InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ Life Descisions ( Chapter 36 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Okay Okay here’s 36 so let’s get this over and done with.....

Chapy 36

“Oh gods! Kagome can you come and get this brat off of me?!” The women laughed to themselves from their spot under the tree as they watched the men play with Sango and Mirokus child. The little brat finally decided to come out the morning after the dance and needless to say, Inuyasha wasn’t exactly keen on entering the hut after the birth. After a few days though the hanyou was more than happy to enter the hut, even though the baby was screaming so loud that his ears were in a constant drooping state.

Now two months later, the baby and Sango were now able to go outside the village with the group. The strangest thing was that the little boy was more trusting of Inuyasha than he was with Kagome. Needless to say his parents were glad he liked the half demon, yet they were slightly distraught over the fact the kid merely tolerated the existence of Kagome, while embracing Inuyashas like a child to a favorite relative. The childs affections were never the same with the demon and today he decided to tell his ‘uncle,’ just how much he loved him by throwing up on him, and instead of crying after it the baby just gave an odd sounding laugh.

Taking his son away from the hanyou, Miroku wiped the spittle from the child’s mouth as he said, “I told her she shouldn’t have given him that formula stuff.” Taking off his top, Inuyasha headed the nearby stream, muttering angrily under his breath. Snickering, Shippou softly rubbed the babys head while whispering, “Keep it up.” Grunting the baby looked at the kitsune with an expression that seemed to say, “No problem,” before coughing up some baby puke and getting it in the foxes head.

Letting out a low growl, Shippou went over the stream to clean the fresh white goo out of his hair. Giggling from their place under the tree, Kagome looked to Sango as she asked, “Well that’s an unusual way to say you like somebody.” Snorting some of her juice, Sango clutched her side as she fell to the ground in a fit of giggles gasping out, “You....hehehe..should have seen...hahaha...Miroku a few nights ago.” Watching her friends laughter, Kagome rolled her eyes and sipped from her soda as she asked, “What’d Yasuo do to the poor monk this time?”

Regaining her composure, the Taijiya sat up and said, “Well Yasuo had woken up crying as usual, and not waking me, Miroku went in to check on him. It was the usual, feed him, burp him, rock him deal, but then just as he was about to set him down, Miroku felt that he was just a bit heavy.” Kagome knew the direction her friend was going, yet kept her silence as Sango continued. “So after he found that out, Miroku cleaned him up, but just as he was about to put on a fresh diaper....he got a face full of pee.” Kagome was in the middle of eating a chip while her friend said this, and needless to say it took a few minutes for her to stop choking on the dried peace of root.

Chugging some water, Kagome let out a loud sigh before saying, “At least you had a humourous evening.” Looking at her friend, Sango worriedly asked, “Is everything all right between you and Inuyasha?” Shrugging heavily Kagome let out a sad smile before saying, “Well you know that ever since he behaved himself at the dance he’s kept the charm hidden from me, right?” Keeping her face set like stone, while smiling inwardly, Sango nodded. Nodding in return Kagome said, “Since he’s had it off, he’s been pretty good, but a couple nights ago he went out on one of his evening prowls. He does it sometimes to keep his head cool, but when he came back in the morning he seemed a little worse for wear.”

Getting to her feet, the current Taijiya leader gave a loud grunt as she stretched before looking to her friend asking, “Did he get into a fight?” Kagome was unsure of the hanyous condition since he didn’t allow her to even go beyond asking if he was feeling okay. Thinking back to the dark hours of the morning, Kagome remembered Inuyasha sneaking into her room looking a bit hurt and unusually disturbed by the evenings events. Standing up, Kagome looked at her friend with a fake smile as she said, “You know him. He probably helped somebody and on his way back to my room he fell off a building.” Leaving the topic alone, Sango headed off towards her husband to feed their child.

At the lakes edge, Inuyasha was wringing out his haori as he stared into the crystal clear water. Flapping it open, the half breed set out to dry in the sun as he continued to dive into the memories that had been haunting him for the past few days. From what his ears could pick up of Kagomes conversation, she was pretty close to the truth about what had happened to him. Actually she was a bit off, since he didn’t help anybody at all. He did however get into a fight and fall off of a building, which would have been odd enough without him knowing who the identity of an attacker.

