InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ 28 ( Chapter 28 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Okay here's chappy 28!!!! Part one of the Inuyasha gangs weekend in 2004 or 5 whatever....and I know the comic started in 97 but let's leave that out of this! Warning, Miroku will be playing a video game of popular yet geeky renown to which I will be using compass direction abbreviations for it so don't worry. and last I checked the dollar/yen worth was about 1 dollar for every 100 yen or so and I love what I have in store for the guys.

Chapter 28

"Inuyasha put the cat down and help me get these guys ready!!" was the most commonly heard phrase that morning in the Sunset Shrine family home. It was a bright sunny Saturday morning and Kagome and Inuyasha had decided to bring Sango and Miroku through the well for a chance to see what Kagome's life was like on the other side. At first they were scared about entering the well and with good reason as they weren't sure how the well's magic would affect the baby but Sango and the child came through on the other side just fine and were in shock at how much of the forests were gone. But not only that they were also a bit afraid of the sounds coming from car horns, sirens and the amount of people in the area. Needless to say it took a few minutes for them to want to leave the well shrine to go into the house and get accustomed to their home away from home and at the time it seemed like they could handle the time.

On the second floor of the house all hell was pretty much breaking loose at that time and Kagome was getting frustrated. Being the only one with any sense as to how modern clothes were worn, Inuyasha left Kagome alone to deal with the others while he went about torturing Buyo. And lately his "playing" was getting a bit more intense and he'd leave the house with a few deep scratches or a fresh bite to the hand that earned him stares when he tried to pay for something, but being the tough guy that Kagome knew him to be he just scoffed and left after paying for whatever he bought. Which was a great relief to Kagome as she didn't have to go with him to the store and he could make his own purchases which would make the day easier as they were dividing into groups of three.

The first group would consist of Kagome, Asami and Sango whose plan was to go and help Sango pick out some baby clothes for when they came through the well with the kid, or kids, as they didn't know yet what gender or how many Sango was carrying but they were pretty sure it was going to only one kid so Asami decided to go so that she could help pick out clothes that would be good enough for a boy or a girl. And while they were doing that Inuyasha's job was to watch out for Shippou and Miroku which made him a bit mad that he'd have to deal with the two without the groups designated referee's. But as stated before right now that was the least of Kagome's worries for she had 2 grown humans and a fox demon to prepare for their first trip out into the modern world.

Growling at her fiancee's lack of help Kagome yelled from the top of the stairs, "INUYASHA GET YOUR BUT UP HERE OR I'LL SAY THE WORD!!!" But instead of running right up Inuyasha yelled back, "I can't Kagome! And it's not 'cus I'm messing with Buyo either." Wondering what could have happened Kagome ran downstairs to the living room to find Inuyasha sitting on the couch bending over with his hands tied in the laces of his shoes and an embarrassed look on his face. Failing to keep a perfectly straight face Kagome asked the hanyou, "What on Earth were you trying to do?" His facing turning an even more crimson color Inuyasha said, "I was trying to figure out how to tie this things and my damn hands got caught in the strings."

Smiling at the hanyou Kagome got to her knees and began undoing the knots that he'd somehow managed to get his fingers caught in and had him free in a couple of minutes. He muttered a quiet, "Thanks," before standing up and asking, "So? What do you think of the outfit?" Kagome couldn't help but smile as Inuyasha turned around for her showing off the outfit her mother had bought for him. It was a simple outfit consisting of a red tee-shirt, khaki pants and white socks but the only big deal about it was the fact that for once Inuyasha didn't need help remembering how to use the belt and how to button up his pants, and once he put his hat and shoes on the only inhuman aspects would be his fangs and claws.
Getting up she walked over to him and kissed his nose before saying, "You're my handsome hanyou." Inuyasha smirked and said, "That's right and you're mine, and don't ever forget that." They closed their eyes and prepared to kiss when Shippou came bursting in and said, "KAGOME I CAN'T GET MY TAILS THROUGH THE HOLE IN THE BACK!!!" Growling Inuyasha turned and raised his hand and said evilly, "Well how about I take care of those tails for you so you don't interrupt us anymore!" Cowering Shippou ran back upstairs leaving the two alone once again. But while Inuyasha was laughing his head off Kagome looked upset and said, "Sit boy!" and chuckled at the loud banging noise Inuyasha's body made with the floor and walked upstairs while saying, "Don't worry I'll make that up to you. But don't threaten to cut off Shippou's tails again." When she heard a low muffled sound coming from the body she nodded and headed upstairs to deal with some of the problems that still needed to be resolved.

