InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ Chapter 19

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 19
The air was getting extremely cold rather quickly and Inuyasha threw his haori top over Kagome for added warmth and held her close to him. Kagome loved being held in his strong arms and she was glad of her decision but it was also putting the fear of living an indetermined amount of time, because she knew she'd live a long time but with them mating their lives would be tied together and if one were to die in say ten years then both would most likely die unless the other felt a strong urge to live out of making a promise to the other to live on. But it was also her worrying about if she was brave enought to live like that, too see ages come and go, to out live almost everyone alive and how to remain anonymous at the same time, but also just her worrying about if she would have the mental strength to cope with the changes.
She looked up to Inuyasha and saw him deep in thought and wondered if he was thinking the same thing as her, she smiled to herself and had a good feeling that they'd know at least what the other was thinking when it came down to important decisions but as far as she could guess he was worried about confronting her mother and Souta. In an attempt to calm him Kagome leaned in a bit more and said, "It'll be okay. I just think it might take them a bit of time to get used to the whole demon mating ritual and as long as we go by what my mother wants to an extent she'll get over it." Inuyasha grinned and said, "I bet one part of this deal is grandkids as soon as we get married." Kagome laughed lightly and said "Well she can wait a little while for grandkids, besides we still have to figure out what time we'll be spending most of our time in."
Inuyasha snorted loudly and asked, "I take it you don't like it here that much?" Kagome elbowed his ribs and said angrily, "I didn't say that. I could spend time here but we also have to worry about what will happen in the future to our home." Inuyasha snorted again and replied, "Feh, we'll worry when the time comes. We got too much going on at the moment and besides I have another problem to deal with in the spring." Kagome looked at him questioningly and decided it was best to stop the discussion as they were a few steps from the door which was a sign for Inuyasha to separate from Kagome and to hold the door open for her. She smiled and winked at him and entered with him following close behind and the group lauging loudly at some of Shippou's new tricks, Asami and Souta were laughing especially hard because he had chosen that moment to turn into Kagome and started over dramatizing her and Inuyasha's relation ship.
Needless to say the illusion was quickly dropped as Inuyasha walked over and knocked Shippou in the head and growled loudly. The kitsune laughed nervously and slid near Sango and Miroku and sat there quietly. With Shippou's show now done thanks to Inuyasha's interruption the group was sitting in a tense silence waiting for him to go off on the little fox but their expectations weren't met due to Inuyasha looking to Asami and Souta and asking, "Can I speak with you two in the back?" The two Higurashi's nodded and looked to Kagome with a confused look and were glad to see her give a comforting nod and the followed the hanyou to the back while Kagome sat down and listened to the muffled voices of her family and partner.
As soon as she sat down Kagome was shocked to hear Taki say, "Glad to see you've decided to go through with it." The others all stared at the demoness then to Kagome and noticed the bright emerald ring on her hand and Rin shouted, "I got an aunt?!" As soon as she yelled that Inuyasha stuck his head out and said, "Keep it down!" After a quiet laugh amongst the group Kagome looked to Rin and said, "Pretty much right now you do but it won't be final for awhile." Sango tilted her head and asked, "How come Kagome? What else is there to do?" Kagome blushed and said, "Well that's a private matter Sango, but I was also hoping that Inuyasha would do a human wedding and do the full ritual during the....ya know consummation."
Miroku was barely keeping his laughter in at the thought of Inuyasha being brave enough even for that, and was soon shut up by an smack on the head from Sango who said, "Don't even picture it monk." Miroku looked at her in slight disbelief and said, "Why would I think about that when I can think about you?" Kagome blushed even more at the next action which was Sango kissing Miroku. At the sight of that Kagome asked, "Uhhhhh am I missing something here?" Everyone else laughed loudly save for Rin, Koji and Shippou who were playing with some of Shippou's toys, leaving Kagome the only one out of the loop and feeling slightly embarassed and showed it.
When they the laughter had calmed Sango said, "Miroku and I got married during one of our trips to my village, I guess with you being gone alot it was hard for you to know." Kagome's face lit up and she walked over and hugged her two friend and much to her relief Miroku behaved himself and returned the hug normally instead of copping a feel, and sat between her friends and was about to start pelting them with questions when Taki said, "And if I'm not mistaken Sango is also with child, right Lady Kaede?" Kaede looked over Sango and used her priestess abilities to sense an extra amount of life force flowing from the exterminator and nodded. "Aye, she is in the early stages. Have ye suffered any nausea lately Sango?" Sango thought for a moment and said, "Ya know I haven't and I was told all women experience that in pregnancy. I guess everyone is different."
Miroku smirked to himself and said, "I hope the young one takes after me." The others all looked at him nervously before Sango asked, "So I was wondering if you think Inuyasha would go along with a human wedding?" Sango thought for a moment and said, "I think if it's for you he'd stand it. Although I'm not sure how weddings are done in your time but I think he can use the experience. Besides I think he's going to want to spend a bit more time there to get used to a few things if he's really going to live that long." Kagome laughed nervously and said, "I guess so. I mean we could at least make sure he knows how not to blow up certain things."