~ The night was clear, and for some reason the stars were more numerous than he had ever seen them since he’d first spent a full night in the future. Giving into his more dog like nature, he’d slipped out of bed, dressed, and silently took to the roofs of the neighborhood. When he ran like that it was almost like he was back in the past, but with all of the mechanical devices on the roads below and high buildings, chances are he’d fall and cause a panic or something. Dropping off a small house, he took to the alleys as he reached up and snickered at the brilliant scheme he’d concocted. He didn’t like tricking Kagome, but it felt good to finally not have to worry about being sat a whole bunch of times.

He was actually starting to worry about his necklace not working since the day he and Kagome had picked up her dress for the dance. Not that he didn’t mind not being sat, it was just highly disturbing that it didn’t work when she’d said it to him inside the dress shop and outside the house. However, it did seem like a blessing since he was certain that had the spell worked he probably would have been punished for ruining her dress. Shuddering, Inuyashas attention was diverted from his thought as the hanyou caught the scent of something delicious being set somewhere. Taking a left he saw a person leaving the front of what looked to be an all night bakery. Moving silently towards the stand, he hid his form under the counter and reaching up quickly, he snatched a box of freshly made dumplings.

Rushing towards the alley, he climbed up a fire escape as he swallowed a couple of dumplings happily. Belching loudly, he chuckled as he threw the box to the ground saying, “Those mortals are too careless.” Wiping the remnants of dough from his face, Inuyasha sighed loudly to himself as he felt a small lump in one of his pockets. Reaching in, he pulled out a small wad of bills. His guilt getting the best of him, he made a small detour back to the stand and tossed the whole wad into the unsuspecting face of the owner. Feeling better about himself, Inuyasha took a different route and headed towards a nearby park.

Knowing that he’d have some privacy there, the hanyou took a seat on one of the swings and began to think about the journeys he’d had. From meeting Kikyo, being betrayed by her, be awoken and forced to obey Kagome because of some stupid reliquary, to meeting all his friends, killing Naraku, and for some reason coming to an unsaid truce with his brother. Stepping off the object, Inuyasha gave out a loud, straining grunt as he stretched. Smacking his lips he was about to head back to the house when he caught an oddly familiar scent.

It was the same scent from the day he and Kagome went to the dress store. He couldn’t place it then, but this time he was slowly beginning to recognize it. The scent was that of a demon and by the strength of it he knew that it was a powerful one. In fact, the cologne the creature was wearing couldn’t hide the identity of its bearer. Putting his hand to Tetsusaiga, Inuyasha looked towards a jungle gym shouting, “I know you’re there so don’t even bother trying to hide!”

Keeping his eyes focused on the toy, Inuyasha kept himself in defensive position as a tall, slender figure appeared. The concealing spell couldn’t hide the demonic features of his stalker. Hell, even if it could he knew those eyes and hair anywhere. Smirking, Inuyasha said, “Well, it seems you’ve managed to keep yourself alive.” The figure let out a low laugh before saying, “Glad to see you’ve finally picked me out of the crowd little brother.” Running a hand through his hair, Sesshomaru asked the hanyou, “What do you think of my modern attire?”

Relaxing a bit, while keeping his hand on the hilt of his blade, Inuyasha said, “You still look like a bastard. But the short hair is a bit over kill even in this era.” Tossing his jacket to the ground, Sesshomaru revealed his blade as he said, “Well, I guess we should resolve our disagreement the old way.” Unsheathing his fang, Inuyasha wasted no time at taking the offensive. Shaking his head disappointedly, Sesshomaru parried the blow as he attempted to plant his fist into his brothers cheek. Moving his head slightly, Inuyasha dodged the blow before shooting forward and smashing his brothers forehead with his own.

Shocked at the half breeds swiftness, Sesshomaru staggered slightly from the force giving Inuyasha enough time to force the Taisho into a more cautious battle strategy. Dodging the blow, Sesshomaru ran towards one of the many slides inhabiting the play area. Enraged by his brothers cowardly act, Inuyasha followed suit and was prepared to attack, when out of no where Sesshomaru thrust Tokijin into the ground, sending a small, yet surprisingly powerful energy wave towards the hanyou. Planting his own blade into the ground sideways, Inuyasha grunted as he absorbed the shock of the attack.

Coughing from the rising dust, Inuyasha was about to take to the air when he felt the cool metal of his brothers blade against his throat. Cursing to himself, Inuyasha said, through gritted teeth, “All right you win this round.” Hearing a light grunt from his brother, Inuyasha resheathed his blade as he asked, “So, how is it that you’re in this time?” When he received no answer, Inuyasha turned to find his brothers back facing him. Growling loudly the hanyou said, “I ASKED YOU A QUESTION!!”

