InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ 33 ( Chapter 33 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Yeah chapter....33 i think. Whopeee..................................................this is my lot in life, writing stories for no profit....this sux!!! And the oscars were pretty good tonight.

Chapter 33

"Ahhh this is the life. A bright day, a cool breeze and nobody bugging me about anything trivial." Shippou let out a huge yawn when he was done talking and nestled back into the comfortable groove that was made by the branch he had picked. He stretched and took a bite of the apple that Kagome had given him earlier that morning and watched a few birds fly below some clouds and listened to the laughter of the kids in the village. It was truly a great day for him, since Inuyasha had finally stopped his feud with Kouga, Shippou had taken to training himself by practicing all he knew. His top was devastating and he'd even learned how to transform some normally non lethal items into razor sharp instruments of death.

His fox fire was really powerful now as he was able to create a wall of flame to stop even Sangos Hiraiskotsu without even losing his concentration. But his practice with that was cut short by Miroku and Inuyasha pounding his head in for asking two things of the pregnant girl. The first reason was that well, she was pregnant and two because he'd convinced her to throw it at him full force and his barrier sent it flying back at her at the same speed. Luckily she'd dodged the blow but the piece of demon bone flew into a tree that Inuyasha happened to be napping on and cut the tree down. That didn't go over too well and Shippou was still nursing some minor bruises caused by Inuyashas pummeling.

But now that he wasn't training for awhile he decided to take a couple days off from doing anything that he felt was pointless, which in teenager talk meant everything that required responsibility. Taking the last bite of the apple Shippou threw it away before hopping down and heading to a nearby stream. Sniffing around for a moment to make sure he was safe Shippou dipped his head in the cool water and began to drink heavily from it. The water felt extremely satisfying on his throat and when he got his fill he yawned loudly before looking up at the sky and saw a dragon speeding towards the village. He felt his heart leap at the site of the dragon and said to himself, "Maybe Rin's on Ah-Un." And without a second thought the young demon turned around and followed the direction of the village.

Meanwhile on the back of the two headed dragon, Rin held onto the reins while Sesshomaru steerd the dragon towards the village. She was anxious to get there as she hadn't seen any of her friends for a good couple of months and with her brother sick and the village doctor gone Sesshomaru had decided that the best place to get a remedy was from the old woman in Inuyasha Village. Rin liked Kaede and loved the village that they lived in since nobody treated her with any special attention and there was also the matter of Shippou living in the village with all her friends and she was really looking forward to the young kitsune, since their last visit didn't really go all that well with her father interrupting their kiss and her seeing him naked. Looking over her shoulder she smiled and said, "We're almost there father." Sesshomaru grunted and said, "I have some important things to discuss with your uncle, so you behave yourself while we're gone." Nodding the girl asked, "Are you going to duel?" Shaking his head Sesshomaru said, "No, it deals with his victory over that wolf demon."

Saying no more Rin beamed when she saw Inuyasha waiting at the entrance to Kagomes house and Shippou sitting next to him breathing hard, judging by his haggard look Rin was pretty sure that he'd ran a long way to catch up with them and felt her heart melt at the kitsunes enthusiasm to see her. Rin was pretty sure that she was going to be scolded later since she jumped off the back of Ah-Un and ran upto the hanyou and kitsune and hugged them both and said, "It's great to see you!" before looking around and saying, "Where're the others?" Grunting as he watched his brother tether his steed Inuyasha said, "Kagomes taking tests at her school and Miroku and Sango had to go visit the graves of their parents." Looking dissappointed Rin said, "Okay," before looking to Shippou and saying, "do you think we can go talk by ourselves somewhere?"

