InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What a Mess ❯ Scandalous ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Two
Sesshomaru dumped the wench unceremoniously to the ground in the courtyard of his palace. At some point during their hasty flight, she'd had the audacity to fall asleep on his person. He pinned her with a hard glare, hoping she'd stop her screeching.
Her face florid, her small hands shaking, she scrambled up from the ground and waggled her finger in his face. “How dare you? I refuse to be man-handled like that! And I am not cleaning your house!”
Sesshomaru thought that if that finger got any closer to his face he'd bite it off.
“Are you even listening to me?” Her voice was like nails on glass…in hell. She stamped her foot in a most childish manner. “Hey! Helloooo! Anyone home in there?”
Her last bellow was so loud his ears rang. Did she not take into account his very sensitive hearing? Of course not. She was a dullard. “You will clean my house. Or I will collect payment in another fashion.” For emphasis, he tapped the hilt of his sword with a clawed finger.
The woman sucked in a great deal of air, her eyes wide. “Fine, you know what? I'll take a look. Can't be that bad.”
He gestured her forward and opened the shoji screen revealing the great hall. The wench let out an ear-splitting scream.
“I am NOT cleaning that! You should be ashamed of yourself! That's just disgusting!” She backed away, waving her arms in front of her face. “The smell!”
Perhaps killing her would annoy InuYasha just as much, he mused. But no, then he would have no one to clean this deplorable mess. “You will clean it. Or this Sesshomaru will kill you.”
Kagome smirked. Kill her, eh? Apparently he wasn't hip to the times. Kagome, contrary to popular belief, had not been sitting on her butt for three years. She'd been training and honing her miko powers.
She wasn't sure she could actually kill Sesshomaru, but she could wound him pretty badly.
Letting her powers flow into her hands, Kagome turned to face him. The surge of her supernatural energy whipped her still-damp hair around her face and shoulders. She grinned wickedly at him.
“Let's play,” she growled. Let him find out firsthand what Naraku went through in his last moments, Kagome thought. She wasn't the meek and helpless school girl anymore. And she was really tired of people treating her like she was.
Just as she was about to purify him, a small face peeked around his leg. Big brown eyes stared up her and Kagome was given a charming gap-toothed grin. Quickly, Kagome drew her power back into herself and let it fizzle out.
“Kagome!” the little girl said. “I'm so happy to see you! Did you come to help since Master Jaken…since…he…since….” Rin began to sniffle, wiping at her tear filled eyes.
Immediately, Kagome's anger melted away. She went to her knees beside the girl, forgetting all about the irritated taiyoukai glowering above her. “What happened, honey?”
The child launched herself into Kagome's arms, knocking the air right out of her. “Master Jaken died!” Rin sobbed into her shoulder.
She smoothed the child's dirty tangled hair. “Oh Rin, I'm so sorry.”
“So you've come to take care of me?” she asked looking up at her with shining eyes and a trembling smile.
All of Kagome's iron resolve shattered in the face of such an innocent heartfelt request. Of course she didn't want to clean that arrogant jerk's house. That went without saying. But what kind of girl was she if she let poor little Rin live in filth?
Kagome sighed. “Of course I'm here to help, Rin!”
Rin led Kagome around the palace, chattering away. The Western Lord was apparently lacking in adequate cleaning supplies. He didn't have any big push brooms, paper towels, or cleaning chemicals in nice colorful plastic bottles. Sesshomaru didn't have anything but harsh lye soap, rags, and some buckets.
“Well…this sucks,” Kagome said. She knew he wouldn't have the things she did on the other side of the well, but he should've at least had a damn broom. She peered into the store room again, as though a second look would magically fill it with the things she needed.
“What are you looking for, Kagome?” Rin asked.
“A broom.”
“Ah. I don't see one either. Ooh, my mama used to use a pine tree branch to sweep out our hut. We could try that,” Rin suggested.
Kagome ruffled the girl's top knot. “Pine tree branch it is!”
By nightfall, she and Rin had cleared out most of the rubbish and broken pottery. The walls were still smeared with filth and the floors were still dirty even though she had started scrubbing them, but at least the great hall didn't smell as bad. That or she'd gotten used to it.
Rin didn't help so much as she followed Kagome around talking a million miles an hour, but that was all right. Kagome had been lonely lately. Apparently, so had the little girl.
