InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ 29 ( Chapter 29 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Here's 29!!! please check out me new fic. I just wanna know how you guys feel even though i'll still continue it. This chap will recount what the girls did and what happens over the course of that evening and into the next morning.

Chapter 29

The bus ride home wasn't exactly an exciting one since Inuyasha and Miroku were being uncomfortably quiet and each time one of the girls tried to get what happened out of them they just seemed to clam up more, until they went to Shippou for answers then they just said, "Don't ask him because he doesn't know either so there's no point." Sango and Kagome looked at each other, then at their men, and then back at each other and went about discussing their purchases. For Inuyasha it was a bit annoying as he didn't like the chatter they were causing and he was getting hungry for his recent purchases of, "ninja food," and Miroku could care less about what Kagome bought but had to check the baby's clothes to make sure they were satisfactory of their unborn child.

And while the girls and Miroku went over the baby clothes Inuyasha noticed Asami humming happily and reading a book, and since he had nothing better to do he asked her, "What did you buy today Asami-sama?" Looking up from her book she smiled at him and said, "I guess you never will get used to calling me mother, will you Inuyasha?" His face flushed and he said, "It's not out of disrespect and I do think of you as a mother it's just..." but she cut him off and said, "Don't worry about it, dear. I wouldn't want you to if you weren't comfortable with it. So how about you just call me Asami?" Looking at her he nodded and said, "I can do that. So what are you reading Asami?"

Looking down at her lap and then lifting the book Inuyasha read, "How to Plan Your Own Wedding." His face fell and he looked at her and asked her pleadingly, "Please don't make this out to be a bigger deal than it is. Just small and simple, please for the love of the gods nothing extreme, please?" Asami chuckled and said, "Don't worry dear, I just thought it might be good for when Souta got married. Besides I already had a talk with Kagome and she said the same thing you did so I won't interfere with you two but, Souta is a different matter." Watching her as she went back to the book Inuyasha made a mental note to make sure he warned Souta of his mother's plans for his future, while at the same time thinking to himself, We better get back to the shrine soon cuz my ears and feet can't take these clothes for much longer.

Much to the hanyou's relief they were at the stop near the shrine within five minutes of that thought and was so glad to be off the thing he ran right off the bus and into the shrine, leaving some disgruntled passengers and friends in his wake. After leaving the bus he was immediately bounding up the stairs and went into Kagome's room and began peeling off his modern street clothes and the first thing he did was rip his hat off and began to fix his ears since the damn thing flattened his ears to the point where they looked like they were part of his hair. Carefully lifting them out of his silver mane he rubbed them lightly to get some feeling back in them and then flapped a book at them to get them used to feeling air on them again. With that done he peeled down to the boxers that he'd grown accustomed to wearing and got into his fire rat clothes just as he heard the door open and close.

Downstairs the rest of the group was glad to be off the bus since Inuyasha had forced them to make up some lame excuse about an upset stomach which caused him to rush out of the bus like a maniac. Sango was getting some help upstairs by Miroku so that she could get back into her normal clothes and Shippou and Asami followed the couple up stair so that they could put away the ladies purchases while Kagome headed into the kitchen and got out all the pots and pans they would need for the meal and got out the ingredients and began making the early preparations for the meal and began the calming procedure known as cooking and was just about to forget Inuyashas rudeness on the bus until she heard a loud, "REOWWWRRRR!!!" and said, "SIT!" and smirked as she heard the cat yelp happily as Inuyasha mumbled, "I was just rubbing his head Kagome." Shrugging at her chosens reply she said, "Well it serves you right for leaping off the bus like that. You could have hurt somebody if you'd gone and faster and you tipped the bus over with that leap of yours."