Shippous throat clenched up as he saw Sesshomaru flex a claw and said, "Ummm I guess we can." Grinning Rin said, "Okay just give me a minute to go and give these instructions to Kaede-sama for a medicine for Koji." When she was gone Shippou looked to Sesshomaru and said, "Sir...ummm....I...uhhh." But before he could finish Sesshomaru said, "You touch her in anyway that is inappropriate I will hunt you down boy." Gulping at the threat Shippou said, "I won't do anything, Sesshomaru....sir." Chuckling Inuyasha turned to his brother and asked, "Koji's sick?" Nodding Sesshomaru said, "A small sickness but Taki wanted a remedy as a precaution and to tell you the truth I didn't need her to tell me to come get it." Smirking Inuyasha said, "So the mighty Sesshomaru has a soft spot for his pups." Glaring at his brother Sesshomaru said, "You will know my reasoning once you have some pups of your own."

Rolling his eyes Inuyasha said, "Fine let's just go and discuss this damn battle." Keeping his stone cold glare Sesshomaru turned to Shippou and said, "Remember, what I said boy. Anything happens your head is a treat for my dragon." Shippou nodded and was about to say something when Rin came out the door and said, "Father the remedy is going to be ready in two hours." Nodding Sesshomaru turned and said to his daughter, "Rin be careful out there." Bowing at her fathers retreating back Rin grabbed Shippous hand and said, "Let's go in the woods Shippou. I found a patch of flowers that we can sit and talk in." Getting onto his hind legs Shippou followed her and asked, "So how're things in your fathers territory?" Giggling a bit Rin said, "Things are good. Father had to take care of some snake demons that decided to try and take over the area but it was no problem for a demon like father."

Chuckling nervously Shippou said, "Yeah your dad is probably the only demon who could fight Inuyasha and not get hurt." Rin nodded and said, "Father said that Uncle is his only equal so I'm happy that we're both have them to take care of us." Shippou felt his heart sink at the comment and said, "You think I can't protect you?" But when he asked the question Rin stopped and said, "This is it!" Looking around Shippou decided not to brood on the subject and watched as Rin sat in the middle of the field and began humming as she picked flowers. Not really one to pick flowers as a hobby Shippou sat on all floors next to her and watched her create many different bouquets and was about to ask her something when his nose caught a familiar scent.

Looking around he saw a faint movement in the shadows and was about to yell at the person when a chain came whistling towards them. Pushing Rin to the ground Shippou set up a small fire barrier and sent the chain back in the direction it came from and said, "What the hell are you doing, Kohaku?" Following the blur of black Shippou threw a leaf at one of the tree branches and stopped Kohaku from advancing and said, "I asked you a question! Why are you attacking us?!" Smirking from his place in the tree Kohaku said, "I've come to test your ability to protect the girl!" Looking at Rin and then at Kohaku, Shippou asked, "Why are you testing me? Is this a duel over her?" Rin looked at Kohaku and said, "Why do you want to fight Shippou? I thought he was your friend?"

Chuckling Kohaku took out his sickle and charged at Shippou while saying, "My reasons for being here are none of your concern." Shippou grabbed Rin and took her to a tree branch and set her down before hopping back down and threw his top at his friend. Kohaku jumped out of the way as the top whizzed by him and threw a powder bomb and chuckled as the fox demon began to cough. Continuing his charge Kohaku said, "That's a special powder for stopping illusions and paralyzing demons." Squinting his eyes Shippou felt his concentration break and cursed himself as he saw his top turn back to normal land in the forest. Staggering out of the smoke Shippou said, "Damn you Kohaku." Before letting out a loud grunt as he felt his friends fist in his stomach.

Smirking Kohaku pounded the kitsunes head and said, "I heard you were alot stronger than this, Shippou? I guess my sister should pick better friends." Growling in anger Shippou swung his fist and caught Kohaku in the jaw and said, "I'm much stronger than you think, Kohaku." Kohaku saw white dots as he flew a few feet from the punches force and flipped over at the last second and skidded a few feet before stopping. Wiping his mouth Kohaku chuckled at the blood on his fist and said, "I guess you are a tough bastard." Getting to his feet Kohaku began to swing his sickle around his body. Watching carefully Shippou was surprised at the speed the Taijiyas blade was moving but smirked and said, "Nice illusion Kohaku but you forget that illusions are my specialty."

