it? I know it’s a little short, but it’s mostly preparing you for the next couple of chapters. There’s two more chapter’s left, the next one will be up next Friday. Thank you all for continuing to read!