Kagome wiped the sweat from her brow and looked down at the suddenly silent child. “What's wrong, Rin?”
Rin swayed on her feet, her face grey. “I…I'm hungry. Master Jaken died before he could get me some supper,” she said, eyes filling with tears again.
Kagome stiffened, anger pinking her cheeks. “You mean Sesshomaru didn't feed you…at all today?”
Rin shook her head. “Sesshomaru-sama was too busy.”
Kagome knelt and took her by the shoulders, wincing when she felt how bony the girl's arms were. “Rin, I want you to wait right here. And sit down. I'll get you something to eat.”
Rin sighed. “I already looked in the kitchen…there was nothing in there to eat.”
Kagome forced a smile despite her worry and rage. “Don't worry, honey. I'm going to find Sesshomaru. He'll get you something.”
Rin looked dubious.
Kagome had never been so mad in her entire life. “No good, self serving, arrogant, mean-spirited, neglectful, ass!” she muttered under her breath as she marched down yet another long narrow hallway.
She used her miko powers to sense his youki, but so far, she'd only found empty bedchambers.
Just as she was about to give up, she saw the glow of a candle behind a shoji screen just up ahead. “Aha! Found you!”
With a deep breath, Kagome threw open the screen fully intent on letting him have it.
Her words, instead of being “You bastard! How could neglect to feed that little girl!”, came out more like “Uhnnnn errr?”
Sesshomaru looked up at her blearily. In place of his imposing armor, giant fluffy pelt, and wicked swords, he was wearing a simple black hakama and navy haori…that was parted to reveal the smooth expanse of his chest and impressive abs. His hair, normally perfect, just like the rest of him, was rumpled and askew. He sat cross-legged on his futon, and in his hand was a bottle of sake. The whole room stank of liquor.
“Why are you barging in here? Do you not have work to do?”
Kagome pressed her hand to her mouth to stifle her giggles. Sesshomaru was slurring his words.
He staggered to his feet and swiped at her. But it was half-hearted, and she dodged easily. “Are you laughing at this Sesshomaru? Pray you are not.”
She only shook her head. “I came in here to talk to you about Rin.”
That mono-syllabic answer sent her into a fury. Again, he was just brushing her off. Well, she wasn't going to stand for it. “She's hungry, and there's nothing to eat in this miserable place. Not only that, but she's absolutely filthy! Her hair is all tangled and she's too skinny. How could you neglect that child so horribly! What is the matter with you? You ought to be ashamed of yourself! You know, where I come from, they take children away from bad parents! I mean, have you felt of her arms? They're all bone! Not only that, but the poor little thing is lonely. Imagine having Jaken as a companion, but as poor company as I'm sure he was, he was all she had, and now he's dead! I ought to purify you right here, right now. I've never been so disgusted in all of my life! You are a miserable, mean, spiteful, arrogant jerk! And I swear to you that I'm-“
Her tirade was cut off when Sesshomaru drew her to him and covered her lips with his.
Sesshomaru had been quite satisfied with the wench's progress and her ability to distract Rin. He'd watch from the shadows as the woman slaved away.
Perhaps he shouldn't have.
Her clothes, as usual, were horribly indecent. He'd seen whores wear more clothes. Her pants, if one could call them pants, were so short, they barely covered her pert backside, revealing her long shapely legs. Disgusting.
Her shirt wasn't any better. It had no sleeves. And all that sloshing and mopping on her hands and knees made the flimsy white fabric made it terribly transparent. Why even bother wearing clothes at all? he thought.
And that's when his mind went down dark pathways it never should have.
Maybe it was his suppressed grief. Yes, he'd admit that perhaps he was a little disturbed over his retainer's demise. And maybe he blamed himself just a little. Surely, that was the source of his present madness.
That and he hadn't had a female in his bed in over fifty years. Not that he hadn't had offers. Okay, he'd had one offer, but that bitch had the stink of Naraku all over her. That and he was preoccupied.
The only other female he'd been around really was Rin. And she didn't count.
Now, he was staring at a nearly naked, nubile, shapely, woman doing womanly things…like scrubbing the floor, getting her shirt all wet, licking her plump pink lips, breathing, blinking, stinking up the place with her decidedly feminine smell. And she was currently on all fours using both hands to get at the dirty floor. It made her bottom and breasts jiggle in a most delightful way.
Sesshomaru had stared at her for over an hour before he realized what he'd been doing.