The others just stared blankly at Kagome who was still laughing until a cough from Kaede stopped her. The old priestess looked to Kagome and said, "Inuyasha told me that he would go through a mortal wedding with ye It is part of his honor to do so as a half human but also his duty as a mate for ye to do what he can for your happiness." Kagome nodded and noticed that the old woman was still speaking, "He also said that until the villagers finish your home he'd be glad to stay on the other side of the well until it is finished, but he also mentioned that ye two may spend a bit of that time at Sesshomarus." The priestess looked to Taki who was smiling and said, "I take it you know why milady?" Takii nodded happily but also a bit haphazardly as she was trying to stop herself from laughing and said, "Yes, and there is plenty of room for them. I shall speak to Sesshomaru about it when we return."
While Taki and Kaede discussed housing, Sango and Kagome were both thinkin, Hmmmm, what's Sesshomaru's palace have to do with this? Meanwhile a certain lecher was trying to shut out the thoughts of what the hanyou and Kagome would be doing if they were to stay at the palace. And even for the most perverted of minds there are some images a person just can't handle.
At Inuyashas request Souta and Asami followed him to the back room of Kaede's place and sat on the other side of the small little fire pit with looks of confusion on their faces. They knew something was up because Inuyasha was pretty serious and he had never before discussed anything serious with them in private. Infact the only serious conversation Asami had with the hanyou was that night she saw Kagome unconciously kiss him, well there was that night of the date but it was a forced discussion rather than one of mutual agreement, but this conversation was going to be different, bot Asami and Souta could feel it.
However the confusion felt by the two humans was nothing compared to the fear and nervousness of the hanyou in the room. Inuyasha almost never felt afraid, unless the true danger of the death of his friends was nearby and he was glad he hadn't felt that as often as he should but as the closer they grew to the final showdown with Naraku that the surfacing of emotions like that had been all to familiar to Inuyasha, especially when it came to Kagome. But now she had accepted his proposal to become mated and would do anything to make their joining a happy and almost uncomplicated event as he could. Yet, for him to be able to see that happened he had to discuss the situation with her mother and brother, a task he thought would never happen, until he had met Kagome.
And so they sat there, doing nothing but surveying their surroundings and breathing. Nobody could think of anything to say since, well two of them had no idea what it was about and the other was too nervous to think of anything intelligent to start off that kind of conversation. About 5 minutes had passed since they had left the room when all of a sudden Rin shouted, "I got an aunt?!" Both Souta and Asami looked, if it was even possible, even more confused and stared at Inuyasha who by this time had stood up and opened the door and shouted at the others too keep the noise down before closing the door hard and sitting back down and grinning nervously at the humans.
At the weird smile on his face Souta asked, "Why did Rin yell that, Inuyasha? What's going on and why did you leave with Kagome?" Asami nodded and said, "Yes, please tell me what has happened to you and my daughter." Inuyasha felt extremely sick at the interrogative sentences. His stomach had just clenched to the size of his fist and he felt like he was about to vomit, but took a deep breath and said in a low voice, "I have asked Kagome to mate." Souta lifted his eyebrow questioningly and Asami gasped in surprise and held her hand to her mouth and asked, "Is that why Rin shouted, because she accepted?" Inuyasha gave a slight nod and looked away for a moment only to be asked by Souta, "Is mating another way of saying 'marriage' in the demon sense."
Again Inuyasha nodded but this time he looked at the two with a serious expression on his face and said, "However I gotta tell you two what demon mating requires." The two Higurashi's both tilted their heads to the side in curiousity which made Inuyasha sigh loudly and say, "Well in order for this to happen I must mark Kagome and share a small blood transfusion with her." He stopped at the sight of Soutas grossed outlook and said, "It's only small kid, so don't worry it ain't as gruesome or even as weird as those 'vampire' movies make it out to be. Just a little bite and I take a few drops 'a blood and I give her a few of mine and we both become connected at the soul." Asami's face furrowed in frustration and she asked, "What do you mean 'connected at the soul'?"
Inuyasha let out a loud cough and really felt like he was going to be sick now and said, "It means that in essence Kagome will be like me. Well not exactly like me, she won't grow dog ears, claws or become as powerful as me but she will have some of my immunities to disease but the worst thing I think is she will also gain my long life. However if one of us is to die after words the odds are is that the other will soon follow unless they make a strong vow to live on for the sake of the other." Souta's face grew dark and Asami was looking fearful at these words. Inuyasha could understand, even he didn't know how long he would live except by a rough estimate and to do such a thing to both a loved sister and daughter was not something they would take lightly.