Shuffling from his spot on the ground Inuyasha sat up and said, "Fine, I'm sorry and I'll be more careful next time." Cutting some potatos Kagome said, "See that you do." before asking, "Anything fun happen today?" Scoffing at his "mates" question the hanyou said, "Shippou won Rin a present and I got her one as well along with something for you. And Miroku bought some weird book that had people in weird positions." Looking over her shoulder Kagome asked, "You mean like yoga?" Shrugging Inuyasha said, "Maybe, but I don't think "the mounting bull" is something for that yogurt stuff." At his lame attempt to name the position Kagome immediately got the idea and said, "Well that sounds like an interesting read. Did you guys do anything else?" Rolling his eyes Inuyasha said, "You aren't getting anything out of me wench so drop the subject."

Dropping a potato into a bowl of water Kagome said, "Fine, but since you won't tell me what happened today with you three I may as well tell you some of what happened on our day around town." Leaning against the wall and propping his fang against his shoulder Inuyasha said, "Let's hear it then, I'm in need of a nap." But his comment was a little misplaced as he was soon picking potato skin out of his hair as Kagome said, "Well after we got off the bus we headed towards a maternity store to get Sango some things so that the baby will look like it at least belongs in this time when they decide to bring it through the well. Although we got some weird looks when we walked into the store since now a day's it's a little unusual to see someone Sango's age pregnant but once they learned she was married it all went smoothly."

Inuyasha grunted at the comment but was thinking to himself, This time is weird, through the well if you were able to become fertile, you were old enough to marry off and bear some lords children but in this era if you're Sango's age and with child you're looked at like you're less than a brothel girl. But instead of voicing his opinion on the matter Inuyasha yawned and said, "Well I saw that book your mother picked up and thank the gods you talked to her about what we wanted to do because if she did to us what she's planning on doing to Souta, I'd kill myself." Chuckling from her place at the sink Kagome said, "Well you're welcome I guess but I think we should give Souta a heads up when he gets ready to get married so he can at least counter my mother's plans to conquer his wedding."

Letting out yet another grunt of approval Inuyasha asked, "So what else happened today?" Setting the last potato in the water Kagome reached for a couple of carrots and said, "Well Sango felt the baby kick for the first time, which scared the death out of her at lunch." Cracking an eye open Inuyasha asked, "Really? What was that like?" Kagome stopped peeling and turned around with a bright smile on her face and said, "It was incredible! I only felt a baby kick once and that was when my mother was pregnant with Souta and it's still amazing to actually feel something that's been growing inside you....until it's time to get it out." Opening both his eyes and staring at Kagome, Inuyasha said, "We're waiting a bit before we start having pups Kagome." Sighing she said, "I know, I'm not really ready for that but just to ask how many would you like to have?" Scracthing his chin for a moment he looked at her and said, "No less than 3 but no more than 6. I don't think we could handle any more than that in our life time."

Kagome chuckled and said, "Let's just stick with three for now." Inuyasha chuckled as well and said, " Yeah I'd be happy with just 2 really. A boy and a girl, although I really want a girl for some reason." Kagome walked over and bent down in front of him and asked, "Really? You want a girl instead of a boy?" A little disturbed by her question Inuyasha said, "Yeah, I just want a girl for a first born ya know?" Kagome giggled at his embarassment and said, "Well we'll have to let nature decide that, my handsome hanyou." He loved that nickname and leaned in and kissed her lips lightly and asked, "Any other interesting news, my whining wench?" At the use of his teasing name Kagome smacked his arm and he chuckled a bit as she said, "Yes, actually I ran into Hojou today."

His ears perked up and he curled his lip at the name of his former rival and asked, "What's that baka want?" Groaning at his over protectiveness Kagome said, "He's got a girlfriend Inuyasha so don't worry about him hitting on me." But her reply landing on pretty much deaf ears as he again asked, "What'd that weak ningen want?" Deciding it safer to let him stew about it than try and explain how harmless Hojou was Kagome said, "He wanted to meet up tomorrow night at the festival and double up with his girlfriend." Not sure at what Kagome had just said Inuyasha asked, "What's a girlfriend and what do you mean by "double up"?" Feeling head ache coming on Kagome said, "A girlfriend is a less serious form of what I am to you. Think of it as the courting part of demon mating and if all goes well they will marry and have children, and doubling up is just basically his way of asking if we wanted to join him and his girlfriend on their date and hang out for the evening instead of with the others."