Wiping the dust from his jacket, Sesshomaru slid his arm into it as he cooly said, “I heard you, baka. Yet, your question is surprisingly stupid.” Looking at his brother, Sesshomaru could see the anger in the hanyous eyes as he continued. “I lived the past five hundred years, and it was only until recently that I decided to make contact with you after one of my young spotted you walking the streets with that girl you’ve chosen.” Hearing his brother choking on his words, Sesshomaru smoothed out his shortened hair as he said, “Don’t worry about it. I pretty much knew where you were, it was only a matter of finding the right opportunity to contact you in this era.”

Feeling like he’d just been stabbed in the gut, Inuyasha asked, “Well how many children do you have and how do you survive here?” Sighing at his brothers stupidity, Sesshomaru glared at the demon as he said, “Simple, I made sure that the treasures of our house were well taken care of by the numerous banks in Europe and Asia, and over five hundred years that’s quite a large sum of money to have at ones disposal. Although I did make sure the girls family was well taken care of since she was required to make sure we got rid of that bastard Naraku.”

Snorting at the cockiness of his relative, Inuyasha stared at the stars asking, “So what do you want with me? I know you haven’t been following me for the hell of it.” Looking at his brother, Inuyasha saw a small pouch in the demons hand and asked, “What, you’re going to give me money? I can get my own thanks.” Rolling the bag in his hand, Sesshomaru stared at his brother while saying, “I saw what you did at the dumpling stand. Glad to see you have a conscience in that pathetic brain of yours.” Growling loudly, Inuyasha was about to talk when Sesshomaru tossed the bag at his head. Feeling something hard in it, Inuyasha watched as it fell to the ground with a small puff of dust.

Bending down, he picked the bag and dumped a small egg sized jewel in his hand. Holding it up to the street lamp, he saw that it wasn’t black, but a deep crimson. Looking at his brother he asked, “What is this thing?” Stepping forward, Sesshomaru took the stone from his brothers hand and using a nearby rock he tapped it. In a flash of red light, Inuyasha saw the rock turn from stone to a beautiful crystal. Taking the stones from his brother, Inuyasha looked between them before saying, “Is this that stone you were trying to create?”

Nodding, Sesshomaru said, “This is what is known as a Philosophers Stone. At one point I wasn’t sure if I could create it since I knew Taki would leave me if I were to add the final ingredient. But thanks to a foolish bandit, the stone was made. However it was a bit of a task to find the stone among the debris that the explosion made when it was created.”

Feeling even more uncomfortable than he usually was when Sesshomaru talked, Inuyasha met his brothers gaze as he asked, “What sort of ingredient would force Taki not to talk to you?” Taking the stone Sesshomaru said, “This stone allows people to by pass the universal rule that states, in order to gain something, an item of equal value must be sacrificed in order for the other to be obtained. But, this stone does something that no living being is allowed to do.” Thinking back to what Rin had said about Sesshomaru trying to make the stone to grant the girl eternal life, he asked, “It allows you to let somebody live a long time? As long as they’re alive I don’t see how you’re breaking any rules.”

Clutching the stone, Sesshomaru snorted at his brother, and with a slight growl said, “Not that you, bastard. The final ingredient to create the stone is the life of another sentient being. Meaning that through the sacrifice of that person, the bearer of this stone has the power to raise the dead.” Feeling his heart stop, Inuyasha stared at the stone for a moment before he asked in an almost silent manner, “Why do you have it then?”

Letting it go, Sesshomaru said, “Father wanted me to give it to you. I don’t know why he would want you to bring him and your human mother back to life, but he said that should you do it you will have to pay for your sins in the worst possible way. But it’s your choice as to whether or not you will be willing to bring back the dead. I can only watch.” Taking it in his claw, Inuyashas mind was reeling at the possibilities at having such a powerful item in his grasp.

With it he could make as much money as he needed for him and Kagome to survive on. But, after a moments thought he realized that his brother had unlimited funds within his disposal and since by birth right Inuyasha was entitled to half, posessing the stone for monetary gain proved pointless. After a few more minutes of thought, Inuyasha realized that he could revive his mother and father.

Feeling his heart turn in his chest, Inuyasha began to think, I can revive mother and father. I’ll finally be able to meet him and get mother back as well. My wish of wanting a family will be complete and I won’t be alone. Yet, at those thoughts he felt truly disgusting. He wasn’t alone anymore and he knew it. He had a niece and nephew, a sister-in-law, friends, as well as a betrothed to go with a woman and young boy who had been more like a family to him than anybody else. Was he really willing to give them up for a chance to see his parents again.

