InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What am I, a Trouble Magnet? ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

What am I, a trouble magnet?

Discalimer: I'll own inuyasha when pigs fly and Miroku proclaims that he is gay, got it? Good. Please R&R.

Flames will be hurled at Kikyo./\__/\ This is dedicated to my fellow psycho friend, Sarah. SHE LOVES



Kagome Higurashi, 17 years old, is alone. Her family is dead and she is too busy for friends. Her

scheduale cosisted of school, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. then dashed to her run-down apartment, changed and dashed to

work, 4 p.m.-2 a.m. She must support herself, pay for food, clothes, school, books, apartment, and such. She gets

one day off work a month. On one of these days with no school the next, and didn't work till afternoon, she went

for a walk. She didn't live in a very safe neighborhood, but refused to be afraid, plus it was the only place she

could afford to live. She just carries extra pepper spray with her. She has led an uneventful life..... until now that

is. Her life was about to be turned upside down.



'Of course it would rain on the one day i'm off. Well you know what, i'm still walking. Even if i have no where

to go.' thought Kagome as she walked the abandon streets of Tokyo in the rain. She was thinking of all the bad in

her life and how she was gonna fix it. There was a loud russle in an alley and some shouts. "Help me, somebody

HELP!!" a high pitched childs voice screamed. "Shut up, brat. a masculine voice replyed followed by a thump and

painful yelp. Kagome ran to that alley, readying her pepper spray. There she saw a kid about 4 or 5 years old with

sandy hair in a pony tail wearing a green leaf shirt with a tan vest and blue shorts, looking pretty roughed up. There

were 2 20-something guys beating on him. One was short, fat, bald, and taodish, while the other was tall, lean, with

long black hair, and probavly had an all-female fan club. Kagome was not one of them, and had the strong urge to

protect the kid, though she was unsure why. "Pick on some one your own size, bastards." she shouted as she ran

between them grabbed the kid and ran off. They were too surprised to do anything and didn't realize what happen

till she was a block and a half away.


Later at the park, when she was sure they had lost them, and it stopped raining, she stopped and placed the

kid on a bench in the park. "You okay?" she asked "No broken bones or nothing, right?" "Thanks to you. I'd be

dead by now if you hadn't saved me! By the way, my name is Shippo." he blurted in an almost incoherent sentence.

"I'm Kagome. It's nice to meet you Shippo, though i wish it were under better circumstances." She shook his hands.

" are your parents?" she asked as she sat down near him. "The men *sniff* in the alley*sniff*

they...they*sniff*...killed them*cries*" as he suddenly burst in to tears. She hugged him and comforted him till he

calmed down a bit. "We'll go to the police and they'll lock up those bad men, forever okay?" she said "i promise."

Shippo nodded his head yes and cheered up. "What are we waiting for? Let's go" he said and they walked off.


"Are these the guys?" the officer asked as he showed them an artist sketch. "Yea, thats them." Kagome

and Shippo said at the same time. They looked at eachother for a moment, then burst into a giggle fit. The officer

coughed loudly and they stopped with guilty looks. "Okay then, we'll find Shippo's legal guardian, and you can go

now Ms. Higurashi." the officer said to them then turned to his computer to find some files. Kagome continued

chatting with Shippo, so she didn't relize when the officer called Shippo's guardian nor what they said. "Mr.

Masaharu. We have records that say you're Mr.&Mrs. Kitsune's legal gurdian choice*mummble on other side*.

Yes, well, they were murdered earlier this evening and we need you to pick up Shippo, who is being placed in your

care. Please pick him up soon.*mummbles* A half hour is fine, see you then.*mumbles and a click*" he hung up

and turned to Kagome and Shippo. "You can go now, Ms. Higurashi. Shippo's guardian will be here in 30 min. So

say your goodbyes and leave." the officer stated and turned back to shuffling papers. All the while they chatted

away. "So what is your guardian like, Shippo?" asked Kagome. "i don't remember him well only that he has long,

white hair and his name is Inu yasha. That's it." Shippo stated. "White hair, huh? How Old is he?" she asked.

"About 20 now, I think." he replyed. "How can he have white hair at 20?" she inquired. "It's more of a silver-ish

color and it runs in his family. Every boy has silver hair, thats how you know he is a Masaharu." shippo said as if it

were the most obvious thing in the world. "Right. Okay." she said. Then the station doors burst open. In them stood

a very angry guy wearing black boot with silver chains, tight black jeans, a red muscle shirt, with long silver-white

hair down to his waist. His amber eyes searched the station as his scowl spread across his handsome face.

"Where's the brat?" was all he said, as he glared at the officers hard enough to make them step back.

Did u like it? It's my first fanfic so let me know. Next Chapter will be up by Wed. Oct. 1. Till then. Ja Ne.