InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ 30 ( Chapter 30 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Sorry for lack of updates I just moved back to ohio so updates will be less frequent so please bare with me while I pedal on through this shit. PLEASE READ MY OTHER FIC. And if you have read it use the leave review thing for that one and not on this one thanks so much. next chapter is gonna be fun. Forgive me for what I do to a loved character.

Chapter 30

Shippou wasn't exactly in the greatest of moods when he woke up on Sunday, in fact he was down right pissed at Inuyasha for what happened the night before. What had happened was Shippou told Sango and Kagome about what had happened after they had left the girls at the bus stop, and all he did was say what he had done and not what Miroku and Inuyasha had done, in fact he didn't even no what happened to the two men until he explained to Kagome what type of place they had gone into. Shippou found it funny once he learned that the two were watching men undress and in Inuyasha's case he felt like it was a good punishment for all the times the hanyou had pounded on him. Well he was glad until Inuyasha fought the subduing spell that Kagome had used on him at least twelve times before she thought he was calm enough to talk to Shippou.

And as usual Kagome was too trusting of her fiancee and once he got downstairs Inuyasha proceeded to pound him into the ground but luckily Shippou had gotten really fast from his training and led Inuyasha outside where they proceeded to fight for about 3 hours before Kagome shouted, "Sit!" from her bedroom window while Inuyasha was way up in the air making it necessary for Miroku and Shippou to drag the spaced out hanyou back up to Kagome's room. And while all that racket was going on Kagome's mother and grandfather slept peacefully.

Although the fight hadn't gotten as intense as some of their training sessions, Shippou still got a few bruises the size of Inuyasha's fists on his chest and back, but he'd gotten in a few shots as well because as he and Miroku dragged him up the stairs Shippou smelt something burning and smirked as he saw some of the hair on Inuyasha's head had gotten singed by one of his kitsune-bi shots but as with most of the injuries Inuyasha suffered from battle the hair was back in it's place that morning as Shippou saw him sitting at the table eating some porridge.

Walking in Shippou saw Inuyasha glaring at him and the kitsune was more than happy to return the expression with a scowl of his own. Inuyasha growled at him while Kagome slowly said, "Siiiiiiii....." and the hanyou stopped his growling and went back to his porridge while glaring at Kagome as if to say, "Figures you'd take his side over mine." Hopping into his seat Shippou pulled some toast and bacon to him and began to make one of his breakfast sandwhiches with the eggs that were also on the table and poured an extremely large amount of ketchup on his creation and began scarfing it down with as much manners as possible. While he was eating Sango and Miroku walked in and sat down near him and let out a small groan at what he had created and began to make their own plates.

Once they had all eaten a little Sango asked, "Kagome, what time does this festival start?" Looking at the fridge for a moment Kagome said, "Well it's all day but I thought we could head down at around five since the best stuff happens around that time anyways." With a mouth full of food Inuyasha said, "Yeah well remember what you dragged us into during that thing." Kagome let out a loud cough as if signalling him to shut up but the cat was already out of the bag and as part of his inquistive nature Miroku asked, "What'd you do to deserve punishment this time Inuyasha?" Looking up from his porridge Inuyasha said, "She's making us hang out with some of her friends today."

Miroku could sense his friend becoming extremely uncomfortable and asked, "So how are the festivals here different from the ones in our time Kagome?" Swallowing a bit of egg Kagome said, "Well the only difference is that instead of just having games and booths we have rides and stuff." Chewing on the end of her chopstick Sango asked, "What's a ride? You mean like an animal or that bus thing?" Giggling lightly Kagome said, "No, well sort of. You can ride on animals and things but for rides we have these giant machines that people get in and they move at fast speeds and can be really scary or fun depending on your preference of rides. And Inuyasha is not one to go on the roller coasters, right honey?"

Inuyasha looked next to him and saw Kagome batting her eyes and made a face at her and said, "Yeah, that damn thing nearly ripped my head off and thank the gods your mother cut my hair or else I would have felt sorry for the people sitting behind us." Looking back at the table Inuyasha could see that his friends were about to burst into laughter at his comment and asked, "What in the seven hells is your guys' problem?" Setting down his last bit of toast Shippou said, "Nothing, just you with cut hair is funny." Inuyasha growled at the kitsune since he could see that his face was about to burst from laughing so hard, and not wanting to get sat anymore the hanyou opted to leave the table and headed outside.