However when she walked back to Souta's room she found that Shippou had enlisted her mother's help about his tail problem and was explaining concealment spells to her so she understood why he needed the hole. After making sure that her help wasn't needed Kagome headed back to her room and felt a headache begin to surface as Sango started shouting at Miroku, "IT'S NOT THE CLOTHES MIROKU!! IT'S THIS DAMN KID GROWING INSIDE OF ME!!" Meanwhile on Kagome's bed Mirkou sat in a blue long sleeve shirt and black dress pants and smiling nervous at his wife and saying, "Sango my love you look beautiful. I just think that you may be putting the clothes on wrong." Losing her patience Sango reached out and popped Miroku right on top of the head and said, "Don't you patronize me monk!"

Seeing that her best friend was close to pounding the living crap out of the monk Kagome stepped in and said, "Sango, Miroku's right about the clothes." Turning Sango huffed and said, "Really? What makes you so sure of that?" Giggling a little Kagome said, "Because the tag is sticking out under your neck and it's supposed to be on the back of your neck." Looking down Sango saw the little tag and blushed bright red, turned to her husband and started kissing his head and said, "I'm so sorry Miroku." Still a bit shaken by the shot to his head Miroku just muttered something of acceptance and Kagome helped Sango turn her dress around, after making sure Sango was wearing the appropriate undergarments.

After she made sure those two were properly prepared she sent them downstairs to wait with Inuyasha while she went to check on her mother's progress, and was happy to see that the hole in Shippou's pants wasn't as bad as the kitsune made it out to be as she found her mother making the final stitches across the back and Shippou was playing around with one of Souta's action figures. Smiling up at her daughter Asami cut the last bit of string and said, "All done." Dropping the toy Shippou immediately hopped into the pants and pushed his tails through and cheered saying, "Thank you very much Asami-dono." Smiling at the kitsune and nodding her head Asami said, "You're very welcome Shippou. Now do you remember what we told you to do with your spell?" Nodding Shippou said, "Yes, ma'am!. You said to make sure I make it look like I'm wearing shoes and to always walk upright or else people will get suspicious."

Looking up at Kagome, Shippou said, "Right, Kagome? Or else I'll draw attention like Inuyasha did that one time he came through and saved that girl from a fire, right?" Kagome smiled at the Kitsune and said, "That's right, Shippou. Now let's head downstairs and get this day over with." Bounding out of the room Shippou led the way downstairs to the living room where the other three were sitting and hopped onto a sitting chair as Kagome walked in and said, "All right you all remember the plan right?" They all nodded and Kagome was about to say, "Let's go." when Asami said, "Perhaps we should go over it once more, dear?" Sighing loudly Kagome said, "All right mother. Inuyasha, you, Miroku, and Shippou are going to go around town shopping and visit places you want to go. You remember how to use the money and everything right." Grumbling Inuyasha nodded and Kagome said, "Good. Now as far as me, my mother, and Sango go, we'll be going to some shopping centers and picking out clothes for Sango's little one so that when they come through the well the baby will fit in when it's older. And remember we're all to meet at the bus stop we got off on so that it'll bring us back here at 5, okay?"

Once they all voiced their opinions on the matter Kagome led the way to the bus stop which turned out to be an adventure on it's own. At first Sango and Miroku were afraid that the cars would fly off the road and smash into them, while Shippou kept trying to cast his fox fire at the lights and received a hard smack on the head from Inuyasha much to the displeasure of the people passing by them. But, the most interesting part of waiting for the bus was when Sango started freaking out about how it was going to pass them by and was about to shove Inuyasha out into the street to stop it when the bus came to a halt right infront of them and Inuyasha about ready to smack Sango for what she nearly did to him.

The bus ride wasn't nearly as exciting nor life threatening unless you count the splitting headache Kagome was getting from her friends about all the modern electronic devices and was glad when they got off in the shopping district. Kissing their respective partners good bye the women and men split up and after no less than five seconds of walking Miroku looked to Inuyasha and asked, "So, how exactly do you have fun in this time?" Looking down at Shippou, Inuyasha smirked and said, "Arcade?" Shippou's face immediately brightened at the sound of video games and they headed off into the direction of the only arcade in the area that they had visited. Inside Inuyasha went to a counter and got tokens for the games and tilted his head towards he and Shippou's favorite game.

