InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ heres an update ( Chapter 34 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Sorry for the lack of updates my other story has been taking over my train of thought but I promise to update a bit more often. And I need help on some new fics. Like a pairing for Ranma, Final Fantasy, and ummm FUll metal alchemist

Chapter 34

"But I don't want to get up!" Inuyasha was growing tired of this and shouted, "IT WAS YOUR IDEA TO INVITE HER SO THE HELL UP!!!" Groaning, Shippou sat up and said, "Okay, okay I'm up. Now can you please let me get dressed?" Punching the kitsunes head Inuyasha said, "About damn time you decided to move your scrawny butt." Rubbing his head Shippou watched as Inuyasha left the room and went over to the pack where he kept all of his clothing and removed the green haori and pants that Rin had made them. He'd taken to wearing his older clothes lately so this particular outfit would remain in good condition and after a couple of washes the outfit looked like it had never been worn.

Slipping on the pants and putting his jacket on, Shippou dunked his head into the wash pail that was set next to his bed and after a quick scrub down, and a checking of the hair, the kitsune bounded out of the room to find Kaede and Kagome sitting around the fire. Taking a seat next to Kagome the kitsune asked, "Where is everyone?" Dishing out some rice the older miko handed Shippou the bowl and said, "Lady Sango and Miroku went for a ride on Kirara, and Inuyasha just dashed out of here without a word." Stuffing a rice ball into her mouth Kagome said, "That guy is going to be in for a serious sitting if he doesn't come back soon." Picking at his food, Shippou took a small bite and said, "Kagome, how exactly do you go about doing something like Rin and I are about to?" Taking the rice ball down the wrong pipe, Kagome coughed and pounded her chest a bit, chugged a glass of water, sighed out of relief and said, "Well that depends, Shippou. What exactly did you have planned for the days and evenings events?"

Knawing on the edge of a chopstick the kitsune scratched his head and said, "I dunno, play some of the games, eat some food, maybe dance a bit. I didn't really plan it out since I was just planning on doing what Rin wanted to do." Giggling, Kagome swallowed another bite of a rice ball before asking, "Are you going to kiss her?" Dropping his bowl the kitsune looked at the girl in shock and said, "Why are you asking me that? What are you Inuyasha?" Smiling at the fox, Kagome held her hands up and said, "No it's not that. I'm just saying what if she wants to kiss you. I'm pretty sure Sesshomaru is sending Taki and Koji with her, and with how protective Koji is if he sees anything he feels is hurting her he'll attack." Shippou gulped loudly as he remembered the last bite he'd recieved at the young demons fangs and hiding his left hand said, "Well if she wants to do that then I guess we can go somewhere private, but I'm not going to do anything that'll get me killed!"

When he finished his exclamatory comment, Shippou and the ladies heard a small chuckle come from the door as Inuyasha bit into a carrot and said, "Honestly, he's just a pup and he's not that dangerous." Snorting at the hanyou, Shippou stood and said, "Well I'm not going to do anything around Taki, the gods only know what'll happen if I try and do something to Koji around her." Snickering, Inuyasha threw the end of his carrot away and said, "Now that's a person to worry about. But also be careful around Rin because, well if you get too cozy, Sesshomaru will smell her on you when she gets home." Sticking his tongue out at Inuyasha, Shippou huffed and said, "I beat, Kohaku so I don't see why he wouldn't allow me to touch Rin." Bopping the fox on the head, Inuyasha glared at him and said, "Because you dolt, the two of you aren't fully mated and if he truly feels she's his daughter he won't hesitate to come after you. And besides fighting Kohaku was like me fighting against you. If you really want to prove yourself against a slayer, wait until Sango has that kid and has a chance to get back in shape."