When he was gone the other three burst out laughing at the thought of Inuyasha with a somewhat decent haircut when they noticed Kagome looking at them sternly. Since she was the first to recover from her laughing Sango said, "We weren't making fun of him, Kagome and you know it. It's just that well we're only used to him having hair like he does now." Kagome sighed and chuckled a little and said, "I know you guys meant know harm but seriously Sango if you weren't married you would have been drooling all over him." Yet that didn't seem to be the smart thing to say as Miroku instantly said, "Over my dead body Kagome!" The two women chuckled while Shippou sipped from his cup and said, "You want me to go and talk to him Kagome?"

Looking at the kitsune Kagome shook her head and said, "Not after last night Shippou. He's still feeling sore from being sat so many times so I'll deal with him." And with that she left the table leaving Shippou to ask, "If he's mad at being sat, why is she talking to him? Wouldn't he be mad at her and not want to talk to her since she punishes him so much?" Shrugging Miroku said, "I don't know Shippou. Those two's relationship is more messed up than a womans mind....." BONK!! Miroku's head was in his plate as Sango rubbed her fist in the back of the monks head and saying, "That's enough of that monk," before turning to Shippou with a hand on her stomach and asked, "You want to feel the baby kick?"

Outside Kagome headed to the tree to find Inuyasha curled up in a branch and said loudly, "They weren't making fun of you Inuyasha! They just prefer you with long hair!" Looking down Inuyasha said, "I know. I just wanted them to feel a little guilty about it for some reason." Kagome rolled her eyes and asked, "Can you come down here?" By reflex the hanyou dropped from the tree and landed on all fours in front of his betrothed and asked, "Whatcha want wench?" Kagome smiled down at him and kissed his nose before saying, "I just wanna make you feel better." The hanyou was about to ask but the feeling of two hands rubbing his ears sent his mind off into another dimension while letting out a loud purr like noise.

Later that evening at about half past five the group were all standing in tradtional festival robes as games, rides, and merchants added to the noise already made by the people at the festival. Kagome and Asami laughed as Miroku, Sango, and Shippou's eyes lit up at the huge festival that was laid out in front of them. Shippou was eyeing the rides with Sango while Miroku was looking around at the merchants and games. Kagome was happy for them but when Sango said, "Yeah that giant ride that's rolling on those bridge things looks like fun, huh Shippou?" Before the kitsune answered Kagome said, "Uhhh Sango most of these rides aren't safe for you." Chuckling nervously Kagome said, "Well you see the ummmm rides are really fast and have a tendency to jerk alot which can bang your stomach against the safety bar and kill the baby."

At her friends warning Sango asked, "Well why would something like that be created if not everyone can go on it?" Kagome was about to answer when Asami said, "Because it's for fun and sometimes certain things require safety measures. Now if you are willing I know of some rides that you can go on while Kagome and Inuysaha go off with her friends." Kagome arched her brow and said, "We have some time mom before they...." but her words were drowned out by a voice yelling, "Kagome-chan!!" Her face turning to more of a grimace at her lack of accuracy Kagome looked back to see her friend Isumi waving at her and smiled as her and Hojou approached.

Saying goodbye to her mom and friends Kagome dragged Inuyasha by the hand and met up with the other couple in front of the fish catching game and hugged her friend while Inuyasha and Hojou shook hands and to Inuyasha's surprise Hojou didn't even flinch as he gripped the hand his betrothed's former love interest. When they let go Hojou smiled nervously and said, "So you're Inuyasha? Got quite a grip there." Looking to his right Inuyasha saw Kagome's face glaring at him and he shrugged cutely before saying, "Uhhh yeah sorry about that. So you're Hojou?" Nodding Hojou said, "Yep and this is my girlfriend Isumi." Taking the girls hand and bowing a little Inuyasha said, "Hello." The girl smiled at him and said, "Hello Inuyasha. Kagome's told us a bit about you." Looking to his future mate Inuyasha asked, "Really?"

