InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ *Whimper* ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
TO quote the diamond head song based on your reviews about the cliffy. "Am I evil? Yes I am!" Devil face song sung in chap owned by dreamworks pictures.
Chappy 5 muwahahaha
Upon her entering and finding Inuyasha asleep Kagome was initially shocked because he always said he didn't need sleep but she could always tell because when she'd wake up in the middle of the night, she'd find his eyes closed and the lids fluttering as if he were dreaming. So needless to say she wasn't so shocked to find him curled up in a small ball with a pillow and Tetsaiga close by him. She found a small closet and an extra blanket and wrapped him up in it despite her knowing he wasn't cold at all she at least thought he'd appreciate the gesture and thank her in the morning. Even if he doesn't feel the same about me he's my friend and I can at least make sure he's taken care of. She finished putting the blanket on him when she heard some of what he was dreaming about. "Mmmmmmm, Ramen Mountain. If this is heaven let it never go away." Kagome stifled a laugh at the hanyous little comment and wished she'd never brought those infernal noodles to this era. She watched him for a moment before placing a small kiss on his cheek and rubbed his head and turned up to go to bed.
While under the covers Kagome tried her damndest to go to sleep but the muttering half demon near her and the thoughts of all her adventures kept sleep from even coming to her. So many memories had passed through her mind about the past few years. Her first trip through the well, Meeting Inuyasha and fighting those weird birds, the first time she'd said "it", seeing the grave of Inuyashas dad, meeting her friends and the trials of getting the last few crystal shards after the death of Naraku had all taken her to places, and see thing she would never have truly thought existed. Sighing and staring at Inuyasha she cursed him for making fun of her for always needing sleep but now he was keeping her awake while he slept peacefully dreaming of Ramen.
"Mama......." Kagome turned to see Inuyasha's feet kicking and his arms shaking. She'd never really asked Inuyasha about his mother he always said he never really remembered her because she died when he was a young boy and had to run away from the village he lived in. She could tell he was lying about part of it because he always got way to angry and you don't get that angry unless you truly know what happened but refuse to let anyone in. She got up to check him and saw that his face was twisted and he looked on the verge of tears and she reached out to shake his shoulder when he jerked it and said, "Don't hurt us, just let me and my mama go." Kagome pulled her hand back and looked about ready to cry when she thought of what he was possibly dreaming and wished that it wasn't what she was thinking.
Inuyasha had been having the greatest dream ever. Normally he didn't sleep due to the nightmares of battles and the tortures of his childhood but tonight he'd just been overwhelmed by some things and thought he'd at lest sleep dreamlessly but sure enough he'd had a dream. But this dream was a paradise. He'd dreamed he'd woken up to find a mountain of neverending ramen cups that were always hot and off many differnet flavors. Particuarlly the pork that he'd really come to enjoy with that stuff called "pepper" to give it a little kick. He ran to it and started chowing down on the steaming cups o'noodles and was in the middle of a his what seemed to be 500th cup when he saw his mother waving to him. The dream had instantly changed from Ramen to memories of his mother.
At first he was five and it was a winters day, the first snowfall of the year. His mother always loved the snow and loved to see him play in it and make little snow men and beg her to play with him. She would always give in and never once complained about it being to cold because she always needed to be around him for both her sake and his. She knew that he would question her about his father one day and why she had decided to love a demon and not a human and why he had little dog ears and fangs, while the other kids' ears were on the side of their face and the couldn't bite through a piece of rope like he could. He was always asking questions and the hardest time had been at the new moon of that month when he had looked into a bowl of water that night saw that his hair had turned black and he looked normal.
She'd never seen him so happy and asked if other children would finally be nice to him now that he was normal looking and if he could go out and play with the kids the next morning.He knew that he'd made her sad by getting that happy and she sat him down and spoke to him with tears in her eyes and that's when he'd learned about his "weak time." She'd told him about how on the new moon of each month Inuyasha would become a normal weak human being like her and could feel things like she felt. She knew he could feel pain, hot, and cold but it was like a small little prick to him and she said that in the morning he would be his normal self again. He'd cried at her and said he hated her for making him like that and wished he was a strong demon like his dad. She slapped him and gasped before running into her room crying the night away.
The next memory he was 8 and it was a spring day and his mother was standing behind him and held a ball down in front of his face and he beamed up at her and hugged her. She knew how much he liked watching the other kids play with them and all he had were his lessons and a little shinai that she made him practice with according to his fathers wishes. He hated doing that because he could care less about his dads wishes. He despised his dad for running away and never being there for him and making him and his mother always be alone and suffer for the problems he caused. But now he had a ball and every chance he got he played with it, he had even one time attempted to play with some of the village kids who always had a ball and thought that since he had one they might play with him too.
