InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to The Age of Un-Innocence ❯ Bonding ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Hey everyone! No thank you's this time because I just finished this chapter up today and won't have time to tonight, and considering I have to work all day tomorrow *sigh* It's either post the chapter now without my thank you's or like next week. I think I know what you'll like better :D
Hope the wait wasn't too bad for the new chapter; I had a bit of writers block for the first time on this story. But I hope you like it and thank you SOOO much to all the people that did review me! You shall me thanked individually soon :D I really love reading those and appreciate them so much so if you have the time please review :).
Oh and this particular update is for my darling Maggz, because she finally read one of my stories! (yay!) and has been giving me so many wonderful ideas for this story hehehe. <3 u sweetie! And one other shout out, if you haven't read any of Elixir of Destiny's works go do so, at once. They're still quite a bit confusing but you won't be disappointed if you like sexy dark angsty stuff :D
Ok enjoy the update! Till the next one, JA! Laurell~
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Kagome went stiff from shock momentarily before she processed what was happening and melted into his kiss deeply. She surprised them both when Kagome pushed him against the wall reaching up to lock her arms around his neck. Inuyasha pulled her close and ran a hand down to rest on her lower back, kissing her firmly but his lips stayed soft.
She gasped lightly her bottom lip opening just enough for him to seize it between his own and suck gently. Pushing her fingers up into his hair, sent shivers down his spine and he bit down lightly pulling on her. Kagome stretched her body up to trace her tongue against his top lip and flushed from the feeling of meeting his tongue finally.
Her senses were exploding with only the barest feelings able to be sorted through the intense frenzy that had taken over her nerves. He was so warm, much more than she every would have guessed and the way he kissed her tingled all the way down to her toes, locking her in feeling nothing but her body pressed so tightly to his.
She fought for control only to end up spun with her back roughly shoved against the wall pinned beneath him. His hands ran along her hips and traced her curves, exploring her and came to rest on her stomach edgily, obviously wanting to go further. Kagome boldly curved to push her hips against his, she would have blushed to the ends of her hair from the lascivious motion if she wasn't too swept away to even notice her body acting on its own.
Their lips never parting as they explored, bite and licked every inch of each others. Kagome finally pulled back panting and turning her head away, her eyes still locked shut too overwhelmed to open them yet. Inuyasha leaned forward kissing the soft skin at the juncture of her neck and shoulder moving up to her jaw line lightly sucking the entire way. She panted softly from both lack of air and the circles Inuyasha's tongue was currently making on her neck, while every place he touched her felt like it was being seared and her skin was on fire.
Her long lashes fluttered open, but in the dark hallway all she could see was the light reflecting off of his silvery hair and sharp metallic eyes mimicking her own half lidded state. He leaned forward again blurring out of her view and rested his forehead against her own struggling to catch his breath and regain control very similar to what Kagome was attempting.
“Kagome?” Mrs. Higurashi called causing both of them to nearly jump out of their skin as Inuyasha flew to the other side of the hallway. Kagome pressed a finger to her lips and they both stayed tense and silent until his footsteps moved away from the dark hall entrance.
Kagome bust out giggling her hand pressed to her heart as relief and adrenaline replaced her blood flowing through her body. She exhaled leaning back against the wall, finally catching her breath after ten minutes of feeling like she hadn't breathed once and looked up to find Inuyasha smiling but looking a little confused.
“What's that all about?”
“I…don't know.” She said truthfully. “But we need to get over to the dining room before they suspect something.” Inuyasha nodded silently.
“Oh Kagome…”
“Hmm?” She asked turning back into the hallway.
“You might want to um…fix your dress.” He said keeping his eyes down modestly. Kagome blinked confused before looking down at her outfit to see her straps hanging off her shoulders and her skirt still bunched oddly around the top of her thighs. She blushed bright red quickly adjusting to normal and smoothing out the wrinkles the best she could.
“Oh jeeze, is it obvious?” She laughed again tucking her hair back in place. Inuyasha chuckled smoothing his own hair out with both of his hands.
“I guess not? I don't know; let's just get this bullshit over with.”
“Hey,” She grabbed his hand lightly. “Can you stay after dinner? I'd like you to hang out with Souta.”
“Huh?” Inuyasha looked down at her like she had lost her mind. “That kid was looking at me like he wanted to set me on fire the other day, why do you want us to hang out?”
“He's just protective, but he's really important to me…and I want you both to get along, trust me you'll need all the help you can get to be around this family.” Inuyasha looked down at her pouting face and big doe eyes as she pleaded. He sighed relenting with a `keh' of agreement. Kagome hugged him happily.
