InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wet Dog Smell ❯ Getting Started... ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 1 : Getting Started…

A/N: DISCLAIMER: I don't own or even pretend to own Inuyasha & Co.

"EEEeeeeeeeeeeeK!" Kagome ran, screaming.

Inuyasha ears twitched. He HEARD her - and he was on the other side of the well.

"Kagome!" he yelled as he launched himself through the time portal. He landed, still running, in the modern era. He heard her shriek again as he burst through the well house doors.

"Kagom---" his words were cut short as the bucket of icy water hit him full in the face.

"What the FUCK?" he spluttered, dripping.

"UH oh, I'm sorry, Inuyasha, I was aiming for Kagome," Souta said sheepishly. As he apologized, Kagome came flying around the corner, soaking wet. "I'm gonna GET you for that, Souta. Do I LOOK like Ranma to you? NO MORE MANGA!" She flung a bucket-full of water as she came around the corner. Kagome's eyes widened as she screeched to a stop in front of Inuyasha and her evil little brother. Physics being what it is, the bucket stopped. Kagome stopped. The water didn't.

Inuyasha was now VERY wet and well on the way to being one extremely pissed-off hanyou when he got a good look Kagome. She was blushing furiously. She was wearing some sort of thin white top that perhaps was opaque when dry, but now it was transparent and clinging to her every curve. She had on one of those infernal bra-things, but it did nothing to shelter her pert nipples from his gaze.

Inu didn't know what to think. "Kagome, are you ok? I heard you scream! What's going on?"

"Souta got me with a bucket of water when I wasn't looking!"

"And that made you scream so loud I heard you in the Feudal Era?"

"Baka. It was COLD water!"

"I can see that."

Kagome glared at him. She folded her arms across her chest, but the result simply pulled her tank top tighter and raised her breasts, enhancing her cleavage nicely. Inuyasha’s ear twitched. So did his cock, but Kagome only noticed the ear. They stared at each other.

Kagome caved in first. "I'm sorry, Inuyasha. I can't believe you heard me. Thank you -for coming to save me... even if it was just from.." here she turned and glared at Souta ".. him." Souta knew when the going was good. He took off. "Hey I'm going to Ken's to play video games byeeee," he called over his shoulder. He figured he should hide until dinner.

Kagome gave Inuyasha the LOOK that turned his knees weak. "I'll make it up to you. Why don't I cook you some ramen while we dry off?" Inuyasha eyes lit up. "Keh. Not that I worry about you or anything, I was on my way here anyway," he muttered.

"Come on, let's get out of these clothes." "?!?" Inu's cock twitched again. "uhm - uh..." 'Just great,' thought Inuyasha. 'My cock's working and my brain isn't. NOW what am I gonna do?'

He followed Kagome back to the house. "Mom!!!!! Inuyasha's here - do we have any ramen left?"

Mrs. Higurashi walked out of the house. "Hello dear, how nice to see you," she said, smiling at him. She kept herself from reaching out to pat his head, figuring he wouldn't appreciate it. "I'm on my way to the market, and to drag your grandfather out of the pachinko parlor. We've got a cup or two left, but we'll be having a late dinner. Have a snack and I'll see you later. Oh, and will you two get out of those wet things? You'll catch something."
With that, Mrs. H. waved and headed down the steps.

Inuyasha avoided looking at Kagome. "How about that ramen?" he asked as he walked into the kitchen. "First things first," said Kagome as she headed for the bathroom. She slid her shorts down over her hips as she hopped on one foot. Green flowered bikini panties filled Inuyasha's hungry gaze. All thoughts of ramen vanished. Kagome turned around, as she crossed her arms in front of her waist and started to pull of the soggy tank top. "You heard Mom - Drop 'em."


"Hello? Inuyasha? You in there?" Kagome leaned in, hands on hips. 'Oh, I'm in here all right,' called the dog-boy's youki. 'And I want to come out to play...' 'ShutUP shutUP shutUP' Inuyasha's inner dialog was giving him a headache. Kagome was aiming her cleavage at him, wearing her little flowered panties and a that damned lacy bra, telling him to take off his clothes OR ELSE.... Inuyasha sighed and shook his head.

"Oh for Kami's sake. Just get the bath running and throw your things out through the door. You remember how to do that, right? I'll get the ramen started."

Inu gave up. How did the afternoon get away from him like this? It must have been Miroku's doing. He didn't know how, but only that hentai could think of a situation like this. He went into the bathroom and started the water. Still trying to figure out what was going to happen next, he stripped and tossed his haori into the hallway. He rested his chin in his hands, propped his elbows on the side of the tub and watched the water rise. A sigh escaped. ‘I’m sitting here stark naked waiting for a bath,’ thought one third of his brain. ‘Don’t forget the ramen!’ chimed in another. ‘Screw the ramen. What about Kagome’s ti-‘ ‘Shut UPPPP! Damn, I never thought I would want to ‘sit’ myself!’

The tub was ready. Inuyasha climbed in, lay back and closed his eyes. ‘Better. Much better.’ He finally relaxed. Of course, the afternoon's entertainment replayed itself over and over behind his eyelids. He just couldn't get the image of Kagome's wet, bouncy breasts out of his head. He sunk lower in the water. Not helping. He ducked his head and stayed submerged. His magnificent silver hair floated on the surface as he stretched out. He'd never admit it, but he thought the Higurashi's bathtub one of the best things in the modern era. Kagome described it as 'being as big as a swimming pool,' whatever that was. All he cared about was that there was room for him to stretch out and float beneath the surface.

'Shit.' Now all Inuyasha could think about was Kagome's breasts floating in front of his eyes, cradled in lace. That and those ridiculous panties. He decided that staying underwater until he calmed down was a good idea.
Preoccupied as he was, he didn't hear Kagome gently enter the room, carrying a big bowl of ramen.

"Whoah." Kagome took a breath. "I know he's a demon - ok, half demon - but what the hell? Can he BREATHE through that?" She would have dropped the ramen but she was too busy staring.

Inu had a feeling he wasn't alone, so he came up for air. There was Kagome, a very short robe barely concealing anything, carrying ramen, and looking at him in a most.... interesting way.