InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Are You? ❯ Chapter Eleven: Free ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Eleven
I walked into the castle as if I belonged there. I passed the courtyard, looking straight ahead, my eyes on the door. I walked up the steps and slid open the door. I followed the path where Naraku's scent was strongest. The entire place smelled like him, but it was fairly easy to tell where he was, even without his aura guiding me to him. He had to know that I was here too.
Someone else might be having second thoughts at this point, but not this Sesshomaru.
He was waiting for me, as I had thought. A door that led to the outdoors was slid open, and he was staring out of it, as if he were lost in thought. He didn't even seem to notice my entrance for a moment. Finally, he turned his head when I entered the room.
“Why are you here?” he asked, though he knew perfectly well. Maybe he just wanted to hear me say it.
I stepped into the room, sliding the door shut behind me. “You said you wanted me before. I considered it, and decided to grant your wish.”
A smirk touched his lips. “Did my kiss influence you?”
I quirked an eyebrow. “That had little to do with my overall decision,” I said. It was true. Most of it was my intent to kill him, and use him. Then there was the curiosity.
He frowned, then looked back outside. “Then what was it?”
I moved beside him without a sound, my breath barely grazing his exposed neck. “You already know... about my problem. And, I want to use you.”
He turned to look at me. Hm.” A slow smile graced his cool lips. “I want to use you too.” He kissed me again. At first, I was swept away in the icy confusion again. Then I closed my eyes and my lips molded to his, as if something as simple as closing my eyes had cleared my mind of the confusion. He slowly moved his hands to my cheeks. I started to pull away instinctively, then consented and rolled my tongue over his lips. I felt his hands on my cheek, gliding back to feel my hair. One of his hands trailed down to my waist, running his fingertips over the knot there. I opened my eyes. He already had his eyes open, waiting for my consent once more. He was going to be slow. He wasn't going to push me. He was still afraid of me. Good. It meant that I was still in control.
I gave a very slight nod and deepened the kiss with my tongue. Slowly, he untied the knot, letting it fall to the floor in a rustle of silk and a loud, banging noise when my two swords also hit the floor. He touched my armor experimentally, testing its weight. He pulled back, frowning. “How can you stand to haul that around?” he demanded, even as he pulled it away with two tentacles and gently set it and my “fluffy” on the floor.
“I am stronger than you, Naraku,” I answered.
He raised an eyebrow. “Maybe. We'll find out, though, won't we?” Yes, and not in the way we had before. That would come later. For now… He hesitated at the silk of my kimono, already beginning to slide away on its own. I turned from him and did it myself, pulling off my shoes, taking my time. I turned back to him, and he was naked too. This was how we were. How our bodies looked without clothing. It was amazing what clothing could do. It could help me masquerade as a man, or make Naraku look aristocratic when he wasn't. Strangely, I didn't feel exposed. Rather, I felt free. The voice was gone, defeated.
I had won.
And here I was. A breeze blew in from the open door, blowing our hair as we embraced each other. His hand slid over the stump of my left arm regretfully, before engaging me in a heated kiss. My return kiss was almost savage. It seemed to surprise him. He tried to return the same kiss to me. I caught his lower lip in my mouth, teasing it with my fangs, before slowly puncturing it. He gave a small gasp and I released him, lapping at the blood eagerly. He finally seemed to gain some courage and ran his hands along my hips. I was getting annoyed with his fear of me.
I grabbed his left hand and put it on my breast, as I sank my fangs into his shoulder, then lapped at the blood that flowed there. He still seemed to worry. Well, then, I would have to influence him. I could feel his erection, so what was holding him back?
I pushed myself against him, frustrated at his uncharacteristic hesitance. I grabbed the tie that held back his hair and shredded it with a claw, his ebony hair falling against his back, once more framing his face. Why was he still so frozen?
Fine, then. Did I have to do everything? I suddenly withdrew, taking a step back. He looked at me, confused. That was when I flung him onto the futon. He landed roughly and looked up at me as I approached. I came down to my knees and pushed him back down, leaning in to kiss him softly. Maybe he would relax if I weren't acting like it was a quest for dominance. My plan worked. He grabbed me by my waist and in one fluid movement, reversed positions so that he was on top of me. I raked my claws along his chest, piercing the flesh and drawing blood. He moaned.
I trailed my hand along his spine and buried my fingers in his hair. My hand clenched into a fist and I pulled his head back with such force that it would have killed a ningen. “What are you waiting for?” I demanded in a low growl before I released him. He sort of twitched, but said nothing. He positioned himself, looking at me, seeking approval. I growled in frustration, and he gently pushed himself in. I flinched. I almost pulled away on instinct, then pushed the desire to move away or push him away down. He buried himself inside of me, sighing with delight as my face twisted into one of pain. I arched my back, gasping, shaking. He kissed my lips softly.
“Shh. I'll take care of you,” he promised me. My claws dug into his back, burying themselves in his flesh. He flinched, but seemed to quite genuinely enjoy it. He slowly began to move inside me. It was painful first, then just uncomfortable. But, slowly, I began to enjoy the way it felt. When he realized that I was no longer in pain, he once more gained confidence and thrust harder, deeper.
Why had I not done this before?
The question was pushed from my mind when I screamed in ecstasy. It encouraged Naraku. Good. I could feel his sweat on me, and mine on him, the two different scents intermingling. I could smell it. I could hear every tiny moan that escaped his lips—moans that I tried to capture with my own, but often could not because of his movements. I settled for caressing him, licking him, kissing him, sometimes biting him.
I could taste the miasma in his blood, and it delighted me. Poison in a time like this—a poison that could never kill me. I loved the thought of it, though.
Naraku's black hair mingled with my silver hair—a cheap imitation of the night sky. I was the diamond facets against a sea of darkness. His red ruby eyes complimented my gold ones, like rubies set against gold. We were perfect opposites, and yet, very similar in a lot of ways.
I would enjoy killing him.
Even more than I enjoyed this. I wanted to spill his blood on the ground and watch him die. Would it be as sweet as watching his face contort into that of pleasure? He finally screamed his release and rolled off of me, exhausted, panting. I sat up immediately and looked at him. I wanted to get away, but I felt dizzy. I slowly lowered myself back down. I didn't want to be near him, but my legs wouldn't move. My body just wanted to lie down, even though my mind screamed to get away. Why? I was in no danger…
No, that wasn't it. I just didn't want to be near the person I had had sex with. That was it. His fingertips gently grazed my cheekbone. “You're beautiful,” he told me. I made no response. I closed my eyes. Was I safe enough to sleep here? It was dark outside… Already? How could that be? Had that much time really elapsed? I blinked in surprise. “After you kill Inuyasha, consider… Not making me your enemy again.”
Yes, it was safe for me to sleep here. So long as he thought he loved me.
I just wanted to go to sleep. I wanted to sleep and forget about my problems. The dreams wouldn't come, because I was free.
The psychological chains my father had bound me in were broken, and I had become free.