Feeling uncomfortable with where the conversation was going Kagome said, "All right let's go and have some fun. Isumi follow me." Letting out a small yell Isumi followed her friend off to a game booth while Inuyasha looked at Hojou and said, "You're the first person to not make a face at my handshake and I wasn't going easy on you, so what gives?" Chuckling nervously Hojou said, "You mind if we go over here Inuyasha?" Feeling slightly worried but wanting to get to the bottom of this Inuyasha followed Hojou into an abandoned tent and waited for the human to speak, but since he didn't Inuyasha said, "Tell me or we leave."

Sighing heavily Hojou said, "I guess you can tell by me not flinching at your handshake that there is something a bit different about me huh?" Scoffing Inuyasha said, "No shit, now just spill it or else I leave." Letting out an annoying grunt Hojou turned around and Inuyasha watched as Hojou closed his eyes and seemed to concentate. Inuyasha thought it was a trick until he saw Hojou's form wave a little and his hair grew a little and Inuyasha saw his ears elongate and when he opened his eyes they went from brown to a deep ocean blue and he got marks on his face that closely resembled whiskers.
Once he finished Inuyasha slowly went from a deep chuckle to a loud laugh as Hojou stood there motionless until Inuyasha asked, "So you're a hanyou?" Nodding Hojou said, "Yes, my mother is a cat demon and my dad's a human." Inuyasha scoffed and said, "Figures in this time demons would actually want to mate with humans just to ensure survival." Hojou nodded in agreement and said, "Yes it's true humans have taken over much of what demons lost but alot of demons actually don't mind humans and just use concealment spells to blend in and fall in love like my parents." Inuyasha shrugged and said, "Glad to see you guys are still somewhat accepted but I understand being able to do the spells with your appearance. I look mostly human but with some rather interesting features that make me stick out but you on the other hand people will notice and fear."

Hojou smirked and said, "Yeah well at least I got some deoderant made with a special herb that hides my scent." Inuyasha smirked more and said, "Lucky you. But why hide it from Kagome if you liked her so much?" Hojou blushed and said, "Well it wasn't like she was exactly the most receptive person to my feelings and besides she always ran to you so I just decided not to tell her the truth about it." Nodding Inuyasha said, "Makes sense but you better tell her at some point because you've been lying to her for only the gods know how long." Hojou felt his heart clench and said, "You're right. But we better get going or else they'll come looking for us." Inuyasha nodded and let Hojou out before him and they soon met up with their giggling counter parts.

All in all the evening wasn't as bad as they Inuyasha had originally thought. Hojou seemed like an okay guy and treated his woman with the respect she deserved and Kagome was always sneaking kisses and little Miroku like touches to which Inuyasha happily returned when out of prying eyes. The rides that Kagome had convinced Inuyasha to go on were much more to the hanyou's liking although putting him behind the wheel of a bumper car wasn't exactly a great idea as he rammed everyone and anything he could.

They also went into a fun house and the girls even scared Inuyasha with using the trick mirrors while the guys got them back by creeping up behind them in the dark rooms with skeletons and things, and with the two men being hanyous it wasn't like it was that tough to do. But the result wasn't really worth the whole prank as Kagome reflectively shouted, "SIT!!" And Inuyasha fell face down on the floor making Hojou trip over him and knock the girls down and caused them to get kicked out of the house for acting like children but they laughed once they were away from the smelly little guy that was in charge of the house.

After that they met back up with the rest of Kagome's group and hit some games which turned out to be a bad idea since at the water gun game Inuyasha decided to be even more childish by spraying Shippou in the ear and causing an all out water gun fight between the two, while Miroku cleaned up by winning the biggest prize of all and giving it to Sango who was sitting with Asami and Isumi while the others played. At the dart game Inuyasha however did the best and won a picture and when he got it he asked, "What exactly is 'Scarface'?" Houjo attempted to explain it but Inuyasha just shrugged and said, "Well if the guys that tough I might as well keep this thing, right Kagome?" Smiling nervously Kagome said, "Might as well." before running off to the fish game and winning a fish for Souta who would meet them at home since he was here with his girlfriend.