Inuyasha was now dealing with two difficult choices, the first being given the opprotunity to be with Kagome without the prying eyes of her family and their friends yet have to be around the man who had tried to court her while they were hunting Naraku. While his second choice was to deal with the others and be stuck with a mad Kagome. Weighing his options carefully he came to only one good solution and said, "We can spend part of the evening with them, but we have to spend the rest of it with the others because that was what we originally promised to do and I don't back down from my promises." He knew that this was the correct choice as Kagome reached up and lovingly rubbed his ears before giving him a kiss and saying, "Thanks, Inuyasha and I promise I'll make it up to you."

With that settled Kagome went back to dinner while Inuyasha went into the living room and began watching television with Shippou who was watching some weird show about a bunch of babies going on adventures, and while they did that Miroku was helping Sango loosen up after a hard day of lugging their baby around by giving her a shoulder rub and felt their child kick while helping his wife. Asami had taken to helping Kagome with dinner and within an hours time the table was groaning under piles of rice, curry, fish, steak and chicken. Even Buyo was given a some of the food since Jiichan was out of town visiting an old friend and there was more than enough to go around.

It was a pretty exciting dinner since Shippou decided not to shut up about how he got all the tickets he needed to get Rin the giant stuffed dog from the arcade, while ommitting the fact that he secretly used some of his kitsune magic and kept his mouth shut about earning the extra money from his bouncing job. Miroku had described himself playing the dancing game and getting a crowd to watch him and also described to Sango how many things there were to read in this time. Asami and Kagome took to discussing Kagome's plans once she left school and Inuyasha when he wasn't being asked an anonymous question was busy shoving whatever he could into his mouth while giving whatever he didn't like to the cat who inturn left whatever Inuyasha threw at him on his plate.

Finally once the table was cleared and dishes were put up Asami bid them all good night while Kagome thought it a nice idea to let Sango and Miroku watch a movie and after some deliberation on what was appropriate she set the dvd up to play, "The Punisher," although she wouldn't stop complaining about how young Shippou was and that the movie was too violent. Yet, the others agreed with Inuyasha's arguement that since Shippou had fought so many demons and seen horrors that almost no other living being would ever see Kagome couldn't help but give in and asked Shippou and Sango for help with the snacks.

Miroku and Inuyasha were too into their game of cards to notice what the girls did and it wasn't until Kagome winked at her friend that Sango realized why she had asked for Shippou's help because once inside the kitchen Kagome sat Shippou down and asked, "So what exactly happened before we got on the bus this evening?" Gulping loudly Shippou glanced to the living room and said, "I don't know what happened inside but I can tell you what I saw while I was waiting for them." Sitting down next to the fox while Kagome got the snacks and made as much noise as possible to go with the microwave Shippou said, "Well, the three of us were walking back to the bus thing when all of a sudden me and Inuyasha smelt a bunch of that perfume stuff women wear, and we saw that the place where the smell was coming from had clouded windows so we couldn't really see inside but we thought it might have been a perfume shop and we decided to go in and get you some."

Looking to Kagome, Sango saw that her friend was trying so hard to keep herself from laughing that she had tears falling down her face and waved to let Shippou continue which he did by saying, "So anyways once we got to the door we were about to go in, when this big guy named Mick came out and said that it cost 2000 yen a piece for Inuyasha and Miroku to get in but I had to stay outside with the bags. And knowing Inuyasha he made a bit of a stink but Miroku gave him the money and they went in while Mick asked me if I wanted to help him check those plastic card things that tell people who you are and take something called a "cover charge" from the people who went inside."

