InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What A Gang ❯ Better Then Some ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The first thing she felt was the pain in her stomach, this seemed familiar, only now someone had gutted her not try and detach a limb. The only thing missing was Inuyasha. “Oww don't touch me!” Kagome yelled thinking, never mind he's here.
“Kagome be quiet I'm not murdering you.” Inuyasha said as he put the warm wet cloth back on her stomach.
“It sure feels like it.” Kagome said as she swatted his hand away. “I rather do that myself.” Kagome said grabbing the towel and sitting up a little bit leaning against the headboard.
“If you say so.” Inuyasha said moving back a little to watch her.
Kagome managed to finish up even though she got a little reluctant to do it herself towards the end. “Damn people…demons need to stop running their claws threw me. I'm not a scratching post.”
“You need to learn to watch yourself; I seem to be saving you a lot…” Inuyasha said taking the cloth and the bowl of hot water and walking out the door.
“So Sesshomaru said to relocate?” Kagome asked as Inuyasha walked back in throwing a shirt at her.
“Put that on and take off the tube top it reeks of blood.” Inuyasha said turning around.
“Well?” Kagome insisted as she did what she was told. “You can turn around.”
“Yeah he's coming home tomorrow.” Inuyasha said walking over and closing the closet door after Kagome threw her top in there. “Right now I need some manger sleep.
“I'll move into my room.” Kagome said standing up with the help of the bed post.
“Like hell.” Inuyasha said simply.
“You can't keep me here, and I would like to sleep in a bed by myself for a night.” Kagome said moving away from the bed her legs still shaky.
“Yes actually I can keep you here, and too bad.” Inuyasha said walking over to her reaching out his hand only to have it slapped away.
Kouga then ran in the room yelling, “Where's my Kagome!”
Kagome didn't expect Kouga to do that so she went to step back only to fall. Inuyasha caught her before she hit the floor, and lifted her into his arms and sat her on the bed growling at Kouga, “What the hell do you think you are doing in my room, and it will be a cold day in hell when Kagome belongs to you.”
“She does to belong to me cuz she sure as hell doesn't belong to you! Every time she's near you she gets hurt emotionally, or physically, or some combination of the two!” Kouga yelled at him.
“That isn't true so shut the hell up Kouga, and get out of his room.” Kagome said looking at Inuyasha who was starting to dig his claws into his hands.
“Why are you sticking up for him Kagome, you know it's true. I mean look at you the other day he didn't protect you and you almost got your arm torn off, and now some one tried to gut you like a fish, and what about all the time's he's put you down.” Kouga said looking at her.
“Get out.” Inuyasha growled at him.
“Kouga get out I don't want to listen to you!” Kagome yelled at him standing up and moving over to Inuyasha grabbing his hands making him take his claws out of them.
“How can you be so loyal to him?” Kouga asked looking at her like she had shot him.
“Because he does protect me and even after he puts me down he, in his own weird little way, makes me feel better.” Kagome said glaring back at Kouga.
“You always seem to be in the living room with a bowl of ramen or messing with a necklace…”
“And who do you think gave me those things?” Kagome said turning fully around to face Kouga. “And as far as me being hurt right now, you aren't helping by stressing out Inuyasha and me.”
“Why does it matter what he feels?” Kouga growled.
“This room is his, and it's where I'm staying, so if his aura isn't calm it makes me stressed to, or in this case pissed off beyond reason. I'm a miko Kouga, and I'm hurt, it's hard to control my powers when I'm stressed and hurt, so get out of here now.” Kagome growled at him.
Kouga glared at Inuyasha then left saying, “Fine, but as soon as you're better I'm going to make you see what he's really doing to you.”
“Kagome…” Inuyasha said looking at her worried.
“Yeah Inuyasha?” Kagome asked turning around to him.
“You're bleeding.” Inuyasha said nodding towards her stomach. “Sit down.”
Kagome sat down in the middle of the bed, and then looked at him as he took off his shirt. “Why do you need to take off your shirt to clean my wound?”
“Because I'm going to clean it the way I wanted to in the first place, but you were sleeping so I decided against it for the sake of my hearing and sanity.” Inuyasha said as he crawled on the bed and gently push Kagome back so she was sitting down.
“No you aren't going to do that!” Kagome yelled at him as she hit him.
“Would you rather I bring Kouga back in here I'm sure he'll be more then happy.” Inuyasha said with a shrug beginning to back away.
“No!” Kagome yelled grabbing his arm. “You can, I want Kouga far away from me for right now.”
“And I want him far away from you forever, six-feet under would be nice…” Inuyasha said as he pushed her back down and lifted up her shirt so it sat right below her breast. Straddling her waist he leaned down and hesitantly licked one of the claw marks.
“Inuyasha you can't kill every last person that ticks you off.” Kagome said with a sigh. That sigh though Inuyasha couldn't tell was because what he was doing felt good, and not because Inuyasha was being stubborn.
Inuyasha lifted his head and looked at Kagome who was doing the perfect imitation of a tomato, and said, “No I suppose I can't but, I can kill the people who not only tick me off, but don't listen to their boss when your wellbeing is in danger.”
Kagome lightly hit him on the side of the head saying, “I'm perfectly fine. You really don't have to do this.”
“I know I don't have to do this, but I am so get over it.” Inuyasha said as he went back to what he was doing.
“Inuyasha…” Kagome started as she moved a little. “When are you going to answer my question?” Inuyasha kept quiet and didn't move to answer her question so she scratched one of his ears giving up for now.
When Inuyasha finished he moved his head away from her hand, and looked her in the eyes. “I told you later,” Inuyasha said moving up and kissing her lightly, “Later will come just be patient.”
“Are you sick?” Kagome said putting her hand to his forehead. That was the first time he hadn't kiss her to purposely rob her of her mind.
Inuyasha shook his head with a smirk, “I can be soft, just not often.”
“Inuyasha I'm sorry to ruin this little moment for you two, but Sesshomaru's here and he isn't happy.” Miroku said turning back around with a big grin on his face, unlike Sango who turned around out of embarrassment.
“What else is new?” Inuyasha said as he moved off of a blushing Kagome.
“He wants Kagome to come with you.” Sango added as she started dragging Miroku away.
“This was some way to start a morning.” Kagome sighed.
“Well it was better then some.” Inuyasha said as they left.