About to retort, Shippou was cut off by a voice saying, "Actually it's my brother who should be worried about feeling my Hiraikotsu against the back of his head." Looking outside Shippou smirked and said, "I take it you talked to him about that on your last visit?" Chuckling, Miroku stood next to Kirara as Sango climbed off and said, "More like she beat him senseless about lying to us about why he challenged you to a duel. " Making a pained face Shippou asked, "How bad was it?" Smirking the female Taijiya held up her Hiraikotsu and said, "Let's just say his face isn't going to attract anyone for a few months." Gulping at the prospect of getting hurt by the hunter when she got mad, Shippou bounded out the door and went to walk around the village while his friends talked about the days plans.

"So when exactly is this festival supposed to start?" Sango asked once Shippou had left the house. Looking outside, Inuyasha took notice of how many booths and games were set up before saying, "A few more hours at the most. But, while we're out goofing around, Shippou will be pouting until, Taki and her children arrive." Kagome looked out the door and said, "I'm amazed that Shippou won Rins affections so easily. I thought that after we saved Kohaku sh'e fall for him." Snorting Inuyasha said, "I doubt it." Glaring at the hanyou Sango said in a miffed voice, "What's wrong with Rin falling for my little brother?" Snorting at the comment Inuyasha said, "Sesshomaru sees Rin as his daughter. Sesshomaru's a demon, so I take it her mating with a Taijiya is out of the question." Chuckling, Miroku looked to his wife and said, "He has a point." But after that comment, Miroku and Inuyasha were left with giant lumps on their heads as Sango headed out with, Kirara.

Meanwhile about an two hours flying time away, Taki was holding the reins of Ah-Un whil Rin and Koji watched the landscape pass beneath them. Giggling loudly at the slightly familiar scent of the place, the toddler said, "UNCLE?" Smirking at her sons intelligence, Taki said, "Yes, Koji we're going to see your uncle." Clapping his hands and shrieking the small demon said, "KAG!! SANGY, MOKY!!! SHIPPOU!!!" Clutching her little brother to keep him from getting out of her arms, Rin said, "Yes, we're going to see all of them now sit still, Koji!" Blowing spit on Rins arm the toddler giggled as he started to play with Ah-Uns hair. Sighing at her brothers spotanaiety, Rin looked to her mother and said, "How much farther?"

Laughing at her daughters distress, Taki looked at her and said, "Are you nervous?" Blushing a bit the girl said, "Kind of, but he's not doing anything to help make the rest of the journey." Watching the toddler play with a stuffed bear that was put into Ah-Uns new neck pouch, Taki let one hand go of the leather strap that controlled the dragon and tweaked her sons ear a little. Screeching a bit at the pain in his dog like ear Koji said, "What I do?" Keeping a cool tone in her voice Taki said, "Sit still and be good for your sister." Huffing the boy went back to moving the bears arms, but this time he was much calmer. Sighing at her job being made easier the girl said, "Thanks mama." Rubbing her daughters hair, Taki put her hand back on the reins and turned a bit more to the east and asked, "So do you plan on kissing him again?" Looking over her shoulder, Rin said, "Mother! How did you learn about that?" Smiling broadly the demoness tweaked her ears and said, "Your father told me and also on one of our visits you smelt strongly of him so I figured you at least kissed."

Glaring at her mother the girl said, "I don't know, but Shippous not one to force anything. I think that's fathers fault but he's never tried to hurt me and besides when he fought against Kohaku and father deemed him worthy." Popping her daughter on the head and keeping a straight face as the girl protested, the demoness said, "I'm glad for that but you are not to do anything beyond kiss until you are fully mated young lady." Rubbing her head with one of her arms, Rin scowled and said, "What are you talking about mother? I said we weren't going to and we won't!" Grunting and nodding the female dog demon kicked the dragons sides so as to reach their destination all the quicker.

Sitting in one of his favorite trees, Shipppou watched the skies with baited breath in hopes that Rin would show up soon. He was extremely nervous since he'd never really done this before and it was kind of weird. Sure he'd been alone with her a couple of times, but that was the thing, they were alone with nobody else around and now he was taking her out to a carnival as a chosen instead of a friend and he was worried about the villagers. It was pretty obvious that they didn't mind what he and Rin felt for eachother but you could never tell with humans. They always plastered on fake smiles and then once your back was turned they slandered whatever credibility you had out of either jealousy or disgust. Yet, he didn't care, he may only be a fifty-five year old demon and look like no more than fifteen but he knew that he could be faithful to Rin and keep her happy after they mated.