I was ogling that disgusting wench, he thought in absolute revulsion.
He fled to his bedchamber.
Before he'd left his palace, he'd put a barrier around his wing of the palace, so when he arrived there, he was most pleased to find it untouched.
And the sake was just where he remembered it.
Being a creature of supreme control and will, he rarely indulged. But tonight he decided to get blitzed out of his mind. Hopefully it would induce a blackout and then forgetfulness. Yes, that was what was needed. He would rid himself of the horrid human woman as soon as she finished her job. He would leave in the morning to go kill things so that he could avoid her presence.
Everything was going just wonderfully. He was on his fifth bottle and feeling absolutely no pain when said disgusting wench barged into his room.
Immediately, she began to shout at him. And she wouldn't stop. He realized that perhaps he was in a poor condition to try to murder her, but he had to silence her somehow. His ears were screaming in pain.
He stumbled towards her, her musky scent enveloping his liquor addled senses. Sesshomaru stared at her cheeks that were flushed, her eyes that flashed in anger, and then her lips….
In a flash of brilliance, Sesshomaru decided best how to silence her.
Leaning forwards and ignoring the spike of fear in her scent, Sesshomaru silenced her by kissing her.
It wasn't a chaste kiss…he wasn't sure he knew how to be chaste. He pushed his tongue into her mouth, reveling in her sweetness.
She wasn't kissing him back, but he could care less. It was giving him pleasure, and that was all that mattered. He snarled against her mouth. Kisses weren't cutting it.
He forced his knee between her legs, pushing them apart. He ground his hips into hers, running his tongue along her jaw down to the hollow of her throat. Sesshomaru smiled against her skin when he heard her heartbeat pickup and smelled something far more interesting than her fear. Her arousal.
Raising his face from between her breasts, he decided to look at her passion-filled face. Only it wasn't filled with passion at all. Her teeth were bared and then she did something unforgivable.
She drew back her tiny hand and slapped him.
“I-I-I! What? Why? You!” She stammered, fists clenching. She stormed out of his room.
Now, had he been sober, he would have simply loosed her pretty head from her very lovely shoulders, but he was about two sake bottles from sober.
Instead, he chased after her, all thoughts of propriety and the shame he was sure to feel in the morning too numbed by drink to make themselves known.
Kagome's heart was pounding in her ears as she ran from Sesshomaru's room.
He's gone totally nuts, she thought, turning a corner quickly, hoping to throw him off.
Just as she was certain he had given up chasing her (presumably to kill her for slapping him), a strong arm grabbed her around the waist, and she was tackled to the ground.
Sesshomaru sat on her ass, pinning her with his strong thighs. His breathing was ragged. “Foolish,” he said. “You should know better than to run from this Sesshomaru.”
“You're crazy!” she shrieked, pounding her fists on the floor. “Get off me!”
“And how did you think I would react, little miko, when you prance about in your indecent clothes? And when you were scrubbing the floor and purposefully getting your shirt all wet…tsk tsk. You shouldn't tease if you aren't prepared to face the consequences.”
She would've screamed at him in indignant fury, except she felt something prodding her backside. Something hard. It stole every smart retort that she had.
He leaned over her until she could feel his hot breath caress her ear. “What's the matter? Can't think of anything to say?”
She squealed when his long tongue traced the shell of her ear.
I have to think logically. This is a bad idea on every level. Bad, bad, bad, she told herself. But then he was licking her neck again, thrusting his hips forward. Ooh…wait. This is…this is good.
Ever since InuYasha had gone off to sow his oats and Sango had her first baby, and Shippo had run off to train how to become a proper youkai with Kouga, Kagome had been lonely. Very, very lonely.
More specifically, she'd been lonely for some male attention. And Sesshomaru was attractive. But, she pointed out to herself as he rolled off of her only to pull her face in for another searing kiss, he is also drunk and I don't think this would sit well in the morning.
Just as she had mustered up the will to push him off and calmly explain why this was a bad idea, Sesshomaru sucked her bottom lip into his mouth and cupped one of her breasts.
Teenage hormones coupled with loneliness, Kagome decided, were a very dangerous combination.
A/N: Will there be a lemon next chapter? You know, I've not decided yet. Maybe. Maybe I'll draw it out just to torture myself! We shall see.
For my delightful FFNET peeps, you will be able to find ze lemons on mediaminer, affnet, and singlespark. Kiska on all three.