Not knowing what to do Miroku followed and saw them stop at a giant machine with two weird devices sticking from the middle and two pedals on the ground and read the words, "Time Crisis 3?" Looking at Inuyasha he asked, "What is this device?" Smirking Inuyasha removed one of the guns and said, "It's called a video game. This thing in my hand is some weird copy of a device called a gun, which according to Souta, can kill a person over a mile a way depending on its strength. But what I'm holding is a special type that let's me shoot the things in this device by stepping on the pedal and pulling this trigger." Not quite understanding Miroku watched as Inuyasha put 8 coins into the machine and begin playing a team game with Shippou.

After about half an houra good crowd had built up around them and a few minutes later everyone cheered as Inuyasha and Shippou defeated the final "boss" and put in their names for something called a "high score table." Once they were done Inuyasha was dragged over to a table where you roll a ball and earn points, not wanting to get into an argument Inuyasha asked, "What do you need the things for Shippou?" Blushing bit Shippou said, "Ummmmmm, I brought all of my other tickets and I only need a few more for a gift for Rin." At the sound of his nieces name Inuyasha dumped a handful of coins in the foxes hands and gave a similar amount to Miroku and said, "Go do something we got a few hours to kill."

Looking at the coins and then at his surroundings Miroku walked around until he saw a game in the corner that nobody seemed to be playing as they were now trying to do what Inuyasha and Shippou had just done. Looking at it he saw 9 arrows on the ground, 8 pointing in a direction and one that read "ENTER" looking at the slot and the coins he inserted 4 coins and jumped as the machine said, "WELCOME! PLEASE PICK THE DIFFICULTY LEVEL OF YOUR CHOICE!" Standing on the arrows Miroku pressed the right arrow twice and hit the enter button and watched as the game began to tell him about what he had to do. He nodded as it pretty much only told him to press the direction button when it pulsed on the screen and began the game.

It was easy to play despite his misgivings when he first saw it, W, NW, W, E, N, N, N, SW, cross and press NE and SW. He'd gotten a crowd of his own as he advanced onto more difficult levels and got nearly all perfects and as the game reached it's final level he was screwing up a bit more frequently but still got a high score at the end of the game and people burst into applause for him and he just smiled as he typed in his name and saw Shippou and Inuyasha standing outside waiting for him and acting like they didn't know him for a minute until he said, "Can we got a soda or something?" as if on cue both Inuyasha's and Shippou's stomachs growled loudly and looking around for a place Shippou said, "How about right there?" Following Shippou's finger Miroku and Inuyasha saw a small little outdoor restaurant and shrugged in agreement and took a seat.

After a minute a lady came out and took their drink orders and left their menus with them. Uncertain of what to do Miroku asked, "What exactly do I do with this?" Chuckling lightly Shippou said, "You open it and order anything that sounds good." Opening it Miroku saw that there was a complete list of foods on the inside and a small description of what each item consisted of. Deciding to just stick with Daikon soup he watched as Inuyasha ordered a steak with rice and vegetables and Shippou ordered a burger and something called, "fries." As they waited Miroku looked up from his tea and asked, "Inuyasha, are there any more places we might find interesting?" Pondering for a moment Inuyasha set down his water and asked, "Like what Miroku?" Sipping his tea for a moment Miroku looked at his friend and said, "Well, Kagome spoke of something called a movie theater so I thought we may go to one of those."

Shaking his head Inuyasha said, "Sorry, not today." Arching an eyebrow Miroku and Shippou both asked, "Why not?" As he was about to speak the waitress came back and asked if they'd like some more drinks they said yes and once she left Inuyasha, with a mouthful of steak said, "Cuz some of those things can take 3 hours and we don't have the time for that and I don't wanna get sat again today." With a curt nod from Miroku and an extremely frustrated grunt from Shippou they went about their meal in almost complete silence save for the occasional word of thanks to the waitress.

Once done Inuyasha took out some bills and gave it to the lady and they left without receiving any change and at least making one person happy that day, they went back to the streets and browsed at the shops. Passing by a book store Miroku dragged them in and was in awe at how popular and cheap reading had become and used some of the Yen pieces that he had left over to buy a few books, one being a book about certain positions for the bedroom, along with some books on Buddhism. Once that was done Shippou wanted to go to a candy store where he loaded up on suckers and pokkie to give to Rin along with the giant stuffed huskey he'd won that day. And since he was being dragged to places they wanted to go to Inuyasha decided that it was mandatory to stop near the closest grocery store and buy 2 bags of "Ninja Food."