It'd taken him awhile to get the courage, but finally a couple of weeks after getting the ball he'd walked up to the kids and smiled at them and held out his ball asking if he could play with them. At first they'd seemed a bit afraid of him saying things like "But you're a half-demon," and "Our parents said we shouldn't play with freaks like you." Inuyasha seemed on the verge of tears when and was about to leave when a little girl said "I'll play with you." He turned and saw a little girl with brown hair smiling at him. He knew her as a child of one of his mothers friends and he beamed at her and ran off to play.
They'd been playing for awhile, kicking the ball throwing it and laughing when some of the other kids came up and started to play too. He thought they were trying to be friendly at first but then they'd knocked him and his new friend down and started to kick, punch and even start pulling on his ears. He cried out in pain and the little girl had run to get help. Some adults showed up and broke the fight up and started to punish the boys for being mean to him saying, "It's not his fault his mother gave birth to him and he was born a freak." The little girl came up and tried to help but he told her to go home and leave him alone. She ran away with tears in her eyes and never played with him again. But as he lay there crying all he felt was a hatred towards his father for making him a half-breed. He knew that if he were a full demon he could at least protect himself and not be stepped on by these pathetic humans who hated him because he was different. He went home that night dirty and told his mother what happened all she did was cry and apologize for the hate he dealt with. She begged him not to hate humans and herself but all it did was make him want to become a full demon even more so he could hurt his father and the people who made there lives hell.
A few months later though his life had truly become empty. He was sleeping and dreaming of being accepted somewhere and his nose woke him up. He smealt smoke although that was normal he also smealt an even more disgusting stench and heard screams from outside. He ran to his mothers room and woke her up saying "Mama something bad is happening outside." She woke up and looked out her window and saw saw buildings on fire and said, "Inuyasha stay away from the doors and hide." He was about to do so when he heard some men crash into the room and laugh at her. "So this is the whore of the great Dog Lord." Inuyasha bared his fangs and jumped slashing one mans face before being knocked to the floor and kicked by a man saying "Stay down you half breed pile of shit."
Inuyasha's mother ran forward and was knocked down by the leader of the group and made him cry under the mans foot pleading, "Don't hurt us, just let me and my mama go." The men laughed loudly and one said, "Sorry kid but this womans a demons whore. She needs to be taken care of." Inuyasha heard a sword unsheath and his mother scream for mercy. Inuyasha squirmed and bit the foot of the man keeping him down making him scream and jump back. Inuyasha turned around at possibly the worst moment as he saw his mothers throat be cut and she fell to the floor gasping. The men laughed and spit on him and his mother before leaving and he crawled forward begging her not to die. She had tears in her eyes and felt her life fading and all she said was "I love you. Don't ever forget that Inuyasha."
Real world
Kagome heard Inuyasha saying "I won't forget." and start to weep. She couldn't stand to see the pain on his face and removed his pillow placing his head in her lap and she tried to think of something to soothe him when she remembered a song she saw in her world studies class from when they were studying Israel. It was about a guy named Moses and the song that his mother sang when she gave him up calmed him down and let him sleep as he floated to his new home with the rulers of egypt.
She started stroking his hair as she tried to remember all the words and when she did she softly sang to the distressed hanyou.
Hush now my baby,be still love don't cry.Sleep like your rocked by the stream.Sleep and remember my lullaby,and I'll be with you when you dream.
Drift on a river that flows through my arms.Drift as I'm singing to you.I see you smiling so peaceful and calm,and holding you I'm smiling too.
Here in my arms, safe from all harm.Holding you, I'm Smiling too.
Kagome could see that the song was working as Inuyasha started to softly grumble and she rubbed his ears lightly. At first he growled but the soothing melodies of Kagomes voice and the lullaby were calming him quickly and he was soon making a purring like grumbling noise and Kagome finished he song.
Hush now my baby still love don't crysleep like you're rocked by the stream.Sleep and remember this river lullaby,and I'll be with you when you dream.
Here in my armssafe from all harm,holding you I'm smiling too.
sleep and remember this river lullaby,and I'll be with you when you dream.
sleep and remember this river lullaby,and I'll be with you when you dream.
and I'll be with you when you dream
When she finished Inuyasha was quietly sleeping in her arms save for an occasional grunt and slight jerk out of annoyance. Sighing loudly Kagome grabbed her sleeping bag and curled up next to the hanyou and slept in preparation for the long day she'd have tomorrow the first part of that day would be explaining why she was sleeping so close to him.
Sorry for such sad memories. I don't know if the death is accurate but give me a break people R&R. I'm stuck on an idea for an embarassing moment but if i cant come up with one don't worry about it

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