“By the way…you might want to not be all…you know touchy in front of your dad…I think he has hired hit men.” Kagome snorted letting go of him.
“He does not have…well he PROBABLY doesn't have any hit men, but yea it'd be best if they think we're just hanging out for the engagement.”
“We're not?” He teased raising an eyebrow. Kagome punched him in the arm playfully glaring then took off down the hall her heels clicking after her as she rushed around the corner to get to the dining room.
Inuyasha watched her go rubbing his arm frivolously; he shook his head smiling and followed after her at a slow pace.
“Ah there you are Kagome.” Her mother announced her arrival as she gracefully took a seat next to Souta at the table.
“Sorry everyone, just a few last minute touch ups.” She smiled pleasantly, in a good enough mood now to act out her own death scene perfectly probably. She glanced over at Rin who was grinning a little mischievously and quickly sat down to avoid looking at her knowing she would blush. Inuyasha wandered in a few moments after her and sat down quietly beside her.
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“So I said that's not my wife, that's a panda!” The large dining room erupted in laughter, well except for the caterers, who Kagome was actually a bit jealous of at the moment seeing as they didn't have to fake laughter at her father's horrible jokes. The staff of stiff jackets had finally picked up their plates leaving only the after dinner conversation, followed by a light dessert and coffee with then men possibly having a cigar. Kagome was mid calculation of how much time this would take when her thoughts were interrupted.
“Isn't that right Kagome?” Her mother's voice asked.
“Yes,” She immediately said having no clue to what she just agreed to. Inuyasha raised an eyebrow from where he sat next to her and she leaned over discreetly.
“What did she say?” She whispered.
“She was talking about all the honors you graduated with; I never knew u were such a smart `lil dork.” He smirked. Kagome glared but leaned back up in her chair.
“Well men, care to join me in the study to discuss some of the more detailed business plans for the following months?” Kagome grinned recognizing this cue, now all she had left was polite coffee and cake seeing as `us womenfolk' surely wouldn't be interested with `business talk' she thought mentally rolling her eyes.
She wiggled her fingers in a cheerful wave to Inuyasha as he stood up, he squinted his eyes at her and she gave him a huge fake smile mouthing the words `have fun'. He rolled his eyes pushing his chair in and followed the others out of the dining room
“So Rin, where did you and Sesshomaru meet?” Kagome looked over at her mom an amused smile on her lips.
“When I was working as a waitress in Italy.”
“Oh how exciting, I just love Madero.” She gushed and Kagome was physically trying to keep herself from laughing. “I bet you're family is so excited about the wedding.” Rin shook her head and Izayoi looked over at her softly.
“No, my family has all passed.” She said quietly, Kagome glanced up from the coffee she was diluting with sugar, she hadn't heard of that before, her mom beside her tensed.
“Oh I'm so sorry.”
“Don't be,” Rin smiled. “It's not you're fault, and it happened a very long time ago.”
The topic was immediately changed after that to floral arrangements and the like but Kagome stayed quiet occasionally nodding or agreeing with something someone asked her. Her mind was lost focusing on what Rin had said before; did she really grow up all alone? Despite not being able to stand her parents she couldn't have imagined growing up alone and she wouldn't have been able to travel to America without their funding her boarding school. She wondered how Rin had done it all, making a note to ask her about it someday, if she was ok with it that is. If this engagement blew up maybe Rin could give her some tips she thought bitterly.
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“So how was it?” Inuyasha looked over to see Kagome seated on a bench next to a window looking over her backyard. He could hear the dwindling chatter behind him in the living room of the two families getting ready to say they're goodbyes.
“Better than I expected. Just the usual we're doing this, this and this. Don't forget this, that, blahblah, etc.” She smiled looking back out the window as Inuyasha set down next to her. “And your Dad didn't threaten me with the whole `don't hurt my daughter' thing once, I got off easy.” He chuckled. “Dad's seem to have a natural hatred of me usually.”
Kagome arched an eyebrow at him. “I'm sure they have good reason. But no my dad's not that type; he's never really cared what I did or who I dated unless it affected him. Souta is the one you need to worry about in that department.”
“Oh, right.” He quieted realizing he had by accidently hit a sensitive issue with her.
“So where is the kid anyway, aren't we supposed to be doing some `male bonding'?” Kagome rolled her eyes giggling.

“You shouldn't call someone who's probably more mature than you a kid.”
“Keh!” Inuyasha muttered turning his head. Kagome smiled and stood up walking into the foyer where the two families were in the midst of separating for the night. She bowed saying her goodbyes to the Taisho family watching Inuyasha walk out after them and cocking her head confused. He held up a finger to her to hold on and pulled his dad aside talking to him for a minute before coming back inside.
