InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What?! ❯ ..title again? ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

* *=actions ' '=thoughts

I would like to thank all those who reviewed! It was much

appreciated! I hope this one is long enough, or at least longer. Enjoy!

Chapter 4-

He parked his car and picked Kagome up and layed her down on

the bed while calling for a female servant to bathe and dress Kagome.

Sesshoumaru waited outside the door, when the servant opened the door

Sesshoumaru started to go in, she stopped him by putting a hand on his


"Sir, there is something you should see on Miss Kagome." She then went

in before him. He walked into the room and he didn't see anything out

of the ordinary.

"Please come here Sir." She said while pushing Kagome's new button-up

shirt out of the way and Sesshoumaru's eyes widened as he saw the

bruises, scars and the healing wounds. Her face washed of make-up and

he could see a bruise forming on her cheek.

"That isn't all Sir. She has been...," She pauses trying to think of

the right words,"she's been...r-raped Sir."

He looks sharply over to the servant "How do you know? It could have

been consensual."

"Because, Sir, of all of her injuries and she's been whimpering no and

stop in her sleep."

He sighs and tries to calm down 'Going into rage isn't going to help,

Rage isn't going to help..'

"Have you checked her back for injuries?"

"No, Sir."

"Alright lets do that now."

Sesshoumaru lifts her up gently and the girl takes of her shirt and

they saw scars running jagged up and down her back.

"A-are those w-whips marks, Sir?"

"Yes" He said through clenched teeth. The girl put the shirt back on


"I've dressed the wound on her head, Sir."

"Alright you may go, but I'll call you back when she wakes. She'll be


"Yes, Sir." With that she left the room.

Sesshoumaru layed kagome down on the bed and covered her up with the

comforter. He sat down in the chair by the bed and watched her.

'What happened to you Kagome?...'

*~*~Kagome's Dream*~*~

'NO! STOP! Please!' Kagome sobs as the darkened figure comes closer to


'You can't do this! I won't let you haunt me in my dreams!' yells a

distressed Kagome.

Kagome starts glowing black/blue her eyes turning black her hands go in

front of her as an energy ball appears.

'I won't let you control me, I'll destroy you before the happens!' she

said in a calm, almost possessed like voice.

After she says that, her energy ball explodes and there is a blinding

light followed by a deafening silence.

*~*~End Her Dream*~*~

"Kagome. Kagome, wake up. You need to wake up." she hears the calm,

detached whispered that is laced with concern

She groans and turns toward the warmth that had engulfed her and she

tries to ignore the voice, to stay where its dark. 'Where I can beat


"Kagome, Please you need to wake up."

She snuggles closer to the warmth, as she opens her eyes, she realizes
she is in someone's arms. She yelps and scoots away hugging her knees.

But she relaxes when she sees it isn't HIM.

"oh, sorry. Um..Sesshoumaru, right?"she asks in a little hoarse whisper

Seeing him nod she continues.

"What am I doing here?"

He ignores the question asking one of his own. "Are you thirsty?


"Could I have some water?" He nods and the door opens revealing the

girl from before. Sesshoumaru took the glass and handed it to Kagome.

"Now mind telling me where you got those injuries on you torso and

back, why you didn't want me to bring you home and how you knew I was

a demon?" He said in an unemotional yet slightly angry voice.