Still confused at what he was talking about Sango looked to Kagome for answers but knew that her friend wouldn't be any help as she was now having a violent fit of silent giggles and looked back to Shippou and said, "And then what happened, Shippou?" The kitsune smiled and said, "Well, after about 10 minutes Mick gave me twenty thousand yen as thanks for helping him and said that if I needed work to come find him when I was old enough and that he had a kid my age who had a lot of the same interests as me but before I could tell him where to find me Inuyasha and Miroku burst out of the front door and grabbed me so I had to yell to Mick to find me here and then before I knew it we were at the bus stop talking to you."

When he finished Sango asked him, "So you don't know what happened inside?" Shaking his head no Shippou said, "Nope! Mick said I would know soon enough and Inuyasha and Miroku didn't say anything about it except that they would never speak of it again as long as their hearts pumped blood." Sighing loudly Sango looked to Kagome and asked her friend, "I take it you know what happened inside the building Kagome?" From the floor Kagome nodded and wiped her tears away before going to the sink to clean herself and then sat at the table and said, "They went into what is known as a strip club."

She could see that her friends were confused so she took a deep breath and said, "Well in the large towns in the feudal era you guys have brothels right?" Sango's face darkened and said, "That son of a...." but Kagome stopped her and said, "Well this isn't one Sango. A strip club is where people take off their clothes for the amusement of others but with out any actual ummmmm fornication." Sango arched her eyebrow and asked, "Well if they aren't having sex what do they do? Just tease the people who come in?" Kagome nodded and stifled a laugh before saying, "That's exactly it. Men and women dance on a stage and take off their clothes while people give them money. Although according to Shippou, Inuyasha and Miroku were the only guys to walk in right?" Shippou nodded and said, "Yeah, the only two who looked like men anyways I smelt some other men go in but I didn't see them." Kagome giggled again as well as Sango who realized what had happened to the two men and said, "Those poor souls. I can't believe they had to see that."
The two burst out in giggles while Shippou took a second longer to realize what had happpened and began to snicker quietly. Yet their giggles didn't go unnoticed since Kagome had stopped making noise and the microwave had gone off a few seconds before and Inuyasha shouted, "Are you guys gonna watch this movie or what cuz if you aren't we're gonna start it without you!" Regaining their composure Sango walked out with the bowls and ice cream while Shippou carried a bag of chips and some soda while Kagome brought out the popcorn and salt while the movie began playing.

A little over two hours later Shippou bounded upstairs after saying good night to everyone while Kagome helped prepare the pullout bed for Sango and Miroku, and Inuyasha went into Kagome's room and got ready for bed. He didn't have to wait long as the pull out bed was pretty much all ready to go it just needed a little extra help getting loose and once it was set up Kagome was happy to see Inuyasha sitting on her bed waiting for her and watched as she got ready and soon joined him in the warmth of her bed.

Pulling her in close Inuyasha kissed her and said, "You smell good." Kagome chuckled and said, "Well you smell a bit weird tonigh why is that?" She couldn't see his face but Kagome knew he was blushing while the wheels in his head turned looking for a good excuse. He was quiet for a moment before saying, "Well it's just cuz I was around so many people today I guess their scents rubbed off on me." Kagome giggled silently and said, "Right, but the odd thing is that it's pretty much perfume on you? Where did you say you went today?" Inuyasha stutterd and said, "I...uh....told you already. We just went to some stores and had some lunch." Kagome snickered and said, "Okay, well next time you see Mick tell him I said hello." Realizing this was a bad idea as Inuyasha got out of the bed Kagome said, "Sit boy!" making Inuyasha mutter, "I'll get that damn fox for this." While from downstairs Miroku's rants on Shippou being a blabber mouth made the kitsune run down stairs and yell at him saying that he didn't know what happened until Kagome told him what the place was, and while the boys were arguing Asami slept peacefully and Sango and Kagome had a good laugh before calming the men down and getting them to stay away from Shippou until morning.

not exactly the smoothest ending but my mind is more focused on later chapters of "Heart Healed Over" R&R please!!

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