Kohaku shook his head at Shippous Inuyasha like tactic and flipped a couple of pellets at his blade and said, "This is no illusion Shippou! It's a new technique I've developed thanks to modified powder pellets swinging my blade at high speeds." Wondering what he meant by modified powdered pellets Shippous question was soon answered when he dodged one of the pellets but was thrown forward at a small explosion behind him. Throwing himself to the side Shippou looked and saw a small crater and looked at Kohaku with an angry expression and said, "This is Rins garden!" Scoffing at Shippous anger Kohaku said, "Like I care about some damn flowers. I'm here to duel you not protect some flowers." Shippou felt his anger rise as Kohaku shot another pellet at him but instead of dodging it he sent a spark at it and caused it to explode in mid air.

Kohaku knew that it was only a matter of time before Shippou set fire to the whole area and sent the sickle flying right at his head. Caught off guard Shippou ducked but barely made it through with his head attached and some blood trickle down his neck. Grabbing his neck Shippou pulled his hand away and saw the blood that had come from his neck and charged again. Sighing Kohaku threw his sickle again but got a surprise as Shippou caught the blade and rushed forward slashed down at his friend. Barely saving his own life Kohaku side stepped the blow and grabbed the handle before twisting the weapon from the demons hand and was about to strike when Shippou head butted him right in the nose.

Falling to the ground Kohaku groaned in pain and dabbed at his nose and hissed as the pain from his recently broken nose jolted through his body. Sucking it up however, Kohaku took his hands and snapped the cartlidge back into place and stood up with a scowl and said, "A kitsune who could barely keep his own against a lizard demon is now a challenge for one of the strongest Taijiya alive? Inuyasha really knows how to bring out the best in you." Snickering Shippou flared his energy and said, "You have no idea what Inuyasha's done to me." Staring at the massive amount of energy surrounding the kitsune, Kohaku could only watch as the kitsunes body went from a humanoid fox to a fully grown fox demon. Gulping loudly Kohaku looked at his friend and laughed heartily before sheathing his weapon and said, "You're too strong for me in that form Shippou. Even before you transformed I knew I couldn't handle you if you went all out so I concede the battle to you."

Dropping his energy, while maintaining his true form Shippou said, "What do you mean you concede? You give up just like that?" Nodding Kohaku bowed and said, "My contract is fulfilled and therefore we have no further need to fight." Confused at what was going on Shippou walked forward and lowered his massive head to Kohakus level and said, "What do you mean your contract is fulfilled?" Chuckling Kohaku said, "I was hired by Lord Sesshomaru to test your strength. My sister did tell you about my interest in Rin correct?" Thinking back to a few months ago Shippou faintly remembered Sango telling him something about Kohaku showing up soon and said, "I wasn't really paying attention." Kohaku landed face down in the dirt and said, "You really are as dense as Inuyasha." Growling at the comment Shippou was about to bite his neck when Rin said, "Stop, Shippou!"

Glancing up Shippou saw Rin running at him with a worried look and said, "It's all right Rin, I'm getting back to normal." Rin continued to run toward him as his emerald and reddish gold fur returned to its original forms, the emerald to his haori and his fur to his head and tails. When back in his form Shippou said, "Sesshomaru sent you to test me? Why?" Standing up Kohaku said, "If he were to test you he'd more than likely kill you and did not wish such sadness on Rin." Turning to the girl Kohaku bowed deeply and said, "I'm sorry for the confusion. I hoped that he would pay more attention to my sister and expect me to arrive but obviously Inuyasha has influenced his attention span." Growling Shippou planted a fist in the demon slayers head and said, "Watch it or I will kill you next time." But the humans around him only laughed and soon Shippou joined in the laughter and they spent the rest of the day walking around the village.