Jumping down Shippou began his journey back to the village and when he got there he was surprised to see that most of they stands were set up and that there were alot more people around than usual. He guessed it was because their fame from defeating Naraku was responsible for bringing about the sudden growth and popularity of the village. Walking through the crowd, Shippou was surprised at how many people were greeting him and saying thank you for the things that they had done. Grinning nervously the kitsune replied with the occasion, "Thank you," or, "it's no big deal," before heading off into another direction. But his attempts to avoid onlookers and tourists were in vain, so instead of trying to find a crowd of people who wanted to attack him in order to give him thanks, Shippou took to a roof and watched the festival.

He smiled as he saw kids, win the occasional prize or stare in aww at some of the newest inventions. One that was sort of scary was what he knew to be called a gun, it was a lot bigger than the ones he saw on the television in Kagomes time but still he was afraid of what it might do. Jumping down and heading towards the booth the kitsune asked, "Where did you get this sir?" Smiling at the boy, the vendor said, "Across the ocean on a trading journey. Apparently some of those foreigners have taken their fireworks and used the idea to create this item called a rifle." Looking at the oddly shaped fire arm, Shippou shuddered and said, "Are you sure you should have such a dangerous item out in this large of a crowd?" Chuckling at the young demon the man said, "I see you've seen what these can do to a grown man my young friend, and you're right to be worried. But I have nothing loaded into it since it takes forever, so this is just out for viewing only."

Hoping the guy was telling the truth, Shippou bounded off to a food cart and purchased some squid balls before heading back to the house to find Ah-Un tethered outside and taking a quick minute to say hello the the dragon and give it his last three squid balls, Shippou walked in to find only Kaede in the house. Sniffing around the fox knew that the others had been there and looking to the old woman asked, "Where did they all go?" Looking up from her herb jars the old priestess said, "They all headed down to the festival. You just missed them, so if you want to find them in that crowd you might want to leave this instant." Looking at the old woman, Shippou asked, "Are you going to go down?" Putting her latest concoction into a jar Kaede nodded before saying, "Aye, I will be joining ye later. But with, summer coming up soon I need to get these dehydration remedies ready as a precaution." Saying good bye to the old woman, Shippou left the house and taking a quick sniff of the ground, he headed across the bridge before taking a sharp right.

While Shippou was searching for his friends, Rin was busy looking at all the booths with her friends and family. She felt a little uncomfortable because everyone seemed to stare at them as they passed and she knew that they were only doing it because of her mother, brother and uncle. This was a reason why she didn't really like hanging around humans too much, because they always stared at her when she was with her family. Well not always, the people at the village around the castle were always nice and treated them with respect, but outside of that village there wasn't a person who did not give them a second glance. She would have said something to her mother but Koji took that moment to runaway and chase after Kirara. Pulling on her mothers robe she said, "Koji, ran off chasing, Kirara. Do you want me to get him?" Chuckling the demoness said, "I guess, Kirara can look after him but we'll both go." Waving to rest of the group Rin and her mother ran off in the direction that the two had taken and after only a few minutes they found Koji trying to climb up Shippous pant legs while the kitsune kept shaking his leg in an attempt to get the pup off.

Rushing up to the struggling demons, Taki pulled her son off and said, "I'm sorry, Shippou he got away." Checking to make sure that his pants weren't ripped Shippou said, "It's fine Taki-sama, I pretty much found him right after he broke through the crowd with Kirara keeping a close eye on him." Looking at the fire cat Taki smiled and threw her a bit of dried meat and said, "Thank you." Catching the meat in its mouth, the fire cat swallowed it and let out a loud mew, that they were pretty sure, "You're welcome." Setting her son back down and holding his hand, Taki looked over her shoulder and said, "Rin I found him." Popping up behind her mother the girl said, "I know, I've been here the whole time." Popping her daughter on the head, Taki said, "You know better than to talk like that." Giving her mother a quick look, the young girl turned and said shyly, "Hi Shippou." Blushing a bit Shippou said, "Hi, ya ready to do this?" Nodding the girl walked forward and said, "Mother is it okay if we go look around?" Nodding, Taki smiled at the cute scene and said, "Just don't try anything funny, Shippou or you know what'll happen, and the same goes to you Rin." When she finished saying that Koji made a squealching noise and said, "Bye bye!!!" The two teens smiled at him and said, "See you soon." and headed off into the frey.