“Good news, my curfew's been extended to twelve.” He purred jokingly in her ear. Kagome pushed him back with a giggle and waved to Rin one last time.
“I like her.” She noted offhand watching her turn back to the car walking next to her much taller fiancée.
“Yea, you would.” Inuyasha said dryly.
“Oh shush, you do too. More than you want to admit. Now come on let's go find Souta, and no `keh'ing out of you, understood?” Inuyasha raised an eyebrow but stayed silent trudging after her.
`I'd much rather be hanging out with her alone and out of the house,' he thought. His sulking unnoticed by a perky Kagome searching from room to room.
“There you are!” She squealed startling the poor kid nearly out of the chair he was sitting in. “What are you doing working? It's a Saturday night!”
“I didn't know you were staying home. Aren't you going out?” Souta eyed them suspiciously, Inuyasha a little more so naturally.
“Nah, we were gunna stay here and hang out. Wanna rent a movie or something?” Kagome grinned eagerly not fooling either of the grim looking boys. Souta narrowed his eyes.
“Because…it'll be…fun?” She faltered at the looks crossing both of the guy's faces and sighed. “Or not….” Inuyasha lost his staring match with the younger Higurashi to look over at Kagome, her eye brows were furrowed the corner of her lips pulled down sadly.
“I'm sorry Kagome but I've really got a lot of wo-”
“Kagome says you like video games; I bet I can kick your ass in any one of them.” Inuyasha interrupted him suddenly darting his eyes back to Souta.
“Inuyasha!” Kagome hissed looking up at him confused. `They're supposed to be getting along, why is he picking a fight?' She opened her mouth to say something scolding but Souta interrupted her.
“Is that a challenge?” Souta asked raising an eyebrow.
“Hell ya it is.” Inuyasha smirked cockily. “That's if you think you can handle it.”
Kagome eyes were flicking between the two boys growing more worried by the second; this was not going how she planned it. Souta extended his arms pushing his chair back and standing up behind the large desk. He moved around it come to stand in front of Inuyasha despite being slightly shorter he had a arrogant gleam in his eyes.
“You're on.”
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Nearly an hour and a half later Kagome was slumped on the couch just about falling asleep and wishing she hadn't made Souta and Inuyasha hang out. They had been playing non stop since then a variety of games both about evenly matched and boasting forever about each victory over the other.
“Oh! I'm sorry did I snipe you? My bad…” Souta said sarcastically never looking away from the screen as their hands flew over the button. Inuyasha didn't reply and Kagome closed her eyes lazily, a minute or so later another crash came from the TV and the room lit up brightly.
“OH! That's right; I just beat your ass!” Inuyasha bragged loudly. “What was that about a measly little one kill in the beginning?” Souta's jaw drop as he stared at the screen in disbelief.
“That wasn't fair at all! You used a freaking rocket launcher!” He cried out.
“All's fair in love and video games!” Inuyasha yelled back.
“Sweetie…” Kagome mumbled from where she was curled into a pillow wrinkling her nice new dress on the couch.
“Yes?” Both guys turned around to ask her then glare at each other again.
“I'm getting tired of watching you two play video games.” Inuyasha dropped his controller walking over the kneel next to the couch brushing a piece of hair away from her face. Kagome opened her eyes and smiled softly at him.
“HEY!” Souta barked from behind them but Inuyasha ignored him.
“You look like you want to go to bed Kagome. Want me to take you up to your room?” She nodded sighing into the pillow and closing her eyes again. Inuyasha stood up leaning down and picking her up under her knees and behind her back and she curved into his chest happily, her wide smile hidden by her bangs from his view.
Inuyasha moved to leave the living room and Souta quickly blocked the door arms crossed. “Go set her down in her room and I expect to see you walking back downstairs in less than a minute. I WILL time you.” He glared firmly his tone icy. Inuyasha chuckled but sighed relenting.
“Relax twerp I'll be out of your hair for the night in a minute. Now move out of the way.” Souta moved his glare still fixed on Inuyasha's back as he walked away and up the stairs to Kagome's room. He sighed evenly walking over and shutting off the TV. It was close to midnight and he had to be up early for a golf game with his dad and some of the associates down at the club.
Rubbing his palms into his eyes he groaned and ran his fingers through his hair scratching his head wearily. He cleaned up in the living room and waited in the kitchen until he heard the front door close shut before walking upstairs to bed.
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A/N: Awww how cute is protective younger brother! I love Souta. :) I only reread this one like once ( I don't have a beta ehehe…) so if its rougher around the edges sorry! Ok ya, please review if you've got a sec and…
Disclaimer: If Inuyasha were mine….well lets not go into that, he's not.