Meanwhile about a mile away Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were unable to break their usual stalemate in battle and decided that it was best to stop since it was pointless to continue, especially since they sensed Shippous energy spike. Turning in the direction of the power surge Inuyasha said, "What the hell is he doing transforming?" Scoffing Sesshomaru stood next to his brother and said, "I've hired someone to test the boys ability to protect Rin." Looking at his brother Inuyasha asked, "Why the hell did you do that ya bastard?!" Glaring at his brother Sesshomaru asked, "Would you rather I kill the boy?" Stepping back a bit Inuyasha said, "I guess not but who'd you send after him?" Snorting Sesshomaru said, "That demon slayer females brother." Dropping to the ground Inuysaha said, "You sent Kohaku after him?" Nodding Sesshomaru said, "Incredible irony the whole situation. A demon slayer taking on an assignment requested by a demon." Propping his sword against his shoulder Inuyasha said, "As long as he comes out alive and well I won't have to kill you."

Sesshomaru smirked and said, "We will just have to go and see." before speeding off to the village. Growling loudly Inuyasha placed his fang back into his belt and did his best to keep up with his brother. When they got to the village they found Shippou, Rin and Kohaku playing some games and at the site of the demon lord Kohaku bowed and said, "He passed with flying colors my lord." Nodding at the report Sesshomaru tossed a bag of gold to the boy and said, "The rest is at your home in the village." Opening the bag Kohaku said, "My deepest thanks my lord but please don't ask me to fight a friend again." Snorting Sesshomaru turned to Rin and asked, "Did you pick up the remedy?"

Pulling out a small package Rin said, "It's right here father. Kaede-sama said to give him a pinch of this with some soup every six hours and he should be better in a few days." Nodding Sesshomaru took the package and put into one of his pockets and said, "You're getting slow dear brother." But Inuyasha ignored the demons comments and walked up to Kohaku and pounded the young Taijiyas head and said, "Next time you do something like that you better let us know in case he can't control his transformation!" Rubbing his head Kohaku muttered a reply that sounded something like, "All right. You didn't have to hit me ya bastard." but in saying that the young slayer received yet another punch from the hanyou who then turned to Shippou and calmly said, "You did good kid. I'm proud of you for protecting my niece and controlling your demon form."

Shippou beamed and said, "Thanks, Inuyasha that means a lot to me." Inuyasha nodded and lifted Shippous head and saw the dried blood and said, "Did you have Kaede check this?" Shaking his head Shippou said, "No, I forgot it was even there." Sighing Inuyasha smacked the kitsune in the head and said, "Go get it checked you moron." Scowling, Shippou bounded up to Kaedes house and had just entered the door when Rin said, "Father...." looking down at his daughter Sesshomaru nodded and the girl ran up to the house and went in leaving the three men alone.

Looking at Kohaku Inuyasha said, "So you heading back?" Tucking the gold away Kohaku checked his supplies and said, "Immediately, since Sango thinks I'm on a routine slaying. I figure it's best to hurry on back before she gets too worried." Sticking his hand out Inuyasha shook the young slayers hand and said, "Thanks for giving him the ego boost." Smirking, Kohaku gave him the thumbs up before bowing to Sesshomaru and running off in the direction of his village. When he was gone Inuyasha looked at his brother and said, "Never do that again." But only recieved a blank stare as Sesshomaru kept his eyes on the door to Kaedes house.

Meanwhile inside the house Kaede was placing a bandage on Shippous neck when Rin asked, "Shippou do you know when any festivals are?" Looking at the girl Shippou shook his head carefully and asked, "Do you know when a festival is Kaede-san?" Tightening the bandage to the young demons neck the priestess said, "There will be a mid-spring festival in a little over a fortnight young ones if you wish to attend?" Looking at Rin, Shippou blushed and asked, "Do you think your parents will let you go with me?" Rins face burned bright red as she said, "I'm fairly certain Shippou-kun." Hissing at the sharp tug on his neck due to the final tightening of his bandage Shippou said, "Well then I'll see you in a couple of weeks then for the festival?" Rin nodded and gave him a kiss on the cheek and said, "I'll see you then Shippou-kun." and headed leaving the fox blushing and a smirking Kaede next to him. When he noticed the priestesses look Shippou said, "I need a nap." and went into the back and shut the door before climbing into his futon and taking a well deserved rest......yeah right, and Michael Jackson's innocent.

Okay that was over the line.......Don't hate me.......r&r please...*cowers at what you will think of that final comment*

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