InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ The Family ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 3 (HOpe you like it. Tell me any mistakes in a polite manner I.E i know some names are wrong but i'm typing on word pad no frigging ummm spell check and i realized i got full moon and new moon mixed up.)
The trip on Sesshomarus dragon seemed to pass way to quickly even to Inuyash who would need a good four to five days but, Ah-Un was covering the distance so quickly that they were passing over the lands so quickly that it was just after 6 p.m. according to Kagomes watch when a gigantic castle came into view. Inuyasha despised the castle so much that he turned his head to watch the village pass beneath him, than notice the towers and lights of his fathers castle. Kagome marveled as she saw high oak doors, and marble columns used for the support of it. Beneath her she saw many figures hurrying about and immediately sensed all of them to be youkai except for the one of a 12 year old girl waving up at them from the castle doors.
Kagome was surprised to see how much Rin had grown in the last 2 years and saw that she was as happy as ever and wearing a beautiful white silk kimono and her hair held up in a bun. Kagome waved down and grabbed the dragons reigns as it landed in front of the girl who immediately ran forwards yelling "Kagome and Inuyasha-san, welcome to Otousans castle!" Inuyasha and Kagome stared in disbelief at the girl and Inuyasha voiced, "Otousan? What the hell are you talking about girl?" Rin smiled up happily as the travelers came down from the dragon and happily replied, "Otousan told me to call him that or papa after that battle and said that he would search for a way to make me stay with him as his daughter forever!" Inuyasha growled loudly, "So he seeks the Shikon to turn you to a demon as I once did?" Rin shook her head and said, "NO! Otousan is actually looking at something called Alchemy. He said there's a stone that can be created from dragons blood to turn a person immortal if they drank it once a year."
Kagome laughed and said, "Thats called the Philosphers stone in my time. A lady wrote a book about a young boy who had to protect the stone and helped have it destroyed." Rin frowned "Well Otousan won't let that happen to my stone. He promised protect it for me and Mama said she would too!" Inuyasha grumbled at the girl, he liked her spirit it was much like Kagome's but he refused to believe that Sesshomaru could change that much, "So his mate approves of you?" Rin nodded and hugged Inuyasha much to his shock, "Yes Uncle, she loves me like her own although humans treated her as badly as they did you she knows the people near us and me have good hearts and wish only our happiness." Inuyasha and Kagome stared at Rin in shock at the comforting gesture. Kagome knew Inuyasha didn't like being touched but for some reason he hugged her back and saw a placid look as if it was a look of approval and care as well. For once a person had touched him without a violent gesture, well Kagome and the others didn't do that too him but the first meetings they had with their other friends hadn't exactly been peaceful and for a little girl to just hug him out of know reason but love was so welcomed to him that he actually scooped her up in his arms and tossed her in the air much to Kagomes amusement, so much so that she took her camera out and snapped a shot as Inuyasha finally stopped throwing Rin and hugged her.
Thankfully Inuyash nor Rin noticed and she snuck it into her bag just as a voice said, "I would appreciate it if you were more careful with my children hanyou." Inuyasha glared in the direction as Sesshomaru stepped forward. Instead of his normal armor like clothes he had on a simple white haori made of cotton and motioned for Rin. She kissed Inuyasha's cheek before climbing down and being scooped up in Sesshomarus remaining arm and he nuzzled her cheek. "Why don't you show Kagome to where Mama and your brother are resting." Rin beamed and said "Okay, Papa!' before leaping out of his arms and dragging Kagome into the house as she waved to Inuyasha and took the turn that Rin did.
Inuyasha sort of flushed as Sesshomaru approached him and said, "Welcome, brother" Inuyasha's ears perked as he noticed the lack of typical malice in Sesshomaru's voice. He turned and was about to speak when Sesshomaru tilted his head and said, "Follow me." Inuyasha followed in silence behind his brother taking in the massive size of the castle. Many servants bowed to him and his brother as they walked through the halls of the castle. It seemed they'd never stop until reached a pair of oaken doors. He knew that this must have been his fathers study as instead of the typical sliding doors there were those doors normally used on vaults and when the doors were opened he saw a massive amount of books and scrolls and a table strewn with scrolls all over it except for an empty space in the middle. Sesshomaru motioned for him to sit down as he grabbed some tea and two glasses before sitting at the side he studied at. He poured two glasses and set one infront of Inuyasha and the other infront of himself before drinking.
Inuyasha stared as his brother drank and dared not touch his tea for fear of poison and spoke, "Why the hell'd you bring me here?" Sesshomaru sighed and set his glass down before speaking. "This Sesshomaru has had some changes happen," Inuyasha scoffed causing his brother to pause and glare before continuing, "These changes, whether you believe me or not, have made me better. As you can see I've adopted Rin, a human, and found a mate and sired an heir who's blood is almost pure Inu-yokai." Inuyasha scoffed again before replying. "So, what. It doesn't change the times you tried to kill me and my friends nor the humans you've murdered." Inuyasha was surprised that his brother slammed his fist on the table and glared, "Don't think I've forgotten. You killed humans mercilessly and have no memories of it. I did so conciously and deal with the memories each day and try to pay my commuppance for my sins and have made progress. But I have a family now and have helped the people around me and of my lands so don't you dare try and make me feel any more guilty than I already do."