Once a good distance away from the others, Shippou turned to Rin and asked, "So what do you want to go and do first?" Taking the demons hand, Rin dragged him over to small stage where they watched a kabuki show about a princess and a beggar. At one point Shippou was dragged on stage to join in and after a few moments of standing there looking ridiculous, Shippou got the courage to participate and after the play was done the villagers threw coins on the stage and gave the actors and Shippou a standing ovation. When they left Rin was laughing and said, "You looked so scared." Blushing a bit Shippou said, "Well I've never acted before so how am I supposed to know what to do with kabuki." Giggling, Rin said, "It's all facial and body movement so you have to react to how the others look." Snorting Shippou said, "I guess it was fun."

Stopping in front of the fishing game, Rin asked, "Are you any good at this?" Looking at the pail, Shippou rolled up his sleeves and gave the merchant a coin and said, "How many tries do I get for that?" Checking the coin the booth runner said, "Four at the most." Nodding Shippou took the paper paddle and a small bowl and digging in he popped it up but the just as he flicked his wrist the fish hopped a bit and fell back into the water. Giving Rin a glare upon hearing her giggle, Shippou grabbed another paddle and angling it he popped his wrist again and knocked two gold fish into a bowl, and looking at Rin said, "Not so funny is it?" Sticking her tongue out Rin said, "Well, what are we going to do with them?" Shippou and the merchant fell on their faces, and thankfully Shippous hand was in the air and when he sat up said, "I guess we can put them in the stream." Thanking the man the two walked off and once they got to the bridge, Shippou dumped his cup and watched as the two small fish swam down stream.

When they were gone, Shippou looked at Rin and said, "Now what do we do?" Looking up at the sky Rin noticed the sun was setting and said, "Well, we could head back and find the others." Staring at the girl, Shippous face burned red as he saw her hair blow in a small breeze. Feeling, the demons gaze Rin turned and said, "Are you feeling okay?" Gulping loudly Shippous face burned even more as he said, "Uhhh, just looked really beautiful." Blushing Rin leaned in and gave the fox a small kiss on the cheek and said, "Thank you, and you look really handsome." Scratching his head, Shippou chuckled and said, "Well you make excellent clothes." Looking over the clothes she'd made, Rin said, "Glad to see you're taking care of it. Although it was kinda of interesting to see your fur blend in with it when you fought Kohaku." Chuckling even more Shippou said, "That was an interesting fight. Although your dad shouldn't have done that." Rolling her eyes Rin said, "Mother let him have it when we got home. Father stood there and said nothing while she scolded him about it and afterwards he did apologize, but mothers still keeping a close eye on what he does."

Shippou let out a light laugh and said, "The mighty Sesshomaru afraid of a female? That's something nobody would ever belive." Rin giggled and was about to say something when they heard Inuyasha yell, "You two get over here!!" Looking over at the hanyou the two headed over to him and when they arrived they asked, "What is it?" Looking down at the two Inuyasha said, "Your mother wants us in the square. Apparently some weird invention from across the sea is supposed to be let off." Looking at each other the two followed the hanyou through the now mostly empty pathways until they reached the square and found Taki and the others riding Ah-Un and Kirara to get a better look.

