InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What am I? ❯ The Game part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]




“Wait wait! I got a good one now!” Kagome laughed with giddy intensity. This is going to be fun!

“Okay let's hear it.” Miroku leaned in patiently as they sat together, bored out of their minds.

“It's a 'what am I' game.” She giggled in anticipation. He'll enjoy this one!

Miroku nodded his understanding and waited for her to continue, but what she said next caught him completely by surprise.

“My cavity is filled with seed.” She started, and she laughed as she saw his eyes widen. He must have thought she didn't have it in her. I'll show him perverted, she thought.

He stared for a moment, wondering if she really said what he thought she said, “Uh Kagome?”

“Want another clue?” She watched for another moment as he figured the safest route in his mind.

“Yes.” Good boy!

“Okay...” She thought for a moment, trying to be dramatic. “When you eat me, I drip down your chin.” She leaned towards him with bright eyes while watching his face intently. This is almost too good! She thought as his mouth opened briefly in shock.

Vaguely she wondered why this was so funny to her. She bit back another wave of giggles. I think it's the look on his face, priceless. Just the way she felt overly giddy about this joke, like her chest was full of explosive energy.

All of it directed at Miroku.

“I'm afraid I must insist on another clue.” Miroku really was trying to regain his composure.

Kagome blinked at him in amazement, did his voice just squeak? She bit back her laughter and tried to look serious. “The knockers know if I'm ready.” Kagome paused as she tried to look thoughtful. “That's the last clue Miroku! Now what am I?”

Miroku was just speechless... No… he was flabbergasted. “I uh.. well...” She definitely knew what he was thinking, and she swore if he said it, she was just going to bust out laughing in his face.

“You give up?” Kagome interrupted after giving him limited time to reply. She was anxious about telling him the answer, I wish I was more patient! Waiting was just going to kill her! She felt like her chest was going to burst from the energy, the anticipation. Kagome thought she must be getting braver about the whole subject.

“Yes.” Miroku squeaked. Kagome turned her head as nonchalantly as possible so he wouldn't see her face.

“A melon!” At that Kagome glanced back at Miroku and saw the relief flow over his features, she almost burst into giggles then.

“Oh! A melon!” Miroku breathed in relief.

“What else would it be?” Kagome asked sweetly, and then burst into hysterics. Composure? She thought, what composure?

“Wha-? You knew I would think that it was- that I would think like that!” He blurted.

Kagome just laughed harder, he thought I was being completely innocent! She didn’t think she put on that great of an act.

“Of- Of course!” And the tears were flowing as she gripped her sides and her body threatened to let her topple to the ground.   OoO

“I have one.” Kagome turned to Miroku's voice. It had been a day since her joke on him and it took her a second to figure out what he was talking about.

“You think you have a good one?” She asked sweetly, as she unrolled her sleeping bag, getting everything ready for their campsite.

“Of course.” He answered smoothly. She knew he had probably been thinking about this for a while, and waiting until Inuyasha and Sango were out of earshot.

“Well lets hear it!” She said, knowing that Inuyasha gathering wood and Sango gutting the meal wouldn't take much longer.

“I can get stiff.” Miroku started.

“Miroku!” Kagome gave a exaggerated gasp and brought her hand dramatically to her mouth. Just to have that roll off of Miroku's tongue was hilarious.

“What's wrong Kagome? Do you have a guess?” Even knowing he was trying to get to her, she still couldn't help the blush that rose up to her cheeks.

“No! Another clue!” She managed to croak out.

“I have a deep throat inside me.” Okay, Kagome thought, I have to give him mad props for this one!

The light-bulb clicked on. “Oh! Oh! I know!” She squealed, “A neck!”

Miroku sighed.

Kagome grinned.

“You'll have to do better than that Monk!” She stated confidently. OoO


“Kagome, since you’re so good, let there be a prize.” Miroku's words graced Kagome's ears later that night.

“Oh really... what kind of prize?” Nothing virtuous I presume, she thought.

“Nothing much...” Miroku trailed off, waiting for Kagome’s curiosity to get the best of her.

“From you? Come on Miroku what is it?” She said wearily, knowing now it would have to be perverted.

“A kiss.” He stated.

Kagome did a double take. Did he just say kiss? He wants me to kiss him? Kagome's mind reeled. Good thing Inuyasha didn‘t hear that!

“I don't think that's such a good idea Miroku.”

