InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What am I, a Trouble Magnet? ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

What am I, a Trouble Magnet?

Disclaimer: I don't own Inu-chan, but how I wish I did. *Starry eyed*. Well any way I don't so don't sue. Please R&R, flames

hurled at Kikyo. To all anime lovers, ANIME ROX!!!

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

'Wow. This guy doesn't havce a house, he has a mansion.' thought Kagome as she stood in awe of his four

story, plus basement and attic, house with 36 bedrooms, 8 bathrooms, a kitchen, a dining room, a living room,

and a game room. A pool and gardens stood in back. "It's....huge." said Kagome, causing Inu yasha to smirk.

"Wow...can I go play in the games room, or maybe the pool? Oh ,hey which room is mine? Can I have the

largest room? Do you have servants? How many? This is gonna be so cool, maybe I'll be mmphph..." Shippo

started to say but was cut off when Inu yasha covered his mouth with his hands. "Shut up brat, or I'll make you

live in the basement." Growled Inu yasha. "You wouldn't be that cruel, would you, Inu yahsa?" asked Kagome

with concern for Shippo's well being apparent on her face. "'Long as he doesn't bug me, then no." replied Inu

yasha. 'Why does she care about the brat, it's not like he's her kid.' Inu yasha mused over the answer while

leading his two companions inside. "I'm hungry." complained Shippo "Can we eat once we get inside?" "Sure,

Shippo, we can eat. Right, Inu yasha?" Kagome said as she picked up Shippo. "Feh, whatever. You just gotta

make it yourself, it's the cook's day off." replied Inu yasha. As they walked in to the kitchen, Inu yasha went to

the cuboards and pulled out three packets of ramen. "Here, make these." he said as he handed them to Kagome.

"Okay. Shippo, why don't you go watch T.V. in the living room" Kagome said as she started to dig around in

the wooden cunoards for a pot. "Okay Kagome." Shippo said as he bounced off to the living room with a grupy

Inu yasha behind him. Once there they sat on the leather couch and Inu yasha turned on the T.V. with the

remote. On popped a show with a kid who just got hit by a car and was flaoting around with a perky blue-

haired chick. "Oh I love this show leave it here." squeeled Shippo. Inu yasha deceided that nothing else would

be on any way and left it there. So the two sat there, completely absorbed by the show. Kagome was just

finishing adding the seasoning to the noodles, and headed to the living room with a tray with three bowls on it.

"Foods ready." she said as she set the tray down on a table. Both boys grabbed a bowl and started munching

down the food. Kagome just sighed and shook her head. 'Boys will be boys, no matter what age.' with this

thought she grabbed her own bowl and settled nest to Shippo, opposite side of the couch as Inu yasha, and

watched the show. 'Wow, it's only 3:48. I Thought it would be later. Whatever.' Though kagome as she set down

her bowl an started to nod off.

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I'll prolly never update again damn plot bunnies got eaten by my dog(damn Coco) Haitus till further notice