Grabbing the two teens, Inuyasha lept onto a roof and after setting them down said, "I think this is being done by that guy who had the gun thing." Snorting, Shippou said, "Don't ask," to Rin who was about to ask what a gun was. Settling next to the girl, as the sun finished setting Rin heard the man say, "Ladies and gentlemen, as well as our fellow demons! I bring to you a wonderous item from across the sea that will show you something you've never seen in these lands!" For some reason somebody yelled, "Hurry it up you old geezer and get it over with!" The crowd chuckled, and smiling at the man the merchant bent down and lit a fuse. The crowd watched with baited breath as one of the items shot to the air and exploding in a burst of white and green lights.

The crowd let out the usual sounds of, "Ooohh," and, "aahhh," as bursts of green, yellow, gold, white, silver, purple, along with so many other colors that nobody but Shippou and Inuyasha noticed a small spark hit a spark land on one of that thatched roofs. Looking at the hanyou, Shippous face fell as he asked, "Inuyasha we got to stop this." Nodding, Inuyasha said, "Kagome get everyone away from that house." Looking at her chosen and then at the house, Kagome nudged Taki and seeing what the others saw she directed Ah-Un to the front and while in air Kagome shouted, "EVERYONE ONE OF THE HOUSES IS ON FIRE!!!" Looking around some people screamed as they saw the flames and the entire village ran towards the river and began to fill up buckets and barrells with water and using Kirara and Ah-Un they did their best to contain the fire but it was spreading to fast. Jumping at the burning house, Inuyasha severed it off from anything it was connected to and looking at Shippou said, "Shippou try and contain it with your kitsunebi."

Nodding the kitsune built up a good amount of fire in his hands and throwing it at the house, he focused his thoughts on it and set up a barrier around the house leaving a hole on the top. Grabbing barrels and buckets Ah-Un and Kirara, along with the help of Inuyasha and their riders, spent a good hour dousing the house with water until finally the last spark was extinguished and with a bit of help from Inuyasha collapsing the house into the dirt, Shippou let down his barrier and fell to the ground wheezing. Rushing to the demon Rin held him and said, "Shippou-kun, are you all right?" Giving her a lop sided grin, the kitsune said, "I'm just tired from holding that up for so long." Walking over Inuyasha smirked and said, "Good job, runt." Chuckling, Shippou closed his eyes and began to snore lightly. Picking the fox up Inuyasha said, "Shows over everyone!" and took the boy back to Kaedes.

The next morning, Shippou woke up to find Rin, Inuyasha and the merchant sitting around him. Looking at the merchant Shippou asked, "Why are you here sir?" Grinning sheepishly the old man said, "Thank you for stopping a fire I started. If there's anything I can do to repay you, please tell me and I'll do it." Sitting up the kitsune said, "Just don't do it in such a crowded area with so much dry wood and grass around." Bowing deeply the merchant said, "Of course. I have already commissioned the rebuilding of the destroyed property and have given the families money to purchase anything that was lost." Shrugging, Shippou said, "Then that's all I really wanted to ask you to do, so I guess you can go." Bowing again the merchant hobbled out and left the fox alone with Rin and Inuyasha. Looking at the hanyou Shippou asked, "What happened?" Snorting Inuyasha said, "You blacked out after dropping your barrier, but you might want to say good bye to her since they're leaving soon."

Before he could reply, Inuyasha got up and left the room leaving Shippou and Rin alone. Looking at the girl Shippou asked, "So when you going to come back?" Blushing the girl shrugged and said, "I'll talk to mother about it. But you were brave yesterday." Feeling himself grow warm Shippou composed himself and did his serious pose before saying, "It was nothing, I've been in worst scrapes before." Giggling Rin kissed his cheek before saying, "Well you were still brave." Blushing, Shippou looked at her and said, "Want me to go out with you?" Nodding, Rin took his hand and the two walked out the door together, but dropped hands before anybody noticed. When they were gone, Shippou went off to a swimming hole for a bath while Kagome looked to Inuyasha and asked, "Inuyasha how would like to go to a prom?"

HEHEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHEEHEHE!!!!!Sorry for the lack of updates....and don't worry about the rifle thing i was watching princess mononoke and thought it might be nice to throw in a hayao miyazak type thing
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