“Why not?” He pouted.

“For starters, you might actually win.” OoO

Kagome's mind cycled through ideas as their little group walked down the path. Miroku's proposition actually intrigued her. It made her actually visualize kissing him, and on top of that, Kagome had a feeling that he knew exactly what he was doing. But she couldn’t help it, it popped up in her mind when he suggested it, and now the stupid kissing scene wouldn’t get out of her head. She glanced over at Miroku, whom she found was staring attentively at her.

That did it, she started to blush.

Of course, Inuyasha noticed it.

“Are you okay Kagome?” Inuyasha was concerned.

Okay.. now everyone is looking...

“Yes Kagome.. is there anything the matter?” Miroku piped up knowingly. A grin spread on his face and nobody else seemed to notice. That’s because they’re all staring at me!

“Yes! I'm fine!” The words sped quickly out of her mouth. Ohhhh, she fumed, I'm going to get him!

Kagome knew Miroku was just trying to get to her, and technically she never said no to his challenge. He doesn't think I would do it!

And that wouldn't do at all... Kagome Higurashi was not a coward.

Kagome would accept his challenge... and she would be sure that he would never ever be able to guess the answer. OoO

“Okay Monk, what would I win?” Kagome asked.

“A kiss from me.” Miroku answered quickly and smoothly.

“No way!” Kagome disagreed, “You have to refrain from groping any females for a month.”

“A month?” Miroku was incredulous. “A month?”

“Yes!” This is for Sango! Kagome informed herself.

“Okay..” Miroku sighed heavily. “Only if you accept my terms!” OoO

“I have the right tool for your crevice.”

Miroku's eyes turned towards the sound. “So... you've decided to take up my challenge?”

Kagome said nothing, but had a determined and confident look on her face.

“Okay then... next clue?” Miroku asked sweetly.

“You're dirty when you grab my hose.” He'll never get this one, he doesn't even know it exists! Kagome assumed, though I am playing kinda dirty, but he had to have seen this coming.

Miroku thought for a moment, looked at her, and she could see by his eyes that he knew she was not playing fair.

“Next clue.” Miroku stated, not looking happy at all that he was about to lose.

“I'm a dirt bag that sucks.” As Kagome said this, she watched his face light up, a feeling of dread spread through her, before she could even think a coherent thought he spoke.

“A- Oh what is it called- Inuyasha called it a... Vacuum! It sucks up dirt!” Miroku exclaimed. She had never seen him get that animated.

Her mouth dropped open, “H-how did you know?” I do not like this feeling!

“Inuyasha was complaining one day after trying to get you that your mother was running something that was making too much noise for him.”

Kagome vaguely remembered the time when Inuyasha had pulled Tetsusiaga on the vacuum cleaner. She put her head in her hands and groaned.

“Though..” Miroku started as he stepped closer to her, “I never thought you would stoop to trying to cheat me out of an honest win.”

Kagome wanted to back up, but remembered the conditions of his win, and forced herself to stand still. Accept my defeat with grace, she pressured herself. He stepped even closer, put his hands on her shoulders. Her heart was jack-hammering in her chest as he leaned his face close to hers. She felt his breath and she closed her eyes. One of his hands snaked up into her hair and she shivered at his touch.

“I promise it I'll make it good.” And with that Miroku pulled away leaving a startled Kagome in his wake.

“What?” Was all she could utter.

“Oh I'll get my prize, just not now.”

Now, Kagome started to get frustrated.. and angry. He was going to make her sit and wait? Kagome was very disturbed by this.

“After all that you're going to make me wait?”

“Yep, I figure it's the least I can do after you tried to trick me.” Miroku replied, “Maybe I should get something extra for actually knowing the answer.”

Kagome flushed and put her hands up in defense, “N-now Miroku, I think what you're getting is plenty!”

“And what is Miroku getting?”

Inuyasha! Kagome squealed at the sound of his voice and jumped around.

Miroku spoke before Kagome could, “I won a bet.”

“What bet?” Inuyasha narrowed his eyes at the flushed, wild-eyed Kagome.

“Paper rock scissors.” Miroku lied easily, “I won some of that delicious candy Kagome has access to.”

Inuyasha glanced suspiciously between her and Miroku before waving them off. “Monk, you better save some for me.”

Kagome noticed Miroku's grin at Inuyasha's words and her heart dropped. What have I gotten into?