Startled at his brothers words Inuyasha spoke quietly, "Why do you need me here after two years?" Sesshomaru replied sternly, "I wish you to meet my mate and your nephew, but to also take place to your inheiritance." Inuyasha stared at him and asked, "What in the hell are you talking about, Sesshomaru?" Grumbling at his brother coarse approach Sesshomaru spoke, "You are rightful heir to half the lands of our father and the fortune, now you can take it all or leave it here and just say it in title and come here when you need the funds." Inuyasha grumbled saying, "I don't need it. I've never needed it, I've never really had a home till now and thats my territory near the village." Sesshomaru nodded and replied, "Well then just come by when the whim attracts you and this Sesshomaru will open the doors to you and your friends." Inuyasha nodded and headed towards the door when Sesshomaru said, "And just hurry up and take the girl as a mate already, you baka hanyou." Growling to himself Inuyasha slammed the door leaving Sesshomaru to laugh to himself as he went over his documents.
In the hall Inuyasha followed the scent of Rin and Kagome to another door. Its style was much like that of the study but much smaller and he knocked and entered after a confirmation was made. Upon seeing Rin and Kagome he saw a gorgeous woman sitting on the floor with a baby in her lap. Her skin wasn't pale like his brothers but a bit darker and her hair was Raven black, but her eyes were a deep green. Her face was gentle and kind and he noticed that she had dog ears on top of her head like his and he nodded to her. She beamed at him and spoke. "Hello Inuyasha, I'm Taki." Her voice was soft and somewhat ethereal and she motioned him to sit which he did and stared at the baby. His nephews hair was striped with a black strip running down the middle of his hair like a reverse skunk hair do and he was knawing on a wooden toy and drooling and laughing. Inuyasha noticed the appearance of fangs and smirked. "Whats his name Taki?" She giggled, "Glad to see that you don't hate me but his name is Koji." Inuyasha reached for the little one and asked, "Can,I?'" Taki nodded and put the baby into his uncles arms to which he immediately threw his toy at Inuyasha's head and laughed. Inuyasha growled loudly but stopped as he heard Kagome go "Si.........." and held the little guy close and let him naw on his fingers a little.
They sat there for an hour and discussed the kid before Inuyasha asked, "How'd you come to be here?" Taki stopped laughing and began the story, "I was living peacefully in the village I'd lived in for at least 80 years. I'd helped the children, their parents, and grandparents for that time and I was for once treated equally, but then some bandits came and slaughtered everyone one night. I could here everyone burning and ran to help but they were all dead by the time I reached the village. The stench was unbearable. Rotting, burnt, dismembered people everywhere. It was all I could do to bury them. When I had left I knew that I should head towards this castle now that I truly needed the help of our clans lord. I knew that Sesshomaru was now the leader and wasn't exactly an open hearted one at that but when I approached the castle I learned he was badly injured in the fight against that abomination Naraku." Inuyasha hissed at the name but allowed her to continue.
"When I first arrived he was very somber and internally struggling. I guess the thought of you finally being able to beat Naraku and you surpassing him was finally too much and he needed time to sort things out for himself. Rin had taken a liking to me and it helped with my losses. She told me about you, and how Sesshomaru had saved her from death and how he lavished her with gifts and treated her with kindness, but since the battle he had been withdrawn and never left his room. Rin thought that she would bring him food like she did when you first used the Kaze no Kizu and it somewhat worked and then one night about a few months later I went in to talk to him and thank him for him allowing me to stay. When I entered his room I saw him on his bed and he was groaning. I walked towards him and saw his eyes had gone purple and he was tearing at his clothes. I looked out the window and saw the full moon and felt the effects myself and the next morning we had the crescent moon symbol of your family Inuyasha on our necks and we each saw our pasts. At first we were a bit shy around eachother but after awhile we'd grown fond of each other and started acting more like mates and when I told him of Koji his whole personality changed in an instant. I know that with demons we become insanely defensive of mates in terms of property and such but this was actually more human and loving and I knew that we would be happy. Now if we could just find that stone for Rin."
Rin beamed at her adoptive mother and said, "Can I take Kagome and Inuyasha to the kitchens?" Taki gasped, "I'm so sorry you must be hungry after your journey, why don't you spend the evening with us and you can leave in the morning?" Kagome was about to decline when Inuyasha spoke up and said, "We'd appreciate it." Rin cheered and Koji pulled his uncles hair as Taki nodded and said, "I'll have some food prepared for you." Kagome said thanks as she left with Rin and Koji in shock at Inuyasha thinking What is his problem?
Please R.R for me I want to know how my first attempt is, I'm a bit new to this anime but i know alot so is it possible for you guys to allow me some artistic license,okay. And booky san thanks i guess the hyphens so i don't have to write the frigging and all the time. Sorry if some stuff is too mushy people

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