Yet, his heart was telling him that he knew it wasn’t meant to be. The dead were meant to remain dead to allow the lives of others to come into the world. Clenching the stone, Inuyasha said, “I’m sorry mother.” His interest perked, Sesshomaru watched as Inuyasha hurled the stone into the air before releasing Tetsusaiga. Keeping his eye on the stone, Sesshomaru heard his brother yell, “KAZE NO KIZU!!!” The flash caused by the force of the attack against the stone, stung Sesshomarus eyes so badly that it took almost a minute for him to see again.

Looking to his brother, he saw the hanyou staring at the area where he’d struck the stone. Following his brothers gaze he saw tiny dust particles fall to the ground in a mass of sparkles. Shifting his arms, Sesshomaru looked to his brother and said, “You’ve made your choice brother. I’ll see you when you marry.” Oblivious to what the demon had just said, Inuyasha sobbed at his only chance to ever see his parents again. He was filled with emotions of anger, frustration, despair, and oddly enough happiness at the fact that he’d made the right choice. Wiping his tears he headed back to the house to make sure Kagome didn’t worry about him.~

Back at the lake side, Inuyasha had thrown himself to the ground for a small nap. As usual though he was disturbed by a voice asking, “You all right?” Cracking an eye he snorted before saying, “Just fine wench.” Sitting at the top of his head Kagome looked into his eyes and asked, “Wanna tell me what’s really bothering you?” Growling at the inquiry, Inuyasha said, “I just blew a really big opprotunity that night I went on my mad dash through the city.”

Tracing a finger around her chosens neck Kagome asked, “What did you do?” Relaxing at the soft touch of her hand against his hair, Inuyasha said, “My brother created that stone thing and gave me a chance to choose whether or not I wanted to keep it. Apparently my father wanted us to use it, yet Sesshomaru probably interpreted it as an order to give the damn thing to me.”

Stopping her ministrations, Kagome took the hanyous cheeks in her hands as she asked, “Would you have used it if you decided to keep it?” Averting his gaze, the hanyou said, “I don’t know what I would have done, Kagome. I had the power to create riches beyond our wildest dreams, as well as the ability to keep Asami, Souta, Miroku, Sango, and all of their brood alive as long as we wanted. I also had the chance to revive my parents.”

Feeling his pain, Kagome kissed his forehead as she said, “You destroyed it didn’t you?” Nodding Inuyasha gave her a small peck on the nose, curled up in her lap while saying, “It’s against the laws of nature to allow people to live longer than they should. The fates governed you and Rin to mate with Shippou and I so you’re not defying any laws. But the others are mortal and have, or will, marry other mortals, so they are meant to die when humans are supposed to. Besides, I don’t think the dead would like to be brought back to life.”

Smiling, Kagome scratched her chosens ears lightly, and let out a small laugh as he purred contently. Rubbing the bases, Kagome asked, “You did the right thing ‘yasha. Even though I’m sure you wanted to keep those you love around, and bring back the ones you lost, nature has a plan and it’s all we can do to follow it. We live, we die and that’s that.” Rubbing his cheek against her thigh the hanyou said, “I deserve a reward for being such a good guy.” Shaking her head, Kagome scratched the base of the velvety soft eras as she said, “You don’t get anything until you give me back the charm.”

Glaring at her, Inuyasha groaned as he said, “No, I’m not wearing that thing for as long as possible. It feels good not being sat for a long time. Besides it’s busted.” Stopping her scratching Kagome asked, “What do you mean?” Looking up at her he said, “Remember when we were at the store and outside the house, you said ‘sit,’ and I didn’t fall to the ground.” Straining her memory, a small flash of said scenes came across her mind as she said, “Oh well, you behaved so I guess it deemed you unworthy of being sat.”

Rolling his eyes ate her unresearched conclusion, Inuyasha asked, “Do you have anything else that needs to be done in your time, because if not we’re getting married cuz I can’t take your teasing anymore.” Chuckling, Kagome tapped his nose while she said, “I have to graduate, and once that’s done we can plan a small wedding once I get all my college stuff ready.” Cheering inside Inuyasha curled back up in the girls lap before slipping into an undisturbed sleep.

Okay sorry about that, my family was home all last week, plus I worked and when those two mix I CAN”T TYPE! But I’m off till Saturday, so I should update both fics by them.
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