InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Are You? ❯ Chapter Five: Final Conclusion ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Five
Final Conclusion
I spent my day in meditation, weighing one evil against another and still I came to no conclusion, much to my chagrin. The next day was much the same in those terms, though it did rain, so I stayed inside the cave all day. I wondered how Jaken was treating Rin. He had better get her out of the rain. But he would.
A few more days passed. One youkai found me, but I killed him with no trouble. I recalled the two humans I had brought with me were probably still in that pit. I wandered back to it and peered over the edge. They were miserable, filthy, weak from hunger, and fatigued. I was also hungry, so picked one up with my whip and dragged him to a stream. I tossed him in and transformed, enjoy the brief struggle in the water before I consumed him. I shook the water droplets out of my still winter-thick fur, showering the surrounding plant life. They accepted the watery gift with open arms.
I transformed once more so I could walk in a dignified manner. I was getting bored, and still had reached no real conclusion, though my decision did seem to be leaning more toward Naraku. It was growing dark. I went to the hot springs, disgusted that I couldn't wash this stench off of me that appealed so well to male youkai.
I allowed myself to relax in the warm water, the steam heating my face. I slipped in a bit lower, my hair floating gently in the water. I sighed. Would I never come a decision? I closed my eyes. I had to soon. It may already be too late, but I couldn't go to them now. It would be awkward and mildly dangerous. Mostly, it would just be embarrassing, though.
I had to wait this out. I may have to wait up to another week and a half. That may be too late. I wished there was a way I could know.
“I wish I knew…” I muttered, the heat making me sleepy. I sunk down a bit lower, until only my head was above the water. “Then maybe I could relax.”
“Your secret is safe thus far,” a voice whispered softly from behind me. My eyes snapped open, glowing red. I snarled as I jerked my head around, raising my arm to strike. Naraku was standing behind me. From the smell, he was the real thing this time. I tried to calm myself. If I wanted to win him over, being hostile would defeat the purpose. I had to be convincing.
I made no effort to conceal my anger. “Go. Away,” I hissed. “You're not welcome here.”
He cocked his head to the side, just a little bit. “Your scent says otherwise.”
“My scent is not for you,” I snapped. Yes, he would try to seduce me the entire time. How utterly annoying. I would endure it. If I could endure Jaken all these decades, I could endure him for a few weeks or so.
“Then who is it for? Your little brother?” His eyes flicked down the mountain. “He's going to be at the base of this mountain by tomorrow afternoon. I'm sure he will smell it.”
I was determined to stay locked up all day that day, in that case. “What do you want, Naraku?”
He took two steps toward me. I kept the snarl back. “You.”
I smirked. “Has my scent affected your judgment as well as your body?” I scoffed. Be gone.” I turned from him. If he wanted to fuck me, then he wouldn't try to kill me, or he would have done so by now. I dropped my arm back in the water carelessly. I heard him move closer. By the time I had turned my head, he was kneeling behind me, looking at me. I scowled. “Stop trying now, Naraku.” I turned away. “I have a proposition for you.”
He paused. “What might that be, Sesshomaru-sama?”
I pushed down my anger and desire to strike. “Inuyasha and his band know that I am female. I need them dead as soon as possible. Let us be allies for a time and kill them. It would benefit you as well,” I added.
“I accept your proposition… But on a condition.” Why did I already know what he would say? He leaned toward me, his lips near my ear. “I want you.”
“You ask too much. What would I get from that? My plan benefits both of us.”
“Fine. Then I get to kill Inuyasha.”
At that, my rage flew. I leaped from the water. Naraku soon found himself on his back, my fingers wrapped around his throat. I leaned over him, my eyes glowing red. I could smell his arousal, and his fear. “Inuyasha is mine,” I hissed. “I have more of a right to his life than you ever will. You can have the others. I care not what you do to them. But Inuyasha is mine.”
He realized just how dangerous this situation had become. I could see it in his eyes. “Very well. I accept on your terms.”
I rose to my feet, stepping away from him. “Good. Now get away from here.” I picked up Tokijin and pointed the blade at him. “Or fight me here.”
He considered, then nodded his consent and turned to leave. He looked over his shoulder. “I will return in two days. I would like it if you were a bit more civil, so we can discuss how to ambush Inuyasha and the ningen.”
I nodded. “Good. But remember your place next time.”