The evening seemed to go by way too quickly and it was almost as if no time had passed when the others were saying good bye to Hojou and Isumi before heading back to Kagome's home where once there Inuyasha plopped down on the couch only to be met by Kagome who said, "Thanks for behaving yourself." while she planted a big kiss on his lips. Surprised by this sudden burst of affection yet not one to waste it Inuyasha kissed back and pulled Kagome onto him before parting their lips and saying, "If this is my reward then I guess I should behave more often."

Smiling at her fiancee Kagome asked, "So where did you and Hojou run off to earlier?" Yawning a bit before he spoke Inuyasha said, "Nowhere we just talked for a few minutes about some things that's all." Not quite satisfied with his answer Kagome asked, "Really, just to talk? Or is it the fact that he was able to withstand your overly tight grip?" Inuyasha coughed a bit and said, "Uhhh yeah I guess you could say that. But, have you noticed anything different about him since you first met him?" Needless to say Inuyasha was floored when Kagome said, "It wouldn't happen to do with the fact that he's a hanyou, would it?"

Falling off the bed Inuyasha asked in complete shock, "You mean you knew?!" Giggling Kagome said, "Yeah, but not until recently since I was just now able to realize I could see through concealment spells." She thought back to when she had the discussion with Akio and him giving her the card with where and how to contact Sesshomaru for after their wedding. Shaking the thoughts from her head she turned to Inuyasha and said, "I don't mind though. And besides I think he's only my age anyways don't ya think?" Scratching his chin Inuyasha said, "Yeah, he definetly smells different than his ancestor and that guy was most certainly all human."

Kagome bent down and said, "Well are you jealous that another hanyou tried to make a claim on me?" She could see Inuyashas pride building up as he said, "No way! I could easily rip apart anyone that would try and take you from me!" And as soon as he finished that he felt his face burn with embarassment and said, "Uhh no it doesn't really bother me at all. He was interested and was polite so I don't see why I oughta be jealous since I got you." Kagome smiled and reached out and rubbed his ears and was glad to hear him purring loudly as she felt the velvet fur under her fingers.

He's just like a dog in that all you have to do is feed him and rub his ears and he'll be puddy in your hands. She laughed at her thought and Inuyashas deep thrumming as she moved behind him and rubbed the little dog ears. Inuyasha was in heaven when she did this and was always mad when she stopped but he knew that even he'd want to move away no matter how good it felt but for now he just sat there and let her massage his sensitive ears. Kagome would have gone on for alot longer than she did but five minutes after she began her special treat with him she stopped and placed her head on his back and said, "It's well into spring Inuyasha."

Despite being mad that his fiancee had stopped rubbing his ears Inuyasha could not help but hear the worry in her voice and said, "I know koishii, I know." Although he couldn't see it Inuyasha could smell the change in Kagomes body at his words and could hear it in her voice as she said, "I love you." Turning around Inuyasha could see some tears in her eyes and after wiping them away he kissed her forehead and embraced her before saying, "I'll win, I won't kill him, but I'll win." Kagome threw her arms around Inuyasha and cried into his shoulder and said, "He's like a friend to me but I want you as a husband not him and nobody else. Just you so please promise me you'll win and live."

Pulling her closer to him Inuyasha picked the human girl up and placed her into her bed and climbed in next to her and pulled her close to him before kissing her lips softly and saying, "Don't worry he won't beat me. He hasn't yet and he won't now so don't worry about me all right. You being weak makes me look weak." Kagome laughed and said, "Yeah you're right. We gotta be strong and I know you'll win against Kouga." Inuyasha smiled smuggly and said, "That bastard wolf won't know what hit him."
Five hundred years earlier a young black haired wolf demon let out two strong sneezes as he watched the moon travel across the sky. Looking around he saw his two constant companions sleeping peacefully as he thought, Only three more days and that bastard will taste my fangs in his flesh. Removing one of his kodachi Kouga laughed dryly and said, "I just hope I'm doing what's best." before leaning his back against his tree and falling asleep with his blade next to him.

I bet you guessed what's happening next chapter. Oh and sorry about the hanyou hojou. I just thought "let's make him a half breed" and there it went. laters!! R&R

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