They knew by his explanation that she would age like him and outlive them by a long time and see things they could only wish were at all possible. Inuyasha had a small fear that they were angry at them so in order to make them understand he spoke, "Listen, I told Kagome she didn't have to do this. I told her that it was her choice and if she were to decline I would stll stay by her till her dying days. But she told me that she would do it and the fact that if we were to have pups she couldn't bear them hating me for making there mother live a short mortal life and she also knew that I would follow her soon afterwards as if we were fully mated, and I can tell you it's more than likely that I would."
He could see the changes in their faces immediately, Asami's grew a bit more down trodden and Souta was looking at him with a sort of blank stare. Inuyasha was about to speak when Souta said, "Kagome told us about you and Kikyou." Inuyasha felt his heart sink and got an explanation ready when Souta said, "She told us how that Naraku guy tricked you two into killing each other. She also told us about how after she was reincarnated how you promised her you'd go to hell with her. Kagome told me that she felt betrayed and heartbroken when you said that you'd follow her, but after you told the whole story it made sense. You felt responsible for Kikyou's death and thought the only way to justify the whole thing was to go to hell and protect her." Inuyasha felt like Souta was about to say he didn't approve but was shocked to see a smile on the boys face as he continued. "But we also know that Kikyou couldn't accept you as a half-demon. She tried to make you into human out of what she said was love but it was more like she did it just so she could be rid of the jewel even if it was so you could be together. So if you think about it her love wasn't as true as she said it was since she tried to force you to become something you didn't want to become."
Inuyasha was surprised at the maturity in the young man's eyes and let him finish. "But," Souta continued, "Unlike her you're giving Kagome a choice and were willing to be with her no matter what her choice was. So despite what you're thinking, the fact you let my sister choose makes me extremely jealous she's going to out live me by centuries, I say go for it." Both Inuyasha and Asami were shocked at the wisdom of the boy and he was extremely embarassed when his mother hugged him and kissed his cheek. Inuyasha embraced the boy in one of those handshake hug type deals and looked to Asami and asked, "So, how do you feel?" Asami shrugged and smiled saying, "Jealous that I'm going to be an old crone and my daughter will still look like this but like Souta said your giving her a choice shows that your feelings are true and you will protect her for as long as you live." Inuyasha smiled happily and walked over and hugged the woman and said, "I'm glad you'll allow this Asami-sama." Asami laughed lightly and said, "Call me, Mom."
Inuyasha nodded and said, "Thanks, mom." before untangling himself from the woman and knocked fists with Souta and said, "Well, I'm glad that's over." The three of them laughed before Inuyasha led them out the door. He was going to follow them but Asami said, "Kagome, Inuyasha needs to talk to you." Inuyasha growled frustratedly at her and all she did was smile at him as Kagome passed by letting her mother's happy look let her know everything had gone well.
With her mother and brother gone and the door finally closed, Kagome threw herself at Inuyasha and kissed him hard on the mouth. The hanyou's eyes bulged at the sudden move but quickly fell into it and drew her in close by grabbing her waist. Their stood there for a minute lost in eachothers mouths when they separated and laughed. Inuyasha rubbed her neck with his thumb and said, "Well they have no problems with it." Kagome smiled happily and said, "Good. And did you know Sango and Miroku are having a kid?" Inuyasha snorted and said, "She reeked of him and it's hard not to notice the smell of a pregnant female. It's like they're permanently in heat." Kagome smacked his arm and said, "Enough dog-boy. Now seriously, Kaede said you'd be willing to go through a human wedding?" Inuyasha growled and said, "That old hag needs to learn to shut her mouth."
Kagome smiled at his embarassed look and kissed his lips lightly and said, "Thanks for wanting it." Inuyasha turned up his nose and said, "You honestly think I'm selfish enough not to worry about your wants?" Kagome felt a little heart broken and said, "No, you're alot different than you were when we first met and besides you let me choose to mate you, so I know you considered what my feelings are." Inuyasha smirked smugly and said, "Yeah, well you're my wench. Only problem is come spring that damn wolf will come around." Kagome groaned loudly and said, "I forgot about Kouga. Oh, well I'm sure if we explain it he'll leave us alone." Inuyasha rolled his eyes at her naive remark but let it slide and scooped her into his arms and placed her under the sleeping bag that had been covering him for the past few weeks.
Kagome laughed loudly and said, "I thought we were waiting?" Inuyasha huffed loudly and crawled in after her and held her close to him and said, "Shut up and let me hold ya, wench." Kagome giggled a little and nuzzled up close to him and met him for a brief kiss and was about to fall asleep when a sound outside caused both of them to look out the window that was back there. They thought the sound would go away but when it didn't Inuyasha grumbled loudly before opening the window and hopped out. He saw something in the sky and heard a jingling noise and a bunch of figures attached to the object and made a snow ball. When he saw what appeard to be the driver he hurled the ball and watched the head of the driver jerk before shouting, "People are trying to sleep!" before heading back in and curling up to Kagome for a pretty much silent night, save for someone leaving some presents and a small bit of coal out of spite for getting an ear full of snow.

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