With the odd looks of the store customers behind them the group continued traveling around the shopping area making little purchases for their significant others or incase they got thirsty and they were about ready to head back when Miroku noticed that one of the shops was now open but it had clouded windows. Elbowing Inuyasha he asked, "What's that store for?" Looking in the direction Miroku had pointed in Inuyasha shrugged and said, "I dunno but it smells a bit weird." Looking at Shippou Inuyasha asked, "Think we should check it out? I smell a lot of that perfume stuff Kagome wears so maybe we can buy some in there for Rin. I still need to get her something for her birthday."

Sniffing the door Shippou said, "Sure, but it's got a lot of other smells in their too. And not just that stuff Kagome wears and makes you wear sometimes but stinky stuff." Chuckling Inuyasha said, "That's because all that garbage is stinky now shut up and let's get inside we only have a few minutes before we need to meet up with the girls." As he turned Inuyasha's face was met with the chest of a large burly man who said, "2000 yen a person there and your bags and kid have to stay out here." Glaring up at the man Inuyasha yelled, "2000? To get into a place like this?!" The man smirked at him and said, "That's right shrimp so pay up or leave." Not wanting to let the guy get away with the threat Inuyasha bared his claws but felt Miroku's hand on his and stepped up with the required money and said, "Forgive my friend sir he's been having some girl problems." Taking the money and putting it in a small box the man said, "That's what we're hear for, guys and women with relationship problems." Turning around Miroku said, "You'll be okay here for a few minutes right Shippou?" Beaming at the monk the kitsune made the victory sign and said, "No problem. No one's gonna steal our stuff so hurry it up."

Once confirmation of Shippou's being left alone was made, Miroku pushed Inuyasha in and said, "Don't worry sir. He's a good kid and I bet he'll be able to help you out with your guard duty." Looking at Shippou the man thought there was something special about him and said, "Hey kid wanna make an extra 10,000 yen?" Nodding happily Shippou looked at the guy and said, "What do I gotta do big guy?" The bouncer smirked and told him all of the tricks of bouncing and Shippou was soon having a good time messing with people, odd thing was that most of the people going in were women.

Meanwhile Miroku and Inuyasha were snaking there way through a long hall way and catching snippets of women talking about how cute they were and wondering when they'd see them regularly. Inuyasha was getting sick from the smell's coming from all over the place and Miroku was having a tough time keeping his right hand from going around and groping when they came to a curtain and went through to find a large bar like area with a stage and pole on it. Looking around Miroku could see bottles saying things like, beer, liquor and sake when he turned to Inuyasha and said, "I don't think this is a perfume shop, Inuyasha."

He was about to reply when a woman's voice came out of nowhere and said, "That was Shiva ladies and well what we can count as gentlemen." The crowd chuckled at the comment making Inuyasha and Miroku wonder what was going on when the girl said, "And now for our next performer Samurai!!" Wondering what she meant like that Inuyasha and Miroku's question was soon answered when a half naked man appeared out of nowhere and started moving around like a brothel girl. Gulping loudly the two looked at each other and slowly backed there way towards the door when a deep voice said, "What's the matter darlings are you afraid to explore." Turning around the two were met by a buff woman with a horrible make up job holding a drink tray and one look at her throat made the two of them run straight for the door.

Outside Shippou's was just receiving his pay from his new bouncer buddy, Mick when Inuyasha scooped him and the bags up and said, "You can talk later Shippou, but right now let's get the hell out of here." With Miroku close behind them Shippou waved and said, "Stop by the Higurashi Shrine sometime so we can hang out." The bouncer waved and said, "That kids got a future in this business." as he let two new ladies through and collected their door fee.

Ten blocks away the ladies were standing at the bus stop when they saw the three boys rushing towards them with odd expressions on their faces, Shippou's was furious Inuyasha wouldn't let him down and while the latter and Miroku had looks of pure terror on their faces. Kagome was about to ask them what had happened when Inuyasha said, "Don't even make us remember that Kagome. We just want to get back to the shrine, eat and keep our minds off today." Looking to her mother and Sango, the girl shrugged at them and climbed aboard with two distraught men and a rather pissed off kitsune teen.

I bet you all didn't see that coming HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I need help. Oh and I started a Shonen-ai so can you guys just tell me whatcha think. It's got some strong language but don't worry about that. Oh and shiva's a god not goddess, read hindu mythology and you'll know that and also the Kama Sutra, the book miroku bought, is also about how to find and be a good husband and wife not just about sex which isn't until the last few parts of the book. How do I know this I read it.

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